The second volume of the series Re-thinking Europe offers an extended and revised version of a collection of papers selected from those presented at the third edition of the workshop Rethinking Europe held on 19th December 2014 at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and organised by the Centre for Ethics and Humanism in collaboration with the Centre for Critical Philosophy of Ghent University. As the reader will see, the present volume examines a diversity of topics (cosmopolitanism, fraternity, the burqa ban debate, political theology, human rights and democracy) from very different perspectives, methodological strategies and scientific backgrounds. Nevertheless, all papers share the same ultimate horizon of meaning: Europe as an on-going challenge of permanent reflection on the limits, constraints and possibilities of critical thinking.
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Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (28)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (19)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (54)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (3642)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (3200)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (3318)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (3683)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (2693)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (3198)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (3127)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (2173)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (700)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (600)
Μαρ 04
- Re-thinking Europe vol. II
- Aviremia 10 years postdiscontinuation of antiretro...
- 47 patients with FLNA associated periventricular n...
- Bezugskasus, Gestaltungskasus, Randkasus, Umfangsk...
- An annoyance from an anomalous OS
- Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa secondary to conge...
- Erythema induratum of Bazin and Poncet's arthropat...
- Oedema and thoracoepigastric vein dilation on bila...
- Should the norepinephrine maximal dosage rate be g...
- Unusual cause for overt upper gastrointestinal ble...
- Navigating care for Bedouin patients with diabetes
- Inducible lymphoid clusters, iSALTs, in contact de...
- Safety and immunogenicity of intradermal rabies va...
- Nutritional status of elderly in rural areas of Ha...
- Double fortified salt: an effective measure to con...
- Assessment of vaccine wastage in the immunization ...
- Assessment of musculoskeletal disorders by standar...
- Food consumption among overweight and obese workin...
- Determinants of utilization of maternity benefit s...
- Prevalence of substance abuse: a community based s...
- Factors affecting immunization among children of r...
- Study of nutritional status and its relation to mo...
- Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle towards ...
- A feasibility study of application of solution pre...
- A review on Indian national vaccine policy
- Intimate partner violence among ever married Group...
- Forecasting the trend in cases of Ebola virus dise...
- Membrane resistance and shunting inhibition: where...
- Short term depression of gap junctional coupling i...
- ER-PM junctions: Structure, function and dynamics
- Azacitidine-Induced Pericarditis: A Case Series
- The frequency of mucosal-associated invariant T ce...
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypernatremia
- Leptin Signaling is not Required for Anorexigenic ...
- Ablation of KNDy neurons results in hypogonadotrop...
- Adrenal Demedullation and Oxygen Supplementation I...
- Fractional high intensity focused radiofrequency i...
- Comparative study of wound healing in rat skin fol...
- Long-term outcome following thulium vaporesection ...
- Multi-Modular Text Normalization of Dutch User-Gen...
- Review of ‘Christian Joppke, The Secular State Und...
- Helmholtz’s Kant revisited (once more): the all-pe...
- Raman spectroscopy for the investigation of carbon...
- Nondestructive investigation on the 17-18th centur...
- Theory-driven, web-based, computer-tailored advice...
- 'Is de wereld nu opeens krankzinnig geworden?' Cyr...
- A new alternative to cosmetics preservation and th...
- Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of ZnO, cit...
- Relation between sensory analysis and rheology of ...
Μαρ 04
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (1350)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (1400)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (1450)
Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2016
Re-thinking Europe vol. II
Aviremia 10 years postdiscontinuation of antiretroviral therapy initiated during primary human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection and association with gag-specific T-cell responses
Combination antiretroviral therapy during primary human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection may enable long-term drug-free virological control in rare individuals. We describe a female who maintained aviremia and a normal CD4(+)/CD8(+) T cell ratio for 10 years after stopping therapy, despite a persistent viral reservoir. Cellular immune responses may have contributed to this outcome.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
47 patients with FLNA associated periventricular nodular heterotopia
Background: Heterozygous loss of function mutations within the Filamin A gene in Xq28 are the most frequent cause of bilateral neuronal periventricular nodular heterotopia (PVNH). Most affected females are reported to initially present with difficult to treat seizures at variable age of onset. Psychomotor development and cognition may be normal or mildly to moderately impaired. Distinct associated extracerebral findings have been observed and may help to establish the diagnosis including patent ductus arteriosus Botalli, progressive dystrophic cardiac valve disease and aortic dissection, chronic obstructive lung disease or chronic constipation. Genotype-phenotype correlations could not yet be established. Methods: Sanger sequencing and MLPA was performed for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH (age range 1 to 65 years). For 34 patients more detailed clinical information was available from a structured questionnaire and medical charts on family history, development, epileptologic findings, neurological examination, cognition and associated clinical findings. Available detailed cerebral MR imaging was assessed for 20 patients. Results: Thirty-nine different FLNA mutations were observed, they are mainly truncating (37/39) and distributed throughout the entire coding region. No obvious correlation between the number and extend of PVNH and the severity of the individual clinical manifestation was observed. 10 of the mutation carriers so far are without seizures at a median age of 19.7 years. 22 of 24 patients with available educational data were able to attend regular school and obtain professional education according to age. Conclusions: We report the clinical and mutation spectrum as well as MR imaging for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH including two adult males. Our data are reassuring in regard to psychomotor and cognitive development, which is within normal range for the majority of patients. However, a concerning median diagnostic latency of 17 to 20 years was noted between seizure onset and the genetic diagnosis, intensely delaying appropriate medical surveillance for potentially life threatening cardiovascular complications as well as genetic risk assessment and counseling prior to family planning for this X-linked dominant inherited disorder with high perinatal lethality in hemizygous males.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
An annoyance from an anomalous OS
A 32-year-old man, a farmer, presented with chronic pain in his left foot of 9 years duration. There was no history of trauma. Pain was typically aggravated by walking in the fields (uneven ground) or after prolonged standing. Several orthopaedists had treated this condition as an ankle sprain and plantar fasciitis for the past 9 years. However, the symptoms persisted. Clinical examination revealed a normal gait and normally arched left foot. No swelling was noted anywhere in the foot and ankle. Tenderness was noted over the lateral border of the foot, close to the calcaneocuboid joint. Eversion of the foot was characteristically painful and limited.
A bony prominence was noted distal to the fibula on plain X-rays (anteroposterior and lateral views) of the ankle (figure 1). MRI (1.5 T) study of the ankle observed a well-corticated bone lateral to the tip of the lateral malleolus articulating with the...
