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Publication date: September 2016
Source:Medical Hypotheses, Volume 94
Author(s): L.M. Suneetha, Prasanna Marsakatla, G.V. Ravi, Aparna Sykam, R. Raju, P.P. Reddy, V.V. Hara Gopal, R. Jadhav, S. Suneetha
Studies have reported a wide range of inflammatory responses in the nerve, skin and plasma of leprosy patients. The expression levels of each biomolecule was individualistic, however could be categorized as high and low based on their statistical mean level. Here we report for the first time, expression of a set of biomolecules relating with each other in a defined proportion.The hypothesis of this paper is that the segregation of high and low combinations of a set of biomolecules follows either classical Mendelian dihybrid ratio or epistatic ratios. This hypothesis was tested for 17 molecules in three tissues; nerve, skin and plasma and were confirmed to interact in 9:7, 9:3:4, 12:3:1, 13:3, 15:1 epistatic proportions. These findings suggest that there could be a significant role of networking of molecules in defined epistatic proportions and could be important in pathophysiology of peripheral nerve.
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The latest Zika virus news from the ConTWiVstadors, including a case of female to male transmission, risk of infection at the 2016 summer Olympics, a DNA vaccine, antibody-dependent enhancement by dengue antibodies, and sites of replication in the placenta.
This paper presents a simple, yet powerful local descriptor, so-called the histograms of space–time dominant orientations (HiSTDO). Specifically, our HiSTDO is composed of two main components, i.e., the dominant orientation and its coherence, which represents how intensively gradients in the local region are distributed along the space–time dominant orientation. By incorporating them into the histogram, we define it as our HiSTDO descriptor. In contrast to previous methods vulnerable to the presence of the background clutter and the camera noise, our HiSTDO greatly encodes the space–time shape of underlying structures even under such challenging conditions, and it can thus be efficiently applied to various applications (e.g., object and action detection). Experimental results on diverse datasets demonstrate that the proposed descriptor is effective for human action as well as object detection.
Etiological role of viral proteins E6 and E7 of high-risk HPV in cervical carcinogenesis is well established. However, their contribution in chemoresistance and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that leads to advanced metastatic lesions and chemoresistance is poorly defined. In the present study, contribution of viral oncoproteins in acquisition of EMT character during onset of chemoresistance was assessed. A chemoresistant cell line (SiHaCR) was developed from an established HPV16-positive cervical cancer cell line, SiHa, by escalating selection pressure of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Expression of Survivin, ABCG2, Snail, Slug, Twist, and Vimentin was examined in SiHa and SiHaCR cells by reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) and immunoblotting assays. Mesenchymal phenotype in SiHaCR cells was confirmed by assessment of migration and invasion potentials. SiHaCR cells displayed elevated level of functional and molecular markers associated with chemoresistance (Survivin, ABCG2) and EMT (Snail, Slug, Twist, Vimentin) and reduced E-cadherin. SiHaCR also showed increased levels of HPV16 E6 and E7 transcripts. Specific silencing of HPV16 E6, but not E7 using corresponding siRNA, demonstrated a differential involvement of HPV oncogenes in manifestation of EMT. HPV16 E6 silencing resulted in reduction of Slug and Twist expression. However, the expression of Snail and Vimentin was only marginally affected. In contrast, there was an increase in the expression of E-cadherin. A reduced migration and invasion capabilities were observed only in E6-silenced SiHaCR cells, which further confirmed functional contribution of HPV16 E6 in manifestation of EMT. Taken together, our study demonstrated an active involvement of HPV16 E6 in regulation of EMT, which promotes chemoresistance in cervical cancer.
Although many meta-analyses have been performed to compare total disc replacement (TDR) and fusion for treating lumbar degenerative disc disease (LDDD), their findings are inconsistent. This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of overlapping meta-analyses comparing TDR with fusion for treating LDDD, to assist decision makers in selection among conflicting meta-analyses, and to provide treatment recommendations based on the best available evidence.
This study was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. Multiple databases were comprehensively searched for meta-analyses comparing TDR with fusion for treating LDDD. Meta-analyses only comprising randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were included. Two authors independently assessed meta-analysis quality and extracted data. The Jadad decision algorithm was used to ascertain which meta-analyses represented the best evidence.
A total of five meta-analyses were included. All these studies only included RCTs were determined as Level-II evidence. The scores of Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) ranged from 6 to 9 (median 7). A high-quality Cochrane review was chosen according to the Jadad algorithm. This best available evidence found that statistical significances were observed between TDR and fusion for LDDD regarding disability, pain relief, and pain in the short term, but it was not over clinically important differences. The prevent effects on adjacent segment and facet joint degeneration, as the primary goal of adopting TDR stated by the manufacturers, were not appropriately evaluated.
