Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2018

Heterogeneity in Positive Predictive Value of RAS Mutations in Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid, Ahead of Print.


Identification of a Recurrent LMO7–BRAF Fusion in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Thyroid, Ahead of Print.


Predominantly cystic clear cell renal cell carcinoma and multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential form a low-grade spectrum


Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma has been recently excluded from clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC) category and re-designated as multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential (MCRNLMP) due to its uniformly good outcomes. While strict distinction between MCRNLMP from predominantly cystic CCRCC (pc-CCRCC) is being emphasized, the significance of extensive true cystic component in CCRCC has not been investigated. Herein, we analyzed 57 MCRNLMP, 69 pc-CCRCC, and 46 non-cystic CCRCC. There were no statistically significant differences between the three subtypes in age, gender, and laterality. ISUP grades were 1 (73%) or 2 (27%) for MCRNLMP; for pc-CCRCC were 1 (31%), 2 (60%), and 3 (9%); and for non-cystic CCRCC were 1 (9%), 2 (52%), 3 (26%), and 4 (13%). MCRNLMP were either pT stage 1 (91%) or 2 (9%), pT stages for pc-CCRCC were 1 (92.5%), 2 (1.5%), and 3 (6%) and for non-cystic CCRCC were 1 (58.7%), 2 (6.5%), and 3 (34.8%). None of MCRNLMP patients developed recurrences or metastases, and only 1 contralateral kidney tumor and 1 metastasis developed in pc-CCRCC. In contrast, 19 patients with non-cystic CCRCC developed metastases (5-year PFS 58%, CI 38.3–73.5%), and 1 patient died of disease. Monosomy 3 was common in both MCRNLMP (3/3) and pc-CCRCC (6/7). This large series of MCRNLMP confirms its indolent behavior, shows that pc-CCRCC has significantly better prognosis than non-cystic CCRCC and may define the lower grade spectrum of CCRCC. We recommend that the presence and extent of CCRCC cystic component should be documented in the pathology report.


Allergen‐specific immunotherapy induces regulatory T cells in an atopic dermatitis mouse model

Allergy, EarlyView.


Incidence of pediatric atopic dermatitis following thymectomy: A Danish register study

Allergy, EarlyView.


A Commentary on: “Effects of Regular Physical Activity on the Cognitive Performance of Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A systematic Review” by Podolski et al. (Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2017;15:481–493)

Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, Ahead of Print.


La charte éthique et déontologique des facultés de médecine et d’odontologie françaises

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): O. Laccourreye, H. Maisonneuve


Un dernier Qui suis-je !


Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): O. Laccourreye, A. Werner, I. McGill


Évaluation de l’efficacité de la labioglossopexie dans la triade de Pierre Robin

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): H. Broucqsault, M.-D. Lamblin, G. Hosana, P. Fayoux
ObjectifsÉvaluer l'efficacité de la labioglossopexie sur le SAOS par polysomnographie chez des enfants porteurs d'une séquence de Pierre Robin.Matériel et méthodesÉtude rétrospective monocentrique de 2004 à 2015 chez des enfants ayant bénéficié d'une labioglossopexie pour un syndrome d'apnée obstructif du sommeil dans le cadre d'un syndrome de Pierre Robin. Dans le cadre du bilan préopératoire, une polysomnographie et une endoscopie laryngotrachéale étaient réalisées. Les données recueillies étaient le diagnostic syndromique, l'assistance respiratoire en pré opératoire et ses modalités. Le syndrome d'apnée obstructif du sommeil était classé en 3 catégories selon sa sévérité. La polysomnographie de contrôle était réalisée 1 mois après l'intervention.RésultatsAu total, 37 patients ayant eu une labioglossopexie ont été inclus. L'âge médian lors de l'intervention était de 45jours (8–210). Au total, 31 patients avaient une séquence de Pierre Robin isolée et 6 avaient un syndrome associé. Tous les patients avaient un syndrome d'apnée obstructif du sommeil sévère nécessitant une aide respiratoire en préopératoire : 8 intubations orotrachéale, 15 ventilations non invasive, 14 sondes nasopharyngées. La labioglossopexie améliore significativement la saturation en oxygène, la capnie et l'index d'apnée hypopnée (p<0,005). Dans certains cas, l'amélioration n'était pas suffisante et nécessitait la réalisation d'une trachéotomie (n=5) ou la mise en place d'une ventilation non invasive (n=3).ConclusionLa labioglossopexie améliore l'obstruction respiratoire chez les enfants avec un syndrome de Pierre Robin permettant d'éviter dans la plupart des cas (n=29) des thérapeutiques plus invasives.


Place de l’allergie dans la caractérisation phénotypique et endotypique de la polypose nasosinusienne

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): G. Mortuaire, I. Gengler, M. Balden, M. Capron, G. Lefèvre
ObjectifsÉvaluer la place de l'allergie en tant que facteur influençant la présentation clinique (phénotype) et le profil inflammatoire (endotype) de la polypose nasosinusienne (PNS).Matériel et méthodesUne étude prospective monocentrique était menée sur 18 mois incluant 57 patients suivis pour PNS en situation d'échec du traitement médical. L'allergie était diagnostiquée sur la concordance des tests cutanés allergéniques et des manifestations cliniques. L'analyse du profil phénotypique s'appuyait sur le score de sévérité clinique, la taille des polypes et le score tomodensitométrique de Lund-Mackay. Le profil endotypique était établi par la mesure des concentrations dans le sang et les sécrétions nasales en IgE totales, IgA, interleukine-5, interleukine-9, ECP et EDN. Les taux de polynucléaires éosinophiles dans le sang, les sécrétions nasales et le polype étaient aussi comparés.RésultatsLes profils phénotypiques et endotypiques des patients allergiques (n=15) et non allergiques (n=42) étaient comparables. Seuls l'asthme et les IgE totales sanguines étaient associés à la présence d'une allergie.ConclusionCe travail suggère que l'allergie n'est pas directement impliquée dans l'expression clinique et les processus inflammatoires de la PNS. À l'heure de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques ciblant les voies de signalisation inflammatoire, l'identification de marqueurs sanguins et tissulaires pertinents constitue l'axe de recherche la plus susceptible de modifier la prise en charge de la PNS.


Editorial Board


Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3


Paralysie laryngée unilatérale idiopathique de l’adulte

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): F. Rubin, A. Villeneuve, L. Alciato, L. Slaïm, P. Bonfils, O. Laccourreye
ButAnalyse des caractéristiques de la paralysie laryngée unilatérale idiopathique de l'adulte.Matériel et méthodesÉtude rétrospective (difficultés diagnostiques, données cliniques, récupération) d'une cohorte de 100 patients avec une paralysie laryngée unilatérale idiopathique (groupe A) et comparaison avec une cohorte de 211 patients avec une paralysie laryngée unilatérale isolée non idiopathique et non traumatique (groupe B).RésultatsUne difficulté diagnostique était notée dans 24 % des cas, au sein du groupe A : huit patients avec une affection virale ORL commune concomitante à l'apparition de la paralysie, cinq patients avec une affection concomitante pouvant entrainer une immunodépression et 11 patients chez qui la surveillance notait l'apparition d'une affection tumorale maligne sur le trajet des nerfs pneumogastrique et laryngé ipsilatéraux ou au sein du larynx paralysé. En analyse actuarielle, aucune récupération de la mobilité laryngée ne survenait après le 51e mois suivant le début de la paralysie pour un taux actuariel de récupération à cinq ans de 53,2 % dans le groupe A et de 17,9 % dans le groupe B (p<0,0001). Au sein du groupe A, la récupération de la mobilité laryngée survenait avant la fin de la deuxième année dans 93 % des cas. En analyse monovariée, la récupération de la mobilité laryngée au sein du groupe A était d'autant plus fréquente que le sujet était jeune (p=0,033), que le délai de consultation était court (p<0,001), et qu'il n'existait pas d'antécédent carcinologique (p=0,028). En l'absence de récupération, au sein du groupe A, une pathologie tumorale maligne sur le trajet des nerfs pneumogastrique ou laryngé inférieur ipsilatéraux apparaissait dans 17,2 % des cas dont 81 % étaient dépistés dans les 30 mois qui suivaient le début de la paralysie.ConclusionEn présence d'une paralysie laryngée unilatérale non traumatique isolée et en l'absence de récupération de la mobilité laryngée, chez l'adulte, une surveillance régulière poursuivie au moins trois ans est conseillée.


Caractéristiques épidémiologiques des cancers de la cavité buccale, de l’oropharynx, de l’hypopharynx, et du larynx sur l’île de la Réunion

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): A. Delagranda, G. Leterme, E. Chirpaz, C. Ferdynus, C. Fernandez, F. Rubin
ButsCette étude a deux objectifs : premièrement préciser et comparer les caractéristiques épidémiologiques des cancers de la cavité buccale, du pharynx et du larynx sur l'île de la Réunion, un territoire d'outre-mer Français. Deuxièmement, discuter le mode de présentation des incidences standardisées dans la littérature de ces types de cancers.Matériel et méthodeÉtude rétrospective d'une cohorte de 599 patients avec un cancer de la cavité buccale, de l'oropharynx de l'hypopharynx ou du larynx, diagnostiqués sur l'île de la Réunion entre 2009 et 2013. Analyse des caractéristiques démographiques, des intoxications tabagique et énolique, de la prévalence de l'infestation HPV. Calcul des incidences standardisées sur la population mondiale globale pour les deux sexes.RésultatsLe sex-ratio était de 7,77 et l'âge moyen de 60 ans. Le cancer était un carcinome épidermoïde dans 99,1 % des cas. On a relevé une intoxication énolique dans 81,25 % des cas (340/375), une intoxication tabagique dans 86,1 % des cas (309/359), une infestation HPV dans 16 % des cas (31/184). Selon les regroupements anatomiques proposés par l'International Agency for Research on Cancer, l'incidence des cancers du groupe « autre pharynx » était chez les hommes de 9,3/100 000, et les femmes 0,7. L'incidence des cancers du larynx était de 6,4 pour les hommes et 0,4 pour les femmes.ConclusionLa Réunion présente des particularités en termes d'incidences : les femmes sont au minimum deux fois moins atteintes qu'en métropole par tous ces cancers, alors que les incidences masculines sont parmi les plus hautes de France. La présentation des résultats par les registres des cancers pourrait être améliorée, en accord avec la pratique quotidienne des ORL.


Modèles animaux de l’otite moyenne aiguë – une mise au point avec des implications pratiques pour la recherche en laboratoire

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): N.H. Davidoss, Y.K. Varsak, P.L. Santa Maria
Un nombre considérable d'études animales s'est concentré sur le développement de nouvelles stratégies pour la prévention et le traitement de l'otite moyenne aiguë (OMA). Plusieurs modèles expérimentaux de l'OMA ont ainsi été développés. L'analyse de la littérature publiée dans la base de données PubMed, sur la période allant de 1975 à juillet 2016, en utilisant les mots clés « animal model » et « otitis media », notait 91 études et 123 modèles animaux. Le rat, la souris et le chincilla étaient les animaux les plus fréquemment utilisés pour les modèles expérimentaux d'OMA, avec leurs avantages et leurs désavantages propres. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae et Moraxella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae (types 3, 23 et 6A) et Haemophilus influenzae non typable (HINT) étaient les pathogènes les plus couramment utilisés pour induire des OMA chez les rats et les souris. L'ajout de pathogènes viraux tels que le VRS et le virus Influenza A, couplé à l'induction de dysfonctionnements au niveau des trompes d'Eustache, peut aussi être utile dans les modèles animaux de l'OMA. La prophylaxie antibiotique peut également interférer avec la réponse immunitaire sans réduire de manière significative la mortalité animale.