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa secondary to congestive cardiac failure
A 70-year-old woman with ischaemic cardiomyopathy was admitted and treated for de-compensated congestive cardiac failure (CCF). She had previously received treatment for recurrent episodes of lower limb cellulitis and reported progressively worsening swelling interfering with her daily activities. She had no history of filariasis or Milroy's disease.
Cutaneous examination showed grossly oedematous lower limbs with a woody, indurated feel on palpation (figure 1). There were multiple, tiny verrucous papules interspersed with postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, macerated web spaces and a positive Kaposi-Stemmer sign (figure 2). The patient was treated for CCF and lower limb cellulitis.
Figure 1
Grossly oedematous, erythematous lower limbs with verrucous papules, plaques and a woody indurated feel on palpation.
Figure 2
Positive Kaposi-Stemmer sign (inability to pinch the skin at the dorsal aspect of the base of the second toe).
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Erythema induratum of Bazin and Poncet's arthropathy as epiphenomena of hepatic tuberculosis
A 42-year-old black woman presented with fever, polyarthritis, livedo reticularis, subcutaneous calf nodules and hepatomegaly. She had been diagnosed with depression 6 weeks prior. Blood analysis showed anaemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C reactive protein, elevated liver enzymes, and positive antinuclear and antiribonucleoprotein antibodies. Abdominal ultrasound revealed heterogeneous hepatomegaly with necrotic lymphadenopathy around the caeliac trunk and splenic hilum. We considered the following diagnoses: lymphoma, connective tissue disease, tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. Subcutaneous nodule histology was compatible with erythema induratum of Bazin, and liver biopsy evidenced granulomatous hepatitis. Although microbiological examinations were negative in tissue samples, a presumptive diagnosis of hepatic tuberculosis was admitted. Having excluded other causes, erythema of Bazin, livedo reticularis and polyarticular involvement (Poncet's arthropathy) were accepted as immunological epiphenomena associated with tuberculosis. Empirical antituberculous treatment was started and after 3 weeks the patient improved substantially. This clinical response was a further confirmation of the diagnosis.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Oedema and thoracoepigastric vein dilation on bilateral legs: adrenal gland tumour with inferior vena cava tumour thrombus
An 86-year-old man presented with a 1-month history of progressive oedema of both legs. His medical history included stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma) with mediastinal lymph node metastasis, and he had been on cisplatin and gemcitabine for 1 year. Physical examination revealed oedema of lower extremities and dilation of the thoracoepigastric vein (figure 1). A right upper quadrant mass was palpated. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed a 61x65 mm adrenal gland tumour with a heterogeneous and irregular margin, along with an inferior vena cava (IVC) tumour thrombus extending into the right atrium (figure 2). His adrenal gland function was normal. Percutaneous biopsy of the right mass revealed adenocarcinoma. We clinically diagnosed the tumour as adrenal metastasis from lung cancer.
Figure 1
Dilation of thoracoepigastric vein.
Figure 2
Contrast-enhanced CT revealed an adrenal gland tumour with inferior vena cava tumour...
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Should the norepinephrine maximal dosage rate be greatly increased in late shock?
Any advanced shock eventually degenerates into vasoplegia, which responds weakly to vasopressors. The highest reported norepinephrine flow rate is 3 μg/kg/min. We present the case of a young explosion victim, who was transferred in late haemorrhagic shock. Apart from usual treatment (hydration, mass transfusion protocol), single-agent norepinephrine was used to maintain a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of >60–65 mm Hg. For several hours, norepinephrine flow was 7–10 times the aforementioned (highest reported) in order to achieve our goal; during which, further hydration or transfusion would not contribute to MAP elevation. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) severity score was 18 (expected mortality >99%). The patient survived without underperfusion-related damage. We conclude that norepinephrine dosages could potentially be greatly increased in late shock. We must resist giving up flow escalation based on its numerical value.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Unusual cause for overt upper gastrointestinal bleeding
A 66-year-old woman with a history of aortic stenosis, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension presented to accident and emergency department, with sudden onset haematemesis and melaena. Haemoglobin on arrival was 49 g/L. Following immediate resuscitation, she underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. After futile attempts to control the bleeding, the procedure was abandoned due to what the endoscopist described as 'profuse bleeding from D2'. Following discussion with the patient, an emergency laparotomy was performed.
At operation, blood was evident throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Duodenotomy was performed, which revealed bile in D1 but no active bleeding nor ulceration. The duodenum was kocherised in order to further explore the possibility of a hepatopancreatobiliary source, but no obvious pathology was found.
The entirety of the bowel was examined, with no obvious abnormality initially identified. At this point, blood was noted from the efferent limb of the duodenotomy. The D-J...
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Navigating care for Bedouin patients with diabetes
The Bedouin Arab population in the southern Negev region of Israel has faced health problems as a result of transitioning rapidly from a nomadic agricultural lifestyle to a more modern urban lifestyle. Like many populations around the world, the Bedouins have changed their diets and become more sedentary and this has led to a high rate of diabetes. In this case report, we examine how diabetes has affected the life of an influential man in the Bedouin community and the significance this case has in the greater context of a global rise in chronic disease.
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Inducible lymphoid clusters, iSALTs, in contact dermatitis: a new concept of acquired cutaneous immune responses
Antigen presentation to peripheral memory T cells is a key step in the prompt elicitation of acquired immune responses. In the mucosa, specific sentinel lymphoid tissues called mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue serve as antigen presentation sites. Correspondingly, the concept of skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT) has been proposed in the 1980s. However, the details of SALT have not been clarified so far. Recently, the live imaging analysis using two photon microscopes are developed. Here, we have identified inducible lymphoid clusters in the skin, we called it inducible SALTs (iSALTs), using a murine contact hypersensitivity model. In the elicitation phase, dendritic cells (DCs) formed clusters and interacted for several hours with effector memory T cells in the dermis. This interaction was essential for proliferation and activation of effector memory T cells in situ in an antigen dependent manner. Interestingly, DC clusters were abrogated by depletion of skin macrophages. Furthermore, IL-1 treatment induced CXCL2 production from macrophages and DC clusters were suppressed with the blockade of IL-1R or CXCR2. Taken together, this sustained conjugation between DCs and memory T cells, iSALTs, is essential for establishment of the effector phase in acquired cutaneous immunity.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Safety and immunogenicity of intradermal rabies vaccination for post exposure prophylaxis
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Ravish S. Hardanahalli, Rachana R. Annadani, Madhusudana N. Shampur, Veena Vijayashankar, Ashwath Narayana H. Doddabele, Gangaboraiah, Malatesh Undi.
