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AbstractTibial plateau fractures are common fractures associated with high-energy trauma. The treatment of these fractures remains a challenge today. Recent management of fractures has moved from open surgery toward minimally invasive surgery to reduce complications and improve functional outcomes. Nevertheless, such a minimalistic approach makes visualization of neurovascular structures difficult, placing them at risk. We report the case of a 39-year-old male who developed a pseudoaneurysm of the...
AbstractA 71-year-old lady presented with a 4-week-history of epigastric pain, feculent vomiting, diarrhoea and weight-loss. On subsequent investigations, she was found to have a complex gastro-cholecysto-colic fistula with no clear underlying aetiology. The only abnormality both macroscopically and microscopically was ulceration and inflammation in the colon. However, this was not pathognomonic of inflammatory bowel disease, and (gastric) acid-induced inflammation is an alternative explanation....
AbstractAs the desire for an intersex phenotypic condition increases, surgeons need to become aware of the surgical possibilities there are realistic expectations and a sound mind. A 43-year-old married cis-gender female, on testosterone desired conversion of her enlarged clitoris into a micropenis or metoidioplasty without scrotoplasty or urethral lengthening to increase the size and accentuate her orgasmic response. Following clearance by mental health, a diamond perineoplasty and metoidioplasty...
AbstractA 49-year-old woman presented to the hospital with a right inguinal swelling. On examination, we suspected hydrocele of the canal of Nuck (HCN) or an appendiceal or retroperitoneal tumor. Surgery for diagnosis and removal of the mass revealed that it was large and located in the preperitoneal cavity, extending into the inguinal ring; so, it was difficult to observe the entire outline of the mass solely using the laparoscopic approach. Therefore, we added the conventional approach with an...
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Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: Journal of Surgical EducationAuthor(s): Junaid Fukuta, Nina Gill, Rebecca Rooney, Alan Coombs, David Murphy
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Abstract Background There is no consensus on the appropriate treatment of lymphedema. Proposed techniques include lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA), vascularized lymph nodes transfer (VLNT), and suction lipectomy (SL). The benefit of combined procedures has also been postulated. In this prospective study, a combined protocol is proposed as an alternative to single‐procedure strategies. Methods Between January 2016 and October 2018, we enrolled patients with secondary lymphedema of lower...
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