Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): C. Li, G.F. Zhang, X. Mao, J.Y. Wang, C.Y. Duan, Z.J. Wang, L.B. Liu
Algal carcass is a low-value byproduct of algae after its conversion to biodiesel. Dried algal carcass is rich in protein, carbohydrate, and multiple amino acids, and it is typically well suited for growth and acid production of lactic acid bacteria. In this study, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus ATCC 11842 was used to ferment different algal carcass media (ACM), including 2% ACM, 2% ACM with 1.9% glucose (ACM-G), and 2% ACM with 1.9% glucose and 2 g/L amino acid mixture (ACM-GA). Concentrations of organic acids (lactic acid and acetic acid), acetyl-CoA, and ATP were analyzed by HPLC, and activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), acetokinase (ACK), pyruvate kinase (PK), and phosphofructokinase (PFK) were determined by using a chemical approach. The growth of L. bulgaricus cells in ACM-GA was close to that in the control medium (de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe). Lactic acid and acetic acid contents were greatly reduced when L. bulgaricus cells were grown in ACM compared with the control medium. Acetyl-CoA content varied with organic acid content and was increased in cells grown in different ACM compared with the control medium. The ATP content of L. bulgaricus cells in ACM was reduced compared with that of cells grown in the control medium. Activities of PFK and ACK of L. bulgaricus cells grown in ACM were higher and those of PK and LDH were lower compared with the control. Thus, ACM rich in nutrients may serve as an excellent substrate for growth by lactic acid bacteria, and addition of appropriate amounts of glucose and amino acids can improve growth and acid production.
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Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Μαρ 18
- Growth and acid production of Lactobacillus delbru...
- Dairy farms testing positive for Mycobacterium avi...
- Factors influencing degree of glycosylation and ph...
- Chromium propionate supplementation during the per...
- Screening probiotic strains for safety: Evaluation...
- The protein and lipid composition of the membrane ...
- Short communication: Individual cow variation in u...
- The effect of subclinical ketosis on activity at e...
- Colostrum and milk pasteurization improve health s...
- Production, composition, and oxidative stability o...
- Future Oncology; +35 new citations
- Metformin Inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferat...
- Androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) and dru...
- Asymmetric preparation of polysubstituted cyclopen...
- One-step microwave synthesized core-shell structur...
- SALE-Ing a MOF-Based “Ship of Theseus.” Sequential...
- Ni(bpy)(cod): A Convenient Entryway into the Effic...
- Tailoring the Energetic Properties of 5-(5-Amino-1...
- α,α′-Bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyr...
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the PINPOINT en...
- A critical review of 20 years of parotid gland sur...
- The effect of inlay butterfly cartilage tympanopla...
- Frequency-dependent loudness balancing in bimodal ...
- Tau pathology-dependent remodelling of cerebral ar...
- Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combinati...
- IALP News
- Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for Preoper...
- Nonthermal Ablation by Using Intravascular Oxygen ...
- Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combinati...
- Micronutrients in Oncological Intervention.
- Some people are "More Lexical" than others.
- Relations Among Detection of Syllable Stress, Spee...
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Brain Network Connectivity...
- Ten-Year Employment Patterns of Working Age Indivi...
- Parental Reports on Touch Screen Use in Early Chil...
- Activation of miR-34a/SIRT1/p53 signaling contribu...
- The impact of clickers instruction on cognitive lo...
- Editorial.
- Comparison of effect between high intense focused ...
- Quantification of adipose volume reduction with a ...
- Is paradoxical hair growth caused by low-level rad...
- Histological assessment for femora of ovariectomiz...
- Pancreatic cysts in general population on ultrason...
- Collagen Matrix Remodeling in Stented Pulmonary Ar...
- The anti-tumor effects of cordycepin-loaded liposo...
- Human alveolar epithelial cells expressing tight j...
- Missed retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue in a pa...
- Using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a first-line ...
- Reply to: using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a f...
- IJMS, Vol. 17, Pages 396: MicroRNA Expression duri...
Μαρ 18
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Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016
Growth and acid production of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus ATCC 11842 in the fermentation of algal carcass
Dairy farms testing positive for Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis have poorer hygiene practices and are less cautious when purchasing cattle than test-negative herds
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): R. Wolf, H.W. Barkema, J. De Buck, K. Orsel
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne's disease, is present on most dairy farms in Alberta, causing economic losses and presenting a potential public health concern. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify risk factors for Alberta dairy herds being MAP-positive based on environmental samples (ES). Risk assessments were conducted and ES were collected on 354 Alberta dairy farms (62% of eligible producers) voluntarily participating in the Alberta Johne's Disease Initiative. In univariate logistic regression, risk factors addressing animal and pen hygiene, as well as the use of feeding equipment to remove manure and manure application on pastures, were all associated with the number of positive ES. Furthermore, based on factor analysis, risk factors were clustered and could be summarized as 4 independent factors: (1) animal, pen, and feeder contamination; (2) shared equipment and pasture contamination; (3) calf diet; and (4) cattle purchase. Using these factor scores as independent variables in multivariate logistic regression models, a 1-unit increase in animal, pen, and feeder contamination resulted in 1.31 times higher odds of having at least 1 positive ES. Furthermore, a 1-unit increase in cattle purchase also resulted in 1.31 times the odds of having at least 1 positive ES. Finally, a 100-cow increase in herd size resulted in an odds ratio of 2.1 for having at least 1 positive ES. In conclusion, cleanliness of animals, pens, and feeders, as well as cattle purchase practices, affected risk of herd infection with MAP. Therefore, improvements in those management practices should be the focus of effective tools to control MAP on dairy farms.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Factors influencing degree of glycosylation and phosphorylation of caseins in individual cow milk samples
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): N.A. Poulsen, H.B. Jensen, L.B. Larsen
The aim of this study was to examine variations in posttranslational modifications (PTM) of caseins (CN) in milk from individual cows and determine how these differ between breeds, across lactation, and between variants. Furthermore, we examined the variation of casein PTM in relation to rennet coagulation properties of milk. In total, detailed protein composition of milk from 892 Danish Holstein and Jersey cows was determined by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. The method measured relative contents of the main milk proteins as well as several variants and PTM. The results showed that the 2 breeds had distinct milk protein composition. Milk from Danish Holstein cows was mainly characterized by higher relative contents of β-CN, α-lactalbumin (α-LA), and β-lactoglobulin, and a higher fraction of glycosylated κ-CN (G κ-CN), whereas milk from Danish Jersey cows was characterized by higher relative contents of κ-CN, αS2-CN, and the less phosphorylated forms of αS1-CN and αS2-CN. Univariate linear models including days in milk and parity as class effects showed variation in the detailed protein profile across and between lactations; in particular, changes in the degree of glycosylation of κ-CN were pronounced, but changes in αS1-CN 8P to total αS1-CN and αS2-CN 11P to αS2-CN were also observed over lactation for both breeds. The phosphorylated forms of αS1-CN and αS2-CN were, to some extent, correlated. Further, the κ-CN BB genotype was associated with higher relative contents of both unglycosylated κ-CN (UG κ-CN) and G κ-CN compared with κ-CN AA; κ-CN AB showed intermediate results in both breeds. The influence of protein composition on rennet coagulation properties was explored based on 4 classes for curd firming rate: noncoagulation, and poor, average, and good coagulation. The results revealed breed differences: Holstein milk, higher relative content of κ-CN to total protein, and higher content of G κ-CN were associated with improved milk coagulation. In contrast, relative content of α-LA was the main component associated with milk coagulation properties in Danish Jerseys and it was shown to affect milk coagulation properties negatively. In addition, variation in phosphorylation degrees of αS1-CN also played a role. This study demonstrates that although the genetic influence of glycosylation seems to be the same in both breeds, nongenetic variation differs, which is further reflected in different associations with milk coagulation properties.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Chromium propionate supplementation during the peripartum period interacts with starch source fed postpartum: Production responses during the immediate postpartum and carryover periods
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): R.J. Rockwell, M.S. Allen
