Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 17 Μαΐου 2017

The role of temporal predictability for early attentional adjustments after conflict

A frequently-studied phenomenon in cognitive-control research is conflict adaptation, or the finding that congruency effects are smaller after incongruent trials. Prominent cognitive control accounts suggest that this adaptation effect can be explained by transient conflict-induced modulations of selective attention, reducing congruency effects on the next trial. In the present study, we investigated these possible attentional modulations in four experiments using the Stroop and Flanker tasks, dissociating possible enhancements of task-relevant information from suppression of task-irrelevant information by varying when this information was presented. In two experiments, the irrelevant stimulus information was randomly presented shortly before, at the same time, or briefly after the presentation of the relevant dimension. In the other two, irrelevant information was always presented first, making this aspect fully predictable. Despite the central role that attentional adjustments play in theoretical accounts of conflict adaption, we only found evidence for such processes in one of the four experiments. Specifically, we found a modulation of the attention-related posterior N1 event-related potential component that was consistent with paying less attention to the irrelevant information after incongruent trials. This was accompanied by increased inter-trial mid-frontal theta power and a theta-power conflict adaptation effect. We interpret these results as evidence for an adaptive mechanism based on relative attentional inhibition. Importantly, this mechanism only clearly seems to be implemented in a very specific context of high temporal predictability, and only in the Flanker task.


Association of neck circumference and pulmonary function in children

Publication date: Available online 17 May 2017
Source:Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Author(s): Onur Akın, Mutluay Arslan, Cem Haymana, Erdem Karabulut, Bulent Hacihamdioglu, Suleyman Tolga Yavuz
BackgroundChildhood obesity leads to many complications including impaired respiratory function. There are various anthropometric parameters related to obesity.ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation between anthropometric indices and pulmonary function test results in children without asthma.MethodsChildren without any respiratory disorders were enrolled in this study. Anthropometric measurements, such as height, weight, neck circumference (NC), and waist circumference, were obtained from the enrollees and body mass index was calculated. Afterward, pulmonary function tests were performed using spirometry.ResultsA total of 178 children (106 boys, 59.5%) with a mean age of 9.7 years were included the study. NC was above the 90th percentile in 65 children. Importantly, pulmonary parameters, such as forced expiratory volume during the first second (FEV1) and the ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity (FVC), were lower in subjects with a large NC. Similarly, waist circumference was above the 90th percentile in 67 children, and FEV1/FVC was significantly lower in children with a large waist circumference. Moreover, there was a statistically significant negative correlation among FEV1, FEV1/FVC, and body mass index SD score. Also, multivariable linear regression analysis showed that an NC above the 90th percentile was associated with lower FEV1 and FEV1/FVC values.ConclusionWe identified NC as a novel anthropometric index that is strongly correlated with respiratory functions in children. Therefore, close monitoring of respiratory symptoms, particularly in children with obesity and a large NC, could help with early and prompt determination of respiratory complications of obesity.


Melanom: Lymphknotendissektion auch therapeutisch von Nutzen?

Eine Sentinellymphknotendissektion bei Melanompatienten könnte nicht nur einen diagnostischen, sondern auch einen therapeutischen Nutzen haben. Hinweise dafür liefert eine Studie mit fast 600 Patienten ohne Fernmetastasen.


Infliximab wirkt rasch gegen Psoriasis

In einer Vergleichsstudie haben Patienten mit Psoriasis unter Infliximab rascher einen PASI 75 erreicht als unter Etanercept. Längerfristig war aber kein Unterschied im Therapieerfolg festzustellen.




Ein Glomustumor unter dem Fingernagel


Bullöses Pemphigoid: Doxycyclin statt Prednisolon?

Bekommen Patienten mit bullösem Pemphigoid weniger schwere Nebenwirkungen unter Doxycyclin als unter der Standardtherapie mit oralem Prednisolon? Eine aktuelle Studie gibt Aufschluss.


Kutane Nebenwirkungen der Immuntherapie




Jahreshighlight der Kongresssaison

Offensichtlich kam das Konzept 2015 gut an: Auch in diesem Jahr wurde bei der Tagung der Deutschen Dermalogischen Gesellschaft (DDG) vom 26.–29. April im Berliner City Cube in über 60 Kursen, Symposien und Plenarvorträgen versucht, die Neuerungen auf dem weiten Feld der Dermatologie abzudecken. Präsentiert und diskutiert wurden unter anderem kutane Nebenwirkungen der Immuntherapie, Biosimilars bei Psoriasis und die Zukunft molekularer Diagnostik von entzündlichen Dermatosen.


Streifen auf dem Nagel: Wann besteht Melanomverdacht?

