A major role of the innate immunity in the defence of mucosal tissue is well established. However, a balance between the main components of the immunity such as toll-like receptors (TLRs) and defensins in the pathology of upper respiratory tract in children has not been addressed yet. Our aim was to investigate the gene expression of some TLRs as well as alpha and beta-defensins in children suffered from adenoid hyperthrophy in comparison with healthy children.
Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Μαρ 03
- Innate immunity gene expression by epithelial cell...
- Treatment of pediatric esthesioneuroblastoma with ...
- Environmental factors associated with allergic rhi...
- Combined Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus...
- Total Plasma Exchange in Hypertriglyceridemia-Indu...
- Infective Endocarditis in a Young Adult due to Lac...
- A Seizure and Hemiplegia following Contrast Exposu...
- Detection of GSK-3β activation index in pediatric ...
- Dynamic imaging with sialography combined with sia...
- Transoral robotic excision of laryngeal papillomas...
- Does blindness affect ocular vestibular evoked myo...
- Nailfold capillaroscopy in systemic lupus erythema...
- Prefabricated fibula free flap with dental implant...
- Age-associated distribution of normal B-cell and p...
- Detection of GSK-3β activation index in pediatric ...
- Septic shock from descending necrotizing mediastin...
- Built Environment Education in the Twenty-First Ce...
- Reporting Behaviour Change Interventions and Techn...
- Observer-Based Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control...
- Epitope-specific monoclonal antibodies to FSHβ inc...
- A systematic approach to the formulation of anti-o...
- Evolution of the prevalence of hepatitis C virus i...
- Analytic solution to variance optimization with no...
- Tumor-associated myeloid cells promote tumorigenes...
Μαρ 03
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (2693)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (3198)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (3127)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (2173)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (700)
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- ► Φεβρουαρίου (1350)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (1400)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (1450)
Σάββατο 3 Μαρτίου 2018
Innate immunity gene expression by epithelial cells of upper respiratory tract in children with adenoid hypertrophy
Treatment of pediatric esthesioneuroblastoma with smell preservation
Olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare malignant tumor of neuroectodermal origin and represents the most common cancer of the nasal cavity in pediatric age. The gold standard of treatment consists of en bloc resection, numerous studies have shown as the endoscopic approaches permit good control of the disease improving the quality of life after the treatment. Herein we describe the case of a 13-year-old patient referred to our outpatient clinic with a polypoid multi-lobed lesion occupying the left nasal cavity and imaging that confirmed a left-sided nasal mass without cribriform plate involvement (Kadish B).
Environmental factors associated with allergic rhinitis symptoms in Japanese university students: A cross-sectional study
Numerous studies have reported that various environmental factors during early life are key determinants for developing allergic disease. Herein, we aimed to investigate the impact of environmental factors on allergic rhinitis.
Combined Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Tuberculosis in an Irish Adolescent Female
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease of unknown aetiology, which can affect any organ system. Tuberculosis (TB) is a common infection in SLE because of immune dysregulation associated with the latter. We report a case of an adolescent female who presented with a year's history of polyarticular arthralgia and fever. Physical examination revealed a large left effusion that needed drainage. Investigations revealed a combined diagnosis of SLE and TB. Management comprised quadruple anti-TB therapy and SLE treatment. She made a steady recovery and has maintained a stable state from the lupus perspective.
Total Plasma Exchange in Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Pancreatitis: Case Report and Literature Review
Objective. To emphasize the role of apheresis in management of pancreatitis. Methods. The clinical course of a patient admitted for hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis (HTGP) complicated by multiorgan dysfunction is described, who demonstrated dramatic improvement in his clinical status after total plasma exchange (TPE). In addition, the current guidelines for TPE and the alternative treatment options for HTGP are also presented. Results. A patient presenting with pancreatitis associated with severe systemic inflammatory response was admitted to our hospital with an initial triglyceride level of 1181 mg/dL. Given the patient's worsening clinical condition, he was started on TPE with a rapid fall in his serum TG levels, in turn leading to early clinical recovery. Conclusion. Though various therapeutic options for the treatment of HTGP are described in literature, there are no set guidelines available to tackle this difficult clinical situation. TPE, albeit not very well known in this context, is one of the many therapies available. Though it leads to a rapid, precipitous fall in the TG levels and early symptom resolution, the data about the long-term morbidity as well as the effectiveness of this therapy is still lacking.
Infective Endocarditis in a Young Adult due to Lactococcus lactis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Infective endocarditis (IE) is a condition mainly associated with valvular disease or prosthetic valve and intravenous drug use as a risk factor. Here, we describe a rare case of a previously healthy patient with endocarditis due to Lactococcus lactis associated with cattle contact, where antibiotic treatment resulted in full recovery.