Forty-eight multiparous cows were used in a randomized complete block design experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the interaction between chromium propionate (CrPr) supplementation and sources of corn varying in ruminal starch fermentability on production responses during the postpartum (PP) and carryover periods. During the peripartum period (28 d before expected parturition until 28 d PP), diets were top-dressed (20 g/d) with either CrPr (KemTRACE Chromium Propionate, Kemin Industries, Des Moines, IA; 8 mg of Cr/cow per day) or control (Con; ground corn). At parturition, cows were randomly assigned to corn treatment within CrPr and Con treatments: dry corn (DC) or high-moisture corn (HMC). Treatment combinations (CrPr/DC, CrPr/HMC, Con/DC, and Con/HMC) were fed from parturition until 28 d PP (treatment period). Cows were fed a common diet to evaluate potential carryover effects of the treatment diets from 29 to 84 d PP (carryover period). The CrPr and corn treatments interacted over time to affect yield of 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM) during both the treatment and carryover periods. The CrPr/HMC treatment combination tended to increase FCM compared with Con/DC and Con/HMC by 28 d PP (57.4 vs. 48.6 and 48.5 kg/d, respectively) and increased FCM compared with Con/DC by 42 d PP (59.2 vs. 44.8 kg/d). The CrPr tended to increase milk yield (55.4 vs. 51.9 kg/d) regardless of corn source during the carryover period after treatment ceased. Daily and cumulative DMI were not affected by treatment during the PP period, but CrPr and corn treatments interacted over time to affect daily DMI during the carryover period; DMI was generally higher for CrPr/HMC, lower for Con/DC, and intermediate for CrPr/DC and Con/HMC from 29 to 84 d PP. Supplementation of CrPr throughout the peripartum period interacted with starch source in PP diets over time to affect production responses that were sustained after treatment application ceased.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Screening probiotic strains for safety: Evaluation of virulence and antimicrobial susceptibility of enterococci from healthy Chinese infants
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): Fen Zhang, Meiling Jiang, Cuixiang Wan, Xiaoyan Chen, Xiaoyong Chen, Xueying Tao, Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei
The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of enterococci isolated from Chinese infants and screen out potential probiotic candidates. One hundred eight strains were isolated from feces of 34 healthy infants, and 38 strains of Enterococcus spp. were categorized as follows: E. faecalis (22), E. faecium (10), E. hirae (3), E. durans (2), and E. casseliflavus (1). Of these, 72.7% of E. faecalis came from infants delivered by cesarean and 62.5% of E. faecium from infants delivered vaginally. For safety evaluation of strains, we determined presence of virulence genes; production of hemolysin, gelatinase, and biofilm; and antimicrobial susceptibility of enterococci. Six out of 14 virulence genes were detected with a distribution of gelE (26.3%), cylA (39.4%), esp (15.8%), efaA (63.2%), asa1 (50.0%), and ace (50.0%). In phenotype analysis, 36.8% of the strains exhibited positive hemolytic activity and 17.5% were positive for production of gelatinase. Results of antimicrobial susceptibility showed that different percentages of the strains were resistant to ciprofloxacin (5.2%), vancomycin (7.8%), rifampicin (10.5%), erythromycin (52.6%), and gentamycin (52.6%); remarkably, none of the strains were resistant to ampicillin or chloramphenicol. In total, 10 strains, including 6 E. faecium, which are free of virulence determinants and sensitive to common antimicrobial agents (e.g., ampicillin and vancomycin), were further assessed for their probiotic properties. All strains survived well in simulated gastric fluid and intestinal tract, with maximum reductions of 0.600 and 0.887 log cfu/mL, respectively. Six strains of E. faecium could resist 0.3 to 1.0% bile salt, of which E. faecium WEFA23 presented the highest growth (75.06%) at 1.0% bile salt. All strains showed bile salt hydrolase activity on glycodeoxycholic acid, but only 3 of E. faecium showed activity on taurodeoxycholic acid. These results deliver useful information on the safety of enterococci in infants in China, and provide a protocol to screen probiotics for absence of virulence and antimicrobial susceptibility of enterococci.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
The protein and lipid composition of the membrane of milk fat globules depends on their size
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): Jing Lu, Nurit Argov-Argaman, Jeni Anggrek, Sjef Boeren, Toon van Hooijdonk, Jacques Vervoort, Kasper Arthur Hettinga
In bovine milk, fat globules (MFG) have a heterogeneous size distribution with diameters ranging from 0.1 to 15 µm. Although efforts have been made to explain differences in lipid composition, little is known about the protein composition of MFG membranes (MFGM) in different sizes of MFG. In this study, protein and lipid analyses were combined to study MFG formation and secretion. Two different sized MFG fractions (7.6 ± 0.9 µm and 3.3 ± 1.2 µm) were obtained by centrifugation. The protein composition of MFGM in the large and small MFG fractions was compared using mass-spectrometry-based proteomics techniques. The lipid composition and fatty acid composition of MFG was determined using HPLC-evaporative light-scattering detector and gas chromatography, respectively. Two frequently studied proteins in lipid droplet biogenesis, perilipin-2 and TIP47, were increased in the large and small MFG fractions, respectively. In the large MFG fraction, besides perilipin-2, cytoplasmic vesicle proteins (heat shock proteins, 14–3-3 proteins, and Rabs), microfilaments and intermediate filament-related proteins (actin and vimentin), host defense proteins (cathelicidins), and phosphatidylinositol were higher in concentration. On the other hand, cholesterol synthesis enzymes [lanosterol synthase and sterol-4-α-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase (decarboxylating)], cholesterol, unsaturated fatty acids, and phosphatidylethanolamine were, besides TIP47, higher in concentration in the small MFG fraction. These results suggest that vesicle proteins, microfilaments and intermediate filaments, cholesterol, and specific phospholipids play an important role in lipid droplet growth, secretion, or both. The observations from this study clearly demonstrated the difference in protein and lipid composition between small and large MFG fractions. Studying the role of these components in more detail in future experiments may lead to a better understanding of fat globule formation and secretion.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Short communication: Individual cow variation in urinary excretion of phosphorus
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): Peter Løvendahl, Jakob Sehested
Some dairy cows excrete large amounts of P through their urine; thus, it was speculated that a genetic defect related to their efficiency in uptake of P or recirculation of P could cause such an effect. This speculation was pursued in a cross sectional study on 139 cows (103 Holstein and 36 Jersey) from an experimental herd using repeated sampling of urine (301 samples) to investigate sources of variation in urinary P concentration (Pu). Urine samples were taken on 6 testing sessions spread over 2 mo. Each sample was obtained by mild manual stimulation of the rear udder escutcheon area. The samples were immediately assayed for pH, stored frozen, and assayed for inorganic P and creatinine. Concentrations of P and creatinine in urine, the ratio of Pu to creatinine, and pH were analyzed using a linear mixed model. The model included fixed effects of breed, parity number, and sampling session. Stage of lactation was fitted as Wilmink-type lactation curves. Random effects included additive polygenic ancestry, permanent animal effects, and residual. The distribution of Pu approximated normality except for a single sample with very high Pu and very low pH. This sample came from a cow diagnosed independently with ketosis. For the remaining samples, it was shown that Pu has low to moderate heritability (0.12) and is only moderately repeatable (0.21). Based on a small data set, it is tentatively concluded that individual differences between cows exist in their Pu, and individual differences presumably result from genetic differences. However, it remains unclear if cows with genetically lower or higher Pu will perform better on a low-P diet.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
The effect of subclinical ketosis on activity at estrus and reproductive performance in dairy cattle
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): Andrew J. Rutherford, Georgios Oikonomou, Robert F. Smith
Our aims were to investigate the influence of subclinical ketosis (SCK) on physical activity at estrus using a neck accelerometer device and on future reproductive performance. Two hundred three Holstein-Friesian cows were studied on 3 dairy farms in Northwest England between September 2013 and March 2014. Seventeen percent (35 of 203) of the enrolled cows were affected with SCK between 7 and 21 d in milk, defined as a blood β-hydroxybutyrate concentration of 1.2 to 2.9 mmol/L. Time to event analyses and multivariable regression analyses were used to assess the effect of SCK on reproductive performance and activity at estrus. The SCK cows exhibited a lower peak activity (measured as the number of standard deviations above mean activity) and shorter duration in activity clusters associated with first estrus and first insemination postpartum, compared with non-SCK cows. Peak activity and cluster duration associated with the insemination that led to a pregnancy were not different between SCK and non-SCK cows. Calving to first estrus, calving to first insemination, and calving to pregnancy intervals were prolonged in SCK cows. First insemination was 4.3 times (95% confidence interval = 1.6 to 15.0) less likely to be successful in SCK cows compared with non-SCK cows. Adjusted mean number of inseminations per pregnancy was 2.8 for SCK cows and 2.0 for non-SCK cows. The current study confirms the long-lasting effects of SCK on reproductive efficiency. Furthermore, it is indicated that physical activity around estrus is reduced by SCK in early lactation, but this negative effect appears to diminish as cows progress through lactation.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Colostrum and milk pasteurization improve health status and decrease mortality in neonatal calves receiving appropriate colostrum ingestion
