DOI: 10.1039/C5AN00939A, Paper
Spectrochemical discrimination of ovarian cancer.
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from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
A retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst causing syringomyelia is extremely rare without tonsillar herniation. The authors present a 44-year-old woman with symptoms of foramen magnum compression and syringomyelia. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a large retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst with a large cervicothoracic syrinx but no signs of tonsillar herniation or hydrocephalus. The patient underwent a foramen magnum decompression with C1 laminectomy, microsurgical fenestration of the cyst, and duraplasty. After successful reconstruction of CSF flow, the patient experienced a relief of symptoms and a significant reduction of the syrinx. The intraoperative findings support the theory of a piston mechanism in the development of syringomyelia. Additional arachnoidal adhesions may also obstruct the CSF flow around the craniocervical junction. We recommend the surgical treatment should consist of an adequate decompression of the foramen magnum, wide microsurgical arachnoidal debridement, and duraplasty with autologous grafts sutured in a watertight way.
Expandable vertebral body replacement cages (VBRs) have been widely used for reconstruction of the thoracolumbar spine following corpectomy. However, their use in the cervical spine is less common, and currently, no expandable cages on the market are cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in the cervical spine. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review on the use of expandable cages in the treatment of cervical spine pathology with a focus on fusion rates, deformity correction, complications, and indications. A comprehensive Medline search was performed, and 24 applicable articles were identified and included in this review. The advantages of expandable cages include greater ease of implantation with less risk of damage to the end plate, less intraoperative manipulation of the device, and potentially greater control over lordosis. They may be particularly advantageous in cases with poor bone quality, such as patients with osteoporosis or metastatic tumors that have been radiated. However, there is a potential risk of overdistraction, which is increased in the cervical spine, their minimum height limits their use in cases with collapsed vertebra, and the amount of hardware in the expansion mechanism may limit the surface area available for fusion. The use of expandable VBRs are a valuable tool in the armamentarium for reconstruction of the anterior column of the cervical spine with an acceptable safety profile. Although expandable cervical cages are clearly beneficial in certain clinical situations, widespread use following all corpectomies is not justified due to their significantly greater cost compared to structural bone grafts or non-expandable VBRs, which can be utilized to achieve similar clinical outcomes.
Aneurysms located on the posterior inferior cerebellar artery are rare, and treatment guidelines for them have not yet been established. In this paper, we present the results of a retrospective study which analyzes the management and treatment of 15 patients with posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms from 2004 to 2013. The aneurysms were ruptured and presented with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Of the 15 aneurysms, ten were of saccular, three fusiform, and two were dissecting. Computed tomography angiography or digital subtraction angiography revealed other aneurysms or intracerebral artery hypoplasia in seven patients. Either surgical or endovascular treatment was performed depending on the localization and morphology of the aneurysm. Six aneurysms were coiled, and surgery was performed in nine cases. Of the nine surgically treated patients, six (75 %) had good outcomes. Of the six patients treated using endovascular procedures, three patients (50 %) recovered. Patient outcomes were classified using the Hunt&Hess scale. Patients with Hunt&Hess 1–3 recovered without a neurological deficit. On the other hand, patients with Hunt&Hess 4–5 had a risk of up to 93 % of death or a poor outcome. In two cases of endovascular and in two cases before any therapy, aneurysmal rebleeding occurred and resulted in deterioration of clinical state of the patient and a poor prognosis with high risk of death. This study shows the necessity of acute treatment of posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm, of thorough diagnostic, and of interdisciplinary cooperation.
The role of surgery on central area metastasis remains unclear, and outcome data are still controversial. The aim of our study is to analyze the predictive value of clinical and surgical data on motor and functional outcome of patients, taking into account new emerging data on boundary irregularity of brain metastasis. We retrospectively analyzed 47 consecutive patients who underwent surgery assisted by neurophysiologic monitoring for a solitary metastasis in central area between 2010 and 2013. Inclusion criteria were as follows: good functional status (Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) ≥70), controlled systemic disease, and absence of extra-cranial dissemination. At 1-month follow up, motor and functional outcomes were compared with preoperative clinical status, response to corticosteroids, extent of tumor resection, boundary irregularity, and size of tumor. Gross total resection was achieved in 93.6 % of cases. In preoperative symptomatic patients, motor outcome (according to Medical Research Council grading scale) improved in 55.5 % and worsened in 16.7 %, while functional outcome (according to KPS score) improved in 50 % and worsened in 14.2 % of cases. No worsening occurred in preoperative asymptomatic patients. Motor outcome resulted to be not correlated with preoperative deficits, tumor volume, or preoperative response to corticosteroid treatment. Remarkably, motor outcome and extent of surgical resection appeared strongly correlated with tumor boundary irregularity (p < 0.05). Surgery with neurophysiologic monitoring on motor area metastasis can improve functional and motor condition in selected patients. Tumor volume does not represent a limit in surgery. The high correlation between clinical outcome, resection rate, and tumor boundary irregularity strengthens a new belief on the infiltrative growing pattern of brain metastasis. Motor function was evaluated according to Medical Research Council grading scale (Ott et al. 2014) while functional status was assessed according to KPS score.