Hochauflösende Dermatoskopie-Aufnahmen haben europäische Dermatologen retrospektiv ausgewertet, um zu prüfen, wie gut sich ein Melanom bei streifenförmiger Nagelpigmentierung dermatoskopisch diagnostizieren lässt.


Spielt das Aquarium eine Rolle?


Die Rente der Ärzte ist sicher – aber...

Auch die ärztlichen Versorgungswerke müssen die Gürtel in Zeiten niedriger Zinsen enger schnallen. Daher lohnt es sich für Ärzte durchaus, eine komplementäre Vorsorgestrategie zu ihrer – an sich sicheren – Rente zu verfolgen.


Klinische Studien: Viele Patienten sind interessiert und wissbegierig

Klinische Arzneimittelstudien sind integraler Bestandteil des medizinischen Versorgungsalltags. Optimierungspotenzial gibt es laut Umfrage aber bei der Rekrutierung der Probanden.


Histaminarme Diät gegen chronische Urtikaria

Kann man durch den Verzicht auf stark histaminhaltige Lebensmittel die Symptome einer chronisch spontanen Urtikaria bessern? In einer deutschen Studie funktionierte das Rezept.


PDT: Wie wird die Haut optimal vorbereitet?

Um die Aufnahme von topischen Photosensibilisatoren zu erleichtern, wird eine physikalische Vorbehandlung der Haut empfohlen. Die effektivste Methode wurde nun in einer Vergleichsstudie ermittelt.


Molekulare Diagnostik entzündlicher Dermatosen


Sentinellymphknotenbiopsie beim malignen Melanom: ja oder nein?


Mukosales Melanom: Kombination geprüft

Mit einer gepoolten Datenanalyse wurde erstmals die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Nivolumab als Monosubstanz und in Kombination mit Ipilimumab beim seltenen, hochaggressiven Schleimhautmelanom untersucht.


Junge Ärzte wollen sanften Einstieg in die eigene Praxis

Niederlassung als Chance? Viele junge Mediziner sehen das eher skeptisch. Dabei bietet die Selbstständigkeit tatsächlich gute Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten – wenn man es richtig anpackt.


Narben als Schmuck und Initiation

Feine Linien überziehen die Gesichter der Bétamarribé. Die Männer der Kaningara ahmen die schuppige, raue Haut des Krokodils nach. Viele Kulturen kennen Narben als Zeichen der Schönheit und der Initiation.


Ringförmige Läsionen auf Stirn und Händen


Pediatric nasal surgery prior to puberty is not only safe, but may prevent facial deformity in certain patients.

Pediatric nasal surgery: timing and technique.
από Gary, Celeste C. στο Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery - Published Ahead-of-Print
Μετάφραση άρθρου
Purpose of review: Timing of pediatric nasal surgery has always been a controversial topic. Concern over disrupting growing parts of the face and causing permanent facial deformity has led to a primarily conservative approach. Many surgeons feel that it is prudent to wait until the patient has completed nasal growth after puberty to pursue nasal surgery. Recent findings: Recently, this attitude has been challenged with evidence that not only is nasal surgery in the pediatric age group not a detriment to facial growth, but failure to correct significant nasal deformity may actually cause dysmorphic facial growth secondary to obligate mouth breathing. Because of this, recent studies have focused on determining safe surgical techniques for pediatric nasal surgery, including inferior turbinate reduction, septoplasty and rhinoplasty. Research focus on this topic has also been expanded to include quality-of-life measures after nasal surgery. Summary: Pediatric nasal surgery prior to puberty is not only safe, but may prevent facial deformity in certain patients. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos


Pediatric nasal surgery prior to puberty is not only safe, but may prevent facial deformity in certain patients.

Pediatric nasal surgery: timing and technique.
από Gary, Celeste C. στο Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery - Published Ahead-of-Print
Μετάφραση άρθρου
Purpose of review: Timing of pediatric nasal surgery has always been a controversial topic. Concern over disrupting growing parts of the face and causing permanent facial deformity has led to a primarily conservative approach. Many surgeons feel that it is prudent to wait until the patient has completed nasal growth after puberty to pursue nasal surgery. Recent findings: Recently, this attitude has been challenged with evidence that not only is nasal surgery in the pediatric age group not a detriment to facial growth, but failure to correct significant nasal deformity may actually cause dysmorphic facial growth secondary to obligate mouth breathing. Because of this, recent studies have focused on determining safe surgical techniques for pediatric nasal surgery, including inferior turbinate reduction, septoplasty and rhinoplasty. Research focus on this topic has also been expanded to include quality-of-life measures after nasal surgery. Summary: Pediatric nasal surgery prior to puberty is not only safe, but may prevent facial deformity in certain patients. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos

Improve the Treatment of Thoracic Esophageal Cancer

Condition:   Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Interventions:   Drug: adjuvant chemotherapy;   Procedure: standard two field Lymphadenectomy;   Procedure: Total two field Lymphadenectomy;   Procedure: three field Lymphadenectomy
Sponsor:   Sun Yat-sen University
Recruiting - verified May 2017


Effects of Vaccination with the C-Strain Vaccine on Immune Cells and Cytokines of Pigs Against Classical Swine Fever Virus

Viral Immunology , Vol. 0, No. 0.