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): Ramon Armengol, Lorenzo Fraile
The objective of the study was to evaluate if on-farm heat treatment of colostrum and bulk tank milk can improve calf health status and morbidity and mortality rates during the first 21 d of life in neonatal Holstein calves receiving appropriate colostrum ingestion. A total of 587 calves were randomly assigned to 2 groups of males and females over 18 mo. The nonpasteurized group (n = 287, 143 males and 144 females) was fed frozen (−20°C) colostrum (6–8 L during the first 12 h of life) that was previously reheated up to 40°C. They were also fed refrigerated (4°C) raw milk from the bulk tank that was also reheated up to 40°C (1.8 L every 12 h). The pasteurized group (n = 300, 150 males and 150 females) was also fed colostrum and milk, but both were pasteurized before freezing. Blood samples were drawn from all calves to obtain serum at 2 to 5 d of life. Serum total protein (g/dL) was determined using a commercially available refractometer. Colostrum and milk underwent routine bacteriological analysis to determine total plate counts (cfu/mL) and total coliform counts (cfu/mL). All the calves underwent clinical examination every 24 h during the first 21 d of life. Every day, calves were clinically diagnosed either as being healthy or suffering from respiratory disease, neonatal calf diarrhea, or suffering other diseases. On-farm heat treatment for colostrum and milk reduced total plate counts and total coliform counts between 1 and 2 log10. Pasteurization of colostrum and milk significantly decreased the morbidity and mortality (5.2 and 2.8%) in comparison with calves receiving nonpasteurized colostrum and milk (15.0 and 6.5%), respectively, during the first 21 d of life, even in animals receiving appropriate colostrum ingestion.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Production, composition, and oxidative stability of milk highly enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids from dairy cows fed alfalfa protein concentrate or supplemental vitamin E
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2016
Source:Journal of Dairy Science
Author(s): M.-C. Fauteux, R. Gervais, D.E. Rico, Y. Lebeuf, P.Y. Chouinard
Given its elevated content of carotenoids, alfalfa protein concentrates (APC) have the potential to prevent oxidation of milk enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The effects of feeding APC or supplemental vitamin E on production, composition, and oxidative stability of milk enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids were evaluated using 6 lactating Holstein cows (224 ± 18 d in milk) in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square (21-d periods, 14 d for adaptation). Treatment diets contained (dry matter basis) (1) 9% soybean meal (control, CTL); (2) 9% soybean meal + 300 IU of vitamin E/kg (VitE treatment); or (3) 9% APC (APC treatment). Cows received a continuous abomasal infusion of 450 g/d of linseed oil. As a result, milk fat content of cis-9,cis-12 18:2 increased from 1.08 ± 0.13 to 3.9 ± 0.40% (mean ± SD), whereas cis-9,cis-12,cis-15 18:3 increased from 0.40 ± 0.04 to 14.27 ± 1.81% during the experimental period compared with the pretrial period. Milk yield tended to be higher for APC (14.7 kg/d) compared with CTL (13.4 kg/d), and was greater than that for VitE (13.0 kg/d). Protein yield was higher in cows fed APC (518 g/d) compared with VitE (445 g/d) but was not different from that in cows fed CTL (483 g/d). These effects resulted in improved milk N efficiency in cows fed APC (26.1% of N intake secreted in milk) compared with CTL (23.0%) and VitE (22.9%). Feeding APC increased milk fat content of lutein (252 μg/g) compared with CTL (204 μg/g) and VitE (190 μg/g). Milk fat content of vitamin E was higher for APC (34.5 μg/g) compared with CTL (19.0 μg/g) and tended to be lower than that with VitE (44.9 μg/g). Redox potential of fresh milk from cows fed APC (152 mV) was similar to that of VitE (144 mV), but lower than that of CTL (189 mV). Treatments had no effect on fresh milk contents of dissolved oxygen (8.1 ± 1.5 mg/L), and conjugated diene hydroperoxides (2.7 ± 0.5 mmol/L). The concentrations of volatile lipid oxidation products (propanal, hexanal, hept-cis-4-enal, 1-octen-3-one) tended to be decreased by APC relative to CTL, whereas similar values were observed for VitE, except for hexanal, which was reduced by 40% in VitE. In conclusion, feeding APC to lactating dairy cows could serve as a source of dietary protein that improves dietary N utilization efficiency, and also as a preharvest technology to increase natural antioxidant levels in milk to limit oxidation.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Future Oncology; +35 new citations
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PubMed comprises more than 24 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Metformin Inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Tumor Growth through Upregulation of PEDF Expression.
Metformin Inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Tumor Growth through Upregulation of PEDF Expression.
Cancer Biol Ther. 2016 Mar 17;:0
Authors: Chen X, Li C, He T, Mao J, Li C, Lyu J, Meng QH
Metformin has been reported to inhibit the growth of various types of cancers, including prostate cancer. Yet the mode of anti-cancer action of metformin and the underlying mechanisms remain not fully elucidated. We hypothesized that the antitumorigenic effects of metformin are mediated through upregulation of pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) expression in prostate cancer cells. In this report, metformin treatment significantly inhibited the proliferation and colony formation of prostate cancer cells, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Meanwhile, Metformin markedly suppressed migration and invasion and induced apoptosis of both LNCaP and PC3 cancer cells. Metformin also reduced PC3 tumor growth in BALB/c nude mice in vivo. Furthermore, metformin treatment was associated with higher PEDF expression in both prostate cancer cells and tumor tissue. Taken together, metformin inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasion and tumor growth, and these activities are mediated by upregulation of PEDF expression. These findings provide a novel insight into the molecular functions of metformin as an anticancer agent.
PMID: 26987032 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) and drug efficacy in castration-resistant prostate cancer: biomarker for treatment selection exclusion or inclusion?
Androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) and drug efficacy in castration-resistant prostate cancer: biomarker for treatment selection exclusion or inclusion?
Cancer Biol Ther. 2016 Mar 17;:0
Authors: Leibrand CR, Price DK, Figg WD
Currently there are no molecular biomarkers used to help guide treatment selection for those patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer. A recent study published in JAMA Oncology (Antonarakis et al.) presents evidence supporting the potential use of androgen receptor splice variant 7 as a biomarker for optimal treatment selection in this population.
PMID: 26985596 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Asymmetric preparation of polysubstituted cyclopentanes by synergistic Pd(0)/amine catalyzed formal [3+2] cycloadditions of vinyl cyclopropanes with enals
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC01775D, Communication
We report herein a novel diastereo- and enantiocontrolled preparation of poylsubstituted cyclopentanes by the formal [3+2] cycloadditions of vinyl cyclopropanes with enals. In constrast with previously developed strategies, our original...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
One-step microwave synthesized core-shell structured selenium@carbon spheres as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC00638H, Communication
A core-shell structured selenium@carbon composite material was obtained by a facile one-step microwave synthesis method. The uniform carbon shells coated on selenium spheres greatly minimized the shuttle effect of Li-Se...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
SALE-Ing a MOF-Based “Ship of Theseus.” Sequential Building-Block Replacement for Complete Reformulation of a Pillared-Paddlewheel Metal-Organic Framework
A complete structure and composition evolution of a pillared-paddlewheel metal-organic framework was achieved using a combination of solvent-assisted linker exchange (SALE) and node transmetalation. In this example, each building unit – the di-topic carboxylate strut, the di-topic nitrogen-based pillar, and the di-zinc node – of the original metal-organic framework is replaced in sequential fashion to produce a nickel-based daughter metal-organic framework with entirely different components.
Text for Table of Contents: Interchange of a non-interpenetrating Zn based pillared-paddlewheel MOF into an entirely different Ni-based pillared-paddlewheel MOF has been achieved through the combination of solvent assisted linker exchange and transmetalation.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Ni(bpy)(cod): A Convenient Entryway into the Efficient Hydroboration of Ketones, Aldehydes, and Imines
The catalytic hydroboration of ketones, aldehydes, and imines with pinacol borane and Ni(bpy)(cod) has been demonstrated in benzene at room temperature and low catalyst loadings (0.03–0.3 mol-%). Spectroscopic and structural evidence support the formulation of Ni(bpy)(cod) as containing a NiI cation and a bpy·– ligand. The Ni(bpy)(cod) complex reacts quickly with ketonic substrates to form an adduct that appears to function as an entryway into catalytic activity.
Innocent behavior? Ni(bpy)(cod) is an efficient precatalyst for the hydroboration of ketones, aldehydes, and imines. While the pre-catalyst contains a reduced bpy fragment, the catalytically active species does not. Mechanistic investigations suggest an entryway into the catalytic cycle that differs from generally accepted mechanisms of ketone hydroboration.