Background: The affordability to anti-rabies vaccine (ARV) for intramuscular administration in post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a major constraint. Therefore, in countries, where there are financial constraints, WHO recommends intradermal rabies vaccination (IDRV) that reduces the quantity and cost of vaccination. The aim of the study was to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of IDRV implemented under National pilot project. Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted at anti rabies clinic (Government referral hospital), India where IDRV is implemented. The study included 515 animal bite cases who received PEP as recommended by WHO. ARV was administered intradermally using updated Thai red-cross regimen. Results: The incidence of adverse drug events was 9.7% and all resolved without any complication. The geometric mean concentration of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies among the vaccinees was 11.89IU/mL on day 14, which was above the WHO recommended titers of 0.5IU/mL. Conclusions: IDRV was found to be safe and immunogenic in PEP.
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Nutritional status of elderly in rural areas of Haldwani, Nainital district of Uttarakhand
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Janki Bartwal, Chandra Mohan S. Rawat, Sadhana Awasthi.
Background: Diet and nutrition are important factors in the promotion and maintenance of good health throughout the entire life course. Ageing is often accompanied by the occurrence of illness, which may increase the risk of nutritional deficiency. This study was conducted with the objective to know the nutritional status of elderly. Methods: A community based cross-sectional study in rural areas of Haldwani was done over a period of one year. Two stage sampling technique was used to collect the data from 440 elderly aged 60 years and above on a pretested semi structured questionnaire. Data was entered into Microsoft excel sheet, coded and then analysed using SPSS version 16. Chi square test was used as test of significance and p
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Double fortified salt: an effective measure to control micronutrient deficiencies in Indian pregnant women
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Kejal Joshi Reddy, Sirimavo Nair.
Background: Pregnant women and children are extremely affected by micronutrient deficiencies with reference to fetal growth manifestations as well as post birth. Iodine and iron deficiency leads to poor life quality during early fetal development and young children may compromise on their IQ and cognitive development. It is reported that there is an interrelations between iron and iodine metabolism. However, references on using double fortified salt (DFS) as a tool to improve micronutrient status among pregnant women are limited; hence this study was designed. Methods: Pregnant women (n=150) were enrolled from a semi government hospital of urban Vadodara, Gujarat, India during first trimester (
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Assessment of vaccine wastage in the immunization clinic attached to S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Gaurav Sharma, Renu Sethia, Rekha Acharya, Ratti Ram Meena.
Background: India released its first National Vaccine Policy in 2011. The country is presently developing new strategies to increase immunization coverage and reach more children with quality vaccine. High vaccine wastage increase vaccine demand and inflate overall program cost. Methods: This was records based descriptive study carried out at Immunization Clinic, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan. The information regarding vaccine vials used at Immunization Clinic and children vaccinated were retrieved from Immunization register for the reference period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. Results: Among individual vaccine, wastage factor and rates was highest (1.42 and 29.45% respectively) for Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) and lowest (1.10 and 9.21% respectively) for Hepatitis-B vaccine. The wastage rate for multi-dose vial was 27.66% for 5 doses vial, 13.88% for 10 doses vial and highest 29.45% for 20 doses vials. Among vaccines wastage rate of lyophilized vaccines (23.30%) were higher when compared to liquid vaccines (20.66%). Conclusions: Vaccine wastage rate can be obtained by monitoring of the immunization centre. Monitoring vaccine wastage will help not only to improve quality of the programme but it will also increase the efficiency of the programme. This can thus help save significant funds for an immunization programme.
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Assessment of musculoskeletal disorders by standardized nordic questionnaire among computer engineering students and teaching staff of Gulbarga city
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Jannatbi L. Iti, Sunil Kumar D., S. R. Nigudgi, Shrinivas Reddy.
Background: Computer work has generated a new genre of occupational health problems like Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI). Computer overuse have resulted in an epidemic of injuries of the hands, arms and shoulders causing pain and stiffness in various regions of the body like neck, lower back and wrist etc. The objective of the study was to find the prevalence of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among computer engineering students and teaching-staff in Gulbarga city. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among the 319 third-year students and 79 teaching-staffs of computer science department of all 4 engineering colleges in Gulbarga from January2011 to December2011. The study-subjects were interviewed using pre-designed and pretested proforma including Standardized Nordic Questionnaire. Appropriate statistical tests are applied. Results: Out of 398 study subjects majority (75.37%) were 20-22 years age studying B.E Computer science. The most disabling MSDs affecting study subjects were upper back 67 (16.83%), lower back 64 (16.08%), neck 51 (12.81%) and wrists/hand 34 (8.54%) which was statistically significant (χ²= 53.14, 64.514, 9.452, p
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Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Introduction: Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries. In India around 555,000 people died of cancer in the year 2010. In India the average age of the high risk group in India is 43-46 years unlike in the west where women aged 53-57 years are more prone to breast cancer. Objective: 1. To study the socio-demographic profile of Breast cancer patients attending tertiary care centre. 2. To study the type, site and at what stage Breast cancers are being reported. Material and methods: Hospital based Cross-Sectional Study, Carried out over a period of one year from November 2013 to October 2014. After obtaining the written informed consent from the patients, they will be enrolled in the study. A detailed pre-designed & pre-tested proforma is used to collect information on socio-demographic profile. All diagnosed Breast cancer patients are included in the study Results: Total of the 81 Breast cancer patients, 97.5% were female and 2.5% Male. And 58.01%were in the age group of 40-60yrs, 43.2% were graduate by education, 49.4% were housewives. 86.4% belonged to upper and upper middle class (class I and class II of BG Prasads). 8.6% shows positive family history. 67.9% were presents as Lump in the breast .39.5%were more than one month duration of symptoms .72.8% were Left sided breast cancer. 90.1% were infiltrative ductal cancer. 33.3% were in cancer stage II. Conclusion: The age for breast carcinoma was more in fifth and sixth decade of life in our Patients. Lump was the most dominant clinical presentation where majority of the patients were in cancer stage II.
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Food consumption among overweight and obese working Malay women in urban settings
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Suriani Ismail, Khadijah Shamsuddin, Khalib Abdul Latiff, Hazizi Abu Saad.