A Seizure and Hemiplegia following Contrast Exposure: Understanding Contrast-Induced Encephalopathy
Contrast-induced encephalopathy is a rare, reversible phenomenon known to occur after intravenous or intra-arterial contrast exposure. This report describes a case involving a 73-year-old female admitted for an elective thoracic aortic aneurysm repair. During the procedure, a large volume of nonionic iodinated contrast was necessary for arteriography. Postoperatively, the patient developed seizure activity followed by left-sided hemiplegia. Computed tomography (CT) of the brain without contrast and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were negative for acute stroke but did show residual contrast surrounding the brain. Antiepileptic medications were administered with resolution of the seizure activity. The patient was treated with supportive management and improved to baseline over the next seven days. This case demonstrates a rare, nonionic iodinated contrast-induced encephalopathy with seizure activity and transient hemiplegia. The unique imaging findings differentiate it from other neurologic conditions.
Detection of GSK-3β activation index in pediatric chronic tonsillitis is an indicator for chronic recurrent inflammation
Chronic tonsillitis (TC) is among the most common bacterial diseases in pediatric otolaryngology. We aimed to evaluate the expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) in a cohort of children with chronic tonsillitis (TC), and the correlation between GSK-3β activity index and inflammatory profiles of TC.
Dynamic imaging with sialography combined with sialendoscopy to manage a foreign body in Stensen's duct
We describe sialography as a dynamic imaging modality useful in establishing the diagnosis and planning for treatment of a parotid gland ductal foreign body.
Transoral robotic excision of laryngeal papillomas with Flex® Robotic System — A novel surgical approach
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis results in hoarseness, stridor and airway obstruction. Management is surgical, with most surgeons using microdebrider or laser. Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) has been successfully utilised for the excision of oropharyngeal malignancies and paediatric airway surgery. This is the first case report of TORS being used for the excision of laryngeal papillomas.
Does blindness affect ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials?
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of blindness on ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMP) responses.
Nailfold capillaroscopy in systemic lupus erythematosus: A systematic review and critical appraisal
Source:Autoimmunity Reviews
Author(s): Maurizio Cutolo, Karin Melsens, Sara Wijnant, Francesca Ingegnoli, Kristof Thevissen, Filip De Keyser, Saskia Decuman, Ulf Müller-Ladner, Yves Piette, Valeria Riccieri, Nicola Ughi, Els Vandecasteele, Amber Vanhaecke, Vanessa Smith
Nailfold capillaroscopy is an easy, non-invasive technique to assess microvascular involvement in rheumatic diseases. Multiple studies describe capillaroscopic changes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), including a wide range of non-specific findings. On behalf of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) study group on microcirculation in rheumatic diseases, a systematic review was done to obtain all original research studies (in English) in which SLE patients had capillaroscopy. Forty such studies are identified. This article firstly provides a résumé of the results of these studies according to capillaroscopic parameters (density, dimensions, morphology, haemorrhages), semi-quantitative assessment and qualitative assessment of capillaroscopy in SLE patients. Secondly, the correlations between capillaroscopic parameters in SLE patients and clinical and laboratory parameters (including auto-immune parameters) are outlined. The following capillaroscopic parameters are found to be significantly more prevalent in SLE patients compared to healthy controls: tortuous capillaries, abnormal morphology and haemorrhages. Hairpin-shaped capillaries are significantly less prevalent than in healthy persons. The semi-quantitatively determined nailfold capillaroscopic score (NFC score) in SLE patients is also higher than in healthy controls. Several correlations between clinical and laboratory parameters and capillaroscopic parameters are identified in the review. Disease activity is correlated with NFC score in seven studies, with abnormal morphology (i.e. "meandering") in one study and with haemorrhages in one study. Frequent attacks of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) and gangrene are significantly correlated with dilated capillaries. In two studies a possible correlation between anti-SSA antibodies and lower density of capillaries is withheld. About other immune parameters conflicting results are found. In one study a significant negative correlation is found between 24-hour proteinuria and abnormal morphology (i.e. "meandering"). For the first time, an overview of the nailfold capillaroscopic changes that have been described in SLE and their correlations with clinical and laboratory findings is given. Further large-scale research on the identification of capillaroscopic changes in SLE and their correlations with standardised clinical and laboratory parameters, is ongoing at the EULAR study group on microcirculation in rheumatic diseases.