Evidence that eating baked egg or milk influences egg or milk allergy resolution: a systematic review



It has been proposed that the frequent ingestion of baked hen's egg or cow's milk accelerates the resolution of hen's egg or cow's milk allergy. This practice is being introduced into clinical practice.


To systematically review the evidence to determine whether the introduction of baked hen's egg or cow's milk into the diet of children with hen's egg or cow's milk allergies respectively leads to a larger proportion of children outgrowing these allergies than expected.


A systematic review of the literature was conducted in Medline, Embase and CINAHL. The inclusion criteria were as follows: randomized control trials, case-control or cohort studies; children aged 0–18 years with hen's egg or cow's milk allergy; baked hen's egg or cow's milk intervention with or without a comparator; and resolution of the hen's egg or cow's milk allergy as determined by food challenge as the outcome. Studies were critically appraised using the quality assessment tool for quantitative studies. PROSPERO reference CRD42015026029.


We identified 851 and 2816 hen's egg and cow's milk articles respectively. Only three hen's egg and three cow's milk studies fulfilled our pre-specified inclusion criteria. The studies concluded that baked products either increased the likelihood of the resolution of allergy or accelerated resolution. However, when critiqued, all studies were classified as weak because they were observational, lacking an appropriate control group; this brings into doubt the study's conclusions. There were a number of examples of severe reactions to baked products.


There is little evidence to address the hypothesis that the ingestion of baked hen's egg or cow's milk results in more patients outgrowing their hen's egg or cow's milk allergy respectively. Data are required from a trial comparing the resolution rates of baked-tolerant participants who are randomized to ingest or avoid baked products to assess the accuracy of this hypothesis.


Psychoonkologische Betreuung von Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 319-331
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-102814

Onkologische Erkrankungen und ihre Behandlungen führen zu starken Einschränkungen in der körperlichen sowie psychosozialen Lebensqualität, wobei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren zu den am stärksten belasteten Gruppen von Krebspatienten zählen. Der Beitrag vermittelt einen aktuellen Überblick über zentrale Aspekte der psychoonkologischen Betreuung dieser Patienten.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Tiefer Halsabzess: Verspätete Drainage bei Erwachsenen nachteilig, bei Kindern nicht


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 275-276
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-123653

Cramer JD et al. The Impact of Delayed Surgical Drainage of Deep Neck Abscesses in Adult and Pediatric Populations. Laryngoscope 2016; 126: 1753–1760 Bei Erwachsenen besteht die konventionelle Therapie des tiefen Halsabzesses aus Antibiotikagabe und rascher chirurgischer Drainage. Bei Kindern ist man oft zurückhaltender. Hintergrund sind Berichte über Fälle von erfolgreicher alleiniger Antibiose. Unklar ist, inwieweit der Zeitpunkt der Drainage den Therapieerfolg bei Erwachsenen und Kindern beeinflusst. US-Mediziner haben das untersucht.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Seltene Differenzialdiagnose bei Tinnitus und Hörstörung


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 314-315
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-105794

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Peritonsillarabszess – Schmerzfreiheit durch kraniale Tonsil-lotomie


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 276-277
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101049

Windfuhr JP et al. Cranial tonsillotomy for peritonsillar abscess: what a relief! Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016; 273: 4507–4513 Beim Peritonsillarabszess (PTA) hat sich u. a. die Inzisionsdrainage (ID) als wirksam erwiesen, erfordert aber immer wieder ein schmerzhaftes Nachspreizen. HNO-Ärzte der Kliniken Maria Hilf in Mönchengladbach ergänzten daher die ID um eine kraniale Tonsillotomie zur zuverlässigen Drainage von Wundsekret.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Kommentar der Schriftleitung


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 273-273
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-102241

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,in den Mai starten wir mit der Diskussion, wann ein tiefer Halsabszess drainiert werden muss; eine wichtige Frage im klinischen Alltag, die selten wissenschaftlich untersucht wird. Dann wird eine Modifikation der Abszessdrainage bei Peritonsillarabszess diskutiert, die für den Patient weniger Schmerzen zu Bedeuten scheint. Hörtest per App, ein Thema, das uns sicher noch die nächsten Jahre begleiten wird, rundet die Rubrik „Referat + Kommentar" ab.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Hörtests funktionieren mit entsprechender App auch am heimischen Tablet-Computer


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 277-278
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101081

Whitton PJ et al; Validation of a Self-Administered Audiometry Application: An Equivalence Study; Laryngoscope 2016; 126: 2382–2388 Die Häufigkeit von Hörverlusten wird in den nächsten Jahrzehnten noch deutlich zunehmen. Das flächendeckende Angebot entsprechender Hörtests durch speziell geschultes Personal kann somit leicht an seine Grenzen stoßen. US-amerikanische HNO-Ärzte aus Boston haben jetzt untersucht, ob sich mit einer entsprechenden Software das eigene Hörvermögen nicht auch am heimischen Computer testen lässt.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Aus der Gutachtenpraxis: Gibt es Gehörschäden durch Vibrationen, Infraschall, Ultraschall und/oder Körperschall?