Background: The Malaysian Dietary Guideline 2010 (MDG) helps Malaysian to objectively estimate their food consumption. This study looks into the type of food consumed in a group of overweight and obese Malays women and the influences of their socio demographic characteristics. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 140 Malay women with body mass index (BMI) ≥25.0 kg/m2, working in public offices in two urban areas in Malaysia. Their food consumption was monitored using a 7-day self-administered food diary developed based on MDG 2010. The mean numbers of servings were compared to the servings recommended in the MDG 2010 for women who were not physically active, and then the association with socio demographic characteristics was tested using independent t test. Results: Their food consumption compared to MDG recommendations were as follows: 79.8% for carbohydrate, 24.8% for vegetables and fruits, 112.5.0% for protein and 124.0% for milk and dairy products. The consumption of fruits and vegetables was higher in the higher education group (P=0.03), of protein was higher in the high income group (P=0.02) and of milk and dairy product was higher in the younger age group (≤40 year old) (P=0.05). Conclusions: Their consumption of protein and dairy product was higher but the consumption of carbohydrate and vegetables and fruits, was lower than the recommended quantity. The type of food consumption was influenced by respondents education level, income and age group.
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Determinants of utilization of maternity benefit schemes among mothers in urban slums of Davangere city, Karnataka, India
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Navinkumar Angadi, Shubha Davalgi, Raghavendra S. K..
Background: Maternal healthcare still a major challenge to the global public health system, especially in developing countries. Globally, every day about 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Many maternity benefit schemes were implemented to improve financial and geographic access to quality care for poor mothers. The objectives of the study were to 1. Utilization of maternity benefit schemes among mothers in urban slums of davangere city. 2. Determinants of utilization of these maternity benefit schemes among mothers in urban slums. Study design was community based cross-sectional study. Methods: This study was conducted among all the mothers who had delivered prior to one year from the start of the study in urban slums. Results: 57% of the mothers had utilised Janani Suraksha Yojana, 29% of mothers had utilized Prasuthi Araike Yojana, 65% of mothers had utilized Madilu Yojana and none of mothers had utilized Thayi Bhagya schemes. The major source of information was health care workers. Major reason for non-utilization of maternity benefit schemes was lack of awareness. Conclusions: Overall the utilization of various maternity benefit schemes is poor among beneficiaries. Mothers and their husbands literacy status, occupation of mother , type of family, socioeconomic status are the important factors that affect utilization of various schemes.
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Prevalence of substance abuse: a community based study
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Roma S. Dadwani, Tintu Thomas.
Background: Tobacco, alcohol, and illicit substance use continue to result in substantial morbidity and mortality and significant societal economic costs despite considerable efforts to minimize use of illicit substances and prevent use of illicit substances. The objective is to estimate the prevalence of substance use and its association with socio-demographic variables. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out through house to house visits on 1341 randomly selected people of 10 years and above age group in urban area of Surendranagar city, Gujarat, India. Results: In present study, overall prevalence of substance abuse was 18.86%. The mean age of onset for drug use was 26.9 years. Proportion of substance abuse found to be greater among males (79.84%), those who were from class IV (68.37%), those who were belongs to joint families (61.67%) and who were literate (55.73%). The most common substance to be abused was tobacco (38%) followed by alcohol (34%). Females showed high prevalence for chhikni or bajjar (80.39%). Conclusions: Our study revealed that in spite of having strict legislation for prohibition of substance abuse, people are still addicted with alcohol, cannabis, drugs etc. So prohibition has done nothing more than drive liquor underground. There is a need to change either in law or in behavior of people at large.
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Factors affecting immunization among children of rural population of block Malpura, district Tonk, Rajasthan, India
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Govind Singhal, H. N. Mathur, Mukul Dixit, Anmol Khandelwal.
Background: Immunization is a highly cost effective way of improving child survival, however it is estimated that every year, at least 27 million children worldwide do not receive the basic package of immunizations. In India, immunization services are offered free in public health facilities, but the immunization rate remains low. The Routine Immunization schedule includes BCG, OPV, DPT, hepatitis B, and measles vaccines. Now heamophillus influenza B, DPT and hepatitis B are given combined as a pentavalent vaccine since September 2014 in Rajasthan. Objectives of the study are, to determine immunization coverage status of infants and to know about socio-demographic factors influencing infant immunization. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 210 caretakers and infants of 12-23 months old selected by applying the 30 × 7 cluster sampling method in block Malpura during the period of March 2015 to April 2015. Only one infant was selected from each care taker. Results: It was observed that 149 (70.96%) of the subjects had complete immunization while 50 (23.80%) had partial and 11 (5.24%) had no immunization coverage. Complete immunization was observed better in Hindu families of 121 (81.20%) subjects. Literacy status of parents is related to high immunization coverage as observed that 105 (70.47%) mothers and 111 (74.49%) fathers were literate out of 149 completely immunized subjects. Immunization coverage was observed better among children delivered at institutions as 132 (88.59%) out of 149 completely immunized subjects delivered at institutions whereas 23 (46%) from partially immunized and 06 (54.54%) from non-immunized were delivered at home. The commonest reason among partial and non-immunized infant was sickness 22 (36.06%) of elder sibling as a result of the previous vaccination followed by 20 (32.07%) of the sickness of beneficiary at the time of vaccination. Conclusions: There is good immunization coverage observed in this rural block but to achieve the goal of vaccine preventable diseases and the millennium development goal of reducing child mortality, we have to strengthen routine immunization services and also to motivate the community as well as health care providers to follow the National Immunization Programme.
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Study of nutritional status and its relation to morbid conditions among adolescent girls residing in social welfare hostels in the Kuppam mandal of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Sharvanan E. Udayar, Deepthi Kommula, Devi Vara Prasad.
Background: Adolescence period is very crucial since these are the formative years in the life of an individual when major physical, psychological and behavioural changes take place. The aim and objective of study was conducted as part of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Short Term Studentship (STS) project and was done with the objectives of assessing the nutritional status and morbidity conditions among adolescent girls residing in a social welfare hostel and to study association between nutritional status and morbidity conditions among these adolescent girls. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among adolescent girls aged 10-19 years who were residing in the social and tribal welfare hostel in Kuppam mandal of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Results: A total of 583 adolescent school girls were studied. There was a high prevalence of under nutrition (70.5%), which was significantly associated with the early age. We also noted higher prevalence of morbidity conditions like reproductive (28.7%), skin (21.5%) and dental problems (19.2%). Conclusions: The outcome of this nutritional assessment among adolescent girls can be used as the basis for policy-making decisions at various ministry levels such as ministry of social welfare and ministry of women and child development. Ensuring regular school health programmes for health education, early detection and proper treatment will bring down the burden of malnutrition among these populations.