La polypose nasale (ou rhinite olfactive chronique)

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): R. Jankowski, C. Rumeau, P. Gallet, D.T. Nguyen
Le concept de rhinosinusite chronique avec ou sans polype repose sur l'unicité structurale et fonctionnelle de la muqueuse pituitaire et sa réponse univoque aux agressions de l'environnement (allergènes, virus, bactéries, pollution…). Il est confronté dans la présente mise au point à la théorie évo-dévo des trois nez qui, au contraire, individualise la polypose nasale comme une maladie intrinsèque du nez olfactif et en particulier de la muqueuse non olfactive de l'ethmoïde (qui dans la théorie évo-dévo n'est pas un sinus mais l'os de la base du crâne abritant la muqueuse olfactive). L'approche évo-dévo permet un diagnostic positif simple et précis de la polypose nasale et de ses différentes formes cliniques, améliore le diagnostic différentiel en précisant les maladies chroniques du nez respiratoire et celles des sinus paranasaux, soulève l'hypothèse d'une origine auto-immune dirigée spécifiquement contre des auto-antigènes du système olfactif, et corrobore le concept chirurgical de nasalisation aux détriments de celui de chirurgie fonctionnelle des sinus et du complexe ostio-méatal. La ventilation sinusienne semble en effet mineure par rapport à sa fonction de production, stockage et libération active de monoxyde d'azote (NO) utile à l'oxygénation du sang artériel au niveau des alvéoles pulmonaires. Cette fonction respiratoire des sinus paranasaux est peut-être la plus importante de celles qui leur ont été attribuées. Le piégeage du NO dans les espaces ethmoïdaux permet en outre de comprendre certains aspects radiologiques associés à la polypose nasale.


Reconstruction hypopharyngée à l’aide d’une pince à agrafage circulaire

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): P. Schultz, A. Dupret-Bories, S. Ciftci, L. Fath
L'anastomose distale par lambeau tubulisé est une des principales difficultés dans la reconstruction de l'hypopharynx. Si la probabilité de survie du lambeau est élevée grâce à l'expérience des équipes chirurgicales, deux complications restent courantes, la fistule et la sténose de la jonction lambeau- œsophage. L'usage d'une pince à agrafage circulaire permet de diminuer la fréquence de ces complications en réalisant une suture parfaitement circulaire et solide. La mise en place d'un stent salivaire n'est pas utile et l'alimentation peut-être reprise plus précocement. Son utilisation est simple moyennant quelques impératifs techniques, puisque les pinces disponibles n'ont pas été conçues dans cette indication. Nous décrivons ici, les indications, la procédure chirurgicale et les résultats globaux des cas réalisés. Le lambeau antébrachial est pour nous le lambeau idéal pour cette reconstruction, mais la technique autorise des lambeaux plus épais jusqu'au lambeau de grand pectoral avec cependant des résultats moins satisfaisants en terme de cicatrisation et de déglutition.


Technique de l’épiglottoplastie dans la chirurgie partielle du larynx par voie endoscopique

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): M. Moulin, C.A. Righini, P.F. Castellanos, I. Atallah
L'intérêt de la chirurgie partielle du larynx par voie endoscopique est de réaliser une exérèse tumorale de qualité tout en limitant les séquelles fonctionnelles permettant ainsi l'amélioration des suites postopératoires. Dans ce type de chirurgie, l'épiglotte est souvent partiellement sectionnée avec une zone d'exérèse laissée en cicatrisation dirigée, sans temps de reconstruction. La technique chirurgicale présentée s'intéresse au temps de reconstruction endoscopique en cas de section partielle de l'épiglotte. La suture du bord sectionné de l'épiglotte à la base de langue permet de recréer une néo-épiglotte avec un plan valléculaire, se rapprochant ainsi de l'anatomie préopératoire afin d'améliorer les capacités de déglutition dans les suites opératoires.


L’injection de toxine botulinique par voie endoscopique en ambulatoire dans les mouvements anormaux du larynx

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): A. Kaderbay, C.A. Righini, P.F. Castellanos, I. Atallah
IntroductionL'injection de toxine botulinique est largement utilisée dans le traitement des mouvements anormaux du larynx. L'injection transcutanée sous contrôle électromyographique est la technique la plus commune pour réaliser l'injection intra-laryngée de toxine botulinique.ObjectifNous décrivons une approche endoscopique pour l'injection intra-laryngée de toxine botulinique sous anesthésie locale sans avoir recours à l'électromyographie.TechniqueUn vidéo-endoscope flexible avec un canal opérateur est utilisé. Après une anesthésie locale du larynx par instillation de lidocaïne, une aiguille flexible est insérée dans le canal opérateur afin d'injecter la dose désirée de toxine botulinique dans les plis vocaux et/ou vestibulaires.ConclusionL'injection de toxine botulinique par voie endoscopique sous anesthésie locale dans les mouvements anormaux du larynx est une technique fiable. Elle peut être réalisée par tout laryngologiste sans avoir recours à l'électromyographie. Elle est pratique pour l'opérateur et confortable pour le patient.


Syndrome de Forestier et apnée obstructive du sommeil : traitement chirurgical

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): D.K. Ribeiro, J.A. Pinto, G.S. Freitas
IntroductionNous rapportons un cas d'apnée obstructive du sommeil causé par la maladie de Forestier et décrivons le traitement chirurgical réalisé.RésuméUn patient de 56 ans présentait une dysphagie aux solides et liquides, ainsi qu'un ronflement (score coté à 10) et une somnolence diurne excessive depuis cinq ans. Lors de l'examen nasofibroscopique, il y avait un œdème de la région inter-aryténoïdienne et une protrusion de la paroi postérieure du larynx. La radiographie cervicale a montré une protrusion des disques intervertébraux entre C3-C5 (hyperostose squelettique) et la polysomnographie a révélé un index d'apnée-hypopnée (IAH) de 56 événements/h. La chirurgie a été réalisée par les équipes d'otorhinolaryngologie et d'orthopédie. Le patient a évolué vers une résolution complète des symptômes et un IAH de 3,9 événements/h à la polysomnographie de contrôle.DiscussionIl s'agit du premier cas de syndrome de Forestier (SF) associé à l'apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS) traitée par chirurgie avec amélioration complète des symptômes.


Schwannome du sinus frontal

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): J. Petersen, L. Gilain, A. Coutu, N. Saroul
IntroductionLes schwannomes nasosinusiens sont rares, et particulièrement au niveau du sinus frontal.Cas cliniqueNous rapportons le cas d'une patiente atteinte d'un schwannome du sinus frontal gauche découvert lors d'une complication à type de sinusite frontale avec complications orbitaire et oculaire. Le geste a consisté en une exérèse tumorale par voie endonasale et un drainage par voie externe.DiscussionL'origine des schwannomes du sinus frontal sont multiples avec des expressions clinico-radiologiques variées, rendant leur diagnostic difficile leur exérèse étant par ailleurs complexe.


Anosmie et obstruction nasale

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): J.J. Braun, S. Riehm


Papillomatose laryngée au Sénégal : bilan d’une experience de 10 ans

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 135, Issue 3
Author(s): S. Maiga, C. Ndiaye, M. Diouf, B.K. Diallo, M. Ndiaye, M.S. Diouf, I.C. Ndiaye, R. Diouf
ObjectifsLes objectifs de cette étude étaient de montrer les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques de la papillomatose laryngée, dans les services d'ORL et de chirurgie cervicofaciale du centre hospitalier national universitaire de Fann, Dakar, Sénégal.Patients et méthodesIl s'agit d'une étude rétrospective menée à la clinique ORL Lamine Sine Diop du CHNU de Fann du 01 janvier 2006 au 31 décembre 2015 concernant tous les patients hospitalisés pour la prise en charge d'une papillomatose laryngée. Les paramètres étudiés étaient épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques. Les données obtenues ont été analysées par le logiciel spécialisé dans le traitement des données statistiques « SPSS 18 ».RésultatsL'âge médian au moment du diagnostic était de 11 ans, le sex-ratio était de 1,88. Le délai moyen de consultation était de 4,5 ans. La dysphonie était le symptôme le plus constant, elle était présente dans tous les cas, suivie de la dyspnée laryngée qui était présente dans 64,6 % des cas. La localisation glottique était présente chez tous les patients soit 100 % des cas. Une trachéotomie était réalisée chez 20,8 % des cas. Tous les patients de notre étude ont bénéficié d'une exérèse per endoscopique des papillomes à la pince.ConclusionLa papillomatose laryngée est la plus fréquente des tumeurs bénignes de l'enfant, mais elle peut aussi débuter à l'âge adulte. Son traitement a été révolutionné par les progrès de l'endoscopie et des traitements antiviraux. Cependant, la trachéotomie occupe toujours une place importante dans notre pratique.


Weight-Loss Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment and Essential Amino Acid Supplementation in a Patient with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Obesity

Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic neuromuscular disease characterised by muscle atrophy, hypotonia, weakness, and progressive paralysis. Usually, these patients display increased fat mass deposition and reductions in fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure—an unfavourable condition that facilitates the development of obesity. However, weight management of these patients remains poorly described. Hence, the aim of this case report was to describe the clinical presentation and weight management of a 31-year-old male patient with spinal muscular atrophy type III, class I obesity, and metabolic syndrome treated for 1 year by means of a personalised multistep cognitive-behavioural treatment for obesity. The treatment produced a weight loss of 7.2 kg (7.1%), which was associated with a marked improvement in both the patient's self-reported general conditions and obesity-related cardiometabolic profile, and no adverse effects in terms of spinal muscular atrophy (i.e., reductions in fat-free mass or resting energy expenditure).


Rhinocerebrale Mucormykose


DOI: 10.1055/a-0619-5143

Mucormykose ist eine Schimmelpilzinfektion, die insbesondere bei immunsupprimierten Patienten rasch progredient verlaufen kann. Uns wurde eine 47-jährige Patientin mit einer Ptosis links bei sonst unauffälligem augenärztlichen Befund vorgestellt. Die Blutzuckerwerte waren bei Diabetes mellitus deutlich erhöht.Das CT der Nasennebenhöhlen zeigte eine moderate Verlegung des Siebbeins links und in der cMRT erschienen der orbitale Fettkörper und die Augenmuskeln verdickt. Als noch eine Hebungseinschränkung des Bulbus auftrat, erfolgte die Nasennebenhöhlenoperation. Mikrobiologisch wurde dabei eine Mucormykose (Gattung Lichtheimia) gesichert. Die Patientin erblindete links, sodass die Indikation zur Exenteratio orbitae links und Re-Pansinusoperation zur Fokussanierung gestellt wurde. Liposomales Amphotericin B und Posaconazol wurden hochdosiert verabreicht und der Blutzucker wurde streng reguliert. Bei bildmorphologischem Progress waren weitere operative Eingriffe bis zur Duraresektion nötig.Der Verlauf war durch Komplikationen (rezidivierende septische Episoden, Niereninsuffizienz, ein bifrontales Epiduralhämatom sowie multiple zerebrale Mikroinfarkte) erschwert, doch schlussendlich konnte sie nach 8-monatiger Hospitalisation entlassen werden. Eine Epithese wurde angepasst und sie ist seit 24 Monaten (nach Diagnose) rezidivfrei.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Die Rolle der elektiven Neck dissection bei Salvage Laryngektomie – eine retrospektive Analyse