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 316-318
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-102233

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Schluckstörungen bei tracheo(s)tomierten Patienten


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 280-292
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-103279

Hintergrund Seit vielen Jahren sind in der Fachliteratur Hinweise zu finden, wonach bei tracheo(s)tomierten Patienten mit Schluckstörungen zu rechnen ist, deren schwerwiegendster Aspekt die Aspiration darstellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll einen aktuellen Beitrag zur Diskussion leisten, ob ein Tracheostoma eine Dysphagie verursacht oder verstärkt oder lediglich eine zeitliche Koinzidenz vorliegt. Material und Methoden Die Übersichtsarbeit beruht auf einer Recherche in der textbasierten Datenbank PubMed des National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Ergebnisse Es wurden die Effekte einer Tracheotomie/Tracheostomie sowie die Effekte einzelner Kanülentypen auf motorische und sensorische Aspekte des Schluckvorgangs geprüft. Die erfassten Studien fokussieren dabei in besonderer Weise die Aspirationshäufigkeit und zeigen eine insgesamt uneinheitliche Datenlage, welche keine zwingenden Beweise für eine eindeutige und kausale Beziehung zwischen dem Vorhandensein eines Tracheostomas und einer schweren Beeinträchtigung des Schluckens erkennen lassen. Schlussfolgerungen Patienten mit einem Tracheostoma bedürfen ohne Zweifel einer besonderen Aufmerksamkeit im Hinblick auf das Vorhandensein relevanter Schluckstörungen. Diese sind aber möglicherweise eher einer schweren Grunderkrankung geschuldet als dem Vorhandensein des Tracheostomas per se.

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Fragen für die Facharztprüfung


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 332-333
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-102234

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Korrektur einzelner Septumabschnitte


Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 2017; 96: 334-340
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-107264

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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Adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Preschool Language Scale–Fifth Edition (PLS–5) in the Turkish context: The Turkish Preschool Language Scale–5 (TPLS–5)


Publication date: July 2017
Source:International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Volume 98
Author(s): A. Sanem Sahli, Erol Belgin
IntroductionSpeech and language assessment is very importantin early diagnosis of children with hearing and speech disorders. Aim of this study is to determine the validity and reliability of Preschool Language Scale (5th edition) test with its Turkish translation andadaptation.Methods and materialsOur study is conducted on 1320 children aged between 0-7 years 11 months. While 1044 of these children have normal hearing, language and speech development, 276 of them have receptive and/or expressive language disorder. After the English-Turkish and Turkish-English translations of PLS-5 made by two experts command of both languages, some of the test items are reorganized because of the grammatical features of Turkish and the cultural structure of the country. The pilot study was conducted with 378 children. The test which is reorganized in the light of data obtained in pilot application, is applied to children chosen randomly with layering technique from different regions of Turkey, then 15 days later the first test applied again to 120 children.ResultsWhile 1044 of 1320 children aged between 0 and 7 years 11 months are normal, 276 of them have receptive and/or expressive language disorder. While 98 of 103 healthy children of 120 taken under the second evaluation have normal language development, 8 of 9 who used to have language development disorder in the past still remaining (Kappa coefficient:0,468, p<0,001). Pearson correaltion coefficient for TPLS-5 standard gauge are; IA raw score:0,937, IED raw score: 0,908 and TDP: 0,887 respectively. Correlation coefficient for age equivalance is found as IA:0,871, IED: 0,896, TDP: 0,887.ConclusionsTPLS-5 is the first and only language test in our country that can evaluate receptive and/or expressive language skills of children aged between 0-7 years 11 months. Results of the study show that TPLS-5 is a valid and reliable language test for the Turkish children.