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Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle towards teenagers’ overweight/obesity status
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Septi Viantri Kurdaningsih, Toto Sudargo, Lely Lusmilasari.
Background: The prevalence of obesity and overweight that caused by genetic factor and environment factors, like physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, increased continually, not only in children and teenagers who live in developed countries, but also in developing countries. Aim of this research was to understand the relation of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle towards teenagers overweight/obesity status of State Senior High School in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Methods: This research was an observational research using cross-sectional method. Samples in this research were 184 State Senior High School students in Yogyakarta between July-August 2015 with proportional stratified random sampling method. Data was analyzed using chi-square test and multiple logistic regressions. Results: There was relation between physical activity and overweight/obesity (p
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A feasibility study of application of solution prepared by mixing castor oil and turmeric powder to prevent infection with leptospirosis in Ambach village, Surat, Gujarat, India
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Abhay Kavishvar, Mamtarani Verma.
Background: Leptospirosis is an acute infection caused by spirochetes belonging to the genus leptospira that can lead to multiple organ involvement and fatal complications. Objectives were to study the acceptance solution prepared by mixing turmeric powder with castor oil, a protective measure against leptospirosis and the feasibility of use of that measure at mass level. Methods: Study was conducted in Ambach village. Group discussion in the meeting at Community Center as well as in the farm when at risk people were actually at work was conducted in the month of June-July 2008. Application of Castor oil and turmeric solution (CT solution) was demonstrated. Solution or a paste prepared by mixing turmeric and castor oil should be applied on the whole surface of both the legs which comes in contact with water in the field. All those who go to field should apply it and provide the feedback in the next group meeting. No statistical tests were applied and results were obtained simply as their feedback. Results: In the form of feedback were from farm workers on inquiring about the trial.1. Families tried it but did not ask for more amount of such solution. 2. It disappeared quickly hence of no use. Conclusions: It can be concluded that farmers, agricultural labourers and other people are not yet prepared to adopt personal protective measures which they feel is not effective, requires daily and regular application and is not affordable. Other known options like early detection and prompt treatment and chemoprophylaxis can be better available as and when sought.
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A review on Indian national vaccine policy
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Priyanka Sontakke, Anup N., Himanshu Kumawat, Prateek Jain, Veena Sontakke.
Vaccines are one of the most successful health interventions that bring about significant reductions in infectious diseases and adverse health consequences and improve quality of life in the population. Over the years vaccines have provided highly cost effective improvements to human health by reducing avoidable human suffering, costs of care and treatment, economic consequences of work i.e. lower productivity and loss of work. More and more diseases are becoming vaccine preventable; including those for prominent killers like pneumonia and diarrhea, and the technology used is evolving rapidly. Since vaccines are administered to healthy people, especially children, it is pivotal to ascertain they are safe and cost effective. Consequently vaccine development has become time and resource intensive, with more stringent regulatory pathways to ensure safety and efficacy of vaccines. In a situation where there is abundance of new and expensive vaccines on one hand and limitations of resources on the other, it becomes imperative that use of vaccines through induction in the universal immunization program (UIP) as well as in the free market is done through a framework of decision-making that confers positive health and economic benefits to the society.
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Intimate partner violence among ever married Group-D women workers in a medical institution
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Shwetha T. M., Ashok J., Rajanna M. S., Rajesh S. S., Krishna Iyengar.
Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common type of violence against women. It has adverse consequences on physical, mental and sexual health. Hence this study was conducted to study intimate partner violence among married Group D female workers in a medical college campus, to document their help seeking for IPV and to assess their attitude towards intimate partner violence. Methods: A cross-sectional study among married Group- D women workers in a medical college campus. Of the total 73, 60 Group- D workers who gave informed consent were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. In addition, data on socio-economic characteristics was collected. Descriptive statistics, Chi square test, Fischers exact test was used for analysis. Analysis was done using SPSS software version 18. Results: The study showed that of 60 Groups D women workers in a medical institution, 29 (48%) experienced life time IPV. Some socio-economic characters like type of family, type of marriage, husbands education and alcohol intake by husband were significantly associated with IPV. Almost all (97%) said that the wife beating was unacceptable. Only 41% sought help for IPV. Conclusions: IPV in Group-D married women of a medical institution was high with nearly 50% reporting IPV. Influencing factors such as type of family, type of marriage, educational status of husband and alcohol intake by husband were associated with IPV. The help seeking behaviour was not satisfactory.
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Forecasting the trend in cases of Ebola virus disease in West African countries using auto regressive integrated moving average models
Source: International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Manikandan M., Velavan A., Zile Singh, Anil J. Purty, Joy Bazroy, Senthamarai Kannan.
Background: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. The current outbreak in West African countries like Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone is one of the largest in the history. Hence, to forecast the trend in a number of cases of EVD reported in these Countries a univariate time series model was used. Methods: We adopted an Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models on the data collected between March 2014 to December 2014 and verified it using the data available between Jan 2015 to June 2015. The same has been used to predict the number of cases till December 2016 without any additional intervention. Results: The results also showed an increasing trend in the actual and forecasted numbers of EVD cases. The appropriate ARIMA (1, 1, 0) model was selected based on Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) values. Conclusions: Hence, to prevent the disease from getting established as an endemic in these countries, additional interventions with an increase in the intensity of existing interventions and support of the international community along with WHO is essential to stop the epidemic.
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Membrane resistance and shunting inhibition: where biophysics meets state-dependent human neurophysiology
Activation of neurons not only changes their membrane potential and firing rate but, as a secondary action reduces membrane resistance. This loss of resistance, or increase of conductance, may be of central importance in non-invasive magnetic or electric stimulation of the human brain since electrical fields cause larger changes in transmembrane voltage in resting neurones with low membrane conductances than in active neurones with high conductance. This may explain why both the immediate and after-effects of brain stimulation are smaller or even reversed during voluntary activity compared to rest. Membrane conductance is also increased during shunting inhibition, which accompanies the classic GABAa IPSP. This short-circuits nearby EPSPs and is suggested here to contribute to the magnitude and time course of short latency intracortical inhibition (SICI) and facilitation (ICF).
