Source:Oral Oncology, Volume 82
Author(s): Kealan C. Hobelmann, Michael C. Topf, Voichita Bar-Ad, Adam J. Luginbuhl, William M. Keane, Joseph M. Curry, David M. Cognetti
ObjectiveTo assess the pathological outcomes of surgically-managed human papillomavirus (HPV) positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) using the 8th Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual (AJCC-8ed).Materials and methodsA retrospective review was conducted of 156 patients with previously untreated OPSCC who underwent primary TORS between March 2010 and February 2015 to evaluate the impact of the new AJCC-8ed pathologic staging system. Only patients who had complete pathologic staging with neck dissection and at least 2 years of follow-up records or disease recurrence within 2 years were included for analysis.Results and conclusionsOf the 156 patients, 116 patients had neck dissections and adequate follow-up data. There were 10 total recurrences, including 2 regional recurrences and 1 local recurrence. Lymph node size, number of positive lymph nodes, and presence of any positive nodes were not associated with recurrence for HPV-positive patients. The presence of extranodal extension approached significance. Pathologic N-stage was not predictive of recurrence under the AJCC-7ed or the AJCC-8ed systems. Cancer staging under the AJCC-8ed, but not the AJCC-7ed system was significantly associated with recurrence. In conclusion, pathologic node status as defined in the AJCC-8ed pathologic staging system does not appear to drive prognosis for surgically managed patients. While the new AJCC-8ed staging is an improvement in prognostication, the use of T-stage alone is still a better predictor of recurrence. TORS with adjuvant therapy determined by pathologic findings provides excellent locoregional control for HPV-positive OPSCC.