Anosmia is not a rare complication of surgeries that employ the anterior interhemispheric approach. Here, we present a fibrin-gelatin fixation method that provides reinforcement and moisture to help preserve the olfactory nerve when using the anterior interhemispheric approach and describe the results and outcomes of this technique. We analyze the outcomes with this technique in 45 patients who undergo surgery for aneurysms, brain tumors, or other pathologies via the anterior interhemispheric approach. Anosmia occurred in 4 patients (8.8 %); it was transient in 2 (4.4 %) and permanent in the remaining 2 (4.4 %). Brain tumors clearly attached to the olfactory nerve were resected in the patients with permanent anosmia. We found a significant difference in the presence of anosmia between patients with or without lesions that were attaching the olfactory nerve (p = 0.011). Our results suggested that fibrin-gelatin fixation method can reduce the reported risk of anosmia. However, the possibility of olfactory nerve damage is relatively high when operating on brain tumors attaching olfactory nerve.
Glioblastoma (GBM) are high-grade gliomas that severely impact on overall survival (OS). GBM cell motility and the breakdown of the blood–brain barrier could favor GBM cell communication with the systemic circulation. In spite of this, extracranial GBM metastases are rare. Here, we describe two YKL-40-positive GBM patients with extra-CNS (central nervous system) metastases, and we present a meta-analysis of 94 cases. The analysis concluded that extra-CNS metastases occurred 8.5 months after first GBM diagnosis and OS was 12 months; surgical GBM excision was associated at a longer interval to extra-CNS metastasis than biopsy only, and even longer if followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Both our case reports were adult males who developed extra-CNS, YKL-40-positive metastases at lymph nodes, lung and subcutaneous sites, after 86 and 24 months from initial diagnosis of GBM. At first GBM local recurrence, they were treated with bevacizumab (BV), an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody. They died after 4 and 1 month from the occurrence of metastases. Both cases expressed YKL-40 and lacked EGFR amplification, suggesting a mesenchymal phenotype, and maintained such profile at extra-CNS recurrence; they did not show MGMT promoter methylation, IDH1/2 mutations, or c-Met upregulation. Our two cases and the meta-analysis support the idea that prolonged survival of GBM patients increases the probability of GBM cells shedding to lymphatic and hematic system. Interestingly, the present two cases showed the features of mesenchymal profile, usually related with worst prognosis that was maintained in extracranial metastases.
Axial symptoms are a late-developing phenomenon in the course of Parkinson's disease (PD) and represent a therapeutic challenge given their poor response to levodopa therapy and deep brain stimulation. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) may be a new therapeutic approach for the alleviation of levodopa-resistant motor symptoms of PD. Our purpose was to systematically review the effectiveness of SCS for the treatment of motor symptoms of PD and to evaluate the technical and pathophysiological mechanisms that may influence the outcome efficacy of SCS. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases for the period from January 1966 through April 2014. The methodology utilized in this work follows a review process derived from evidence-based systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials described in the PRISMA statement. Reports examining SCS for the treatment of PD are limited. Eight studies with a total of 24 patients were included in this review. The overall motor score of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale in the on/off-stimulation condition remained unchanged in 6 patients and improved in 18 patients after SCS. SCS appears to yield positive results for PD symptoms, especially for impairments in gait function and postural stability. However, evidence is limited and long-term prospective studies will be required to identify the optimal candidates for SCS and the best parameters of stimulation and to fully characterize the effects of stimulation on motor and nonmotor symptoms of PD.
Various mineral processing operations to produce pure metals from mineral ores generate sludges, residues, and other unwanted by-products/wastes. As a general practice, these wastes are either stored in a reservoir or disposed in the surrounding of mining/smelting areas, which might cause adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, it is important to understand the various characteristics like heavy metal leaching features and potential toxicity of these metallurgical wastes. In this study, zinc plant leach residues (ZLRs) were collected from a currently operating Zn metallurgical industry located in Minas Gerais (Brazil) and investigated for their potential toxicity, fractionation, and leachability. Three different ZLR samples (ZLR1, ZLR2, and ZLR3) were collected, based on their age of production and deposition. They mainly consisted of Fe (6–11.5 %), Zn (2.5 to 5.0 %), and Pb (1.5 to 2.5 %) and minor concentrations of Al, Cd, Cu, and Mn, depending on the sample age. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) results revealed that these wastes are hazardous for the environment. Accelerated Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction clearly showed that potentially toxic heavy metals such as Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn can be released into the environment in high quantities under mild acidic conditions. The results of the liquid-solid partitioning as a function of pH showed that pH plays an important role in the leachability of metals from these residues. At low pH (pH 2.5), high concentrations of metals can be leached: 67, 25, and 7 % of Zn can be leached from leach residues ZLR1, ZLR2, and ZLR3, respectively. The release of metals decreased with increasing pH. Geochemical modeling of the pH-dependent leaching was also performed to determine which geochemical process controls the leachability/solubility of the heavy metals. This study showed that the studied ZLRs contain significant concentrations of non-residual extractable fractions of Zn and can be seen as a potential secondary resource for Zn.