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Short term depression of gap junctional coupling in reticular thalamic neurons of absence epileptic rats
Introduction Neurons in the reticular-thalamic-nucleus (RTN) are coupled by electrical synapses, which play a major role in regulating synchronous activity. This study investigates electrical coupling in RTN neurons from a rat model of childhood-absence epilepsy, Genetic-Absence-Epilepsy-Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS), compared with a Non-Epileptic-Control strain (NEC), in order to assess the impact on pathophysiological rhythmogenesis. Methods Whole-cell recordings were obtained from pairs of RTN neurons of GAERS and NEC in vitro. Coupling was determined by injection of hyperpolarizing current-steps in one cell and monitoring evoked voltage responses in both activated and coupled cell. The coupling coefficient (cc) was compared under resting condition, during pharmacological interventions and repeated activation using series of current injections. Effect of gap-junctional coupling on seizure expression was investigated by application of gap-junctional blockers into RTN of GAERS in vivo. Results CC at resting conditions did not differ between GAERS and NEC. During repeated activation, cc declined in GAERS but not in NEC. This depression in cc restored within 25 s and was prevented by intracellular presence of BAPTA in the activated but not in the coupled cell. Local application of gap-junction blockers into RTN of GAERS in vivo resulted in a decrease of SWD activity. Discussion Repeated activation results in a short-term-depression (STD) of gap-junctional coupling in RTN neurons of GAERS, depending on intracellular Ca2+ mechanisms in the activated cell. Since blockage of gap-junctions in vivo results in a decrease of SWD activity, the STD observed in GAERS is considered a compensatory mechanism, aimed to dampen SWD activity.
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ER-PM junctions: Structure, function and dynamics
ER-PM junctions are contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the plasma membrane (PM). The distance between the two organelles in the junctions is below 40 nm and the membranes are connected by protein tethers. A number of molecular tools and technical approaches have been recently developed to visualise, modify and characterise properties of ER-PM junctions. The junctions serve as the platforms for lipid exchange between the organelles and for cell signalling, notably Ca2+ and cAMP signalling. Vice versa, signalling events regulate the development and properties of the junctions. Two Ca2+-dependent mechanisms of de novo formation of ER-PM junctions have been recently described and characterised. The junction-forming proteins and lipids are currently the focus of vigorous investigations. Junctions can be relatively short-lived and simple structures, forming and dissolving on the time-scale of a few minutes. However, complex, sophisticated and multifunctional ER-PM junctions, capable of attracting numerous protein residents and other cellular organelles, have been described in some cell types. The road from simplicity to complexity i.e. the transformation from simple 'nascent' ER-PM junctions to advanced stable multiorganellar complexes, is likely to become an attractive research avenue for current and future junctologists. Another area of considerable research interest is the downstream cellular processes that can be activated by specific local signalling events in the ER-PM junctions. Studies of the cell physiology and indeed pathophysiology of ER-PM junctions have already produced some surprising discoveries, likely to expand with advances in our understanding of these remarkable organellar contact sites.
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Azacitidine-Induced Pericarditis: A Case Series
Azacitidine is a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes, and used off-label for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.Azacitidine is cytotoxic at high doses, whereas at lower doses, it induces DNA demethylation and differentiation. Commonly reported adverse effects include cytopenias, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and injection-site erythema. To our knowledge, no reports of pericarditis secondary to azacitidine have been published. We describe three cases of pericarditis possibly related to azacitidine administration in a span of 3 years at our center. Patient no. 1 presented with pericarditis after cycle 2 of azacitidine, patient no. 3 presented 3 weeks after completing cycle 5, and patient no. 2 presented during cycle 1 and had prior history of pericarditis, although she was completely asymptomatic at the start of treatment. In addition, transthoracic echocardiography in patient no. 1 was within normal limits whereas that of patient nos. 2 and 3 showed a new pericardial effusion. The onset of symptoms with repeated administration may suggest that cardiotoxicity could be secondary to a hypersensitivity or immune reaction. This would be also supported by the quick resolution of symptoms with corticosteroid therapy in the three patients. Use of the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale indicated a probable adverse drug reaction (score of 6) for patient nos. 1 and 3 and a possible adverse drug reaction (score of 3) for patient no. 2. With the exclusion of other common causes of pericarditis, we believe it is likely that azacitidine was responsible for the findings in our patients. Providers caring for patients receiving hypomethylating agents should consider this potential adverse drug reaction in the setting of unexplained chest pain or other clinical signs consistent with cardiotoxicity. We encourage providers to report similar and new adverse drug reactions to the United States Food and Drug Administration, as we did through their MedWatch program, or their appropriate local agencies.
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The frequency of mucosal-associated invariant T cells is selectively increased in dermatitis herpetiformis
Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are a novel subset of innate-like T-cells that are enriched in mucosal tissues. Their presence in human skin has only recently been recognised. We describe the expression of skin-tropic molecules on human skin MAIT cells at steady state and investigate their contribution to various dermatoses with known T-cell involvement.
To examine the expression of skin-tropic molecules by MAIT cells at steady state, we performed a flow cytometric analysis of blood and skin samples from healthy donors. To investigate any potential wider contribution of MAIT cells to skin disease, we examined psoriasis, alopecia areata and dermatitis herpetiformis biopsies using immunofluorescent staining to identify the proportion of T-cells expressing MAIT cell surface markers.
We found that MAIT cells constituted a small population of T-cells in normal human skin, similar to the percentage found in peripheral blood. Like other skin T-cells, skin MAIT cells expressed high levels of the skin-associated markers, cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and CD103. In psoriasis and alopecia areata the proportion of MAIT cells was similar to that found in normal skin, but in dermatitis herpetiformis it was significantly elevated.
The expression of skin-tropic molecules by skin MAIT cells is consistent with their resident status in normal human skin. Our results suggest that MAIT cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of dermatitis herpetiformis.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypernatremia
Publication date: Available online 4 March 2016
Source:Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Author(s): Saif A. Muhsin, David B. Mount
Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium level above 145 mmol/L. It is a frequently encountered electrolyte disturbance in the hospital setting, with an unappreciated high mortality. Understanding hypernatremia requires a comprehension of body fluid compartments, as well as concepts of the preservation of normal body water balance. The human body maintains a normal osmolality between 280 and 295 mOsm/kg via Arginine Vasopressin (AVP), thirst, and the renal response to AVP; dysfunction of all three of these factors can cause hypernatremia. We review new developments in the pathophysiology of hypernatremia, in addition to the differential diagnosis and management of this important electrolyte disorder.