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Tailoring the Energetic Properties of 5-(5-Amino-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)tetrazole and Its Derivatives by Salt Formation: From Sensitive Primary to Insensitive Secondary Explosives
The main challenge in the development of energetic materials is the combination of high energy content with chemical and mechanical stability, two properties that are often contradictory. The energetic properties of 5-(5-amino-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)tetrazole and its derivatives, in which the amino group is substituted by an azido group, a nitro group, or a diazene bridge, should be improved and tailored for possible applications by formation of various nitrogen-rich and metal salts thereof. The thermal and mechanical sensitivities were determined and the detonation performances of the nitrogen-rich salts were calculated. Furthermore, the combustion performances of erosion-reduced gun propellant mixtures of the most promising salts were computed owing to their high nitrogen content and energetic performance. Metal salts of 5-(5-azido-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)tetrazole were investigated to test their capability as primary explosives.
The energetic properties of 5-(5-amino-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)tetrazole and its derivatives, in which the amino group is substituted by a nitro group, an azido group, or a diazene bridge, should be improved and tailored for possible applications as either secondary or primary explosives by formation of various nitrogen-rich or metal salts, respectively.
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α,α′-Bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridylcobalt Chlorides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ethylene Polymerization Behavior
A series of α,α′-bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridylcobalt chlorides was synthesized by the one-pot template reaction of α,α′-dioxo-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridine, anilines, and cobalt chloride in refluxing acetic acid. The molecular structure of complex Co1 was determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, which revealed a distorted square-pyramidal geometry around the cobalt center. On activation with methylaluminoxane or modified methylaluminoxane, all of the complexes exhibited high activity toward ethylene polymerization with activities in the range of 106 g of polyethylene (PE) per mole of Co per hour and produced highly linear PEs with low molecular weights and narrow polydispersity. The unimodal nature of the PEs indicated single-site active species of these cobalt catalyst systems. The influences of cobalt complexes and polymerization parameters on the catalytic behavior and the properties of the PEs were investigated in detail.
α,α′-Bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridylcobalt chlorides showed high activity toward ethylene polymerization and produced highly linear polyethylenes with low molecular weights and narrow polydispersity owing to the single-site active species of these cobalt catalyst systems.
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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the PINPOINT endoscopic fluorescence imaging system with intraoperative fluorescent imaging: A case report.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the PINPOINT endoscopic fluorescence imaging system with intraoperative fluorescent imaging: A case report.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016 Mar 5;21:129-132
Authors: Tsutsui N, Yoshida M, Kitajima M, Suzuki Y
We report on a laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed using the PINPOINT endoscopic fluorescence imaging system (Novadaq, Mississauga, ON, Canada), which enables surgery to be performed while simultaneously viewing fluorescent images. The patient was a 43-year-old man diagnosed with cholecystolithiasis. Indocyanine green (ICG) was administered 18h prior to surgery. The PINPOINT system made it possible to perform the procedure while viewing ICG fluorescence in the cystic duct. As the gallbladder was also imaged with this technique, it was easy to determine at which layer to detach the gallbladder from the liver bed. The operative time was 1h and 32min, and blood loss was 5ml. There were no perioperative complications.
PMID: 26986025 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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A critical review of 20 years of parotid gland surgery.
A critical review of 20 years of parotid gland surgery.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2016 Mar 17;:1-6
Authors: Knopf A, Szyper M, Mansour N, Sonnenberg J, Hofauer B, Niedermeyer H
Conclusion PG surgery provides sufficient radicality with a minimum of functional loss. Patient's outcome is associated with the reliable estimation of the lesional entity/dignity. Diagnostic approaches are required to determine morphological aspects, avoid unnecessary surgery, and to reliable identify primary carcinomas/occult metastases. Objectives The pre-operative assessment of parotid gland (PG) lesions is of major clinical impact, whilst surgery remains the diagnostic/therapeutic mainstay. There are still controversies about the distribution of entities, clinical course, functional outcome, and survival. Methods In total, 1211 patients were retrospectively analyzed for disease-related data. Differences were analyzed using the Chi-square/Fisher exact/unpaired student's t-test; survival by Kaplan-Meier. Results There were 946 benign and 265 malignant tumours. In primary PG malignancy the disease-free/overall survival was 78/127 months. Metastases into the PG demonstrated a decreased survival (67 months). Extended surgery was associated with post-operative facial nerve alteration. Extracapsular dissection and superficial parotidectomy did not show differences in the facial palsy rate.
PMID: 26986955 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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The effect of inlay butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty technique on compliance.
The effect of inlay butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty technique on compliance.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2016 Mar 17;:1-4
Authors: Ersoy Callioglu E, Tuzuner A, Demirci S, Bercin AS, Oguzhan T, Korkmaz MH
CONCLUSION: IBCT technique should be preferred owing to its high graft survival rate and ABG gain. While no significant difference was found in middle ear pressures between ears that underwent IBCT and normal ears, compliance values were found to be decreased in patients undergoing IBCT. However, the lack of correlation between ABG gain and compliance values indicated that compliance increase had no effect on post-operative ABG results.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to compare tympanometric and audiological parameters in patients undergoing inlay butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty (IBCT) with their normal ears and to determine their difference with normal ear tympanometric parameters.
METHODS: Overall, 25 patients that underwent an operation between August 2010-May 2014 were included in the present study. In 13 of these patients, the ear that did not undergo operation was normal. 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz pure sound average values, tympanometric measurements and compliance values of normal and operated ears were compared.
RESULTS: The graft survival rate in patients was found to be 92%. Mean pre-operative air-bone gap (ABG) was 16.4 ± 5.4 in patients, while mean post-operative ABG was 10.9 ± 5.8, with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) While there was no significant difference between operated and normal ears of patients in terms of middle ear pressure (0.441), compliance values were significantly higher in normal ears than those in operated ears (0.032). When post-operative ABG gain was compared with compliance values, no significant correlation was found between ABG gain and compliance measurements (r = -0.025 and p = 0.936).
PMID: 26986835 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Frequency-dependent loudness balancing in bimodal cochlear implant users.
Frequency-dependent loudness balancing in bimodal cochlear implant users.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2016 Mar 17;:1-7
Authors: Veugen LC, Chalupper J, Snik AF, van Opstal AJ, Mens LH
Conclusion In users of a cochlear implant (CI) and a hearing aid (HA) in contralateral ears, frequency-dependent loudness balancing between devices did, on average, not lead to improved speech understanding as compared to broadband balancing. However, nine out of 15 bimodal subjects showed significantly better speech understanding with either one of the fittings. Objectives Sub-optimal fittings and mismatches in loudness are possible explanations for the large individual differences seen in listeners using bimodal stimulation. Methods HA gain was adjusted for soft and loud input sounds in three frequency bands (0-548, 548-1000, and >1000 Hz) to match loudness with the CI. This procedure was compared to a simple broadband balancing procedure that reflected current clinical practice. In a three-visit cross-over design with 4 weeks between sessions, speech understanding was tested in quiet and in noise and questionnaires were administered to assess benefit in real world. Results Both procedures resulted in comparable HA gains. For speech in noise, a marginal bimodal benefit of 0.3 ± 4 dB was found, with large differences between subjects and spatial configurations. Speech understanding in quiet and in noise did not differ between the two loudness balancing procedures.
PMID: 26986743 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Tau pathology-dependent remodelling of cerebral arteries precedes Alzheimer’s disease-related microvascular cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by pathologic cerebrovascular remodelling. Whether this occurs already before disease onset, as may be indicated by early Braak tau-related cerebral hypoperfusion and blood–brain barrier (BBB) impairment found in previous studies, remains unknown. Therefore, we systematically quantified Braak tau stage- and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)-dependent alterations in the alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen, and elastin content of leptomeningeal arterioles, small arteries, and medium-sized arteries surrounding the gyrus frontalis medialis (GFM) and hippocampus (HIPP), including the sulci, of 17 clinically and pathologically diagnosed AD subjects (Braak stage IV–VI) and 28 non-demented control subjects (Braak stage I–IV). GFM and HIPP paraffin sections were stained for general collagen and elastin with the Verhoeff–van Gieson stain; α-SMA and CAA/amyloid β (Aβ) were detected using immunohistochemistry. Significant arterial elastin degradation was observed from Braak stage III onward and correlated with Braak tau pathology (ρ = 0.909, 95 % CI 0.370 to 0.990, p < 0.05). This was accompanied by an increase in neutrophil elastase expression by α-SMA-positive cells in the vessel wall. Small and medium-sized arteries exhibited significant CAA-independent α-SMA loss starting between Braak stage I and II–III, along with accumulation of phosphorylated paired helical filament (PHF) tau in the perivascular space of intraparenchymal vessels. α-SMA remained at the decreased level throughout the later Braak stages. In contrast, arterioles exhibited significant α-SMA loss only at Braak stage V and VI/in AD subjects, which was CAA-dependent/correlated with CAA burden (ρ = −0.422, 95 % CI −0.557 to −0.265, p < 0.0001). Collagen content was only significantly changed in small arteries. Our data indicate that vessel wall remodelling of leptomeningeal arteries is an early-onset, Braak tau pathology-dependent process unrelated to CAA and AD, which potentially may contribute to downstream CAA-dependent microvascular pathology in AD.