DOI: 10.1055/a-0619-5388

Im Rahmen der Salvage Laryngektomie (SLE) bei Rezidivkarzinomen des Larynx und Hypopharynx wird häufig, wie bei der primären Laryngektomie (LE), eine elektive beidseitige Neck dissection durchgeführt. Der therapeutische Nutzen muss angesichts des potentiell höheren Morbiditätsrisikos nach definitiver Radiochemotherapie gegenüber den Risiken abgewogen werden.In einer retrospektiven Analyse wurden onkologische Parameter von Patienten erfasst, welche bei Rezidivkarzinomen des Larynx und Hypopharynx nach primärer Radiochemotherapie eine SLE mit beidseitiger Neck dissection erhielten. Zum Vergleich wurden Daten von Patienten mit primärer LE und beidseitiger Neck dissection bei Larynx- und Hypopharynxkarzinomen erfasst.19 Patienten mit SLE und 83 Patienten mit LE wurden in die Analyse eingeschlossen. Bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten waren sowohl das initiale Tumorstadium als auch das Rezidiv-Tumorstadium vor SLE fortgeschritten. Vor SLE wiesen 5 % der Patienten (n = 1) klinisch metastasensuspekte Lymphknoten auf, vor LE 47 % (n = 39). Bei 17 % (n = 14) der Patienten mit LE wurden okkulte Lymphknotenmetastasen nachgewiesen, bei SLE lediglich bei 5 % der Patienten (n = 1). Insgesamt ergab sich ein pN+ -Stadium in 55 % (LE, n = 44) bzw. 10 % (SLE, n = 2) der Fälle. Die Gesamtzahl der entfernten Lymphknoten bei LE war höher als bei SLE (37,3 vs. 18,7, p < 0,001). Das 5-Jahres-Gesamtüberleben der Patienten lag nach LE bei 50,0 %, nach SLE bei 33,3 %.Patienten, welche bei Rezidivkarzinomen des Larynx oder Hypopharynx nach primärer Bestrahlung eine SLE erhalten, weisen selten Lymphknotenmetastasen auf. Dennoch kommt es in Einzelfällen zu einer okkulten Metastasierung. Bei der Planung der letzten kurativen Therapieoption sollte dies in Betracht gezogen werden.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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From the pages of allergywatch July 2018


Publication date: Available online 16 May 2018
Source:Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Author(s): Stanley M. Fineman, David A. Khan, Chitra Dinakar, David Michael Lang, Stephen A. Tilles


Omalizumab can inhibit respiratory reaction during aspirin desensitization

Publication date: Available online 16 May 2018
Source:Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Author(s): David M. Lang, Mark A. Aronica, Elizabeth S. Maierson, Xiao-Feng Wang, Dorothy C. Vasas, Stanley L. Hazen
BackgroundAspirin desensitization has been associated with benefit in management of aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD). An intervention that would encourage aspirin desensitization to be performed more frequently has substantial potential for improving outcomes and quality of life in patients with AERD.ObjectiveWe investigated whether omalizumab administration would be associated with attenuation of aspirin-provoked bronchospasm in patients with AERD undergoing aspirin desensitization.MethodsWe carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which subjects with AERD who fulfilled label criteria for omalizumab received omalizumab or placebo for 16 weeks, and then underwent aspirin desensitization.ResultsEleven subjects completed aspirin desensitization. Of the seven who were randomized to omalizumab, 5 had no respiratory reaction during aspirin desensitization. Compared with placebo, omalizumab was associated with a significantly greater likelihood for subjects with AERD to have no respiratory reaction during desensitization (p=0.04, Fisher Exact Test). There was an overall difference in urinary LTE4 levels in subjects who received omalizumab and did not have respiratory reaction during desensitization compared to subjects randomized to placebo (p = 0.035, mixed model with interaction). Urinary LTE4 levels were significantly higher with respiratory reaction in placebo subjects compared with levels obtained after the 100 mg dose in AERD subjects who had no respiratory reaction (p < 0.001, mixed model with interaction).ConclusionIn atopic AERD subjects, omalizumab administration for 16 weeks was associated with "clinically silent" desensitization. Further studies to investigate the therapeutic utility of omalizumab in patients with AERD who are candidates for aspirin desensitization are warranted based on these findings.


Notch inhibition counteracts Paneth cell death in absence of caspase-8


Opposing activities of Notch and Wnt signaling regulate mucosal barrier homeostasis and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells. Specifically, Wnt activity is essential for differentiation of secretory cells including Wnt3-producing Paneth cells, whereas Notch signaling strongly promotes generation of absorptive cells. Loss of caspase-8 in intestinal epithelium (casp8∆int) is associated with fulminant epithelial necroptosis, severe Paneth cell death, secondary intestinal inflammation, and an increase in Notch activity. Here, we found that pharmacological Notch inhibition with dibenzazepine (DBZ) is able to essentially rescue the loss of Paneth cells, deescalate the inflammatory phenotype, and reduce intestinal permeability in casp8∆int mice. The secretory cell metaplasia in DBZ-treated casp8∆int animals is proliferative, indicating for Notch activities partially insensitive to gamma-secretase inhibition in a casp8∆int background. Our data suggest that casp8 acts in the intestinal Notch network.


Editorial Board

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Molecular Immunology, Volume 98


Introduction to the Special Issue: Nanomaterials in Immunology

Publication date: June 2018
Source:Molecular Immunology, Volume 98
Author(s): Justine D. Mintern, Angus P.R. Johnston


The potential of nanoparticle vaccines as a treatment for cancer


Publication date: June 2018
Source:Molecular Immunology, Volume 98
Author(s): David Urbanavicius, Tara Alvarez, Georgina K. Such, Angus P.R. Johnston, Justine D. Mintern
A complex and multifaceted relationship exists between cancer and the immune system. Advances in our understanding of this relationship have resulted in significant clinical attention in the possibilities of cancer immunotherapy. Harnessing the immune system's potent and selective destructive capability is a major focus of attempts to treat cancer. Despite significant progress in the field, cancer therapy still remains significantly deficient, with cancer being one of the largest contributors to morbidity and mortality in the developed world. It is evident that the design of new treatment regimes is required to exploit cancer immunotherapy. Herein we review the potential for nanotechnology to overcome the challenges that have limited the more widespread implementation of immunotherapy to cancer treatment.


The association between sexual dysfunctions and severity of symptoms in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria


Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus and Porcine Circovirus 2 in Albania

Viral Immunology, Ahead of Print.


Extensive Evaluation of Pulmonary Function Abnormalities by Different Techniques in Turkish Children and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease

Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, Ahead of Print.


An Unusual Case of Interstitial Lung Disease as the Primary Presentation of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease

Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, Ahead of Print.


Extensive Evaluation of Pulmonary Function Abnormalities by Different Techniques in Turkish Children and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease

Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, Ahead of Print.


An Unusual Case of Interstitial Lung Disease as the Primary Presentation of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease

Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, Ahead of Print.


Activated prothrombin complex concentrate to reverse the factor Xa inhibitor (apixaban) effect before emergency surgery: a case series

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Acute blindness as a presenting sign of childhood endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma in Cameroon: a case report

Endemic Burkitt's lymphoma is found predominantly in malaria holoendemic zones, typically in the tropical rain forest of Africa. It usually presents as an extra-nodal tumour in children and young adults with p...


Whole-Body Distribution and Clinical Association of Telangiectases in Systemic Sclerosis

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Efficacy of Guselkumab Compared With Adalimumab and Placebo for Psoriasis in Specific Body Regions

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Omalizumab in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria Refractory to Conventional Therapy: An Italian Retrospective Clinical Analysis with Suggestions for Long-Term Maintenance Strategies



Omalizumab is indicated for the treatment of patients affected by chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) refractory to antihistamines. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy, safety, and recurrence of symptoms in a real-life experience of omalizumab as an add-on therapy for H1-antihistamine-refractory CSU patients (refractory CSU).


A retrospective review of the clinical records of all refractory CSU treated with omalizumab at our dermatology center from June 2014 to April 2017 was performed. Patients previously treated with second-generation antihistamines at a fourfold increased dose without clinical responses at 4 weeks of treatment were selected. Omalizumab was administered at a single dosage of 300 mg every 4 weeks for 6 months. Disease severity was assessed using the 7-day Urticaria Activity Score (UAS7).


Eighteen patients (14 women; mean age 51 years, range 25–74) were enrolled. Mean UAS7 at baseline was 27.3 (range 15–38). Symptoms improved in all patients at 4 weeks (UAS7 = 16.1, range 0–36). Treatment was completed in 17 patients (94.4%), and among these, a complete response (UAS7 = 0) was registered in 10 patients (58.8%). Adverse events included thrombocytopenia in 1 patient (5.6%) at 16 weeks; therapy was suspended after 20 weeks and the complication was resolved, resulting in a freedom from major adverse events of 94.4%. Symptom recurrence occurred in 3 patients (17.6%) at 4, 5, and 7 months from the end of the primary therapy. Retreatment with omalizumab was successful without any adverse effects. Mean follow-up was 9.5 months (range 1–28).


Add-on omalizumab therapy for refractory CSU in a real-life setting seems to be effective and safe with a relatively low incidence of symptom recurrence. Further research should investigate personalized omalizumab treatment dosages and administration intervals, and the identification of biomarkers for future treatment algorithms.


Planck intermediate results XLII. Large-scale Galactic magnetic fields

Adam, R; Ade, PAR; Alves, MIR; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Banday, AJ; ... Zonca, A; + view all Adam, R; Ade, PAR; Alves, MIR; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Banday, AJ; Barreiro, RB; Bartolo, N; Battaner, E; Benabed, K; Benoit-Levy, A; Bernard, J-P; Bersanelli, M; Bielewicz, P; Bonavera, L; Bond, JR; Borrill, J; Bouchet, FR; Boulanger, F; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Butler, RC; Calabrese, E; Cardoso, J-F; Catalano, A; Chiang, HC; Christensen, PR; Colombo, LPL; Combet, C; Couchot, F; Crill, BP; Curto, A; Cuttaia, F; Danese, L; Davis, RJ; de Bernardis, P; de Rosa, A; de Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Dolag, K; Dore, O; Ducout, A; Dupac, X; Elsner, F; Ensslin, TA; Eriksen, HK; Ferriere, K; Finelli, F; Forni, O; Frailis, M; Fraisse, AA; Franceschi, E; Galeotta, S; Ganga, K; Ghosh, T; Giard, M; Gjerlow, E; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Gorski, KM; Gregorio, A; Gruppuso, A; Gudmundsson, JE; Hansen, FK; Harrison, DL; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C; Herranz, D; Hildebrandt, SR; Hobson, M; Hornstrup, A; Hurier, G; Jaffe, AH; Jaffe, TR; Jones, WC; Juvela, M; Keihanen, E; Keskitalo, R; Kisner, TS; Knoche, J; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lamarre, J-M; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Lawrence, CR; Leahy, JP; Leonardi, R; Levrier, F; Liguori, M; Lilje, PB; Linden-Vornle, M; Lopez-Caniego, M; Lubin, PM; Macias-Perez, JF; Maggio, G; Maino, D; Mandolesi, N; Mangilli, A; Maris, M; Martin, PG; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Masi, S; Matarrese, S; Melchiorri, A; Mennella, A; Migliaccio, M; Miville-Deschenes, M-A; Moneti, A; Montier, L; Morgante, G; Munshi, D; Murphy, JA; Naselsky, P; Nati, F; Natoli, P; Norgaard-Nielsen, HU; Oppermann, N; Orlando, E; Pagano, L; Pajot, F; Paladini, R; Paoletti, D; Pasian, F; Perotto, L; Pettorino, V; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Pierpaoli, E; Plaszczynski, S; Pointecouteau, E; Polenta, G; Ponthieu, N; Pratt, GW; Prunet, S; Puget, J-L; Rachen, JP; Reinecke, M; Remazeilles, M; Renault, C; Renzi, A; Ristorcelli, I; Rocha, G; Rossetti, M; Roudier, G; Rubino-Martin, JA; Rusholme, B; Sandri, M; Santos, D; Savelainen, M; Scott, D; Spencer, LD; Stolyarov, V; Stompor, R; Strong, AW; Sudiwala, R; Sunyaev, R; Suur-Uski, A-S; Sygnet, J-F; Tauber, JA; Terenzi, L; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Tristram, M; Tucci, M; Valenziano, L; Valiviita, J; Van Tent, F; Vielva, P; Villa, F; Wade, LA; Wandelt, BD; Wehus, IK; Yvon, D; Zacchei, A; Zonca, A; - view fewer (2016) Planck intermediate results XLII. Large-scale Galactic magnetic fields. Astronomy and Astrophysics , 596 , Article A103. 10.1051/0004-6361/201528033 . Green open access