Polysomnography results versus clinical factors to predict post-operative respiratory complications following pediatric adenotonsillectomy


Publication date: July 2017
Source:International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Volume 98
Author(s): John S. Saur, Scott E. Brietzke
ObjectiveSystematically review the published literature comparing the presence of clinical features (age, BMI, co-morbidities, etc.) versus polysomnogram (PSG) results in the prediction of major post-operative respiratory complications following pediatric adenotonsillectomy (T/A) for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS).MethodsA systematic review of the PUBMED and EMBASE databases was performed to identify studies containing both clinical and PSG data predicting major post-operative respiratory complications following T/A. Inclusion criteria included English language and extractable data. Major respiratory complications were defined as events that required significant intervention (intubation, CPAP,etc.) and/or altered patient disposition. Random effect modeling was performed and study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.ResultsTwenty-two studies met the inclusion criteria with a median sample size of 157 (range 26–1735) and published between 1992 and 2015. The most common study design was a case series. Most studies included multiple patients at high risk for respiratory complications (Syndromic, obese, etc.). The summary estimate of the major respiratory complication rate following T/A was only 5.8% (95% CI = 4.2–7.4%, p < 0.001, I2 = 99%). For studies with extractable data, 102 of 112 patients (91.1%) with a post-operative respiratory complication had a clearly identifiable clinical risk factor, the remainder (8.9%) had only moderate or severe OSAS on PSG and no other predictor.ConclusionThe major respiratory complication rate following pediatric T/A for OSAS is low even amongst series of high risk patients. The majority of the published literature report that readily identified clinical factors predict the large majority of post-operative respiratory complications following T/A.


Association of neck circumference and pulmonary function in children

Childhood obesity leads to many complications including impaired respiratory function. There are various anthropometric parameters related to obesity.


Advances in Radiation Oncology

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck is rapidly evolving due to changing patient populations, an emphasis on quality of life–related outcomes, and advances in radiotherapy concepts and techniques to meet these new demands. This review includes recent and ongoing studies that are potentially practice changing, including improvements in intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning, the use of deintensified regimens in the human papilloma virus–related setting, and adjuvant therapy after transoral robotic surgery. Additionally, recent studies of modern proton therapy are reviewed.


Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is the application of genotypic and Omics biomarkers to determine the most appropriate, outcome-driven therapy for individual patients. To determine the best choice of therapy, institutions use significant information technology–enabled data from imaging, electronic medical records, sensors in the clinic/hospitals, and wearable sensors to determine treatment response. With genomic profiling, targets to affect a disease course are continuing to be developed. As clonal mutational prevalence continues to be understood, information can be communicated to patients to inform them that resistance is common, requiring collection of more genetic mutations from patients with further biopsies or blood collection.


Multicenter Patch Testing With Methylchloroisothizoline/Methylisothiazolinone in 100 and 200 ppm Within the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group

imageBackground: The preservative methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) is a well-known contact sensitizer. Historically, there have been different opinions on the optimal patch test concentration of MCI/MI, and both 0.01% and 0.02% aqueous (aq.) have been proposed. In 2011, based on literature reviews, it was recommended that the concentration of 0.02% aq. should be used in the international baseline series. Objectives: The aim of this study was to verify the recommendation from 2011 by comparing the patch test results from consecutive patch testing with MCI/MI 0.01% and 0.02% in clinics representing countries around the world. Patients and Methods: Two thousand seven hundred three consecutive patients with dermatitis in 8 dermatology clinics representing 8 countries were patch tested with MCI/MI 0.01% aq. and, in parallel with MCI/MI 0.02% aq., provisionally included in the baseline series. Results: Contact allergy to MCI/MI at 0.01% and 0.02% was found in 3.7% and 5.6% of the patients, respectively (P


Unreported Sources of Nickel Exposure in Community-Based Facilities Frequented by Children

imageNo abstract available


Preventing Occupational Skin Disease: A Review of Training Programs

imageOccupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is a common occupational disease that impacts a variety of worker groups. Skin protection and disease prevention training programs have shown promise for improving prevention practices and reducing the incidence of OCD. This review details the features of training programs for primary prevention of OCD and identifies gaps in the literature. Twelve studies were identified for in-depth review: many studies included wet workers employed in health care, hairdressing, cleaning, and food preparation; 1 program featured manufacturing workers. Few programs provided content on allergic contact dermatitis, and only 1 was evaluated for long-term effectiveness. Effective programs were similar in content, delivery method, and timing and were characterized by industry specificity, multimodal learning, participatory elements, skin care resource provision, repeated sessions, and management engagement. Long-term effectiveness, generalizability beyond OCD, workplace health and safety culture impact, and translation of programs in the North American context represent areas for future research.