In this study, Tubifex tubifex worms were exposed to sediment-associated hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers to study the bioaccumulation and elimination behaviors of HCH isomers in T. tubifex. During a 10-day bioaccumulation experiment, bioaccumulation curves of HCHs were approximate to M-type in T. tubifex. The enantioselective behaviors of α-HCH enantiomers were observed in T. tubifex, with concentrations of (+)-α-HCH higher than that of (−)-α-HCH. The concentration of γ-HCH in T. tubifex was higher than that of β-HCH and α-HCH. The existence of worms can accelerate the dissipation of HCHs in sediment, and the dissipation half-lives of α-HCH, β-HCH, and γ-HCH were 8.39, 23.90, and 3.10 days, respectively. In the elimination experiment, approximately 0.053 (37.1 %), 0.074 (45.9 %), and 0.042 mg/kgwwt (38.4 %) α-HCH, β-HCH, and γ-HCH were depleted or excreted in T. tubifex on the first day, respectively. The body residues in T. tubifex were 0.084 (α-HCH), 0.082 (β-HCH), and 0.061 mg/kgwwt (γ-HCH) at the end of elimination experiment. Furthermore, the existence of T. tubifex could affect the overlying water quality parameters.
Exhaust particulate from compression ignition (CI) engines running on engine and chassis dynamometers was studied. Particulate dichloromethane extracts were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and biomarkers by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). PAH group profiles were made and the PAH group shares according to the number of rings (2 or 3; 4; 5 or more) as well as diagnostic indices were calculated. Values of geochemical ratios of selected biomarkers and alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons were compared with literature values. A geochemical interpretation was carried out using these values and biomarker and alkyl aromatic hydrocarbon distributions. It has been shown that geochemical features are unequivocally connected to the emission of fossil fuels and biofuels burned in CI engines. The effect of the exothermic combustion process is limited to low-molecular-weight compounds, which shows that the applied methodology permits source identification of PAHs coexisting in the particulate emitted.
Red soils are the major land resource in subtropical and tropical areas and are characterized by low phosphorus (P) availability. To assess the availability of P for plants and the potential stability of P in soil, two pairs of subtropical red soil samples from a paddy field and an adjacent uncultivated upland were collected from Hunan Province, China. Analysis of total P and Olsen P and sequential extraction was used to determine the inorganic and organic P fractions in different aggregate size classes. Our results showed that the soil under paddy cultivation had lower proportions of small aggregates and higher proportions of large aggregates than those from the uncultivated upland soil. The portion of >2-mm-sized aggregates increased by 31 and 20 % at Taoyuan and Guiyang, respectively. The total P and Olsen P contents were 50–150 and 50–300 % higher, respectively, in the paddy soil than those in the upland soil. Higher inorganic and organic P fractions tended to be enriched in both the smallest and largest aggregate size classes compared to the middle size class (0.02–0.2 mm). Furthermore, the proportion of P fractions was higher in smaller aggregate sizes (<2 mm) than in the higher aggregate sizes (>2 mm). In conclusion, soils under paddy cultivation displayed improved soil aggregate structure, altered distribution patterns of P fractions in different aggregate size classes, and to some extent had enhanced labile P pools.
A new blind data hiding scheme is proposed in which data is decomposed using the Fresnelet transform. The inverse Fresnelet transform is performed on decomposed subbands by choosing different key parameters, and the coded pattern of the information data is obtained. This coded pattern is embedded into particular subbands of the cover image using the wavelets. The proposed method has good imperceptibility and large capacity of the information embedded data. Using the Fresnelet transform with a family of wavelet transforms makes the scheme more efficient in terms of extracted accuracy of hidden information. Moreover, the hidden data can be recovered without access to the original cover data. The proposed method is used to resolve privacy and security issues raised with respect to emerging internet applications for the effective handling of confidential data.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Background: Vascular graft infections are infrequent complications with important morbidity and mortality rates. Pasteurella multocida, a Gram negative bacillus, is a normal oral commensal of many animals. For mankind, it is a pathogenous bacillus which is rarely implicated in vascular grafts.Case reportWe report hereafter the fourth case introduced in the international literature about vascular graft infections caused by P. multocida. The patient was successfully treated with a combination of a surgical graft change and a 6 weeks bi-antibiotic therapy.DiscussionThere is fours case reported in litterature with quite different antibiotic drugs and duration. Conclusion: P. multicoda graft infection should be long with initial intravenous drug and mainteance traitement should not be required.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Background: The role of family doctors in the management of obesity in primary care will become increasingly important as more of the adult population become overweight or obese. Having a solid understanding of the family doctor's role as a sole practitioner is important for supporting practitioners in providing patient care and for informing future research.ObjectiveThe purpose of this paper is to describe a protocol for a scoping review that aims to examine and map the current research base for the role of the family doctor in managing adults who are overweight or obese. Methods: This scoping review is based on the methodology as described by the Joanna Briggs Institute which involves final consultation with stakeholders. Two reviewers (ES, NE) will be responsible for the iterative development of a search strategy based on the basic initial search terms obesity, doctor and primary care. Black and grey literature will be searched to elucidate any manuscripts involving the family doctor in the management of adults who are overweight or obese. A customised data extraction tool will be used to collect relevant items from each manuscript. Results: Data extraction will expose the role family doctors are playing in obesity management in all stages of research including recruitment, intervention or as a control group. By looking at a broad scope of manuscripts we will discover the family doctor's role as portrayed in research, in international guidelines and by peak bodies. We will also determine if there are any gaps in the research base. Conclusion: This protocol describes a scoping review that will illustrate the supporting international research for the role family doctors are playing in the management of adults who are overweight or obese. Scoping of the international literature will then be translated for Australian primary care.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