The genetics of alcohol dependence and alcohol-related liver disease

Stickel, F; Moreno, C; Hampe, J; Morgan, MY; (2017) The genetics of alcohol dependence and alcohol-related liver disease. Journal of Hepatology , 66 (1) pp. 195-211. 10.1016/j.jhep.2016.08.011 . Green open access


Singlet Exciton Lifetimes in Conjugated Polymer Films for Organic Solar Cells

Dimitrov, SD; Schroeder, BC; Nielsen, CB; Bronstein, H; Fei, Z; McCulloch, I; Heeney, M; Dimitrov, SD; Schroeder, BC; Nielsen, CB; Bronstein, H; Fei, Z; McCulloch, I; Heeney, M; Durrant, JR; - view fewer (2016) Singlet Exciton Lifetimes in Conjugated Polymer Films for Organic Solar Cells. Polymers , 8 (1) , Article 14. 10.3390/polym8010014 . Green open access


Electrospun composites of polycaprolactone and porous silicon nanoparticles for the tunable delivery of small therapeutic molecules

McInnes, SJP; Macdonald, TJ; Parkin, IP; Nann, T; Voelcker, NH; (2018) Electrospun composites of polycaprolactone and porous silicon nanoparticles for the tunable delivery of small therapeutic molecules. Nanomaterials , 8 (4) , Article 205. 10.3390/nano8040205 . Green open access


Planck 2015 results II. Low Frequency Instrument data processings

Ade, PAR; Aghanim, N; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, AJ; ... Zonca, A; + view all Ade, PAR; Aghanim, N; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, AJ; Barreiro, RB; Bartolo, N; Basak, S; Battaglia, P; Battaner, E; Benabed, K; Benoit, A; Benoit-Levy, A; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bielewicz, P; Bock, JJ; Bonaldi, A; Bonavera, L; Bond, JR; Borrill, J; Bouchet, FR; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Butler, RC; Calabrese, E; Cardoso, JF; Castex, G; Catalano, A; Chamballu, A; Christensen, PR; Colombi, S; Colombo, LPL; Crill, BP; Curto, A; Cuttaia, F; Danese, L; Davies, RD; Davis, RJ; de Bernardis, P; de Rosa, A; de Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Dole, H; Donzelli, S; Dore, O; Douspis, M; Ducout, A; Dupac, X; Efstathiou, G; Elsner, F; Ensslin, TA; Eriksen, HK; Fergusson, J; Finelli, F; Forni, O; Frailis, M; Franceschet, C; Franceschi, E; Frejsel, A; Galeotta, S; Galli, S; Ganga, K; Giard, M; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Gjerlow, E; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Gorski, KM; Gratton, S; Gregorio, A; Gruppuso, A; Hansen, FK; Hanson, D; Harrison, DL; Henrot-Versille, S; Herranz, D; Hildebrandt, SR; Hivon, E; Hobson, M; Holmes, WA; Hornstrup, A; Hovest, W; Huffenberger, KM; Hurier, G; Jaffe, AH; Jaffe, TR; Juvela, M; Keihanen, E; Keskitalo, R; Kiiveri, K; Kisner, TS; Knoche, J; Krachmalnicoff, N; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lagache, G; Lahteenmaki, A; Lamarre, JM; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Lawrence, CR; Leahy, JP; Leonardi, R; Lesgourgues, J; Levrier, F; Liguori, M; Lilje, PB; Linden-Vornle, M; Lindholm, V; Lopez-Caniego, M; Lubin, PM; Macias-Perez, JF; Maggio, G; Maino, D; Mandolesi, N; Mangilli, A; Maris, M; Martin, PG; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Masi, S; Matarrese, S; Mazzotta, P; McGehee, P; Meinhold, PR; Melchiorri, A; Mendes, L; Mennella, A; Migliaccio, M; Mitra, S; Montier, L; Morgante, G; Morisset, N; Mortlock, D; Moss, A; Munshi, D; Murphy, JA; Naselsky, P; Nati, F; Natoli, P; Netterfield, CB; Norgaard-Nielsen, HU; Novikov, D; Novikov, I; Oppermann, N; Paci, F; Pagano, L; Paoletti, D; Partridge, B; Pasian, F; Patanchon, G; Pearson, TJ; Peel, M; Perdereau, O; Perotto, L; Perrotta, F; Pettorino, V; Piacentini, F; Pierpaoli, E; Pietrobon, D; Pointecouteau, E; Polenta, G; Pratt, GW; Prezeau, G; Prunet, S; Puget, JL; Rachen, JP; Rebolo, R; Reinecke, M; Remazeilles, M; Renzi, A; Rocha, G; Romelli, E; Rosset, C; Rossetti, M; Roudier, G; Rubino-Martin, JA; Rusholme, B; Sandri, M; Santos, D; Savelainen, M; Scott, D; Seiffert, MD; Shellard, EPS; Spencer, LD; Stolyarov, V; Sutton, D; Suur-Uski, AS; Sygnet, JF; Tauber, JA; Tavagnacco, D; Terenzi, L; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Tristram, M; Tucci, M; Tuovinen, J; Turler, M; Umana, G; Valenziano, L; Valiviita, J; Van Tent, B; Vassallo, T; Vielva, P; Villa, F; Wade, LA; Wandelt, BD; Watson, R; Wehus, IK; Wilkinson, A; Yvon, D; Zacchei, A; Zonca, A; - view fewer (2016) Planck 2015 results II. Low Frequency Instrument data processings. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 594 , Article A2. 10.1051/0004-6361/201525818 . Green open access


Multiple health behaviour change interventions for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis

Alageel, S; Gulliford, MC; McDermott, L; Wright, AJ; (2017) Multiple health behaviour change interventions for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open , 7 (6) , Article e015375. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015375 . Green open access


Enhanced invitation methods and uptake of health checks in primary care: randomised controlled trial and cohort study using electronic health records.

McDermott, L; Wright, AJ; Cornelius, V; Burgess, C; Forster, AS; Ashworth, M; Khoshaba, B; ... Gulliford, MC; + view all McDermott, L; Wright, AJ; Cornelius, V; Burgess, C; Forster, AS; Ashworth, M; Khoshaba, B; Clery, P; Fuller, F; Miller, J; Dodhia, H; Rudisill, C; Conner, MT; Gulliford, MC; - view fewer (2016) Enhanced invitation methods and uptake of health checks in primary care: randomised controlled trial and cohort study using electronic health records. Health Technol Assess , 20 (84) pp. 1-92. 10.3310/hta20840 . Green open access


Unsupervised Information Extraction from Behaviour Change Literature

Ganguly, D; Deleris, LA; Mac Aonghusa, P; Wright, AJ; Finnerty, AN; Norris, E; Marques, MM; Ganguly, D; Deleris, LA; Mac Aonghusa, P; Wright, AJ; Finnerty, AN; Norris, E; Marques, MM; Michie, S; - view fewer (2018) Unsupervised Information Extraction from Behaviour Change Literature. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , 247 pp. 680-684. 10.3233/978-1-61499-852-5-680 . Green open access


Language, neoliberalism, and the commodification of pedagogy

Soto, C; Perez-Milans, MPM; (2018) Language, neoliberalism, and the commodification of pedagogy. Language and Intercultural Communication (In press).


Acute Hepatitis E Mimicking a Flare of Disease in a Patient with Chronic Autoimmune Hepatitis

Calisti, G; Irish, DN; Ljaz, S; Tedder, RS; Moore, K; (2017) Acute Hepatitis E Mimicking a Flare of Disease in a Patient with Chronic Autoimmune Hepatitis. Annals of Hepatology , 16 (1) pp. 160-163. 10.5604/16652681.1226952 .


Enzyme replacement therapy for late-onset Pompe disease

Sharma, R; Hughes, D; Ramaswami, U; Cole, D; Roberts, M; Hendriksz, CJ; Stepien, KM; ... Jahnke, N; + view all Sharma, R; Hughes, D; Ramaswami, U; Cole, D; Roberts, M; Hendriksz, CJ; Stepien, KM; Krishan, A; Jahnke, N; - view fewer (2018) Enzyme replacement therapy for late-onset Pompe disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2018 (4) , Article CD012993. 10.1002/14651858.CD012993 .


Equidistribution in shrinking sets and L4-norm bounds for automorphic forms

Humphries, P; (2018) Equidistribution in shrinking sets and L4-norm bounds for automorphic forms. Mathematische Annalen 10.1007/s00208-018-1677-9 . (In press). Green open access


Seven Lessons for interdisciplinary research on interactive digital health

Blandford, A; Gibbs, JL; Newhouse, N; Perski, O; Singh, A; Murray, E; (2018) Seven Lessons for interdisciplinary research on interactive digital health. Digital Health , 4 pp. 1-13. 10.1177/2055207618770325 . Green open access


Scour influence on the fatigue life of operational monopile-supported offshore wind turbines

Rezaei, R; Duffour, P; Fromme, P; (2018) Scour influence on the fatigue life of operational monopile-supported offshore wind turbines. Wind Energy 10.1002/we.2187 . (In press).


A retrospective evaluation of the frequency of impulsive compulsive behaviours in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with continuous waking day apomorphine pumps.

Warner, TT; Lees, A; Barbosa, P; Magee, C; Djamshidian, A; (2017) A retrospective evaluation of the frequency of impulsive compulsive behaviours in Parkinson's disease patients treated with continuous waking day apomorphine pumps. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice , 4 (3) pp. 323-328. 10.1002/mdc3.12416 .


Inducing Elasticity through Oligo-Siloxane Crosslinks for Intrinsically Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers

Wang, G-JN; Shaw, L; Xu, J; Kurosawa, T; Schroeder, BC; Oh, JY; Benight, SJ; Wang, G-JN; Shaw, L; Xu, J; Kurosawa, T; Schroeder, BC; Oh, JY; Benight, SJ; Bao, Z; - view fewer (2016) Inducing Elasticity through Oligo-Siloxane Crosslinks for Intrinsically Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers. Advanced Functional Materials , 26 (40) pp. 7254-7262. 10.1002/adfm.201602603 . Green open access


Photonic integrated circuit optical phase lock loop tuneable active filter

Balakier, K; Shams, H; Fice, MJ; Ponnampalam, L; Graham, CS; Renaud, CC; Seeds, AJ; (2017) Photonic integrated circuit optical phase lock loop tuneable active filter. In: (Proceedings) 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Photonics-Society (IPC). IEEE Green open access


Non-Conjugated Flexible Linkers in Semiconducting Polymers: A Pathway to Improved Processability without Compromising Device Performance

Schroeder, BC; Chiu, Y-C; Gu, X; Zhou, Y; Xu, J; Lopez, J; Lu, C; ... Bao, Z; + view all Schroeder, BC; Chiu, Y-C; Gu, X; Zhou, Y; Xu, J; Lopez, J; Lu, C; Toney, MF; Bao, Z; - view fewer (2016) Non-Conjugated Flexible Linkers in Semiconducting Polymers: A Pathway to Improved Processability without Compromising Device Performance. Advanced Electronic Materials , 2 (7) , Article 1600104. 10.1002/aelm.201600104 . Green open access


Charge-Separation in Intermixed Polymer:PC70BM Photovoltaic Blends: Correlating Structural and Photophysical Length Scales as a Function of Blend Composition

Utzat, H; Dimitroy, SD; Wheeler, S; Collado-Fregoso, E; Tuladhar, PS; Schroeder, BC; McCulloch, I; Utzat, H; Dimitroy, SD; Wheeler, S; Collado-Fregoso, E; Tuladhar, PS; Schroeder, BC; McCulloch, I; Durrant, JR; - view fewer (2017) Charge-Separation in Intermixed Polymer:PC70BM Photovoltaic Blends: Correlating Structural and Photophysical Length Scales as a Function of Blend Composition. Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 121 (18) pp. 9790-9801. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b02898 . Green open access


Petrographic Analysis. In: Biddulph, E., A Late Iron Age and early Roman pottery assemblage from Leybourne Grange, West Malling, Kent

Quinn, PS; (2018) Petrographic Analysis. In: Biddulph, E., A Late Iron Age and early Roman pottery assemblage from Leybourne Grange, West Malling, Kent. Journal of Roman Pottery Studies (In press).


