Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 17 Αυγούστου 2018

Clinical Relevance of a Balance Training Program on Liver Transplant Patients. A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background Although some studies have reported significant improvements in physical function and strength after training programs on Liver Transplant (LT) recipients, there is a lack of knowledge on how it affects in static and dynamic balance, being an important part of these participants' tasks development. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of a 6-month multicomponent circuit training program on static and dynamic balance in LT participants. Methods 54 participants were randomized at 6 months after LT into 2 groups: exercise group (EXER) and control group (CONTROL), with repeat testing at 6 (baseline) and 12 months after LT. The intervention consisted in a multicomponent training, including balance, strength, endurance and flexibility training, with exercises arranged in a circuit setup and a moderate intensity with high perceived exertion. Training sessions were performed in the hospital facilities with qualified trainers. To determine differences overtime between EXER and CONTROL, mixed regression linear models with subject variable as random factor and variables of treatment duration, type and interaction as predictors were used. Results EXER showed significant differences (p<.05 compared to control in all variables of static and dynamic balance hip strength vs agility flexibility adherence the intervention was participants continued voluntarily training after months. conclusions this study demonstrated that a multicomponent circuit program at moderate intensity with high perceived exertion could reduce probability injuries because improves on lt recipients. author correspondence: juan c. colado phd department physical education sports universityof valencia c oliag spain. email: juan.colado authorship diego moya-n contributed design preparation recruitment instruction data acquisition collection tests interpretation drafting manuscript. moya-herraiz revising pedro gargallo helped draft revise joaqu calatayud javier escrig performed statistical analysis interpretation. supervision project authors read approved final disclosure declare no conflicts interest. funding didn receive any funds. copyright wolters kluwer health inc. rights reserved.>


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