There is discord in results from meta-analyses that assessed TDR and fusion for LDDD. According to this systematic review of overlapping meta-analyses comparing TDR and fusion for LDDD, the current best available evidence suggests that TDR may be an effective technique for the treatment of selected patients with LDDD, and is at least equal to lumbar fusion in the short term. However, considering that disadvantages may appear after years, spine surgeons should be cautions about performing TDR on a large scale.
Ogunsina, I; Keung, SNLC; Zhao, L; Langford, G; Tyler, E; Arvanitis, TN; (2011) Modelling a User Authorisation and Data Access Framework for Multi-specialty Research Systems in Secondary Health Care. In: Kostkova, P and Szomszor, M and Fowler, D, (eds.) (pp. pp. 105-108). Springer
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Linge, JP; Mantero, J; Fuart, F; Belyaeva, J; Atkinson, M; Goot, EVD; (2011) Tracking Media Reports on the Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O104: H4 Outbreak in Germany. In: Kostkova, P and Szomszor, M and Fowler, D, (eds.) (pp. pp. 178-185). Springer
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Quincey, ED; Hocking, A; O'Gorman, J; Walker, S; Bacon, L; (2011) The Use of Social Bookmarking by Health Care Students to Create Communities of Practice. In: Kostkova, P and Szomszor, M and Fowler, D, (eds.) (pp. pp. 146-153). Springer
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Trojer, T; Katt, B; Schabetsberger, T; Mair, R; Breu, R; (2011) The Process of Policy Authoring of Patient-Controlled Privacy Preferences. In: Kostkova, P and Szomszor, M and Fowler, D, (eds.) (pp. pp. 97-104). Springer
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Tyson, G; Taweel, A; Miles, S; Luck, M; Staa, TV; Delaney, B; (2011) An Agent-Based Approach to Real-Time Patient Identification for Clinical Trials. In: Kostkova, P and Szomszor, M and Fowler, D, (eds.) (pp. pp. 138-145). Springer
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Kostkova, P; Paolotti, D; Brownstein, J; (2013) 1st international workshop on public health in the digital age: Workshop chairs' welcome. WWW 2013 Companion - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web 677-.
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Lazareck, LJ; Farrell, D; Kostkova, P; Lecky, DM; McNulty, CAM; Weerasinghe, D; (2010) Learning by gaming - evaluation of an online game for children. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference pp. 2951-2954.
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Jupp, S; Stevens, R; Bechhofer, S; Yesilada, Y; Kostkova, P; (2009) Knowledge representation for web navigation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 435
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De Quincey, E; Kostkova, P; Farrell, D; (2009) Visualising web server logs for a Web 1.0 audience using Web 2.0 technologies: Eliciting attributes for recommendation and profiling systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 485 pp. 69-78.
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Molnar, A; Kostkova, P; (2015) Learning through Interactive Digital Narratives. In: Koenitz, H and Ferri, G and Haahr, M and Sezen, D and Sezen, Tİ, (eds.) Interactive Digital Narrative. Routledge
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Molnar, A; Kostkova, P; (2014) Gaming to master the game: Game usability and game mechanics. In:
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Kostkova, P; Grasso, F; (2015) DH 2015 chairs' welcome. In: (pp. iii-).
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Ahmed, MFMMA; Salama, MA; Ahmed, SEG; (2015) E-Health in Egypt: A Brief Review. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 41-42). ACM
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Dennis, M; Masthoff, J; Smith, KA; Murchie, P; Hall, S; (2015) Designing a Tablet-based Intervention to Support Self-checking for Melanoma. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 79-86). ACM
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Mejova, Y; Haddadi, H; Noulas, A; Weber, I; (2015) #FoodPorn: Obesity Patterns in Culinary Interactions. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 51-58). ACM
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Zini, F; Reinstadler, M; Ricci, F; (2015) Life-logs Aggregation for Quality of Life Monitoring. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 131-132). ACM
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Sillence, E; Harris, PR; Briggs, P; (2015) Assessing Patient Experience and Patient Preference when Designing Web Support for Smoking Cessation. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 25-26). ACM
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Sushmita, S; Newman, S; Marquardt, J; Ram, P; Prasad, V; Cock, MD; Teredesai, A; (2015) Population Cost Prediction on Public Healthcare Datasets. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 87-94). ACM
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Miele, F; Eccher, C; Piras, EM; (2015) Using a Mobile App to Manage Type 1 Diabetes: The Case of TreC Diabetes. In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 113-114). ACM
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Yom-Tov, E; (2015) Ebola data from the Internet: An Opportunity for Syndromic Surveillance or a News Event? In: Kostkova, P and Grasso, F, (eds.) (pp. pp. 115-119). ACM
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Source: Materia Socio Medica
Amra Nadarevic Vodencarevic, Vahid Jusufovic, Svjetlana Terzic, Musfaha Burgic, Meliha Halibasic, Mersiha Sinanovic.