DCLK1 as a Marker/Indicator of Stem Cell Response in Barrett's Esophagus/Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

Conditions:   Barrett's Esophagus;   Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Intervention:   Other: EMR and RFA effect on stem cell marker expression in BE/EAC
Sponsor:   University of Oklahoma


Cepstral Analysis of Normal and Pathological Voice in Spanish Adults. Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence in Sustained Vowels Versus Connected Speech

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Jonathan Delgado-Hernández, Nieves M. León-Gómez, Laura M. Izquierdo-Arteaga, Yanira Llanos-Fumero
Introduction and objectivesIn recent years, the use of cepstral measures for acoustic evaluation of voice has increased. One of the most investigated parameters is smoothed cepstral peak prominence (CPPs). The objectives of this paper are to establish the usefulness of this acoustic measure in the objective evaluation of alterations of the voice in Spanish and to determine what type of voice sample (sustained vowels or connected speech) is the most sensitive in evaluating the severity of dysphonia.MethodForty subjects participated in this study 40, 20 controls and 20 with dysphonia. Two voice samples were recorded for each subject (one sustained vowel/a/and four phonetically balanced sentences) and the CPPs was calculated using the Praat programme. Three raters perceptually evaluated the voice sample with the Grade parameter of GRABS scale.ResultsSignificantly lower values were found in the dysphonic voices, both for/a/(t[38]=4.85, P<.000) and for phrases (t[38]=5.75, P<.000). In relation to the type of voice sample most suitable for evaluating the severity of voice alterations, a strong correlation was found with the acoustic-perceptual scale of CPPs calculated from connected speech (rs=−0.73) and moderate correlation with that calculated from the sustained vowel (rs=−0.56).ConclusionThe results of this preliminary study suggest that CPPs is a good measure to detect dysphonia and to objectively assess the severity of alterations in the voice.


oVEMP as an objective indicator of successful repositioning maneuver

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Samir Asal, Osama Sobhy, Amany Balbaa
Background and objectiveBenign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) is the most common peripheral vestibular disorder. Canalolithiasis in the posterior semi-circular canal is the most common underlying pathology that can be treated effectively by repositioning maneuvers. Our hypothesis suggested that successful maneuvers can lead to repositioning of dislodged otoconia to the utricle.Materials and methodsAir conducted oVEMP, which is thought to originate from the contra-lateral utricular organ was measured in twenty patients with unilateral BPPV and we compared n1•p1 peak to peak amplitude of the affected ears in 3 separate intervals: on pre-treatment when typical nystagmus was confirmed, immediately after, and 1 week after repositioning maneuvers to assess change, if any, in amplitude.ResultsThis study showed significant increase of oVEMP amplitude in the affected ears after successful repositioning maneuver that was more significant after 1 week.ConclusionsoVEMP can be used as a reliable objective test for ensuring a successful maneuver rather than subjective dependence on the patient's symptoms, which may be misleading due to a remission.


Clinicopathologic Predictive Factors of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Ronghao Sun, Hua Zhang, Kun Liu, Jinchuan Fan, Guojun Li, Xicheng Song, Chao Li
BackgroundCervical lymph node metastasis (LNM) has been proven to be a predictor for locoregional recurrence in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Clinicopathological features could be effective predictive factors for central and lateral LNM of DTC, and provide references to surgeons for cervical neck dissection.MethodsRetrospective analysis of clinicopathological data was performed on 420 patients who underwent initial surgery from 2010 to 2015.ResultsThe incidence of central and lateral LNM was calculated. Of 420 patients, 247 (58.8%) exhibited central LNM, and 185 (44.1%) exhibited lateral LNM. There were 29 (6.9%) cases confirmed to have skip metastasis. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that tumour location, tumour size, multifocality, capsular invasion, affected lobes, and age were independent predictors of central LNM. Tumour location, capsular invasion, affected lobes, and tumour size were independent predictors of lateral LNM.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that tumour location, affected lobes, capsular invasion, age, tumour size and multifocality may be taken as predictive factors for cervical LNM of DTC. Meticulous perioperative evaluation of cervical LNM and prophylactic cervical lymph node dissection that aims to remove the occult lymph nodes may be an option for DTC with risk factors.


Prognostic Significance of Extranodal Extension in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma cN0 Patients With Occult Metastatic Neck Nodes

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Joan Lop, Antoni Rigó, Alberto Codina, Julia de Juan, Miquel Quer, Xavier León
Introduction and objectivesExtranodal extension in nodal metastases is an independent adverse prognostic factor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. However, few studies specifically address the subgroup of patients with no clinical evidence of nodal disease.Material and methodsWe retrospectively analysed data from 348 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients without any previous treatment and lacking clinical or radiological evidence of neck node metastases during the initial workup, treated with an elective neck dissection between 1992 and 2014. The incidence of occult metastatic neck nodes with extranodal extension and the impact of extranodal extension in survival were evaluated.ResultsThe proportion of patients with occult neck node metastases was 33%. Of these, 23.5% had at least one metastatic neck node with extranodal extension. There were significant differences in the disease-specific survival rate according to neck node status. Five-year disease-specific survival for patients without histopathological metastases was 90%, for patients with occult neck node metastases without extranodal extension it was 71.2%, and for patients with occult neck node metastases with extranodal extension it was 25.9% (P=.0001). The multivariate analysis revealed that the presence of occult node metastases with extranodal extension was the factor with strongest impact on survival. The inclusion of the extranodal extension as a criterion of histopathological evaluation in the 8th TNM classification edition improves the prognostic capacity compared to previous TNM editions.ConclusionsAppearance of metastatic neck nodes with extranodal extension is an adverse prognostic factor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients without clinical evidence of regional disease during the initial workup of the tumour.


Endoscopic Closure of Septal Perforations

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Isam Alobid
ObjectiveThe management of septal perforations is a challenge for the surgeon. A wide variety of surgical techniques have been described, with different approaches. There is no scientific evidence to support a particular approach. The objective of this review is to present a practical guide on the technique of choice for each case of septal perforation.DiscussionInspection of the nasal mucosa, the size of the perforation, the location and especially the osteo-cartilaginous support, are the pillars of a successful surgery. For the sliding or rotating flaps of the mucosa of the septum it is essential to know in advance if the elevation of the mucopericondrio or mucoperiosteo of the septum is possible, otherwise the use of these flaps would not be indicated. The flaps of the lateral wall or nasal floor are the alternative. The pericranial flap may be indicated in total or near total perforations.ConclusionThe remnant of the nasal septum and status of osteo-cartilaginous support are the determining factors in the management of septal perforations. Each case should be evaluated individually and the approach chosen according to the size and location of the perforation, mucosal quality, personal history, previous surgery and the experience of the surgeon.


Virtual Surgery for Patients With Nasal Obstruction: Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (MeComLand®, Digbody® & Noseland®) to Document Objective Flow Parameters and Optimise Surgical Results

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Manuel A. Burgos, Maria Agustina Sevilla García, Enrique Sanmiguel Rojas, Carlos Del Pino, Carlos Fernández Velez, Francisco Piqueras, Francisco Esteban Ortega
IntroductionComputational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a mathematical tool to analyse airflow. We present a novel CFD software package to improve results following nasal surgery for obstruction.MethodsA group of engineers in collaboration with otolaryngologists have developed a very intuitive CFD software package called MeComLand®, which uses the patient's cross-sectional (tomographic) images, thus showing in detail results originated by CFD such as airflow distributions, velocity profiles, pressure, or wall shear stress. NOSELAND® helps medical evaluation with dynamic reports by using a 3D endoscopic view. Using this CFD-based software a patient underwent virtual surgery (septoplasty, turbinoplasty, spreader grafts, lateral crural J-flap and combinations) to choose the best improvement in nasal flow.ObjectiveTo present a novel software package to improve nasal surgery results. To apply the software on CT slices from a patient affected by septal deviation. To evaluate several surgical procedures (septoplasty, turbinectomy, spreader-grafts, J-flap and combination among them) to find the best alternative with less morbidity.ResultsThe combination of all the procedures does not provide the best nasal flow improvement. Septoplasty plus turbinoplasty obtained the best results. Turbinoplasty alone rendered almost similar results to septoplasty in our simulation.ConclusionsCFD provides useful complementary information to cover diagnosis, prognosis, and follow-up of nasal pathologies based on quantitative magnitudes linked to fluid flow. MeComLand®, DigBody® and NoseLand® represent a non-invasive, low-cost alternative for the functional study of patients with nasal obstruction.


Subglottis Inflammatory Pseudotumour in a 3-Year-old Child

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Javier Cervera Escario, Sara Sirvent Cerdá, Saturnino Santos Santos, Adolfo Sequeiros González


Spontaneous Rupture of Cervical Thoracic Duct: A Case Report

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Natalia Rodriguez, Maria Luisa Navarrete, Cesar Ortiz, Shelagh Dyer


Lipoma of the pre-epiglottic space: A common pathology in an uncommon place

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Nuno Ribeiro Costa, Delfim Duarte, Miguel Viana


Osteochondroma of Maxillary Sinus, an Unusual Location

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Ana Belén Gil Guerra, Esther Gómez San Martín, María Isabel Jiménez Cuenca


Maxillary hydatid cyst

Publication date: May–June 2018
Source:Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 69, Issue 3
Author(s): Satvinder Singh Bakshi, Roopa Urs


Tympanostomy tube placement and ear drops: Evidence-based cost saving models

Publication date: July 2018
Source:International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Volume 110
Author(s): Gabriel Gomez, Philip G. Chen
Objectives/IntroductionTympanostomy tube placement is the most common surgical procedure in the pediatric population with important financial implications to our healthcare institutions. The purpose of this study is to apply various cost models in different clinical environments to determine the most cost effective way to prescribe ear drops after tympanostomy tube insertion.MethodsTwo distinct practice models were designed: a Uniform Treatment Model and a Disease Specific Model. Different cost simulations were run based on which medication(s) was chosen for all tympanostomy tube cases performed over the course of 1 year in a practice composed of four pediatric otolaryngologist. Two categories of ear drop medications were seen: high cost and low cost. The cost associated with initiation of drops in the operating room versus initiation as an outpatient via a prescription was evaluated.ResultsIn both Uniform Treatment and Disease Specific Models, the most expensive simulations included antibiotic/steroid combination drop use intraoperatively. The treatment with an antibiotic/steroid combination drop was lower when delayed until the post-operative period. The hospital cost for ear drops increased by as much as 478% when dispensed within the operating room rather than from the hospital's outpatient pharmacy.ConclusionsOtolaryngologists should make an effort to become familiar with the cost of ototopical medications and the significant variability between inpatient and outpatient settings. Cost of ototopical agents should be shifted to the institution's outpatient pharmacy whenever possible especially for branded, higher cost combination drops. Patients should be treated based on the status of their ear disease at time of middle tube insertion.


Unusual cystic lung metastasis


A 35-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer, confirmed by histology to be squamous cell cancer. A CT of the chest performed as a part of her initial workup did not show any clear evidence of metastasis (figure 1). She underwent chemoradiotherapy with external beam radiotherapy and cisplatin. A positron-emission tomography (PET)-CT of the chest 12 weeks later demonstrated multiple 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose  (FDG)-avid lung nodules suggestive of disease progression (figure 2). She subsequently received palliative therapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel. A follow-up CT chest 4 months later showed multiple bilateral randomly distributed cystic lesions of different sizes (largest measuring 29 mm) that were not seen on prior imaging (figure 3). These have been diagnosed as metastatic cystic lung disease.

Figure 1

Normal initial CT scan.