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Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
Int J Audiol. 2016 Mar 17;:1-8
Authors: Plant K, Babic L
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to quantify the benefit provided by having access to amplified acoustic hearing in the implanted ear for use in combination with contralateral acoustic hearing and the electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
DESIGN: Measures of spatial and non-spatial hearing abilities were obtained to compare performance obtained with different configurations of acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation. In the combined listening condition participants had access to bilateral acoustic hearing whereas the bimodal condition used acoustic hearing contralateral to the implanted ear only. Experience was provided with each of the listening conditions using a repeated-measures A-B-B-A experimental design.
STUDY SAMPLE: Sixteen post-linguistically hearing-impaired adults participated in the study.
RESULTS: Group mean benefit was obtained with use of the combined mode on measures of speech recognition in coincident speech in noise, localization ability, subjective ratings of real-world benefit, and musical sound quality ratings.
CONCLUSIONS: Access to bilateral acoustic hearing after cochlear implantation provides significant benefit on a range of functional measures.
PMID: 26987051 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Folia Phoniatr Logop 2015;67:219-220
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Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for Preoperative Assessment of Patients with Severe Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation.
Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for Preoperative Assessment of Patients with Severe Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation.
Radiology. 2016 Mar 17;:151556
Authors: Park JB, Kim HK, Jung JH, Klem I, Yoon YE, Lee SP, Park EA, Hwang HY, Lee W, Kim KH, Kim YJ, Cho GY, Kim KB, Sohn DW, Ahn H
Purpose To explore the prognostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in predicting postoperative cardiac death in patients with severe functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Materials and Methods This study was approved by the institutional review board, and written informed consent was obtained from all patients. Prospectively collected data included cardiac MR images, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, a comprehensive laboratory test, and clinical events over the follow-up period in 75 consecutive patients (61 women and 14 men; mean age ± standard deviation, 59 years ± 9) undergoing corrective surgery for severe functional TR. Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess the association between cardiac MR parameters and outcomes. Results During a median follow-up period of 57 months (range, 21-82 months), cardiac mortality and all-cause mortality were 17.3% and 26.7%, respectively, with a surgical mortality of 6.7%. Cardiac death risk was lower with a higher right ventricular (RV) ejection fraction (EF) on cardiac MR images (hazard ratio per 5% higher EF = 0.790, P = .048). By adjusting for confounding variables, RV EF remained a significant predictor for cardiac death (P < .05) and major postoperative cardiac events (P < .05). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) confirmed the incremental role of RV EF on cardiac MR images in the prediction of postoperative cardiac death (AUC, 0.681-0.771; P = .041) and major postoperative cardiac events (AUC, 0.660-0.745; P = .044) on top of NYHA class. RV end-systolic volume index was also independently associated with these outcomes but failed to increase the AUC significantly. Conclusion Preoperative assessment of cardiac MR imaging-based RV EF provides independent and incremental prognostic information in patients undergoing corrective surgery for severe functional TR. (©) RSNA, 2016 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
PMID: 26986048 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Nonthermal Ablation by Using Intravascular Oxygen Radical Generation with WST11: Dynamic Tissue Effects and Implications for Focal Therapy.
Nonthermal Ablation by Using Intravascular Oxygen Radical Generation with WST11: Dynamic Tissue Effects and Implications for Focal Therapy.
Radiology. 2016 Mar 17;:141571
Authors: Kimm SY, Tarin TV, Monette S, Srimathveeravalli G, Gerber D, Durack JC, Solomon SB, Scardino PT, Scherz A, Coleman J
Purpose To examine the hypothesis that vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (VTP) with WST11 and clinically relevant parameters can be used to ablate target tissues in a non-tumor-bearing large-animal model while selectively sparing blood vessels and collagen. Materials and Methods By using an institutional animal care and use committee-approved protocol, 68 ablations were performed in the kidneys (cortex and medulla) and livers of 27 adult pigs. Posttreatment evaluation was conducted with contrast material-enhanced computed tomography in the live animals at 24 hours. Immunohistochemistry was evaluated and histologic examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed at 4 hours, 24 hours, and 7 days. Intravenous infusion of WST11 (4 mg per kilogram of body weight) was followed by using near-infrared illumination (753 nm for 20 minutes) through optical fibers prepositioned in target tissues by using a fixed template. Treated areas were scanned, measured, and statistically analyzed by using the Student t test and two-way analysis of variance. Results Focal WST11 VTP treatment in the liver and kidney by using a single optical fiber resulted in well-demarcated cylindrical zones of nonthermal necrosis concentrically oriented around the light-emitting diffuser, with no intervening viable parenchymal cells. The radius of ablated tissue increased from approximately 5 mm at 150 mW to approximately 7 mm at 415 mW (P < .01). Illumination through fiber triads at 1-cm separation resulted in confluent homogeneous necrosis. Patterns of acute injury within 24 hours were consistent with microcirculatory flow arrest and collagen preservation (demonstrated with trichrome staining). In the peripheral ablation zone, blood vessels at least 40 μm in diameter were selectively preserved and remained functional at 7 days. Ablated tissues exhibited progressive fibrosis and chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates. No histologic changes consistent with thermal injury were observed in blood vessels or collagen. The renal hilum and collecting system did not show treatment effect, despite treatment proximity. Conclusion WST11 VTP induces nonthermal tissue ablation in target tissue while preserving critical organ structures and bystander blood vessels within solid organs. (©) RSNA, 2016 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
PMID: 26986047 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
Utility of bilateral acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
Int J Audiol. 2016 Mar 17;:1-8
Authors: Plant K, Babic L
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to quantify the benefit provided by having access to amplified acoustic hearing in the implanted ear for use in combination with contralateral acoustic hearing and the electrical stimulation provided by the cochlear implant.
DESIGN: Measures of spatial and non-spatial hearing abilities were obtained to compare performance obtained with different configurations of acoustic hearing in combination with electrical stimulation. In the combined listening condition participants had access to bilateral acoustic hearing whereas the bimodal condition used acoustic hearing contralateral to the implanted ear only. Experience was provided with each of the listening conditions using a repeated-measures A-B-B-A experimental design.
STUDY SAMPLE: Sixteen post-linguistically hearing-impaired adults participated in the study.
RESULTS: Group mean benefit was obtained with use of the combined mode on measures of speech recognition in coincident speech in noise, localization ability, subjective ratings of real-world benefit, and musical sound quality ratings.
CONCLUSIONS: Access to bilateral acoustic hearing after cochlear implantation provides significant benefit on a range of functional measures.
PMID: 26987051 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Micronutrients in Oncological Intervention.
Micronutrients in Oncological Intervention.
Nutrients. 2016;8(3)
Authors: Gröber U, Holzhauer P, Kisters K, Holick MF, Adamietz IA
Nutritional supplements are widely used among patients with cancer who perceive them to be anticancer and antitoxicity agents. Depending on the type of malignancy and the gender 30%-90% of the cancer patients supplement their diets with antioxidant and immuno-stabilizing micronutrients, such as selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin D, often without the knowledge of the treating physician. From the oncological viewpoint, there are justifiable concerns that dietary supplements decrease the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recent studies, however, have provided increasing evidence that treatment is tolerated better-with an increase in patient compliance and a lower rate of treatment discontinuations-when micronutrients, such as selenium, are added as appropriate to the patient's medication. Nutritional supplementation tailored to an individual's background diet, genetics, tumor histology, and treatments may yield benefits in subsets of patients. Clinicians should have an open dialogue with patients about nutritional supplements. Supplement advice needs to be individualized and come from a credible source, and it is best communicated by the physician.
PMID: 26985904 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Some people are "More Lexical" than others.
Some people are "More Lexical" than others.