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Leptin Signaling is not Required for Anorexigenic Estradiol Effects in Female Mice
Endocrinology, Early Release.
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Ablation of KNDy neurons results in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and amplifies the steroid-induced LH surge in female rats
Endocrinology, Early Release.
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Adrenal Demedullation and Oxygen Supplementation Independently Increase Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Concentrations in Fetal Sheep with Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Endocrinology, Early Release.
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Fractional high intensity focused radiofrequency in the treatment of mild to Moderate laxity of the lower face and neck: A pilot study
Background and Aims
The aging process is commonly associated with skin laxity in the lower face and neck. Conventional surgery can correct this at least to some extent, but is invasive. Fractional high-intensity focused radiofrequency delivered to the dermis with insulated microneedles has recently attracted attention in facial rejuvenation. The present pilot study was designed to assess the efficacy of HiFR for skin laxity of the lower face and neck.
Thirty-three patients (7 males, 26 females, age range 37–74 years) with mild to moderate skin laxity of the lower face/neck participated in the study. Three treatments were given at monthly intervals with protocols developed by the authors, three passes per session, at decreasing dermal depths for each pass. Histologic assessment of skin immediately after treatment was performed to identify the site and area of damage in the dermis. Clinical digital photography was taken at baseline and at 6 months after the final treatment session, based on which standardized computer measurement of improvement in the gnathion and cervicomental angles was the primary objective evaluation. A global assessment of improvement was graded by blinded assessors based on the photography. A telephone survey of patient satisfaction was performed at 12 months post-treatment.
A significant post-treatment decrease in the cervicomental and gnathion angles was seen of 28.5° and 16.6°, respectively (P < 0.0001 for both). Histology immediately post-treatment showed a clear demarcated and roughly oval area of coagulation associated with the tip of the needle, confined to the dermis and not involving the epidermis. In the global assessment 81.8% of the patients achieved moderate or higher results, and 87% of patients were very satisfied or better. Downtime was minimal, lasting 3–4 days, and no persistent adverse events were recorded.
Fractional HiFR proved safe and effective in the treatment of neck laxity in a large age range of patients, including the elderly. Lasers Surg. Med. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Comparative study of wound healing in rat skin following incision with a novel picosecond infrared laser (PIRL) and different surgical modalities
Background and Objective
As a result of wound healing the original tissue is replaced by dysfunctional scar tissue. Reduced tissue damage during surgical procedures beneficially affects the size of the resulting scar and overall healing time. Thus the choice of a particular surgical instrument can have a significant influence on the postoperative wound healing. To overcome these problems of wound healing we applied a novel picosecond infrared laser (PIRL) system to surgical incisions. Previous studies indicated that negligible thermal, acoustic, or ionization stress effects to the surrounding tissue results in a superior wound healing.
Study Design/Materials and Methods
Using the PIRL system as a surgical scalpel, we performed a prospective wound healing study on rat skin and assessed its final impact on scar formation compared to the electrosurgical device and cold steel. As for the incisions, 6 full-thickness, 1-cm long-linear skin wounds were created on the dorsum of four rats using the PIRL, an electrosurgical device, and a conventional surgical scalpel, respectively. Rats were euthanized after 21 days of wound healing. The thickness of the subepithelial fibrosis, the depth and the transverse section of the total scar area of each wound were analyzed histologically.
After 21 days of wound healing the incisions made by PIRL showed minor scar tissue formation as compared to the electrosurgical device and the scalpel. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) were noted by comparing the electrosurgical device with PIRL and scalpel. The transverse section of the scar area also showed significant differences (P = 0.043) when comparing PIRL (mean: 141.46 mm2; 95%CI: 105.8–189.0 mm2) with scalpel incisions (mean: 206.82 mm2; 95%CI: 154.8–276.32 mm2). The subepithelial width of the scars that resulted from using the scalpel were 1.3 times larger than those obtained by using the PIRL (95%CI: 1.0–1.6) though the difference was not significant (P < 0.083).
The hypothesis that PIRL results in minimal scar formation with improved cosmetic outcomes was positively verified. In particular the resection of skin tumors or pathological scars, such as hypertrophic scars or keloids, are promising future fields of PIRL application. Lasers Surg. Med. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Long-term outcome following thulium vaporesection of the prostate
The continuous wave 2-μm Thulium Laser has been introduced as potential technology with both high efficiency and safe practice; although little data have been shown regarding the long-term outcomes.
To analyze the long-term outcomes after thulium vaporesection of the prostate (ThuVaRP).
ThuVaRP was performed using the continuous wave, 2-μm Thulium: YAG laser at 70 W. The perioperative and post-operative follow-up data were analyzed.
The average age at surgery was 71.5 (range 55–94 years). The median prostate size was 60.1 g (range 36.3–109.8 g). A median operation time was noted at 44.8 ± 6.5 minutes, while the median catheterization time was 3.5 ± 0.5 days. In regards to hospital stay, most patients had an average duration of 5.5 ± 1.5 days. Minor complications requiring non-interventional treatment happened in 237 (36.24%) of 654 patients, while major complications requiring re-interventions occurred in one patient (0.15%). During a 60-month follow-up, bladder neck fibrosis occurred in 1.22% of the patients. A BPH recurrence happened in 17 (2.60%) patients, of which 14 patients (2.14%) received a second surgery. In comparison to the pre-operative baseline, the patients Qmax, PVR volume, IPSS, and Qol scores all improved significantly (P < 0.01) at time of discharge. This continued into the post-operative follow-up visits (3-6-12-18-14-26-48-60 months).
ThuVaRP is both an effective and safe treatment procedure for symptomatic BPO (with a low occurrence of complications). Lasers Surg. Med. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Multi-Modular Text Normalization of Dutch User-Generated Content
As social media constitute a valuable source for data analysis for a wide range of applications, the need for handling such data arises. However, the non-standard language used on social media poses problems for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools as these are typically trained on standard language material. We propose a text normalization approach to tackle this problem. More specifically, we investigate the usefulness of a multi-modular approach to account for the diversity of normalization issues encountered in user-generated content. We consider three different types of user-generated content written in Dutch (SNS, SMS and tweets) and provide a detailed analysis of the performance of the different modules and the overall system. We also apply an extrinsic evaluation by evaluating the performance of a part-of-speech tagger, lemmatizer and named-entity recognizer before and after normalization.