Figure 2

Multiple FDG-avid lung nodules on positron - emission tomography-CT.



Metabolic acidosis in short bowel syndrome: think D-lactic acid acidosis

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a condition when a person's gastrointestinal function is insufficient to supply the body with essential nutrients and hydration. Patients with SBS suffer from diarrhoea and symptoms of malabsorption such as weight loss, electrolyte disturbances and vitamin deficiencies. Long-term management of this condition can be complicated by the underlying disease, the abnormal bowel function and issues related to treatment like administration of parenteral nutrition and the use of a central venous catheter. Here, we describe a case of D-lactic acid acidosis, a rarer complication of SBS, presenting with generalised weakness and severe metabolic acidosis.


Use of CSF infusion studies to unblock occluded hydrocephalus ventricular shunt catheters: a preliminary report of two patients

Two patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts presented with symptoms of raised intracranial pressure indicative of possible shunt malfunction. During investigation, to eliminate this possibility, cerebral spinal fluid infusion studies were performed, which indicated proximal occlusion of the shunts in both cases. Retrograde flush of the ventricular catheter was performed during temporary compression of the siphon-control device, a manoeuvre which blocks distal flow. After the use of this technique, both patients' symptoms improved and they have remained symptom-free for over 2 years. This case report validates the role that infusion studies can play in clearing a blocked ventricular catheter shunt.


Pyopericardium progressing to tamponade in a patient with immune thrombocytopenia

Pericardial effusion can develop during any stage of pericarditis, and small effusions that appear rapidly can cause cardiac tamponade. Pyopericardium is a rare aetiology for tamponade. This is a case of an elderly diabetic lady, on steroid therapy for immune thrombocytopenia, who presented with fever and acute dyspnoea. She developed cardiac tamponade due to pyopericardium with Staphylococcus as the causative organism. Staphylococcus pyopericardium, in the absence of a primary focus of infection, progressing to tamponade is an uncommon scenario.


Intraoperative intraluminal injection of N-acetylcysteine allowing treatment of distal intestinal obstruction syndrome without the need for enterotomy

We describe a case of an 18-year-old man who suffers from cystic fibrosis and developed distal intestinal obstruction syndrome while being treated as an inpatient. Following failed medical management, we proceeded to laparotomy where the small bowel was decompressed with retrograde milking into the stomach, leaving a section of impacted stool in the distal ileum. N-acetylcysteine was injected into the bowel lumen proximal to the obstruction. This resulted in dissolution of the stool without the need for enterotomy and is, to our knowledge, the first successful example of this technique in the literature.


Pneumoperitoneum in a neonate weighing less than 500 g. What do we really know about it?

Pneumoperitoneum in preterm infants is a surgical emergency as it is usually indicative of intestinal perforation. Rare cases of idiopathic pneumoperitoneum have been described in the literature, the underlying causes and pathophysiology of which remain uncertain. We present a case of pneumoperitoneum in an extremely preterm infant with severe growth restriction. This occurred while she was receiving high frequency oscillatory ventilation. She had respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary interstitial emphysema. The pneumoperitoneum occurred in isolation. Despite the insertion of two surgical drains and two exploratory laparotomies in which no obvious intestinal perforation was noted, the free air in the abdomen reaccumulated. A decision was made to manage it conservatively. She was successfully extubated on the fourth week of life and the pneumoperitoneum resolved spontaneously. She was discharged home on day 136 of life. This case highlights our limited understanding of the intricate physiology of extremely low birthweight preterm neonates.


Sturge-Weber syndrome-associated glaucoma and intraocular osseous metaplasia: a unique complicated case

A 30-year-old European man was admitted to our centre complaining about severe pain of the right eye (OD) and right part of the face, redness and no vision of the OD. He had an 18-year history of secondary to Sturge-Weber syndrome glaucoma, 6-month history of red eye and 1-week history of pain in OD. The best-corrected visual acuity was no light perception OD and 20/20 OS. Intraocular pressure was 36 mm Hg OD. Examination revealed endophthalmitis, Sturge-Weber syndrome-associated glaucoma and complicated cataract of OD.

Unfortunately, no prescribed treatment helped this patient, so evisceration of OD was performed. During the evisceration, a subretinal 20 mm in width and 22 mm in length osseous tissue, partially vascularised, was removed surgically and was sent to the histological laboratory. Histopathologically, there were data of active inflammatory process, retinal detachment due to huge subretinal osseous metaplasia, gliosis and retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia, and druses with ossification.


Unusual case of iron overload with cancer-mimicking abdominal splenosis

A 48-year-old man, former alcohol abuser and drug addicted, was referred to our tertiary referral centre for iron disorders because of marked hyperferritinaemia. His clinical history revealed chronic hepatitis C, ß-thalassaemia trait and post-traumatic splenectomy at age of 22. MRI-estimated liver iron content was markedly elevated, while first-line genetic test for haemochromatosis was negative. Alpha-fetoprotein was increased but liver ultrasonography did not reveal focal liver lesions. Multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT confirmed this result but showed two abdominal masses (diameter of 9 cm and 7 cm, respectively) among bowel loops, strongly suspicious for cancer. However, biopsy of one of the masses led to the final diagnosis of abdominal splenosis.


Unique presentation of a ruptured Meckels diverticulum after blunt trauma


A 25-year-old man with no significant medical or surgical history presented with a complaint of thick, dark drainage from a periumbilical wound for 1 month (figure 1). He reported first noticing the drainage several days after bumping into the corner of a machine at work. He was seen by his primary care physician and prescribed oral antibiotics for persistent drainage and erythema; however, his symptoms failed to improve.

Figure 1

Chronic umbilical wound sustained after blunt abdominal trauma, with drainage of a thick, dark fluid for 1 month.

On presentation to the emergency department, the patient was afebrile and haemodynamically stable. Lab work was within normal limits. An abdominal CT scan demonstrated a loculated periumbilical fluid collection, with extension intraperitoneally into a portion of thickened small bowel with suspicion of an enterocutaneous fistula (figure 2).



Komplikationen und Nebenwirkungen bei konservativer Therapie rhinologischer Erkrankungen



Die Gruppe der rhinologischen Erkrankungen ist vielfältig, so auch ihre medikamentöse Therapie. Es sind allein 1272 Präparate in der ATC-Gruppe (anatomisch-therapeutisch-chemische Klassifikation) mit einer R01-Codierung (Rhinologika) gelistet. Die konservative Therapie der rhinologischen Erkrankungen beinhaltet zusätzlich die systemische – meist orale – Anwendung von Kortikosteroiden, Antibiotika und Immunmodulatoren.

Ziel der Arbeit

Dargestellt werden die Komplikationen der im klinischen Alltag gebräuchlichen Medikamente (unterteilt in ihre Wirkstoffklassen), die zur Therapie rhinologischer Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden. Insbesondere werden nützliche Behandlungs- bzw. Präventionsmaßnahmen vorgestellt.

Material und Methoden

Auf der Basis der Fachinformationen der Medikamente der ATC-Codes der R01-Gruppe sowie der Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken PubMed, der Cochrane Library und MEDLINE werden Medikamente, die bei rhinologischen Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden, auf ihre Nebenwirkungen und deren Häufigkeit hin untersucht.


Intranasal applizierte Medikamente können insbesondere lokale Irritation, Brennen, Trockenheit und Epistaxis verursachen. Oral oder intravenös verabreichte rhinologische Medikamente können zu Nebenwirkungen der unterschiedlichen Organsysteme, u. a. Herzrhythmusstörungen oder Blutbildveränderungen, führen. Bei der Medikamentenverordnung wird die patientenspezifische Auswahl des Therapeutikums und die individualisierte Aufklärung des Patienten empfohlen.


Insbesondere für Kinder, stillende Mütter und Schwangere sollte die Indikation aller Rhinologika streng geprüft werden. Da eine Vielzahl von Rhinologika zur Verfügung steht, sollte unter Berücksichtigung des Nebenwirkungsprofils die optimale individuelle Therapie ausgewählt werden.


Rötlicher Knoten am Kapillitium eines jungen Mannes


Midline Congenital Upper Lip Sinus: A Rare Case


To present a rare case of a midline congenital upper lip sinus and its management. Background: A lip sinus is a rare condition, where a failure of the complete union during early stages of development leads to its formation. The prevalence of lower lip sinus is estimated to be about 0.00001% of the white population and that of upper lip sinus is even rarer. A congenital lip sinus maybe associated with syndromes such as; Von der Woude syndrome, or maybe present in isolation. A 25-year-old male presented to our clinic with intermittent swelling in the upper lip region. Clinical examination revealed a congenital midline lip sinus in the upper lip region, which had no intra-oral communication, and was managed by surgical excision. Till date, there has been a hand full of case reports of upper lip sinuses and fistulae, out of which only few are reported in India. We herein report a case of congenital upper lip sinus presenting as an intermittent swelling of the upper lip with its successful surgical management.


Midline Congenital Upper Lip Sinus: A Rare Case


To present a rare case of a midline congenital upper lip sinus and its management. Background: A lip sinus is a rare condition, where a failure of the complete union during early stages of development leads to its formation. The prevalence of lower lip sinus is estimated to be about 0.00001% of the white population and that of upper lip sinus is even rarer. A congenital lip sinus maybe associated with syndromes such as; Von der Woude syndrome, or maybe present in isolation. A 25-year-old male presented to our clinic with intermittent swelling in the upper lip region. Clinical examination revealed a congenital midline lip sinus in the upper lip region, which had no intra-oral communication, and was managed by surgical excision. Till date, there has been a hand full of case reports of upper lip sinuses and fistulae, out of which only few are reported in India. We herein report a case of congenital upper lip sinus presenting as an intermittent swelling of the upper lip with its successful surgical management.


Publisher Correction: A smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in a factorial randomised control trial

Crane, D; Garnett, C; Michie, S; West, R; Brown, J; (2018) Publisher Correction: A smartphone app to reduce excessive alcohol consumption: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in a factorial randomised control trial. [Corrigendum]. Scientific Reports , 8 (1) , Article 6866. 10.1038/s41598-018-25185-2 . Green open access


Building an end user focused THz based ultra high bandwidth wireless access network: The TERAPOD approach

Davy, A; Pessoa, L; Renaud, C; Wasige, E; Naftaly, M; Kurner, T; George, G; ... Porcel, MAG; + view all Davy, A; Pessoa, L; Renaud, C; Wasige, E; Naftaly, M; Kurner, T; George, G; Cojocari, O; Mahony, NO; Porcel, MAG; - view fewer (2018) Building an end user focused THz based ultra high bandwidth wireless access network: The TERAPOD approach. In: (Proceedings) 2017 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). (pp. pp. 454-459). IEEE Green open access


Re‐introduction of structurally complex wood jams promotes channel and habitat recovery from overwidening: Implications for river conservation

Harvey, GL; Henshaw, AJ; Parker, C; Sayer, CD; (2018) Re‐introduction of structurally complex wood jams promotes channel and habitat recovery from overwidening: Implications for river conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems , 28 (2) pp. 395-407. 10.1002/aqc.2824 .


Executive impairment is associated with unawareness of neuropsychiatric symptoms in premanifest and early Huntington’s disease

Andrews, SC; Craufurd, D; Durr, A; Leavitt, BR; Roos, RA; Tabrizi, SJ; Stout, JC; (2018) Executive impairment is associated with unawareness of neuropsychiatric symptoms in premanifest and early Huntington's disease. Neuropsychology (In press).