The Latest Occult “Hypoallergenic” Allergen: Ethylhexylglycerin

imageNo abstract available


Occupational Contact Dermatitis in North American Production Workers Referred for Patch Testing: Retrospective Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data From the North American Contact Dermatitis Group 1998 to 2014

imageBackground: Little is known about the epidemiology of contact dermatitis in production workers (PWs). Objective: The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of contact dermatitis and characterize clinically relevant and occupationally related allergens among North American PWs undergoing patch testing. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of North American Contact Dermatitis Group data from 1998 to 2014. Results: Of 39,332 patch-tested patients, 2732 (7.0%) were PWs. Among PWs, most were men (62.4%) and white (83.9%). A history of childhood eczema was uncommon (11.3%). Prevalent occupations included machine operators (27.3%); fabricators, assemblers, and hand-working occupations (16.8%); and precision metalworking occupations (16.1%). The most frequent sites of dermatitis were the hands (53.8%) and arms (29.4%), which were significantly more commonly affected compared with non-PWs (P



No abstract available


Occupational Contact Dermatitis in North American Print Machine Operators Referred for Patch Testing: Retrospective Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data From the North American Contact Dermatitis Group 1998 to 2014

imageBackground: Little is known about the epidemiology of contact dermatitis (CD) in print machine operators (PMOs). Objective: The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of CD and characterize clinically relevant and occupationally related allergens among PMOs undergoing patch testing. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of the North American Contact Dermatitis Group data from 1998 to 2014. Results: Of 39,332 patch-tested patients, 132 (0.3%) were PMOs. Among PMOs, most were male (75.0%) and white (92.4%). The majority were printing press operators (85.6%). The most frequent sites of dermatitis were hands (63.6%), arms (29.5%), and face/scalp (24.2%). More than half had an occupationally related skin condition (56.1%). Final diagnoses were most commonly allergic CD (58.3%) and irritant CD (33.3%). Cobalt (20.8%), carba mix (12.5%), thiuram mix (8.3%), and formaldehyde (8.3%) were the most frequent occupationally related allergens. The top allergen sources included inks (22.9%), gloves (20.8%), and coatings/dye/copy/photographic chemicals (14.6%). Conclusions: Allergic CD, irritant CD, and involvement of exposed body areas were common among PMOs. Common allergens included rubber accelerators, metals, and preservatives.


Brushing Your Way to Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Anethole Allergy

imageNo abstract available


Epidemic of Isothiazolinone Allergy in North America: Prevalence Data From the North American Contact Dermatitis Group, 2013–2014

imageBackground: Preservative sensitivity patterns evolve with changing use patterns in products. During the last decade, the use of methylisothiazolinone (MI) at higher concentrations in both leave-on and rinse-off products has significantly increased. This is the first North American Contact Dermatitis Group reporting cycle that includes both methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)/MI and MI data. Objective: The aim of this study was to report the prevalence of isothiazolinone allergy (MCI/MI and MI) in the North American Contact Dermatitis Group patch-test population from January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2014. Methods: At 13 centers in North America, 4860 patients were patch tested in a standardized manner with a series of 70 allergens, including MCI/MI 0.01% aqueous (aq) and MI 0.2% aq. Results: Three hundred five patients (6.3%) had a positive reaction to MCI/MI; this is a significant increase from the previous cycle (5.0%, 2011–2012; P = 0.011). Five hundred twenty-one patients (10.7%) had a positive reaction to MI. These 2 isothiazolinones were among the most common preservative allergens in the 2013 to 2014 cycle; 11.9% of patch-tested individuals were allergic to 1 or both isothiazolinones. Individuals with MCI/MI and MI allergy were significantly more likely to have occupationally related skin disease (P


Intralesional Treatment With 5-Fluorouracil and Steroid Improves Allergic Contact Dermatitis Without Causing Skin Atrophy and Rebound Lesions

imageNo abstract available


Multicenter Patch Testing With Methylisothiazolinone and Methylchloroisothiazolinone/Methylisothiazolinone Within the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group

imageBackground: The preservatives methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) and MI are well-known contact sensitizers. Recently, an increase in the contact allergy frequency for MI 0.2% aqueous (aq) has been seen in many European countries paralleled with an increase in MCI/MI allergy. Many of the MI-allergic patients do not react to MCI/MI 0.01% or 0.02% because the concentration of MI in these preparations is too low (25 and 50 ppm, respectively) to elicit a positive patch test reaction. Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of contact allergy to MI in the participating clinics representing various countries all over the world, to assess how many additional individuals with contact allergy are found by testing MI 0.2% aq in parallel with MCI/MI 0.02%, and to assess the clinical relevance of MI and MCI/MI allergies. Patients and Methods: In 9 dermatology clinics representing 9 countries, 3865 consecutive patients with dermatitis were patch tested with MI 0.2% aq and in parallel with MCI/MI 0.02% aq, provisionally included into the baseline series. An assessment of clinical relevance in those allergic to MI was also made. Results: Contact allergy to MI was found in 284 patients (7.3%). The frequency of contact allergy varied from 0.8% to 10.9% in different centers. Simultaneous reactivity to 200 ppm of MCI/MI was found in 67.3% of the MI-positive patients. Contact allergy to MI alone without any simultaneous contact allergy to 200 ppm of MCI/MI was diagnosed in 93 patients (32.7%; 2.4% of all tested patients). The contact allergy to MI and/or MCI/MI could explain or contribute to dermatitis in more than 60% of the MI-allergic patients. Conclusions: Methylisothiazolinone of 2000 ppm needs to be patch tested on its own to not miss contact allergy.