Prefabricated fibula free flap with dental implants for mandibular reconstruction
Publication date: Available online 2 March 2018
Source:European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
Author(s): D. Pauchet, J.-L. Pigot, F. Chabolle, C.-A. Bach
Free fibula transplant is routinely used for mandibular reconstruction in head and neck cancer. Dental rehabilitation, the objective of mandibular reconstruction, requires the use of dental implants as supports for fixed or removable dentures. Positioning of fibular bone grafts and implants determines implant osseointegration and the possibilities of dental rehabilitation.Prefabrication of a fibula free flap with dental implants prior to harvesting as a free flap can promote implant osseointegration. The position of the implants must then be precisely planned.Virtual surgery and computer-assisted design and prefabrication techniques are used to plan the reconstruction and then reproduce this planning by means of tailored fibula and mandible cutting guides, thereby ensuring correct positioning of fibular bone fragments and implants.The prefabricated fibula free flap technique requires two surgical procedures (prefabrication and flap transfer) and precise preoperative planning.Prefabricated fibula free flap with dental implants, by improving the quality of osseointegration of the implants before flap transfer, extends the possibilities of prosthetic rehabilitation in complex secondary mandibular reconstructions.
Age-associated distribution of normal B-cell and plasma cell subsets in peripheral blood
Publication date: Available online 2 March 2018
Source:Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Author(s): Elena Blanco, Martín Pérez-Andrés, Sonia Arriba-Méndez, Teresa Contreras-Sanfeliciano, Ignacio Criado, Ondrej Pelak, Ana Serra-Caetano, Alfonso Romero, Noemí Puig, Ana Remesal, Juan Torres Canizales, Eduardo López-Granados, Tomas Kalina, Ana E. Sousa, Menno Van Zelm, Mirjam Van der Burg, Jacques J.M. van Dongen, Alberto Orfao
BackgroundHumoral immunocompetence develops stepwise throughout life and contributes to individual susceptibility to infection, immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and neoplasia. Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH)-isotype serum levels can partly explain such age-related differences, but their relationship with the IgH-isotype distribution within memory B-cell (MBCs) and plasma cell (PCs) compartments remains to be investigated.ObjectiveWe studied the age-related distribution of MBCs and PCs expressing different IgH-isotypes, in addition to the immature/transitional and naive B-cell compartments.MethodsB-cell and PC subsets, and plasma IgH-isotype levels, were studied in cord blood (CB, n=19) and peripheral blood (n=215) from healthy donors aged 0-90y by flowcytometry and nephelometry, respectively.ResultsIgH-switched MBCs expressing IgG1,2,3 and IgA1,2 were already detected in CB and newborns at very low counts, while CD27+ IgM++D+ MBCs only became detectable at 1-5months(m), remaining stable until 2-4y, and IgD MBCs peaked at 2-4y, both populations decreasing thereafter. MBCs expressing IgH-isotypes of the second IGH-constant (IGHC) gene-block (IgG1, IgG3 and IgA1) peaked later during childhood (2-4y), while MBCs expressing third IGHC gene-block Ig-isotypes (IgG2, IgG4 and IgA2) reached their maximum during adulthood. PCs were already detected in newborns, increasing until 6-11m for IgM, IgG1-3 and IgA1-2, until 2-4y for IgD and until 5-9y for IgG4, decreasing thereafter. For most IgH-isotypes (except IgD and IgG4), maximum plasma levels were reached after PCs and MBCs peaked.ConclusionsPCs reach maximum values early in life, followed by MBCs and plasma IgH-isotypes. Importantly, IgH-isotypes from different IGHC gene-blocks show different patterns, probably reflecting consecutive cycles of IgH-isotype-switch recombination through life.
Graphical abstract

Detection of GSK-3β activation index in pediatric chronic tonsillitis is an indicator for chronic recurrent inflammation
Source:American Journal of Otolaryngology
Author(s): Gao Yunfei, Mi Jiaoping, Chen Fenghong, Liao Zhenpeng, Feng Xiaoshan, Lv Minghui, He Haixin, Cao Yujie, Yan Yan, Zhu Zhe, Fan Yunping, Hong Haiyu
PurposeChronic tonsillitis (TC) is among the most common bacterial diseases in pediatric otolaryngology. We aimed to evaluate the expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) in a cohort of children with chronic tonsillitis (TC), and the correlation between GSK-3β activity index and inflammatory profiles of TC.Materials and methodsThe expression of GSK-3β was comparably evaluated between children with TC (n = 26) and tonsillar hypertrophy (TH, n = 26). GSK-3β expression was detected by immunohistochemistry, RT-qPCR, and Western blot. The inflammatory profiles between the TC and TH groups were also evaluated.ResultsWe found that while GSK-3β was highly expressed in both TC and TH groups, no significant difference were detected at mRNA and protein levels between groups. The protein level of p-GSK-3β was significantly lower in the TC group as compared to the TH group. Additionally, the inflammatory markers, including NF-κB, T-bet, and IFN-γ were higher in the TC group compared to TH group. The GSK-3β activation index was positively correlated with the levels of NF-κB, T-bet, and IFN-γ in the TC group.ConclusionsOur findings suggested that GSK-3β activation index was demonstrated to be a clinically applicable indicator for chronic recurrent inflammation in pediatric TC.