The current work reports the synthesis, spectroscopic studies, antiradical and antiproliferative properties of four ruthenium(III) complexes of heterocyclic tridentate Schiff base bearing a simple 2′,4′-dihydroxyacetophenone functionality and ethylenediamine as the bridging ligand with RCHO moiety. The reaction of the tridentate ligands with RuCl3·3H2O lead to the formation of neutral complexes of the type [Ru(L)Cl2(H2O)] (where L = tridentate NNO ligands). The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, UV-vis, conductivity measurements, FTIR spectroscopy and confirmed the proposed octahedral geometry around the Ru ion. The Ru(III) compounds showed antiradical potentials against 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radicals, with DPPH scavenging capability in the order: [(PAEBOD)RuCl2] > [(BZEBOD)RuCl2] > [(MOABOD)RuCl2] > [Vit. C] > [rutin] > [(METBOD)RuCl2], and ABTS radical in the order: [(PAEBOD)RuCl2] < [(MOABOD)RuCl2] < [(BZEBOD)RuCl2] < [(METBOD)RuCl2]. Furthermore, in vitro anti-proliferative activity was investigated against three human cancer cell lines: renal cancer cell (TK-10), melanoma cancer cell (UACC-62) and breast cancer cell (MCF-7) by SRB assay.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Recent studies have revealed the high cytotoxicity of p-menthane derivatives against human tumor cells. In this study, the substance perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide, a p-menthane class derivative obtained from (S)-(−)-perillyl alcohol, was selected in order to assess antitumor activity against experimental sarcoma 180 tumors. Toxicological effects related to the liver, spleen, kidneys and hematology were evaluated in mice submitted to treatment. The tumor growth inhibition rate was 38.4%, 58.7%, 35.3%, 45.4% and 68.1% at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg/day for perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide, perillyl alcohol and 25 mg/kg/day for 5-FU intraperitoneal treatments, respectively. No toxicologically significant effect was found in liver and kidney parameters analyzed in Sarcoma 180-inoculated mice treated with perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide. Histopathological analyses of the liver, spleen, and kidneys were free from any morphological changes in the organs of the animals treated with perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide. In conclusion, the data suggest that perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide possesses significant antitumor activity without systemic toxicity for the tested parameters. By comparison, there was no statistical difference for the antitumor activity between perillaldehyde 8,9-epoxide and perillyl alcohol.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
The aim of this work was to study the interaction of sulpiride with human serum albumin (HSA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) through the fluorescence quenching technique. As sulpiride molecules emit fluorescence, we have developed a simple mathematical model to discriminate the quencher fluorescence from the albumin fluorescence in the solution where they interact. Sulpiride is an antipsychotic used in the treatment of several psychiatric disorders. We selectively excited the fluorescence of tryptophan residues with 290 nm wavelength and observed the quenching by titrating HSA and BSA solutions with sulpiride. Stern-Volmer graphs were plotted and quenching constants were estimated. Results showed that sulpiride form complexes with both albumins. Estimated association constants for the interaction sulpiride–HSA were 2.20 (±0.08) × 104 M−1, at 37 °C, and 5.46 (±0.20) × 104 M−1, at 25 °C. Those for the interaction sulpiride-BSA are 0.44 (±0.01) × 104 M−1, at 37 °C and 2.17 (±0.04) × 104 M−1, at 25 °C. The quenching intensity of BSA, which contains two tryptophan residues in the peptide chain, was found to be higher than that of HSA, what suggests that the primary binding site for sulpiride in albumin should be located next to the sub domain IB of the protein structure.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
In the past few years, fullerene-free organic solar cells have become the focus of many research efforts. On page 69, K. Cho and co-workers report a new non-fullerene small-molecule acceptor that has 3D interlocking geometry, enabling a nanoscale and bicontinuous 3D network morphology in bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells. This work provides important guidance to design the material structure and improve the performance of non-fullerene organic solar cells.
On page 174, Y. Yu and co-workers design and synthesize multi-scale, multi-dimensional, and hierarchically ordered transition-metal sulfide (TS)/carbon hybrids by a general and facile method, through which 0D TS nanoparticles are embedded in 1D porous carbon nanowires, which themselves are embedded in a 3D network of 2D graphene. As a result of this novel architecture, TS/carbon hybrid electrodes show attractive reversibility and cycle stability as well as excellent rate-capability.
Layer-by-layer assembled 2D montmorillonite nanosheets are employed by M. C. Hersam and co-workers for high-performance, solution-processed dielectric thin films, as described on page 63. These spatially uniform sub-10-nm-thick dielectrics possess high areal capacitances and low leakage currents that enable low-voltage operation of complementary solution-processed semiconductor transistors. These results are likely to impact ongoing efforts to realize large-area flexible and wearable electronics via scalable additive manufacturing.
On page 118, Z. Q. Liu, H. M. Christen, and co-workers demonstrate epitaxial growth of intermetallic MnPt on oxides, promising for magnetoelectric applications. In high-quality films, large exchange coupling between this antiferromagnet and a ferromagnetic layer is observed. In contrast, Mn/Pt antisites result in ferromagnetism, despite the robustness of the antiferromagnetism in bulk MnPt. Image credit: Changjian Li, NUS.