Contact Allergens in Food Handlers of Kashmir Valley in North India

imageNo abstract available




Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2




Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2




Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2



Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2


Forthcoming Issues


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2




Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Lee A. Fleisher




Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Alan D. Kaye


The Future of Pharmacology in Anesthesia Practice


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Alan D. Kaye


Anticoagulation and Neuraxial/Peripheral Anesthesia


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Mudit Kaushal, Ryan E. Rubin, Alan D. Kaye, Karina Gritsenko


Novel anticoagulants (NAGs) have emerged as the preferred alternatives to vitamin K antagonists. In patients being considered for regional anesthesia, these drugs present a layer of complexity in the preprocedure evaluation. There are no established tests to monitor anticoagulant activity and our experience is short with these drugs. These authors believe it is important to review the relevant hematology, orthopedics, and anesthesiology literature to provide a valuable reference for the clinician who is met with these challenges. In addition to discussing NAGs, we also review the existing American Society of Regional Anesthesia guidelines for heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin, and antiplatelet agents.


Pharmacology of Antiemetics


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Alan D. Kaye, Elyse M. Cornett, John Chalabi, Natale Z. Naim, Matthew B. Novitch, Justin B. Creel, Preya Jhita, Thomas N. Trang, Jacquelyn R. Paetzold, Nicholas Darensburg, Burton D. Beakley, Richard D. Urman


Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is associated with delayed recovery and dissatisfaction after surgical procedures. A key component to management is identifying risk factors and high-risk populations. Advances in pharmacologic therapeutics have resulted in agents targeting different pathways associated with the mediation of nausea and vomiting. This review focuses on these agents and the clinical aspects of their use in patients postoperatively. Combination therapies are reviewed, and studies demonstrate that when 2 or more antiemetic agents acting on different receptors are used, an overall improved efficacy is demonstrated when compared with a single agent alone in patients.


Pharmacology of Octreotide


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Reza M. Borna, Jonathan S. Jahr, Susanna Kmiecik, Ken F. Mancuso, Alan D. Kaye


Many patients presenting with a history of foregut, midgut neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) or carcinoid syndrome can experience life-threatening carcinoid crises during anesthesia or surgery. Clinicians should understand the pharmacology of octreotide and appreciate the use of continuous infusions of high-dose octreotide, which can minimize intraoperative carcinoid crises. We administer a prophylactic 500-μg bolus of octreotide intravenously (IV) and begin a continuous infusion of 500 μg/h for all NET patients. Advantages include low cost and excellent safety profile. High-dose octreotide for midgut and foregut NETs requires an appreciation of the pathophysiology involved in the disease, pharmacology, drug–drug interactions, and side effects.


Perioperative Pharmacologic Considerations in Obesity


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Simon Willis, Gregory J. Bordelon, Maunak V. Rana


Obesity has increased in incidence worldwide. Along with the increased number of obese patients, comorbid conditions are also more prevalent in this population. Obesity leads to changes in the physiology of patients along with an altered response to pharmacologic therapy. Vigilant perioperative physicians must be aware of the unique characteristics of administered agents in order to appropriately provide anesthetic care for obese patients. Because of the variability in tissue content in obese patients and changes in pharmacokinetic modeling, a one-size-fits-all approach is not justified and a more sophisticated and prudent approach is indicated.


Pharmacogenomics in Anesthesia


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Ramsey Saba, Alan D. Kaye, Richard D. Urman


A significant number of commonly administered medications in anesthesia show wide clinical interpatient variability. Some of these include neuromuscular blockers, opioids, local anesthetics, and inhalation anesthetics. Individual genetic makeup may account for and predict cardiovascular outcomes after cardiac surgery. These interactions can manifest at any point in the perioperative period and may also only affect a specific system. A better understanding of pharmacogenomics will allow for more individually tailored anesthetics and may ultimately lead to better outcomes, decreased hospital stays, and improved patient satisfaction.


Pharmacogenomics in Pain Management


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Ramsey Saba, Alan D. Kaye, Richard D. Urman


There is interpatient variability to analgesic administration. Much can be traced to pharmacogenomics variations between individuals. Certain ethnicities are more prone to reduced function of CYP2D6. Weak opioids are subject to interpatient variation based on their CYP2D6 type. Strong opioids have variations based on their transport and individual metabolism. Several cytochrome enzymes have been found to be involved with ketamine but there is no strong evidence of individual polymorphisms manifesting in clinical outcomes. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have adverse outcomes that certain CYP variants are more prone toward. There are now recommendations for dosing based on specific genomic makeup.