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Nondestructive investigation on the 17-18th centuries Sicilian jewelry collection at the Messina regional museum using mobile Raman equipment
Theory-driven, web-based, computer-tailored advice to reduce and interrupt sitting at work: development, feasibility and acceptability testing among employees
BACKGROUND: Because of the adverse health effects in adults, interventions to influence workplace sitting, a large contributor to overall daily sedentary time, are needed. Computer-tailored interventions have demonstrated good outcomes in other health behaviours, though few have targeted sitting time at work. Therefore, the present aims were to (1) describe the development of a theory-driven, web-based, computer-tailored advice to influence sitting at work, (2) report on the feasibility of reaching employees, and (3) report on the acceptability of the advice. METHODS: Employees from a public city service (n = 179) were invited by e-mail to participate. Employees interested to request the advice (n = 112) were sent the website link, a personal login and password. The online advice was based on different aspects of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Self-Determination Theory and Self-Regulation Theory. Logistic regressions were conducted to compare characteristics (gender, age, education, employment status, amount of sitting and psychosocial correlates of workplace sitting) of employees requesting the advice (n = 90, 80.4%) with those who did not. Two weeks after visiting the website, 47 employees (52.2%) completed an online acceptability questionnaire. RESULTS: Those with a high education were more likely to request the advice than those with a low education (OR = 2.4, CI = 1.0-5.8), and those with a part-time job were more likely to request the advice compared to full-time employees (OR = 2.9, CI = 1.2-7.1). The majority found the advice interesting (n = 36/47, 76.6%), relevant (n = 33/47, 70.2%) and motivating (n = 29/47, 61.7%). Fewer employees believed the advice was practicable (n = 15/47, 31.9%). After completing the advice, 58.0% (n = 25/43) reported to have started interrupting their sitting and 32.6% (n = 17/43) additionally intended to do so; 14.0 % (n = 6/43) reported to have reduced their sitting and another 51.2% (n = 22/43) intended to do so. DISCUSSION: More efforts are needed to reach lower educated and full-time workers. Further research should examine the effects of this intervention in a rigorous randomised controlled trial. CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to reach employees with this tool. Most of the employees who requested the advice found it acceptable and reported they changed their behaviour or intended to change it. Interrupting sitting appeared more achievable than reducing workplace sitting.
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'Is de wereld nu opeens krankzinnig geworden?' Cyriel Buysse als getuige van de Grote Oorlog
Bespreking van de verhalen en journalistieke bijdragen van Cyriel Buysse over de Eerste Wereldooorlog
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A new alternative to cosmetics preservation and the effect of the particle size of the emulsion droplets on preservation efficacy
This study describes a new alternative combination preservative containing caprylyl glycol, phenethyl alcohol, and glyceryl caprylate and investigates the effects of the particle size of the emulsion droplet on the antimicrobial activity of the said blend in the formulation.
The antimicrobial activity of the ingredients and the blend were determined via MIC, MBC, MFC, and fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) determination using the broth microdilution method. The blend inhibited the microorganism contamination of the oil-in-water emulsion, and its performance was affected by the particle size of the emulsion droplet, as shown by the in vitro microbial challenge test.
Results show that the MIC/MBC/MFC values of the blend were lower than those of any of the ingredients used alone. Any two of the ingredients presented no antagonistic activities against all the tested microorganisms, and synergism or additive effects were also observed. The challenge test also showed that the action of the blend against bacteria and yeast was only 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively, and mold was completely inhibited at 1.4%, meeting the requirements of the PCPC and European Pharmacopoeia. The results showed that antimicrobial activity was gradually enhanced when the particle size of the emulsion droplets increased significantly in the range of 100–900 nm. A positive correlation was found between antimicrobial activity and particle size.
The synergistic performance of caprylyl glycol, phenethyl alcohol, and glyceryl caprylate and the antimicrobial activity of their blend suggest that their combination is effective and exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, the results show a positive correlation between the antimicrobial activity of the preservative and the particle size of the emulsion droplets in the range of 100–900 nm, when the same concentration of the blend is used in the same formulation. The particle size of the emulsion droplets is demonstrated to be a newly-discovered factor that influences the preservation of cosmetic products.
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Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of ZnO, citric acid, and a mixture of both against Propionibacterium acnes
In this study, antimicrobial activities of ZnO of three different particle sizes, of citric acid (CA), and of mixtures of ZnO and CA were confirmed against Propionibacterium acnes.
ZnO with the smallest particle size showed relatively high antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion assay and broth macrodilution assay. The mixtures of ZnO and CA also showed relatively high antimicrobial activity when the particle size of ZnO was the smallest. Furthermore, antimicrobial activities of ZnO, CA, and the mixtures of ZnO and CA were compared through the checkerboard assay.
The results indicated that a 1:1 ratio of ZnO and CA resulted in the highest antimicrobial activity. The substances were confirmed to have synergic antimicrobial effects. With the time kill curve assay, the mixture of ZnO containing CA reduced the surviving microbial content the most after 24 h.
The results of our study suggest that ZnO may not only be an antimicrobial ingredient for the prevention of and treatment of acne. The results of our study suggest that ZnO may be an antimicrobial ingredient for the prevention of and treatment of acne when mixed with CA.
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Relation between sensory analysis and rheology of body lotions
Evaluation of sensory attributes of cosmetic products is traditionally based on sensory panels. However, in some cases a suitable candidate method which can reduce time and costs is the use of instrumental analysis that can detect relatively very small changes of entry ingredients. Such approach has been already applied for emollients, salt content, stabilizers, etc. The aim of this contribution is to apply the relations between sensory analysis and rheology to a series of body lotions differing in the contents of emulsifiers and viscosity regulators.
Sensory and rheological analyses are related. Rheological analysis can represent a good alternative to basic orientation in chosen customer's feelings. A rotational rheometer is the only instrumental device required for the measurements.
An empirical rheological model was proposed by means of which the selected sensory attributes were evaluated using the numerical values of adjustable model parameters. This approach exhibited a very good agreement with the results obtained by the sensory panel.
It was shown that a description of chosen sensory attributes can be responsibly carried out by rheological measurements, i. e. through the attained numerical values of the parameters appearing in a proposed empirical model characterizing shear viscosity of body lotions.
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