Terahertz (THz) is the gap between infrared and microwave frequencies. THz detection is still a formidable challenge even though no suitable theory has been built until now, although considerable mechanisms have been proposed. On page 112, Z. Huang and co-workers propose a unique theory to realize an excellent photoelectric effect and experimentally demonstrate its extreme sensitivity to room-temperature THz detection.
A field-effect device based on dual graphene–GaSe heterojunctions is demonstrated. Monolayer graphene is used as electrodes on a GaSe channel to form two opposing Schottky diodes controllable by local top gates. The device exhibits strong rectification with tunable threshold voltage. Detailed theoretical modeling is used to explain the device operation and to distinguish the differences compared to a single diode.
Publication date: Available online 4 January 2016
Source:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Author(s): Walter Bily, Carlo Franz, Lukas Trimmel, Stefan Loefler, Jan Cvecka, Sandra Zampieri, Waltraud Kasche, Nejc Sarabon, P. Zenz, H. Kern
ObjectivesTo examine the effects of a time saving leg-press training program with moderate vibration on strength parameters, pain, and functional outcomes of patients following total knee arthroplasty in comparison with functional physiotherapy.DesignRandomized controlled trial.SettingOutpatient Rehabilitation Department at a University Teaching Hospital.ParticipantsPatients (n=55) with primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) were randomly allocated into two rehabilitation groups.InterventionsSix weeks after TKA, participants either underwent isokinetic leg-press training combined with moderate vibration (LP, n=26) of 15 minutes duration per session, or functional physiotherapy (PT, n=29) of 30 minutes per session. Both groups received therapy twice a week for a period of 6 weeks. Participants were evaluated at baseline (6 weeks after TKA) and after the 6 weeks rehabilitation program.Main outcome measuresThe main outcome measure was maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the involved leg. Secondary outcome measures were pain assessed with a visual analogue scale (VAS), range of motion (ROM), stair test (ST), timed up and go test (TUG), and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC).ResultsBoth groups (LP and PT) showed statistically significant improvements in MVC of knee extensors measured on the knee dynamometer (LP from 0.8 ± 0.06 to 1.0 ± 0.09 Nm/kg BW, PT from 0.7 ± 0.06 to 0.9 ± 0.06 Nm/kg BW, p<.05), and in closed kinetic chain on the leg-press (LP from 8.9 ± 0.77 to 10.3 ± 1.06 N/kg BW, PT from 6.7 ± 0.54 to 9.1 ± 0.70 N/kg BW, p<.05), as well as pain at rest (LP from 2.0 ± 0.36 to 1.3 ± 0.36 VAS and PT from 1.2 ± 0.28 to 1.1 ± 0.31, p<.05), WOMAC and functional measurements after 6 weeks of training. There was no significant difference between the two groups concerning strength, pain, and functional outcomes after training (p>.05).ConclusionsIsokinetic leg-press training with moderate vibration and functional physiotherapy are both effective in regaining muscle strength and function after TKA, however, isokinetic leg-press training is considerably less time consuming.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Publication date: Available online 4 January 2016
Source:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Author(s): Sandra Monleon, Montse Ferrer, Marta Tejero, Roser Belmonte
ObjectiveTo assess the changes in shoulder strength of breast cancer patients during the first year after surgery; and to compare the effect of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) on shoulder strength.DesignProspective longitudinal observational study from pre-surgery to one year after.SettingTertiary hospital.ParticipantsOf 129 consecutive patients examined for eligibility, a sample of 112 women with breast cancer were included (44 underwent ALND and 68 SLNB).Main outcomes measuresDifference between the affected and the unaffected arm in strength of shoulder external rotators, internal rotators, abductors and serratus anterior, measured by dynamometry. Evaluations were performed prior to surgery and at 1, 6 and 12 months after surgery.ResultsAfter breast cancer ALND surgery, strength decreased significantly at the first month for internal rotators, without having recovered pre-surgery values after one year of follow-up with a mean difference of 2.26 Kg (p=0.011). There was no significant loss of strength for patients treated with SLNB. The loss of shoulder range of motion was only significant the first month for the ALND group. The factors identified as associated with strength loss in the General Estimating Equation Models were the ALND surgery and having received physical/occupational therapy during follow-up.ConclusionsOne year after breast cancer surgery, patients treated with ALND had not recovered their previous shoulder internal rotators strength, while those who underwent SLNB presented no significant loss of strength. This provides important information for designing rehabilitation programs targeted specifically at the affected muscle group after nodal surgical approach.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Seventeen compounds including the parent ortho-, meta- and para-carboranes and derivatives of ortho-carborane were investigated for luminescence in cyclohexane and dichloromethane solutions. Fifteen of these carboranes revealed very weak emissions in the 285–493 nm range. These carboranes may arguably be viewed as non-emissive in solutions at room temperatures. No emissions could be observed for 1,2-dimethyl-ortho-carborane and 2-methyl-1-phenyl-ortho-carborane. The carboranes with a 2′-pyridyl substituent at the cluster carbon atom gave unusual local and charge-transfer emissions indicating that different excited states are generated on photoexcitation. Of all the carboranes investigated, only 2-(diphenylphosphino)-1-phenyl-ortho-carborane, 1,2-diphenyl-ortho-carborane and 1-phenyl-2-(2′-pyridyl)-ortho-carborane are luminescent in the solid state with emissions at 476–612 nm and large Stokes shifts of 12000–13600 cm–1. The solid-state structures of 1,2-bis(2′-pyridyl)- and 1-phenyl-2-(2′-pyridyl)-ortho-carborane were determined by X-ray crystallography.