Scanning the Internet for Liveness

Bano, S; Richter, P; Javed, M; Sundaresan, S; Durumeric, Z; Murdoch, S; Mortier, R; Bano, S; Richter, P; Javed, M; Sundaresan, S; Durumeric, Z; Murdoch, S; Mortier, R; Paxson, V; - view fewer (2018) Scanning the Internet for Liveness. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review , 48 (2) pp. 2-9. 10.1145/3213232.3213234 . Green open access


Evaluation of polygenic risk scores for ovarian cancer risk prediction in a prospective cohort study

Yang, X; Leslie, G; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Ryan, A; Intermaggio, M; Lee, A; Kalsi, JK; ... Antoniou, AC; + view all Yang, X; Leslie, G; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Ryan, A; Intermaggio, M; Lee, A; Kalsi, JK; Tyrer, J; Gaba, F; Manchanda, R; Pharoah, PDP; Gayther, SA; Ramus, SJ; Jacobs, I; Menon, U; Antoniou, AC; - view fewer (2018) Evaluation of polygenic risk scores for ovarian cancer risk prediction in a prospective cohort study. Journal of Medical Genetics 10.1136/jmedgenet-2018-105313 . (In press). Green open access


Highly stretchable polymer semiconductor films through the nanoconfinement effect

Xu, J; Wang, S; Wang, G-JN; Zhu, C; Luo, S; Jin, L; Gu, X; ... Bao, Z; + view all Xu, J; Wang, S; Wang, G-JN; Zhu, C; Luo, S; Jin, L; Gu, X; Chen, S; Feig, VR; To, JWF; Rondeau-Gagne, S; Park, J; Schroeder, BC; Lu, C; Oh, JY; Wang, Y; Kim, Y-H; Yan, H; Sinclair, R; Zhou, D; Xue, G; Murmann, B; Linder, C; Cai, W; Tok, JB-H; Chung, JW; Bao, Z; - view fewer (2017) Highly stretchable polymer semiconductor films through the nanoconfinement effect. Science , 355 (6320) pp. 59-64. 10.1126/science.aah4496 . Green open access


Recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis and management of reticular dysgenesis

Hoenig, M; Pannicke, U; Gaspar, HB; Schwarz, K; (2017) Recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis and management of reticular dysgenesis. British Journal of Haematology , 180 (5) pp. 644-653. 10.1111/bjh.15045 .


Preclinical Development of a Lentiviral Vector for Gene Therapy of X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

Poletti, V; Charrier, S; Corre, G; Gjata, B; Vignaud, A; Zhang, F; Rothe, M; ... Mavilio, F; + view all Poletti, V; Charrier, S; Corre, G; Gjata, B; Vignaud, A; Zhang, F; Rothe, M; Schambach, A; Gaspar, HB; Thrasher, AJ; Mavilio, F; - view fewer (2018) Preclinical Development of a Lentiviral Vector for Gene Therapy of X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development , 9 pp. 257-269. 10.1016/j.omtm.2018.03.002 . Green open access


Liver toxicity associated with tuberculosis chemotherapy in the REMoxTB study

Tweed, CD; Wills, GH; Crook, AM; Dawson, R; Diacon, AH; Louw, CE; McHugh, TD; ... Gillespie, SH; + view all Tweed, CD; Wills, GH; Crook, AM; Dawson, R; Diacon, AH; Louw, CE; McHugh, TD; Mendel, C; Meredith, S; Mohapi, L; Murphy, ME; Murray, S; Murthy, S; Nunn, AJ; Phillips, PPJ; Singh, K; Spigelman, M; Gillespie, SH; - view fewer (2018) Liver toxicity associated with tuberculosis chemotherapy in the REMoxTB study. BMC Medicine , 16 (1) , Article 46. 10.1186/s12916-018-1033-7 . Green open access


Aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition of V2O5 cathodes with high rate capabilities for magnesium-ion batteries

Drosos, C; Jia, C; Mathew, S; Palgrave, RG; Moss, B; Kafizas, A; Vernardou, D; (2018) Aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition of V2O5 cathodes with high rate capabilities for magnesium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources , 384 pp. 355-359. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.02.074 .


Comparison of the Morphology Development of Polymer-Fullerene and Polymer-Polymer Solar Cells during Solution-Shearing Blade Coating

Gu, X; Yan, H; Kurosawa, T; Schroeder, BC; Gu, KL; Zhou, Y; To, JWF; ... Bao, Z; + view all Gu, X; Yan, H; Kurosawa, T; Schroeder, BC; Gu, KL; Zhou, Y; To, JWF; Oosterhout, SD; Savikhin, V; Molina-Lopez, F; Tassone, CJ; Mannsfeld, SCB; Wang, C; Toney, MF; Bao, Z; - view fewer (2016) Comparison of the Morphology Development of Polymer-Fullerene and Polymer-Polymer Solar Cells during Solution-Shearing Blade Coating. Advanced Energy Materials , 6 (22) , Article 1601225. 10.1002/aenm.201601225 . Green open access


Biomechanics of Two External Fixator Devices Used in Rat Femoral Fractures

Osagie-Clouard, L; Kaufmann, J; Blunn, G; Coathup, M; Pendegrass, C; Meeson, R; Briggs, T; Osagie-Clouard, L; Kaufmann, J; Blunn, G; Coathup, M; Pendegrass, C; Meeson, R; Briggs, T; Moazen, M; - view fewer (2018) Biomechanics of Two External Fixator Devices Used in Rat Femoral Fractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 10.1002/jor.24034 . (In press).


Conceptualising metabolic disorder in Southern Africa: biology, history and global health

Vaughan, M; (2018) Conceptualising metabolic disorder in Southern Africa: biology, history and global health. BioSocieties 10.1057/s41292-018-0122-3 . (In press).


Intrinsically stretchable and healable semiconducting polymer for organic transistors

Oh, JY; Rondeau-Gagne, S; Chiu, Y-C; Chortos, A; Lissel, F; Wang, G-JN; Schroeder, BC; ... Bao, Z; + view all Oh, JY; Rondeau-Gagne, S; Chiu, Y-C; Chortos, A; Lissel, F; Wang, G-JN; Schroeder, BC; Kurosawa, T; Lopez, J; Katsumata, T; Xu, J; Zhu, C; Gu, X; Bae, W-G; Kim, Y; Jin, L; Chung, JW; Tok, JB-H; Bao, Z; - view fewer (2016) Intrinsically stretchable and healable semiconducting polymer for organic transistors. [Letter]. Nature , 539 (7629) pp. 411-415. 10.1038/nature20102 . Green open access


Sodium Valproate, a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, Is Associated With Reduced Stroke Risk After Previous Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack

Brookes, RL; Crichton, S; Wolfe, CDA; Yi, Q; Li, L; Hankey, GJ; Rothwell, PM; Brookes, RL; Crichton, S; Wolfe, CDA; Yi, Q; Li, L; Hankey, GJ; Rothwell, PM; Markus, HS; - view fewer (2018) Sodium Valproate, a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, Is Associated With Reduced Stroke Risk After Previous Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. Stroke , 49 (1) pp. 54-61. 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.016674 . Green open access


Morungs and Megaliths: Heritage Among the Naga of Nagaland, Northeast India

Imchen, Shisachila; (2018) Morungs and Megaliths: Heritage Among the Naga of Nagaland, Northeast India. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Tuning the Hydrolytic Stability of Next Generation Maleimide Cross-Linkers Enables Access to Albumin-Antibody Fragment Conjugates and tri-scFvs

Forte, N; Livanos, M; Miranda, E; Morais, M; Yang, X; Rajkumar, VS; Chester, KA; ... Baker, JR; + view all Forte, N; Livanos, M; Miranda, E; Morais, M; Yang, X; Rajkumar, VS; Chester, KA; Chudasama, V; Baker, JR; - view fewer (2018) Tuning the Hydrolytic Stability of Next Generation Maleimide Cross-Linkers Enables Access to Albumin-Antibody Fragment Conjugates and tri-scFvs. Bioconjugate Chemistry , 29 (2) pp. 486-492. 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00795 . Green open access


Survey of Magnetosheath Plasma Properties at Saturn and Inference of Upstream Flow Conditions

Thomsen, MF; Coates, AJ; Jackman, CM; Sergis, N; Jia, X; Hansen, KC; (2018) Survey of Magnetosheath Plasma Properties at Saturn and Inference of Upstream Flow Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics , 123 (3) pp. 2034-2053. 10.1002/2018JA025214 .


Developed liquid film passing a trailing edge under the action of gravity and capillarity

Scheichl, B; Bowles, RI; Pasias, G; (2018) Developed liquid film passing a trailing edge under the action of gravity and capillarity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (In press).


The role of nasopharyngeal examination and biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant diseases

Publication date: Available online 15 May 2018
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Necmi Arslan, Arzu Tuzuner, Alper Koycu, Songul Dursun, Sema Hucumenoglu
IntroductionIn direct proportion to the increasing rate of nasopharynx examinations applied, the early diagnosis and treatment of lesions in this region is possible. At times the clinical findings and the biopsy results are not consistent, so biopsies may have to be repeated.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pathology test results obtained from cases of nasopharynx biopsy, to determine with which methods determination most often was made, and to investigate which kinds of cases required the biopsy to be repeated.MethodsThe study included a total of 1074 patients (500 female, 574 male) who underwent nasopharyngeal biopsy in our clinic between June 2011 and June 2017. Data were obtained from patient records of age, gender, clinical findings, imaging findings if available and pathological diagnosis. The pathological diagnoses were separated into 3 main groups as chronic nasopharyngitis, benign cytology and malignant cytology.ResultsThe examinations resulted in 996 cases reported as chronic nasopharyngitis, 47 as benign cytology and 31 as malignant cytology. Of the 31 malignant lesions, diagnosis was made in 15 patients (48.4%) with a single biopsy, and in 16 patients (51.6%), as a result of the pathology report when 2 or more biopsies were taken. In the comparison of the benign and malignant lesions in respect of the need for repeated biopsies, the cases determined with malignancy were found to have a statistically significantly higher rate of repeated biopsy (p<0.001).ConclusionIn comparison with cases of benign tumor, a statistically significantly greater number of repeated biopsies were required in cases diagnosed as malignant tumors to confirm the pathological diagnosis or when there was continued suspicion of malignancy. Therefore, when there is clinical suspicion, even if there are no findings of malignancy on the first biopsy, the biopsy should be repeated expeditiously.


Congenital Pyriform Sinus Fistula: Management of an Extra-Delayed and Atypical Case


Clinical presentations of pyriform sinus fistulas vary, and this sometimes leads to a delay in diagnosis and treatment. Recently, we experienced a case of recurrent cervical abscesses occurring after thyroidectomy in an adult affected by a bifidus pyriform sinus fistula. The diagnostic dilemma was related to the timing of events, with a single episode of acute suppurative thyroiditis having occurred 16 years before the onset of the more recent clinical scenario. An endoscopic approach allowed effective management of this clinical case.
ORL 2018;80:65–68


Spontaneous Slowing and Regressing of Tumor Growth in Childhood/Adolescent Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas Suggested by the Postoperative Thyroglobulin-Doubling Time

Background. Children and adolescents with papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) have generally excellent prognoses despite their frequent extended disease. The tumor growth of young patients' PTCs might show spontaneous slowing postoperatively. We compared young PTC patients' postoperative thyroglobulin-doubling time (Tg-DT) with their preoperative hypothetical tumor volume-doubling time (hTV-DT). Methods. Fourteen PTC patients aged ≤18 years who underwent total thyroidectomy at Kuma Hospital in 1998–2016 had biochemically persistent disease postoperatively. We calculated their Tg-DTs and estimated their preoperative TV-DTs with the tumor size and the patient's age at surgery, presuming that a single cancer cell was present at the patient's birth. Results. Twelve patients had positive Tg-DTs ranging from 2.0 to 147 years, and the remaining two had negative Tg-DTs, indicating slow growth or even regression. The hTV-DTs were 0.3–0.6 years (median 0.5 years), which were significantly shorter than the Tg-DTs (), indicating much faster growth preoperatively. The analyses of the nine patients without radioactive iodine administration (RAI) gave similar results (). Conclusions. Irrespective of RAI, the patients' postoperative Tg-DTs were significantly longer than their preoperative hTV-DTs and were negative values in two patients, indicating that the growth of these young patients' PTCs had spontaneously slowed or even regressed postoperatively.