Aim: Melanoma represents a malignant tumour arising from melanocytes. Uveal melanoma is the most common primary ocular malignancy among the adult population. The aim of the study was to examine epidemiological characteristics of ocular melanoma in University Clinic Centre in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina from January 2001 till November 2015. Methods and Materials: In this retrospective study we used all available medical documentation to investigate the clinical findings which included age, gender, tumour size, histopathological features and the precise anatomic origin of the ocular melanoma. Results: Over the 14 year period of this study, there were 32 patients with microscopically confirmed ocular melanoma at the Department of Pathology. All malignant melanoma were uveal origin. Discussion and conclusion: For early detection of the disease, regular checkups are necessary, especially in older population. As there is a limited number of reports on the epidemiology of malignant tumors of eye and ocular adnex in our region, this is very important study. We conclude that this is a first study in Bosnia and Herzegovina that document the number of uveal melanomas.
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Source: Materia Socio Medica
Lejla Zunic, Doncho Donev.
Higher education in Europe and in the Balkans countries is undergoing major reforms. The Bologna Process was a major reform created with the claimed goal of providing responses to issues such as the public responsibility for higher education and research, higher education governance, the social dimension of higher education and research, and the values and roles of higher education and research in modern, globalized, and increasingly complex societies with the most demanding qualification needs. Changes in the curricula, modernization of facilities and their alignment with the programs of other European universities, employment of a larger number of assistants, especially in the clinical courses at our universities are necessary. Also, it is necessary to continue to conduct further detailed analysis and evaluation of teaching content and outcomes in the future. In this review authors expressed their views and experience of using Bologna model of education in the Balkans countries with emphasis on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia.
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Source: Materia Socio Medica
Zolaykha Asghari, Alireza Mardanshahi, Ebrahim Bagherian Farahabadi, Hasan Siamian, Ali Morad Heidari Gorji, Benyamin Mohseni Saravi, Esmaeil Rezazadeh, Seyyed Payam Paymard.
Introduction: Documentation of patients medical records has been always emphasized because medical records are as a means to be applied by patients, all medical staff, quality evaluations of health care, lawsuits, medical education and, etc. Regarding to this, each of the data elements available in the sheets of medical records has their own values. The rate of completion indicates the importance of the medical recorders for faculty member. So in this article the researcher evaluates the completion of medical records in the teaching hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Methods and Materials: This cross- sectional study has been conducted to review the patients medical cases in five teaching university hospitals. To collect data, a check list was mode based on data element arrangement in four main sheets of admission and discharge, summery, patients history and clinical examination and progress note sheets. Recorded data were defined as Yes with the value 1, not recorded data were defined as No with the value 2, and not used data were defined for cases in which the mentioned variable had no use with the value Zero. The overall evaluation of the rate of documentation was considered as %95 -100 equal to good, 75-94% equal to average and under 75% was considered as poor. Using the sample volume formula, 281 cases were randomly stratified reviewed. The data were analyzed by the software SPSS version 19 and descriptive statistical scales. Results: The results have shown that the overall documentation rate in all the four sheets was 62% and in a poor level. There was no big difference in the average documentation among the hospital. Among the educational group, the gynecology and infection groups are equal to each other and had the highest record average (68%). Within the all groups, the highest rate has belonged to the documentation of signatures (91%). Conclusion: Regarding to the overall assessment that documentation rate was in a poor level, more attempt should be made to achieve a better condition. Even if a data element of the sheets seems meaningless, unnecessary and duplicated, it should not be ignored and skipped. In order to solve such problems, it is suggested that medical records sheets and the elements that seem unnecessary, should be reviewed in relevant committees.
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Beall, CM; Cavalleri, GL; Deng, L; Elston, RC; Gao, Y; Knight, J; Li, C; Beall, CM; Cavalleri, GL; Deng, L; Elston, RC; Gao, Y; Knight, J; Li, C; Li, JC; Liang, Y; McCormack, M; Montgomery, HE; Pan, H; Robbins, PA; Shianna, KV; Tam, SC; Tsering, N; Veeramah, KR; Wang, W; Wangdui, P; Weale, ME; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yang, L; Zaman, MJ; Zeng, C; Zhang, L; Zhang, X; Zhaxi, P; Zheng, YT; - view fewer (2010) Natural selection on EPAS1 (HIF2α) associated with low hemoglobin concentration in Tibetan highlanders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 107 (25) pp. 11459-11464. 10.1073/pnas.1002443107 .