Only three out of fifteen ortho-carboranes in this photophysical study are luminescent in the solid state. 1-Phenyl-2-(2′-pyridyl)-, 1,2-diphenyl- and 2-(diphenylphosphino)-1-phenyl-ortho-carborane show emission maxima at 476, 537 and 612 nm, respectively. Remarkably, the solution-state emission of the pyridylcarborane is at 329 nm in cyclohexane but at 442 nm in dichloromethane.
2,2′-Bipyridine (bpy), 1,10-phenanthronline (phen) and p-nitro-o-aminophenol (NO2LH2) oxidovanadium complexes of the types [(LONO2–)(VO)(bpy)] (1), [(LONO2–)(VO)(phen)] (2) and [(LONO2–)(VO)(NO2LISQ·–)][NHEt3] (3– NHEt3+; NO2LISQ·– = p-nitro-o-iminobenzosemiquinonate radical) were isolated with (E)-2-(3-hydroxy-3-phenyltriaz-1-en-1-yl)benzoic acid (LONOH2) as a coligand. The single-crystal X-ray bond parameters and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra authenticated that 1 and 2 are the oxidovanadium(IV) complexes of bpy and phen, whereas 3– is the NO2LISQ·– complex of oxidovanadium(IV) and undergoes reversible one-electron oxidation and reduction at lower potentials. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations established that the closed-shell-singlet (CSS) solution of 3– is unstable owing to open-shell-singlet (OSS) perturbation. The CSS OSS charge-transfer transition that appears at = 632 nm is absent for 1 and 2. Complex 3 is a hybrid of the [(LONO2–)(VO2+)(NO2LIQ)] (NO2LIQ = p-nitro-o-iminobenzoquinone) and [(LONO2–)(VO3+)(NO2LISQ·–)] states, whereas 32– is an oxidovanadium(IV) complex of the type [(LONO2–)(VO2+)(NO2LAP2–)]2– (NO2LAP2– = p-nitro-o-amidophenolato).
Oxidovanadium(IV) complexes 1–3 of 2,2′-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthronline and the p-nitro-o-iminobenzosemiquinonate radical are reported. The 3– 3 and 3–
32– conversions are reversible owing to the formation of p-nitro-o-iminobenzoquinone and p-nitro-o-amidophenolato complexes.
Reactions of laser-ablated Y and La atoms with di-, tri-, and tetrahalomethanes in excess argon were investigated and the products were identified from their infrared matrix spectra, isotopic shifts, and comparison with frequencies computed by density functional theory. These DFT calculations also show that the primary products are planar and bridged methylidenes depending on the number of halogen atoms with no trace of insertion and products, parallel to the previous Sc results. While the C–M bond in the planar configuration has a considerable amount of -character, the observed bridged Y and La methylidene structures are indicative of strong electron donation to the empty d-orbtals on the metal center. These identified products reconfirm that the electronic structures of group 3 metals (d1s2) do not allow formation of the higher oxidation-state product in reaction with halomethanes. The preference of a group 3 metal product with more M–F bonds over those with more M–Cl bonds is also investigated.
Laser-ablated Y and La atoms react with di-, tri-, and tetrahalomethanes in excess argon to give primary products identified from their infrared matrix spectra, isotopic shifts, and comparison with frequencies computed by density functional theory. These DFT calculations also show that these lowest energy products are planar or bridged methylidenes depending on the number of halogen atoms.
Aflatoxins, which are produced by Aspergillus flavus, are toxic to humans, livestock, and pets. The value of maize (Zea mays) grain is markedly reduced when contaminated with aflatoxin. Plant resistance and biological control using non-toxin producing strains are considered effective strategies for reducing aflatoxin accumulation in maize grain. Distinguishing between the toxin and non-toxin producing strains is important in determining the effectiveness of bio-control strategies and understanding inter-strain interactions. Using polymorphisms found in the fungal rRNA intergenic spacer region (IGS) between a toxigenic strain of A. flavus (NRRL 3357) and the non-toxigenic strain used in the biological control agent Afla-Guard® (NRRL 21882), we developed a set of primers that allows for the identification and quantification of the two strains using quantitative PCR. This primer set has been used to screen maize grain that was inoculated with the two strains individually and co-inoculated with both strains, and it has been shown to be effective in both the identification and quantification of both strains. Screening of co-inoculated ears from multiple resistant and susceptible genotypic crosses revealed no significant differences in fungal biomass accumulation of either strain in the field tests from 2010 and 2011 when compared across the means of all genotypes. Only one genotype/year combination showed significant differences in strain accumulation. Aflatoxin accumulation analysis showed that, as expected, genotypes inoculated with the toxigenic strain accumulated more aflatoxin than when co-inoculated with both strains or inoculated with only the non-toxigenic strain. Furthermore, accumulation of toxigenic fungal mass was significantly correlated with aflatoxin accumulation while non-toxigenic fungal accumulation was not. This primer set will allow researchers to better determine how the two fungal strains compete on the maize ear and investigate the interaction between different maize lines and these A. flavus strains.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Potent Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) represent a threat to public health and safety. Botulism is a disease caused by BoNT intoxication that results in muscle paralysis that can be fatal. Sensitive assays capable of detecting BoNTs from different substrates and settings are essential to limit foodborne contamination and morbidity. In this report, we describe a rapid 96-well microfluidic double sandwich immunoassay for the sensitive detection of BoNT-A from animal sera. This BoNT microfluidic assay requires only 5 μL of serum, provides results in 75 min using a standard fluorescence microplate reader and generates minimal hazardous waste. The assay has a <30 pg·mL−1 limit of detection (LOD) of BoNT-A from spiked human serum. This sensitive microfluidic BoNT-A assay offers a fast and simplified workflow suitable for the detection of BoNT-A from serum samples of limited volume in most laboratory settings.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
We report a new one-pot, iridium(I)-catalyzed direct method for the synthesis of alkynyl-substituted germanium compounds with various functional groups from commercially available reagents. More than 25 compounds were obtained and spectroscopically characterized. Moreover, detailed DFT calculations were performed to study the mechanism of the catalytic cycle of the germylative coupling. The results confirm our assumptions that the rate-determining step of the germylative coupling process is the product-formation step.