Cognition. 2016 Mar 14;151:68-75
Authors: Ishida M, Samuel AG, Arai T
People can understand speech under poor conditions, even when successive pieces of the waveform are flipped in time. Using a new method to measure perception of such stimuli, we show that words with sounds based on rapid spectral changes (stop consonants) are much more impaired by reversing speech segments than words with fewer such sounds, and that words are much more resistant to disruption than pseudowords. We then demonstrate that this lexical advantage is more characteristic of some people than others. Participants listened to speech that was degraded in two very different ways, and we measured each person's reliance on lexical support for each task. Listeners who relied on the lexicon for help in perceiving one kind of degraded speech also relied on the lexicon when dealing with a quite different kind of degraded speech. Thus, people differ in their relative reliance on the speech signal versus their pre-existing knowledge.
PMID: 26986746 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Relations Among Detection of Syllable Stress, Speech Abnormalities, and Communicative Ability in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Relations Among Detection of Syllable Stress, Speech Abnormalities, and Communicative Ability in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2016 Mar 17;:1-10
Authors: Kargas N, López B, Morris P, Reddy V
Purpose: To date, the literature on perception of affective, pragmatic, and grammatical prosody abilities in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been sparse and contradictory. It is interesting to note that the primary perception of syllable stress within the word structure, which is crucial for all prosody functions, remains relatively unexplored in ASD. Thus, in the current study, we explored syllable stress perception sensitivity and its relationship to speech production abnormalities and communicative ability in adults with ASD.
Method: A same-different syllable stress perception task using pairs of identical 4-syllable words was delivered to 42 adults with/without high-functioning ASD, matched for age, to investigate primary speech perception ability in ASD. Speech production and communicative ability in ASD was measured using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Lord et al., 2000).
Results: As predicted, the results showed that adults with ASD were less sensitive in making judgments about syllable stress relative to controls. Also, partial correlations revealed a key association of speech production abnormalities with stress perception sensitivity, rather than communicative ability.
Conclusions: Our findings provide empirical evidence for deficits on primary syllable stress perception in ASD and its role on sociocommunicative difficulties. This information could facilitate the development of effective interventions for speech and language therapy and social communication.
PMID: 26985778 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Extrinsic and Intrinsic Brain Network Connectivity Maintains Cognition across the Lifespan Despite Accelerated Decay of Regional Brain Activation.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Brain Network Connectivity Maintains Cognition across the Lifespan Despite Accelerated Decay of Regional Brain Activation.
J Neurosci. 2016 Mar 16;36(11):3115-26
Authors: Tsvetanov KA, Henson RN, Tyler LK, Razi A, Geerligs L, Ham TE, Rowe JB, Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience
UNLABELLED: The maintenance of wellbeing across the lifespan depends on the preservation of cognitive function. We propose that successful cognitive aging is determined by interactions both within and between large-scale functional brain networks. Such connectivity can be estimated from task-free functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), also known as resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI). However, common correlational methods are confounded by age-related changes in the neurovascular signaling. To estimate network interactions at the neuronal rather than vascular level, we used generative models that specified both the neural interactions and a flexible neurovascular forward model. The networks' parameters were optimized to explain the spectral dynamics of rs-fMRI data in 602 healthy human adults from population-based cohorts who were approximately uniformly distributed between 18 and 88 years ( We assessed directed connectivity within and between three key large-scale networks: the salience network, dorsal attention network, and default mode network. We found that age influences connectivity both within and between these networks, over and above the effects on neurovascular coupling. Canonical correlation analysis revealed that the relationship between network connectivity and cognitive function was age-dependent: cognitive performance relied on neural dynamics more strongly in older adults. These effects were driven partly by reduced stability of neural activity within all networks, as expressed by an accelerated decay of neural information. Our findings suggest that the balance of excitatory connectivity between networks, and the stability of intrinsic neural representations within networks, changes with age. The cognitive function of older adults becomes increasingly dependent on these factors.
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Maintaining cognitive function is critical to successful aging. To study the neural basis of cognitive function across the lifespan, we studied a large population-based cohort (n = 602, 18-88 years), separating neural connectivity from vascular components of fMRI signals. Cognitive ability was influenced by the strength of connection within and between functional brain networks, and this positive relationship increased with age. In older adults, there was more rapid decay of intrinsic neuronal activity in multiple regions of the brain networks, which related to cognitive performance. Our data demonstrate increased reliance on network flexibility to maintain cognitive function, in the presence of more rapid decay of neural activity. These insights will facilitate the development of new strategies to maintain cognitive ability.
PMID: 26985024 [PubMed - in process]
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Ten-Year Employment Patterns of Working Age Individuals After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study.
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Ten-Year Employment Patterns of Working Age Individuals After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Dec;96(12):2128-36
Authors: Cuthbert JP, Pretz CR, Bushnik T, Fraser RT, Hart T, Kolakowsky-Hayner SA, Malec JF, O'Neil-Pirozzi TM, Sherer M
OBJECTIVE: To describe the 10-year patterns of employment for individuals of working age discharged from a Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) center between 1989 and 2009.
DESIGN: Secondary data analysis.
SETTING: Inpatient rehabilitation centers.
PARTICIPANTS: Patients aged 16 to 55 years (N=3618) who were not retired at injury, received inpatient rehabilitation at a TBIMS center, were discharged alive between 1989 and 2009, and had at least 3 completed follow-up interviews at postinjury years 1, 2, 5, and 10.
INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable.
RESULTS: Patterns of employment were generated using a generalized linear mixed model, where these patterns were transformed into temporal trajectories of probability of employment via random effects modeling. Covariates demonstrating significant relations to growth parameters that govern the trajectory patterns were similar to those noted in previous cross-sectional research and included age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, preinjury substance misuse, preinjury vocational status, and days of posttraumatic amnesia. The calendar year in which the injury occurred also greatly influenced trajectories. An interactive tool was developed to provide visualization of all postemployment trajectories, with many showing decreasing probabilities of employment between 5 and 10 years postinjury.
CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight that postinjury employment after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a dynamic process, with varied patterns of employment for individuals with specific characteristics. The overall decline in trajectories of probability of employment between 5 and 10 years postinjury suggests that moderate to severe TBI may have unfavorable chronic effects and that employment outcome is highly influenced by national labor market forces. Additional research targeting the underlying drivers of the decline between 5 and 10 years postinjury is recommended, as are interventions that target influencing factors.
PMID: 26278493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Parental Reports on Touch Screen Use in Early Childhood.
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Parental Reports on Touch Screen Use in Early Childhood.
PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0128338
Authors: Cristia A, Seidl A
Touch screens are increasingly prevalent, and anecdotal evidence suggests that young children are very drawn towards them. Yet there is little data regarding how young children use them. A brief online questionnaire queried over 450 French parents of infants between the ages of 5 and 40 months on their young child's use of touch-screen technology. Parents estimated frequency of use, and further completed several checklists. Results suggest that, among respondent families, the use of touch screens is widespread in early childhood, meaning that most children have some exposure to touch screens. Among child users, certain activities are more frequently reported to be liked than others, findings that we discuss in light of current concern for children's employment of time and the cognitive effects of passive media exposure. Additionally, these parental reports point to clear developmental trends for certain types of interactive gestures. These results contribute to the investigation of touch screen use on early development and suggest a number of considerations that should help improve the design of applications geared towards toddlers, particularly for scientific purposes.
PMID: 26083848 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Activation of miR-34a/SIRT1/p53 signaling contributes to cochlear hair cell apoptosis: implications for age-related hearing loss.
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Activation of miR-34a/SIRT1/p53 signaling contributes to cochlear hair cell apoptosis: implications for age-related hearing loss.
Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Apr;36(4):1692-701
Authors: Xiong H, Pang J, Yang H, Dai M, Liu Y, Ou Y, Huang Q, Chen S, Zhang Z, Xu Y, Lai L, Zheng Y
The molecular mechanisms underlying age-related hearing loss are not fully understood, and currently, there is no treatment for this disorder. MicroRNAs have recently been reported to be increasingly associated with age-related diseases and are emerging as promising therapeutic targets. In this study, miR-34a/Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)/p53 signaling was examined in cochlear hair cells during aging. MiR-34a, p53 acetylation, and apoptosis increased in the cochlea of C57BL/6 mice with aging, whereas an age-related decrease in SIRT1 was observed. In the inner ear HEI-OC1 cell line, miR-34a overexpression inhibited SIRT1, leading to an increase in p53 acetylation and apoptosis. Moreover, miR-34a knockdown increased SIRT1 expression and diminished p53 acetylation, and apoptosis. Additionally, resveratrol, an activator of SIRT1, significantly rescued miR-34a overexpression-induced HEI-OC1 cell death and significantly reduced hearing threshold shifts and hair cell loss in C57BL/6 mice after a 2-month administration. Our results support a link between age-related cochlear hair cell apoptosis and miR-34a/SIRT1/p53 signaling, which may serve as a potential target for age-related hearing loss treatment.