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Natarajan, L; Carmona, M; (2015) Control-free design governance: lessons from research on CABE and practical application via the Place Alliance. Presented at: Planning Research Conference 2015 London South Bank University: Future Planning, Future Cities, London.
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Laken, BA; Parviainen, H; Pallé, E; Shahbaz, T; (2014) Saharan mineral dust outbreaks observed over the North Atlantic island of La Palma in summertime between 1984 and 2012. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , 140 (680) pp. 1058-1068. 10.1002/qj.2170 .
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Laken, BA; Stordal, F; (2016) Are there statistical links between the direction of European weather systems and ENSO, the solar cycle or stratospheric aerosols? Royal Society Open Science , 3 (2) p. 150320. 10.1098/rsos.150320 .
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Laken, BA; Vaquero, JM; (2015) An early clear sky record from Eastern Spain: 1837-1879. International Journal of Climatology , 35 (6) pp. 999-1006. 10.1002/joc.4033 .
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Laken, BA; Pallé, E; Čalogović, J; Dunne, EM; (2012) A cosmic ray-climate link and cloud observations. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 2 A18-A18. 10.1051/swsc/2012018 .
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Laken, BA; Čalogović, J; (2013) Composite analysis with Monte Carlo methods: an example with cosmic rays and clouds. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate , 3 A29-A29. 10.1051/swsc/2013051 .
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Mariolis, A; Foscolou, A; Tyrovolas, S; Piscopo, S; Valacchi, G; Tsakountakis, N; Zeimbekis, A; Mariolis, A; Foscolou, A; Tyrovolas, S; Piscopo, S; Valacchi, G; Tsakountakis, N; Zeimbekis, A; Bountziouka, V; Gotsis, E; Metallinos, G; Tyrovola, D; Tur, JA; Matalas, AL; Lionis, C; Polychronopoulos, E; Panagiotakos, D; MEDIS study group, ; - view fewer (2016) Successful Aging among Elders Living in the Mani Continental Region vs. Insular Areas of the Mediterranean: the MEDIS Study. Aging Dis , 7 (3) pp. 285-294. 10.14336/AD.2015.1002 .
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Abolfathi, A; Brennan, MJ; Waters, TP; Tang, B; (2015) On the Effects of Mistuning a Force-Excited System Containing a Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Vibration Isolator. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics , 137 (4) 044502-044502. 10.1115/1.4029689 .
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Marshall, C; (2016) Heather van der Lely and developmental language disorders: Introduction to the special issue. First Language , 36 (3) pp. 163-168. 10.1177/0142723716651785 .
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Bunea, A; (2015) Sharing ties and preferences: Stakeholders' position alignments in the European Commission's open consultations. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS , 16 (2) pp. 281-299. 10.1177/1465116514558338 .
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Bunea, A; Ibenskas, R; (2015) Quantitative text analysis and the study of EU lobbying and interest groups. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS , 16 (3) pp. 429-455. 10.1177/1465116515577821 .
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Bunea, A; Thomson, R; (2015) Consultations with Interest Groups and the Empowerment of Executives: Evidence from the European Union. GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS , 28 (4) pp. 517-531. 10.1111/gove.12119 .
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Coast, J; Flynn, T; Natarajan, L; Sproston, K; Louviere, J; Peters, T; (2009) Developing an Index of Capability for Older People: A New Measure for Public Health Interventions. In: Dawson, S and Slote Morris, Z, (eds.) Future Public Health Burden, Challenges and Opportunities in the UK. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
from #MedicinebyAlexandrosSfakianakis via xlomafota13 on Inoreader
Natarajan, L; Carmona, M; De Magalhaes, C; (2014) Controlfree Design Governance: the CABE experiment. Presented at: ACSP 2014, Philadelphia.
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Coffman, DD; (2016) Customers' Interest and Information. In: Finance and the Common Good: Placing People at the Center of the Economy and Society. Paulist Press
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Natarajan, L; Rydin, Y; (2014) Materialising public participation: community consultation within spatial planning for North Northamptonshire, England. Presented at: New Perspectives on the Problem of the Public, London.
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Natarajan, L; (2012) Community Engagement in the Age of Localism. Presented at: Localism & Neighbourhood Planning, RTPI, Birmingham.
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Natarajan, L; (2012) The dynamics of local knowledge in spatial strategy-making. Presented at: Aesop 2012, Ankara.
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Banin, LF; Phillips, OL; Lewis, SL; (2015) Tropical forests. In: Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology. (pp. 56-74).
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