CO2 laser and photodynamic therapy: Study of efficacy in periocular BCC

Dermatologic Therapy, EarlyView.


Malignes Melanom


The usefulness integrity testing in children: A single institution experience of 86 tests over a period of 20 years

Clinical Otolaryngology, EarlyView.


Aortic root stiffness and mechanical properties of healthy adults

Negoita, M; Hughes, AD; Parker, K; Khir, A; (2017) Aortic root stiffness and mechanical properties of healthy adults. Presented at: Artery17, Pisa Palazzo dei Congressi, Pisa, Italy.


Adeno-associated virus Rep proteins antagonize phosphatase PP1 to counteract KAP1 repression of the latent viral genome

Smith-Moore, S; Neil, SJD; Fraefel, C; Linden, RM; Bollen, M; Rowe, HM; Henckaerts, E; (2018) Adeno-associated virus Rep proteins antagonize phosphatase PP1 to counteract KAP1 repression of the latent viral genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 115 (15) E3529-E3538. 10.1073/pnas.1721883115 .


Proteotype profiling unmasks a viral signalling network essential for poxvirus assembly and transcriptional competence

Novy, K; Kilcher, S; Omasits, U; Bleck, CKE; Beerli, C; Vowinckel, J; Martin, CK; ... Wollscheid, B; + view all Novy, K; Kilcher, S; Omasits, U; Bleck, CKE; Beerli, C; Vowinckel, J; Martin, CK; Syedbasha, M; Maiolica, A; White, I; Mercer, J; Wollscheid, B; - view fewer (2018) Proteotype profiling unmasks a viral signalling network essential for poxvirus assembly and transcriptional competence. Nature Microbiology , 3 (5) pp. 588-599. 10.1038/s41564-018-0142-6 .


ESHRE/ESGE female genital tract anomalies classification system-the potential impact of discarding arcuate uterus on clinical practice

Knez, J; Saridogan, E; Van den Bosch, T; Mavrelos, D; Ambler, G; Jurkovic, D; (2018) ESHRE/ESGE female genital tract anomalies classification system-the potential impact of discarding arcuate uterus on clinical practice. Human Reproduction , 33 (4) pp. 600-606. 10.1093/humrep/dey043 .


The challenges of tackling corruption in systemically corrupt environments

Ledeneva, AV; (2019) The challenges of tackling corruption in systemically corrupt environments. Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society (In press).


Does addressing prediabetes help to improve population health?

Kivimaki, M; Tabak, AG; (2018) Does addressing prediabetes help to improve population health? The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology , 6 (5) pp. 354-356. 10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30030-5 .


Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Death in Individuals With Prediabetes Defined by Different Criteria: The Whitehall II Study

Vistisen, D; Witte, DR; Brunner, EJ; Kivimaki, M; Tabak, A; Jorgensen, ME; Faerch, K; (2018) Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Death in Individuals With Prediabetes Defined by Different Criteria: The Whitehall II Study. Diabetes Care , 41 (4) pp. 899-906. 10.2337/dc17-2530 . Green open access


Functionally graded additive manufacturing to achieve functionality specifications of osteochondral scaffolds

Monzon, M; Liu, C; Ajami, S; Oliveira, M; Donate, R; Ribeiro, V; Reis, R; (2018) Functionally graded additive manufacturing to achieve functionality specifications of osteochondral scaffolds. Bio-Design and Manufacturing , 1 (1) pp. 69-75. 10.1007/s42242-018-0003-4 .


Investigation into factors affecting the mechanical behaviours of a patient-specific vertebral body replacement

Wang, L; Kang, J; Shi, L; Fu, J; Li, D; Guo, Z; Liu, C; ... Jiang, X; + view all Wang, L; Kang, J; Shi, L; Fu, J; Li, D; Guo, Z; Liu, C; Dong, S; Jiang, X; - view fewer (2018) Investigation into factors affecting the mechanical behaviours of a patient-specific vertebral body replacement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine , 232 (4) pp. 378-387. 10.1177/0954411918754926 . Green open access


Three-dimensional printed polycaprolactone-microcrystalline cellulose scaffolds

Alemán-Domínguez, ME; Giusto, E; Ortega, Z; Tamaddon, M; Benítez, AN; Liu, C; (2018) Three-dimensional printed polycaprolactone-microcrystalline cellulose scaffolds. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 10.1002/jbm.b.34142 . (In press).


Clinically actionable mutation profiles in patients with cancer identified by whole-genome sequencing

Schuh, A; Dreau, H; Knight, SJL; Ridout, K; Mizani, T; Vavoulis, D; Colling, R; ... Taylor, JC; + view all Schuh, A; Dreau, H; Knight, SJL; Ridout, K; Mizani, T; Vavoulis, D; Colling, R; Antoniou, P; Kvikstad, EM; Pentony, MM; Hamblin, A; Protheroe, A; Parton, M; Shah, KA; Orosz, Z; Athanasou, N; Hassan, B; Flanagan, AM; Ahmed, A; Winter, S; Harris, A; Tomlinson, I; Popitsch, N; Church, D; Taylor, JC; - view fewer (2018) Clinically actionable mutation profiles in patients with cancer identified by whole-genome sequencing. Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies , 4 (2) , Article a002279. 10.1101/mcs.a002279 . Green open access


Biologics for treating axial spondyloarthritis

Jones, A; Ciurtin, C; Ismajli, M; Leandro, M; Sengupta, R; Machado, PM; (2018) Biologics for treating axial spondyloarthritis. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 10.1080/14712598.2018.1468884 . (In press).


Update on outcome assessment in myositis

Rider, LG; Aggarwal, R; MacHado, PM; Hogrel, JY; Reed, AM; Christopher-Stine, L; Ruperto, N; (2018) Update on outcome assessment in myositis. [Review]. Nature Reviews Rheumatology , 14 (5) pp. 303-318. 10.1038/nrrheum.2018.33 .


Developmental Perspectives on Interpersonal Affective Touch

Crucianelli, L; Filippetti, ML; (2018) Developmental Perspectives on Interpersonal Affective Touch. Topoi 10.1007/s11245-018-9565-1 . (In press). Green open access


Metastatic Spine Tumor Epidemiology: Comparison of Trends in Surgery Across Two Decades and Three Continents

Wright, E; Ricciardi, F; Arts, M; Buchowski, JM; Chung, CK; Coppes, M; Crockard, A; ... Choi, D; + view all Wright, E; Ricciardi, F; Arts, M; Buchowski, JM; Chung, CK; Coppes, M; Crockard, A; Depreitere, B; Fehlings, M; Kawahara, N; Lee, CS; Leung, Y; Martin-Benlloch, A; Massicotte, E; Mazel, C; Oner, C; Peul, W; Quraishi, N; Tokuhashi, Y; Tomita, K; Ulbricht, C; Verlaan, J-J; Wang, M; Choi, D; - view fewer (2018) Metastatic Spine Tumor Epidemiology: Comparison of Trends in Surgery Across Two Decades and Three Continents. World Neurosurgery 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.03.091 . (In press).


The surgical management of dysphagia secondary to diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

Lui Jonathan, YC; Sayal, P; Prezerakos, G; Russo, V; Choi, D; Casey, ATH; (2018) The surgical management of dysphagia secondary to diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery , 167 pp. 36-42. 10.1016/j.clineuro.2018.02.010 .


Use of hyaluronidase as an adjunct to local anaesthetic eye blocks to reduce intraoperative pain in adults

Rüschen, H; Aravinth, K; Bunce, C; Bokre, D; (2018) Use of hyaluronidase as an adjunct to local anaesthetic eye blocks to reduce intraoperative pain in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3) , Article CD010368. 10.1002/14651858.CD010368.pub2 .


Radiation-driven rotational motion of nanoparticles

Liang, M; Harder, R; Robinson, I; (2018) Radiation-driven rotational motion of nanoparticles. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation , 25 (Part 3) pp. 757-762. 10.1107/S1600577518005039 . Green open access


A Novel Method for Landslide Displacement Prediction by Integrating Advanced Computational Intelligence Algorithms

Zhou, C; Yin, K; Ahmed, B; Fu, X; (2018) A Novel Method for Landslide Displacement Prediction by Integrating Advanced Computational Intelligence Algorithms. Scientific Reports , 8 (7287) 10.1038/s41598-018-25567-6 . Green open access


Unparalleled decline in kidney function amongst apparently healthy young adults at risk of Mesoamerican Nephropathy

Gonzalez-Quiroz, M; Smpokou, E-T; Silverwood, R; Camacho, A; Faber, D; La Rose Garcia, B; Oomatia, A; ... Caplin, B; + view all Gonzalez-Quiroz, M; Smpokou, E-T; Silverwood, R; Camacho, A; Faber, D; La Rose Garcia, B; Oomatia, A; Hill, M; Glaser, J; Le Blond, J; Wesseling, C; Aragoon, A; Smeeth, L; Pearce, N; Nitsch, D; Caplin, B; - view fewer (2018) Unparalleled decline in kidney function amongst apparently healthy young adults at risk of Mesoamerican Nephropathy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (In press).


Ulcerative Lesions: A Rare Cutaneous Manifestation of Brucellosis

Brucellosis is a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans mainly via the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products, and it can involve any organ all over the body. Here, we report a significant rare case of brucellosis with cutaneous manifestations in a 52-year-old male patient whose disease was diagnosed via a serology test. The patient received standard antibiotic treatment, and his cutaneous lesions healed quickly. Although the cutaneous manifestations of brucellosis are exceedingly rare, in case of encountering ulcerative lesions and other cutaneous findings, particularly in endemic areas, infection with brucellosis should be kept in mind as an important differential diagnosis.


Evaluation of Patients for Endoscopic DCR: Sac Syringing and Radionuclide Scintigraphy


To evaluate the importance of sac syringing and radionuclide scintigraphy for pre operative work up of patients with epiphora. In this study, from the year Jan. 2013 to Jan. 2016, patients of epiphora were subjected to radionuclide scintigraphy of lacrimal apparatus in addition to sac syringing and probing. The significance of adding radionuclide scintigraphy in pre op assessment of epiphora was statistically assessed. 146 lacrimal systems were enrolled in the study. Out of them, 89 were males and 57 were females. The mean age of the patients was 42 years. Of the 146 lacrimal systems evaluated, scintigraphy detected 25 cases of common canalicular block versus 8 cases by sac syringing. Also radionuclide scintigraphy was able to detect 11 cases of functional obstruction which were patent on syringing. Results were analysed statistically. Correct diagnosis of site of obstruction is essential to predict a better surgical outcome of endoscopic DCR as it is a highly successful surgical procedure which can be done in distal NLDO only. We recommend that all patients of epiphora should undergo sac syringing as an initial test. This is a simple, inexpensive procedure which can be done as an OPD procedure in a short time. However, radionuclide scintigraphy can be added as an additional investigation to more accurately delineate site of block. It is an objective test and delineates the lacrimal system both anatomically and functionally. Also it diagnoses functional block which appears patent on syringing.


Effect of Duration of Exposure to Personal Listening Devices on Hearing Thresholds in Young Adults


To analyze the effect of duration of use of personal listening devices on hearing impairment in young adults. Hospital-based cross-sectional study. Department of ENT, NEIGRIHMS, India. 50 consenting undergraduate medical students. This study was conducted over a period of 2 months. After eliminating all previous and current otological pathologies, Pure Tone Audiometry was conducted on each subject for both air and bone conducted sound stimuli. The subjects were divided into different groups based on duration of exposure. The audiograms were then closely evaluated for the existence of an association between the duration of personal listening devices (PLD) use and hearing impairment. The data was then evaluated by Chi Square test and Mann–Whitney U test using GraphPad InStat 3 software for the existence of an association between the duration of PLD usage and hearing impairment. The hearing thresholds varied only in isolated frequencies irrespective of the categorisation of duration of exposure to PLDs. There was no significant association between duration of use of personal listening devices and hearing impairment in young adults.