PMID: 25638533 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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The impact of clickers instruction on cognitive loads and listening and speaking skills in college English class.
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The impact of clickers instruction on cognitive loads and listening and speaking skills in college English class.
PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e106626
Authors: Yu Z, Chen W, Kong Y, Sun XL, Zheng J
Clickers might own a bright future in China if properly introduced although they have not been widely acknowledged as an effective tool to facilitate English learning and teaching in Chinese contexts. By randomly selecting participants from undergraduates in a university in China over four academic years, this study aims to identify the impact of clickers on college English listening and speaking skills, and differences in cognitive loads between clickers and traditional multimedia assisted instruction modes. It was concluded that in China's college English class, compared with multimedia assisted instruction, (1) clickers could improve college English listening skills; (2) clickers could improve college English speaking skills; and (3) clickers could reduce undergraduates' cognitive loads in College English Class. Reasons for the results and defects in this study were also explored and discussed, based on learning, teaching and cognitive load theories. Some Suggestions for future research were also raised.
PMID: 25192424 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016 Feb;18(1):1
Authors: Goldberg DJ
PMID: 26985788 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Comparison of effect between high intense focused ultrasound devices for facial tightening: Evaluator-blinded, split-face study.
Comparison of effect between high intense focused ultrasound devices for facial tightening: Evaluator-blinded, split-face study.
J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016 Mar 17;:1-20
Authors: Jung HJ, Min J, Seo HM, Kim WS
Background Various high intense focused ultrasound (HIFU) devices been introduced in recent years for improving skin laxity, with satisfactory results. However, there is no comparative study on the efficacy and safety of available HIFU devices. Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of two HIFU devices for facial skin tightening and subsequently, to validate the quantitative assessment. Methods & Materials We performed a split-face comparative study using 20 Korean patients. Two different HIFU devices were used on each side of the face. Patients received one treatment session on the same number of coagulative zones. Patient assessments were recorded. Three blinded clinicians evaluated paired pretreatment and post-treatment photographs. Quantitative assessment using a fixed point as well as a variable point was additionally performed for objective evaluation. Results Qualitative assessments of both HIFU devices conducted by both clinicians and patients generally showed mild to moderate improvement, similar to previous studies. The two devices had similar efficacy in blinded clinician and quantitative assessment, although there were some differences in patient satisfaction and degree of pain. There was a correlation between clinician qualitative scores and quantitative values, which suggests successful skin tightening. Conclusion To the author's knowledge, both HIFU devices tested can be used safely and effectively for facial tightening.
PMID: 26985696 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Quantification of adipose volume reduction with a prospective study analyzing the application of external radiofrequency energy and high voltage ultrashort pulse duration electrical fields.
Quantification of adipose volume reduction with a prospective study analyzing the application of external radiofrequency energy and high voltage ultrashort pulse duration electrical fields.
J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016 Mar 17;:1-28
Authors: Duncan D, Kim TH, Temaat R
To date, there have been no objective measurements of subcutaneous volume loss following treatments with a noninvasive radiofrequency based device. Twenty female patients were treated with a suction coupled bipolar radiofrequency device using external radiofrequency energy combined with pulsed electromagnetic RF energy for the purpose of subcutaneous fat reduction. Parameters followed included weight, Vectra measurements of abdominal circumference and torso volume, and high definition ultrasound measurements of fat thickness. Measurements were taken before treatment and three times following treatment. Analysis of measured parameters showed that mean circumference reduction of 2.30cm was noted at three months post-treatment. Independent volumetric analysis showed a mean subcutaneous volume reduction of 428 cc three months following RF treatment. High resolution ultrasound fat thickness was reduced by a mean of 39.6% three months following the final Body FX treatment. Independent and paired sample t-tests showed a p value of < 0.05. Repeated measures of ANCOVA adjusted for differences in age, as well as height and weight (proxy for BMI) to minimize individual differences and control for extraneous variables that may affect the pre and post-treatment results were analyzed. No confounding variables were found. All analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS 21.0.
PMID: 26985567 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Is paradoxical hair growth caused by low-level radiant exposure by home-use laser and intense pulsed light devices?
Is paradoxical hair growth caused by low-level radiant exposure by home-use laser and intense pulsed light devices?
J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016 Mar 16;:1-18
Authors: Town G, Bjerring P
Introduction & Objectives This qualitative review of paradoxical hair growth following professional treatments reviews clarifies whether low fluence is the most probable cause of unwanted hair regrowth following at home light-based treatments. Materials & Methods The proposed causes of unexpected hair regrowth are examined and our scientific understanding of absorption and scattering of light in turbid tissue is reviewed. Published reports of paradoxical hair growth are assessed. Results Early laser hair removal studies failed to record the occurrence of hair induction despite significant numbers of subjects treated. Neither published paradoxical hair growth studies following home-based laser or IPL hair removal treatments, nor randomized or controlled studies documenting paradoxical hair growth following professional treatments could be found. Several authors directly proposed the inflammatory response to be the primary cause of hair growth induction. Conclusions It is unlikely that hair regrowth several centimetres or more away from the irradiated tissue can be attributed to the laser or IPL used. In many cases of paradoxical hair growth, other causes may be responsible for the unexpected hair growth. The primary cause of instances of 'true' paradoxical hair growth is probably limited to darker phototypes with one or more other characteristics including PCOS or other androgen hormonal irregularities following high energy treatments with corresponding inflammatory sequelae.
PMID: 26983796 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Histological assessment for femora of ovariectomized obesity (db/db) mice carrying mutated leptin receptor.
Histological assessment for femora of ovariectomized obesity (db/db) mice carrying mutated leptin receptor.
Histol Histopathol. 2016 Mar 17;:11758
Authors: Tanaka Y, Hasegawa T, Yamada T, Yamamoto T, Sasaki M, Hongo H, Tsuboi K, Haraguchi M, de Freitas PH, Li M, Oda K, Totsuka Y, Tei K, Amizuka N
In order to provide a clue to understand the interplay between leptin and estrogen, we have examined femoral metaphyses of ovariectomized db/db mice carrying a mutated leptin receptor. We performed ovariectomy (OVX) or sham-operation (sham) on 12-week old female wild-type and db/db mice, and then, after 8 weeks, divided the animals into four groups: wild-type sham, wild-type OVX, db/db sham and db/db OVX. Samples from all groups were prepared for histochemical and ultrastructural examinations. As a result, db/db sham mice showed a reduced number and thickness of metaphyseal trabeculae and excessive adipose tissue when compared to wild-type sham mice. The wild-type OVX group exhibited markedly diminished trabecular number, as well as lower populations of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in comparison to wild-type sham group. On the other hand, trabecular numbers were similar for the two db/db groups, suggesting that the effect of the ovariectomy, i.e., estrogen deficiency may be lessened in this animal model. Leptin receptor was mainly found in osteoblasts and in bone marrow stromal cells including adipocytes. In addition, the expression of estrogen receptor did not seem to change after OVX in wild-type mice and in db/db mice. Both db/db sham and OVX mice featured many adipocytes close to the metaphyseal chondro-osseous junction, while osteoblasts accumulated glycogen granules and lipid droplets. Therefore, it seems likely that the disruption of leptin signaling in db/db mice shifts the cell differentiation cascade towards the adipocyte lineage, resulting in an osteoporotic bone independently of estrogen deficiency.
PMID: 26984199 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Pancreatic cysts in general population on ultrasonography: Prevalence and development of risk score
Pancreatic cysts are related to the presence of ductal adenocarcinomas elsewhere in the pancreas, and are also associated with an increased risk of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in the future. Most of the previous studies that investigated the prevalence of pancreatic cysts focused on patients within a hospital or out-patient setting, which may not be representative of the general population. We investigated the prevalence and predictive factors for the presence of pancreatic cysts within a large number of subjects via general health examination.
Between December 2007 and December 2013, a total of 5198 subjects were enrolled that underwent ultrasonography (US) on general health examination. We established a scoring system for predicting the presence of one or more pancreatic cysts using a split-sample method.
Among the enrolled subjects, the prevalence of a pancreatic cyst was 3.5 %. In multivariate analysis, the prevalence was significantly increased with older age, female sex, and the presence of gall bladder adenomyomatosis (GB-ADM). Based on multivariate analysis in the training sample (n = 2,599), we established the scoring system consisting of age, sex, and the presence of GB-ADM to predict the presence of pancreatic cysts. This scoring system was validated in the testing sample (n = 2,599) and produced an area under the curve of 0.711.