We report a new one-pot, iridium(I)-catalyzed direct method for the synthesis of alkynyl-substituted germanium compounds with various functional groups from commercially available reagents. Moreover, detailed DFT calculations are also performed to study the mechanism of the catalytic cycle of the germylative coupling.
Otitis media is a common problem in the pediatric population. Despite antibiotic therapy, post-tympanostomy otorrhea can be difficult to treat. Biofilms have been shown to play a role in chronic and recurrent otitis media and are implicated in otorrhea. This study investigated both the microbial composition and the presence of biofilm fragments rich in extracellular DNA (eDNA) and the bacterial DNA-binding protein, integration host factor (IHF), in post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea.
Clinical samples.
Institutional review board approval was obtained, and samples were recovered from pediatric patients with tympanostomy tubes and persistent otorrhea for both microbial culture and biofilm analysis. For biofilm assessment, frozen samples were sectioned and then labeled using a rabbit anti-IHF, which was detected with goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to AlexaFluor 594. Samples were then counterstained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) to detect DNA, and images were captured by inverted light microscopy.
Of 15 pediatric otorrhea samples analyzed, nine (60%) contained solids that were positive for labeling of IHF in association with a lattice of eDNA, and 75% yielded positive bacterial cultures. Bacterial culture results included H. influenzae, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, S. pneumoniae, M. catarrhalis, and P. aeruginosa.
Positive labeling of otorrhea solids for eDNA and IHF, in combination with microbiological culture results, indicated that biofilms likely played a key role in chronic otorrhea. Moreover, as a known critical structural component of biofilms, these findings suggest that DNABII proteins in association with eDNA may serve as an important therapeutic target in post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea.
NA. Laryngoscope, 2016
To evaluate with imaging the course of acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) and the associations between paranasal imaging results, symptoms, bony anatomic variations, and culture-proven bacterial ARS.
Inception cohort study with 50 conscripts with ARS.
During a single ARS episode, we collected symptoms daily and took sequential cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of the paranasal sinuses of the same patients 2 to 3, 5 to 6 and 9 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms. Culture-proven bacterial ARS was verified with maxillary sinus aspiration and bacterial culture at 9 to 10 days.
At 2 to 3 days, 38% of the patients had major abnormalities, 42% had minor abnormalities in their paranasal sinuses, and 68% had an occluded ostiomeatal complex (OMC). At 5 to 6 days and 9 to 10 days, these proportions remained essentially the same. At 2 to 3 days, patients with bacterial ARS had slightly higher CBCT scores than those without bacterial ARS. Later, the CBCT and symptom scores gradually increased in patients with bacterial ARS and decreased in those without bacterial ARS. The CBCT and symptom scores had only a weak correlation (rs = 0.36), and anatomic variations were not related to development of bacterial ARS.
Paranasal mucosal abnormalities and occlusion of the OMC do not develop gradually during ARS, but are present when symptoms begin and remain fairly constant in most patients both with and without bacterial ARS. This indicates that the spread of the disease process to the paranasal sinuses and obstruction of the OMC may not be etiological factors in the development of bacterial ARS.
4 Laryngoscope, 2016
Black race is a risk factor for angioedema. The primary aim was to examine the relationship between race–ethnicity and risk factors for angioedema.
Using a retrospective case-control study design, data was extracted with the Clinical Looking Glass utility, a data collection and management tool that captures data from electronic medical record systems within the Montefiore Healthcare System. Cases were emergency department (ED) visits with primary or secondary International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, code diagnoses of angioedema in adults aged ≥ 18 years from January 2008 to December 2013 at three Montefiore centers in Bronx, New York. Controls were a random sampling of adult ED visits during the same period.
In primary analyses, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) and black race were evaluated for synergy. The influence of different risk factors in the development of angioedema was evaluated using logistic regression models. Finally, race–ethnicity was further explored by evaluating for effect modification by stratification of models by race–ethnicity categories.
There were 1,247 cases and 6,500 controls randomly selected from a larger control pool. ACE-I use (odds ratio [OR] 3.70, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.98, 4.60), hypertension (OR 1.88, 95% CI 1.55, 2.29), and black race (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.86, 2.72) were the strongest risk factors. ACE-I use and black race were not synergistic (OR 1.10, 95% CI 0.80, 1.51). Race–ethnicity was an effect modifier for certain risk factors.