Septic shock from descending necrotizing mediastinitis – combined treatment with IgM-enriched immunoglobulin preparation and direct polymyxin B hemoperfusion: a case report
Descending necrotizing mediastinitis is a common and progressive polymicrobial infection involving the neck and chest with a high death rate (10 to 40%). From a microbiological point of view, descending necrot...
Built Environment Education in the Twenty-First Century
Borden, IM; (2017) Built Environment Education in the Twenty-First Century. In: Pelka, W and Kasting, F, (eds.) Perspectives in Metropolitan Research: Science and the City. (pp. 69-79). HafenCity Universität: Hamburg, Germany.
Reporting Behaviour Change Interventions and Techniques
Michie, SF; Wood, CE; (2016) Reporting Behaviour Change Interventions and Techniques. In: Johnston, M and Benyamini, Y and Karademas, EC, (eds.) Assessment in Health Psychology. Hogrefe Publishing: Gottingen/Boston.
Observer-Based Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control For Nonlinear Descriptor Systems
Li, J; Zhang, Q; Yan, XG; Spurgeon, S; (2018) Observer-Based Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control For Nonlinear Descriptor Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 10.1109/TFUZZ.2018.2802458 . (In press). Green open access
Epitope-specific monoclonal antibodies to FSHβ increase bone mass.
Ji, Y; Liu, P; Yuen, T; Haider, S; He, J; Romero, R; Chen, H; ... Zaidi, M; + view all Ji, Y; Liu, P; Yuen, T; Haider, S; He, J; Romero, R; Chen, H; Bloch, M; Kim, S-M; Lizneva, D; Munshi, L; Zhou, C; Lu, P; Iqbal, J; Cheng, Z; New, MI; Hsueh, AJ; Bian, Z; Rosen, CJ; Sun, L; Zaidi, M; - view fewer (2018) Epitope-specific monoclonal antibodies to FSHβ increase bone mass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 115 (9) pp. 2192-2197. 10.1073/pnas.1718144115 .
A systematic approach to the formulation of anti-onychomycotic nail patches
Rizi, K; Mohammed, K; Xu, K; Kinloch, KJ; Charalambides, MN; Murdan, S; (2018) A systematic approach to the formulation of anti-onychomycotic nail patches. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (In press).
Evolution of the prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection and hepatitis C virus genotype distribution in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients in Italy between 1997 and 2015.
Rossetti, B; Bai, F; Tavelli, A; Galli, M; Antinori, A; Castelli, F; Pellizzer, G; ... ICONA Foundation study group, ; + view all Rossetti, B; Bai, F; Tavelli, A; Galli, M; Antinori, A; Castelli, F; Pellizzer, G; Cozzi-Lepri, A; Bonora, S; Monforte, AD; Puoti, M; De Luca, A; ICONA Foundation study group, ; - view fewer (2017) Evolution of the prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection and hepatitis C virus genotype distribution in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients in Italy between 1997 and 2015. Clin Microbiol Infect 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.07.021 .
Analytic solution to variance optimization with no short positions
Kondor, I; Papp, G; Caccioli, F; (2017) Analytic solution to variance optimization with no short positions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment , Article 123402. 10.1088/1742-5468/aa9684 .
Tumor-associated myeloid cells promote tumorigenesis of non-tumorigenic human and murine prostatic epithelial cell lines
The etiology of prostate cancer is poorly understood, but it is a multi-step process that has been linked to environmental factors that induce inflammation within the gland. Glands of prostate cancer patients frequently contain multiple zones of disease at various stages of progression. The factors that drive disease progression from an indolent benign stage to aggressive disease are not well-defined. Prostate inflammation and carcinoma are associated with high levels of myeloid cell infiltration; these cells are linked to disease progression in other cancers, but their role in prostate cancer is unclear. To determine whether myeloid cells contribute to prostate cancer progression, the ability of prostate tumor-associated CD11b+ cells (TAMC) to drive prostate epithelial cell tumorigenesis was tested. Co-culture of CD11b+ TAMC with non-tumorigenic genetically primed prostate epithelial cells resulted in stable transformation and induction of tumorigenesis. RNA sequencing identified the IL-1α pathway as a potential molecular mechanism responsible for tumor promotion by TAMC. Inhibition of IL-1α delayed growth of TAMC-induced tumors. Further analysis showed that IL-1α inhibition led to decreased angiogenesis within tumors, suggesting that IL-1α promotes prostate tumor progression, potentially through augmentation of angiogenesis.