Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Impact of Classroom Determinants on Psychosocial Aspects of Voice Among School Teachers of Indore, India: A Preliminary Survey


Teaching voice is the professional voice; often different in quality from our day-to-day speaking voice, and is supposed to be subjected to vocal abuse, misuse and overuse. This paper aims towards highlighting  the various classroom determinants that may impact teacher's voice and how these impacts can affect the daily activities in terms of functional emotional and psychosocial aspects. To understand the same, a cross sectional prospective study was conducted across eight English medium institutions of Indore (a city in central India) region. The study was carried out in three phases: formulation of a questionnaire, data collection (through administration of the questionnaire and VHI among sixty school teachers) followed by data analysis, to determine whether any association exists between the various classroom determinants and voice impairment. Significant association was found between determinants like teaching experience; number of classes, duration of breaks, use of any alternate method of teaching and alternate use of any amplification device with physical, emotional and functional aspects of life. The findings holistically indicate that various factors within the classroom environment only has a significant bearing on the voice disturbances of a school teacher's life thus deteriorating their quality of life. Thus it is substantial to begin a training programme by speech language pathologists in order to heighten awareness among teachers. After all voice disturbances are a real and treatable condition and with the right amount of training can be avoided.


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