The prevalence of pancreatic cyst detected by US was 3.5 % in the general population, and increased with age, female sex, and the presence of GB-ADM. A new scoring system developed in the present study may help to identify better candidates for further examination when the pancreas is not visible by US.
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Collagen Matrix Remodeling in Stented Pulmonary Arteries after Transapical Heart Valve Replacement
The use of valved stents for minimally invasive replacement of semilunar heart valves is expected to change the extracellular matrix and mechanical function of the native artery and may thus impair long-term functionality of the implant. Here we investigate the impact of the stent on matrix remodeling of the pulmonary artery in a sheep model, focusing on matrix composition and collagen (re)orientation of the host tissue. Ovine native pulmonary arteries were harvested 8 (n = 2), 16 (n = 4) and 24 (n = 2) weeks after transapical implantation of self-expandable stented heart valves. Second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy was used to assess the collagen (re)orientation of fresh tissue samples. The collagen and elastin content was quantified using biochemical assays. SHG microscopy revealed regional differences in collagen organization in all explants. In the adventitial layer of the arterial wall far distal to the stent (considered as the control tissue), we observed wavy collagen fibers oriented in the circumferential direction. These circumferential fibers were more straightened in the adventitial layer located behind the stent. On the luminal side of the wall behind the stent, collagen fibers were aligned along the stent struts and randomly oriented between the struts. Immediately distal to the stent, however, fibers on both the luminal and the adventitial side of the wall were oriented in the axial direction, demonstrating the stent impact on the collagen structure of surrounding arterial tissues. Collagen orientation patterns did not change with implantation time, and biochemical analyses showed no changes in the trend of collagen and elastin content with implantation time or location of the vascular wall. We hypothesize that the collagen fibers on the adventitial side of the arterial wall and behind the stent straighten in response to the arterial stretch caused by oversizing of the stent. However, the collagen organization on the luminal side suggests that stent-induced remodeling is dominated by contact guidance.
Cells Tissues Organs
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The anti-tumor effects of cordycepin-loaded liposomes on the growth of hepatoma 22 tumors in mice and human hepatoma BEL-7402 cells in culture.
The anti-tumor effects of cordycepin-loaded liposomes on the growth of hepatoma 22 tumors in mice and human hepatoma BEL-7402 cells in culture.
Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2016 Mar 17;:1-10
Authors: Wu PK, Tao Z, Ouyang Z, Cao JY, Geng D, Liu J, Wang CM
Liposomes have successfully been used for decades to encapsulate and protect drugs that are prone to deactivation in the body. The present study aimed to demonstrate the use of liposomes to encapsulate cordycepin, an adenosine analog that quickly loses its activity in vivo. The cordycepin-loaded liposomes were prepared by the ammonium sulfate gradient approach, and its in vitro and in vivo antitumour activities were evaluated using BEL-7402 cells and hepatocellular carcinoma H22 transplanted tumors, respectively. An MTT assay was used to observe the cytotoxicity of cells treated with cordycepin and cordycepin-loaded liposomes in vitro. High-content screening (HSC) was carried out using Hoechst 33342 to detect apoptotic cells and the ratio of cells in different cell cycle stages. The data demonstrated that both the cordycepin and the cordycepin-loaded liposomes resulted in clear cytotoxicity with IC50 values of 18.97 and 29.39 μg/mL, respectively. The latter showed significantly strong inhibitory effects on H22 tumor growth in mice, while the former did not show any inhibitory effects on tumor growth. In addition, the HSC assay showed that the cordycepin-loaded liposomes resulted in a higher rate of apoptosis than the cordycepin alone in BEL-7402 cells. Further data analysis revealed that the cells treated with cordycepin-loaded liposomes were predominately arrested at the G2/M phase (p < 0.05), while those treated with cordycepin alone were arrested in the G0/G1 phase (p < 0.05). In conclusion, these results suggest that liposomes can enhance and maintain the in vivo anti-tumor activity of cordycepin.
PMID: 26984179 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Human alveolar epithelial cells expressing tight junctions to model the air-blood barrier.
Human alveolar epithelial cells expressing tight junctions to model the air-blood barrier.
ALTEX. 2016 Mar 17;
Authors: Kuehn A, Kletting S, de Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Repnik U, Griffiths G, Fischer U, Meese E, Huwer H, Wirth D, May T, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr CM
This paper describes a new human alveolar epithelial cell line (hAELVi - human Alveolar Epithelial Lentivirus immortalized) with type I-like characteristics and functional tight junctions, suitable to model the air-blood barrier of the peripheral lung. Primary human alveolar epithelial cells were immortalized by a novel regimen, grown as monolayers on permeable filter supports and characterized morphologically, biochemically and biophysically. hAELVi cells maintain the capacity to form tight intercellular junctions, with high trans-epithelial electrical resistance (> 1000 Ω*cm²). The cells could be kept in culture over several days, up to passage 75, under liquid-liquid as well as air-liquid conditions. Ultrastructural analysis and real time PCR revealed type I-like cell properties, such as the presence of caveolae, expression of caveolin-1, and absence of surfactant protein C. Accounting for the barrier properties, inter-digitations sealed with tight junctions and desmosomes were also observed. Low permeability of the hydrophilic marker sodium fluorescein confirmed the suitability of hAELVi cells for in vitro transport studies across the alveolar epithelium. These results suggest that hAELVi cells reflect the essential features of the air-blood barrier, as needed for an alternative to animal testing to study absorption and toxicity of inhaled drugs, chemicals and nanomaterials.
PMID: 26985677 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Missed retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue in a patient operated for multinodular goiter.
Missed retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue in a patient operated for multinodular goiter.
Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2016;32(1):67-70
Authors: Kesici U, Koral Ö, Karyağar S, Kesici S, Yılbaş A, Karyağar S, Mataracı E, Mataracı İ
Ectopic thyroid tissue has been found from the tongue to the diaphragm. The most common ectopic thyroid tissue has been found in the tongue, submandibular region, cervical lymph nodes, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, mediastinum, diaphragm and heart respectively. "Forgotten goiter" is an extremely rare disease which is defined as a mediastinal thyroid mass found after total thyroidectomy. In this case report, we discussed a 49 year-old female patient whose retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue was detected by thyroid scintigraphy taken in postoperative period after total thyroidectomy performed with diagnosis of multinodular goiter. Papillary carcinoma was determined by the histopathological examination. Ectopic thyroid tissue was removed by performing sternotomy. We did not observe any postoperative surgical complications. 100 mCi dose of radioactive iodine was administered to the patient. Retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue detected after total thyroidectomy is a rarely encountered condition. Therefore, retrosternal ectopic thyroid tissue existence should be definitely kept in mind in patients with no increase in thyroid stimulating hormone level after total thyroidectomy.
PMID: 26985161 [PubMed]
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Using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a first-line device for out-of-hospital emergency intubation.
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Using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a first-line device for out-of-hospital emergency intubation.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2016 Jan;33(1):61-2
Authors: Li RP, Xue FS, Liu GP, Sun C
PMID: 26479516 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Reply to: using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a first-line device for out-of-hospital emergency intubation.
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Reply to: using the C-MAC videolaryngoscope as a first-line device for out-of-hospital emergency intubation.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2016 Jan;33(1):62-3
Authors: Hossfeld B, Lampl L, Helm M
PMID: 26351833 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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IJMS, Vol. 17, Pages 396: MicroRNA Expression during Bovine Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization
Successful fertilization and subsequent embryo development rely on complex molecular processes starting with the development of oocyte competence through maturation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules that function as gene regulators in many biological systems, including the oocyte and embryo. In order to further explore the roles of miRNAs in oocyte maturation, we employed small RNA sequencing as a screening tool to identify and characterize miRNA populations present in pools of bovine germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes, metaphase II (MII) oocytes, and presumptive zygotes (PZ). Each stage contained a defined miRNA population, some of which showed stable expression while others showed progressive changes between stages that were subsequently confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Bta-miR-155, bta-miR-222, bta-miR-21, bta-let-7d, bta-let-7i, and bta-miR-190a were among the statistically significant differentially expressed miRNAs (p < 0.05). To determine whether changes in specific primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts were responsible for the observed miRNA changes, we evaluated pri-miR-155, -222 and let-7d expression. Pri-miR-155 and -222 were not detected in GV oocytes but pri-miR-155 was present in MII oocytes, indicating transcription during maturation. In contrast, levels of pri-let-7d decreased during maturation, suggesting that the observed increase in let-7d expression was likely due to processing of the primary transcript. This study demonstrates that both dynamic and stable populations of miRNAs are present in bovine oocytes and zygotes and extend previous studies supporting the importance of the small RNA landscape in the maturing bovine oocyte and early embryo.
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