Race–ethnicity acts as an effect modifier for particular angioedema risk factors. The two strongest risk factors, ACE-I use and black race, were not synergistic.
3b. Laryngoscope, 2016
Preauricular sinuses are benign congenital malformations of preauricular soft tissues. Complete excision using either sinectomy or supra-auricular approach is advised to prevent recurrence. Reported recurrence varies between 0 and 42%. We evaluated which surgical technique resulted in lowest complication and recurrence rates.
PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science.
Two authors appraised studies on directness of evidence and risk of bias. Original data were extracted and pooled when I2 was smaller than 50%. Results are reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement.
Fourteen high directness of evidence studies were included. Reported complication rates were similar: sinectomy [0–31.4%] and supra-auricular approach (SAA) [0–18.2%]. Pooled recurrence rates showed that sinectomy resulted in significantly (P = .04) more recurrence 5.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.6–8.3%) than SAA 2.2% (95% CI 0.7–7.0). Sinectomy using the microscope resulted in the lowest sinectomy recurrence rates (1.9%). SAA in combination with a Penrose drain resulted in 0% recurrence in revision cases. Drain use resulted in the lowest SAA recurrence rates; however, drain application was not advised due to higher complication rates (frequent wound infection [P = .003] and more [P = .002] and longer [P = .001] compression dressing use).
SAA could be the preferable technique for preauricular sinus removal. If despite evidence, sinectomy is elected over SAA, microscope use can further decrease recurrence rates comparable to SAA levels. Level of included evidence (Ib–IV) indicates the need for a prospective study comparing surgical outcomes between techniques. Laryngoscope, 2016
To investigate the clinical significance of arterial stiffness in the development and prognosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL).
A prospective case-control study.
Fifty-four adult patients with idiopathic SSNHL and 54 age- and sex-matched controls were evaluated between January 2014 and May 2015. Arterial stiffness was assessed from brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), and other cardiovascular markers including blood pressure, body mass index, and lipid profiles were determined. The SSNHL patients were divided into two groups, recovery and nonrecovery, according to hearing recovery.
BaPWV was higher in the SSNHL group than in the control group (P = .036), whereas comorbidity, anthropometric characteristics, blood pressure, and lipid profiles were similar. In addition, baPWV was correlated with initial hearing threshold, which indicated the severity of SSNHL (r = 0.38, P = .004). Univariate analysis showed that age, initial hearing threshold, and baPWV were higher in the nonrecovery group than the recovery group (P = .001, P = .004, and P = .007, respectively). There was also a significantly higher prevalence of a history of hypertension or diabetes in the nonrecovery group than in the recovery group. However, multivariate analysis showed that only the initial hearing threshold was associated with hearing recovery (P = .029).
Higher baPWV, representative of arterial stiffness, was associated with development and severity of SSNHL, which supports the hypothesis of a vascular etiology for this disease. Arterial stiffness had limited value in predicting the prognosis of SSNHL.
3b. Laryngoscope, 2016
Therapeutic monitoring of drugs is highly useful in individualizing treatment. Imatinib is a chemotherapeutic used in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Therapeutic monitoring of imatinib and its metabolites results in better clinical outcomes for the patient. However, imatinib metabolization has been poorly studied. With this in mind, Friedecky et al. (2015) used high-resolution mass spectrometry Read the rest of this article
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Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) are virulence factors that are expressed on the cell surface of Gram-negative bacteria. They represent one of the main traits of bacterial virulence. In this paper, we report the primary structure and the conformational features of the O-chain from the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced by Burkholderia gladioli pv. cocovenenans, a bacterium often associated with the mucoralean fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus, which is traditionally used in food fermentations. With the aim of understanding the organization of bacterial cell-surface components, we isolated and characterized the following O-antigenic portions of the LPS from B. gladioli pv. cocovenenans: [2)--Rha-(1
]n and [
]n. A distinctive feature of the O-chain is the presence of methylated sugar residues. This contributes to the creation of a hydrophobic shield. The experimental data were confirmed by conformational studies, which showed three-dimensional shapes with different packings and extensions. Such features determine the physicochemical properties of the bacterial envelope, and might contribute to the ability to adapt the membrane surface to the host.
B. gladioli pv. cocovenenas is a plant-pathogenic bacterium isolated from mucoralean fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus. We have determined the structure and spatial arrangement of the O-polysaccharide portions of the lipopolysaccharide.
Sutureless procedures for wound repair and closure have recently integrated nanostructured devices to improve their effectiveness and clinical outcome. This review highlights the major advances in gecko-inspired bioadhesives that relies mostly on van der Waals bonding forces. These are challenged by the moist environment of surgical settings that weaken adherence to tissue. The incorporation of nanoparticles in biomatrices and their role in tissue repair and drug delivery is also reviewed with an emphasis on procedures involving adhesives that are laser-activated. Nanostructured adhesive devices have the advantage of being minimally invasive to tissue, can seal wounds, and deliver drugs in situ. All these tasks are very difficult to accomplish by sutures or staples that are invasive to host organs and often cause scarring.
A critical survey of nanostructured adhesives for tissue repair is presented. The influence of nanotechnology devices on the design of bioadhesives, which are particularly attractive as minimally invasive sealing techniques, is discussed. The overview is focused on laser-activated nanostructured bioadhesives and gives an original perspective of the field.