Essential Elements of Multimodal Analgesia in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Guidelines


Publication date: June 2017
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 35, Issue 2
Author(s): Anair Beverly, Alan D. Kaye, Olle Ljungqvist, Richard D. Urman


Perioperative multimodal analgesia uses combinations of analgesic medications that act on different sites and pathways in an additive or synergistic manner to achieve pain relief with minimal or no opiate consumption. Although all medications have side effects, opiates have particularly concerning, multisystemic, long-term, and short-term side effects, which increase morbidity and prolong admissions. Enhanced recovery is a systematic process addressing each aspect affecting recovery. This article outlines the evidence base forming the current multimodal analgesia recommendations made by the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society (ERAS). We describe current evidence and important future directions for effective perioperative multimodal analgesia in enhanced recovery pathways.


A Side-by-Side Look at the Most Common Rosacea Treatments

A quick comparison of the most common treatments for rosacea.
Medscape Dermatology


How Are Rosacea and Migraines Connected?

Dr Graeme Lipper reviews the literature on the link between rosacea and migraine.
Medscape Dermatology


Optimized immunohistochemistry using the D5F3 antibody provides a reliable test for identification of ALK-positive lung adenocarcinomas


We used optimized immunohistochemistry (IHC) with the D5F3 antibody for detection of tumours in a prospective study of 307 pulmonary adenocarcinomas. Cases positive by IHC (1+, 2+, 3+) were further investigated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Of 307 cases, 22 (7.2%) were moderately intensely positive (2+/3+); 18 of these (82%) were also positive by FISH. Of the four IHC-positive/FISH-negative cases, one was unsuitable for FISH and three had abnormalities of the ALK gene. All cases with weak reactivity with D5F3 (1+) were FISH-negative. The FISH positive/IHC-positive cases with moderately intense reactivity had the typical clinicopathologic features of ALK-positive patients (younger age, p < 0.01; higher frequency in metastatic sites, p < 0.01; cribriform/mucinous/signet histology, p < 0.01; stage IV disease, p < 0.01). In conclusion, our findings indicate that optimized IHC using the D5F3 antibody provides a reliable and inexpensive test for identification of ALK-positive adenocarcinomas. Inclusion of this information in the pathology report at the time of the histological diagnosis might significantly shorten time to treatment.


Accept or Decline? An Analytics-Based Decision Tool for Kidney Offer Evaluation.

Background: When a deceased-donor kidney is offered to a waitlisted candidate, the decision to accept or decline the organ relies primarily upon a practitioner's experience and intuition. Such decisions must achieve a delicate balance between estimating the immediate benefit of transplantation and the potential for future higher-quality offers. However, the current experience-based paradigm lacks scientific rigor and is subject to the inaccuracies that plague anecdotal decision-making. Methods: A data-driven analytics-based model was developed to predict whether a patient will receive an offer for a deceased-donor kidney at KDPI thresholds of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, and at time frames of 3, 6, and 12 months. The model accounted for OPO, blood group, wait time, DR antigens, and prior offer history to provide accurate and personalized predictions. Performance was evaluated on datasets spanning various lengths of time to understand the adaptability of the method. Results: Using UNOS match-run data from 03/2007 to 06/2013, out-of-sample AUC was approximately 0.87 for all KDPI thresholds and time frames considered for the 10 most populous OPOs. As more data becomes available, AUC values increase and subsequently level off. Conclusions: The development of a data-driven analytics-based model may assist transplant practitioners and candidates during the complex decision of whether to accept or forgo a current kidney offer in anticipation of a future high-quality offer. The latter holds promise to facilitate timely transplantation and optimize the efficiency of allocation. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Hepatic hemodynamics and portal flow modulation: The A2ALL experience.


Objective: A principal aim of the Adult-to-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study was to study hepatic blood flow and effect of portal flow modulation on graft outcomes in the setting of increasing use of smaller and left lobe grafts. Methods: Recipients of 274 living donor liver transplant were enrolled in A2ALL-2, including 233 (85.0%) right lobes, 40 (14.6%) left lobes, and 1 (0.5%) left lateral section. Hepatic hemodynamics were recorded after reperfusion. A total of 57 portal flow modulations were performed on 52 subjects. Results: Modulation lowered portal pressure in 68% of subjects with inconsistent effects on hepatic arterial and portal flow. A higher rate of graft dysfunction was observed in modulated vs. unmodulated subjects (31% vs. 18%; p=0.03); however, graft survival in modulated subjects was not different from unmodulated subjects at 3 years. Conclusions: These results suggest the need for a study using a prespecified portal flow modulation protocol with defined indications to better define the effects of these interventions. Copyright (C) 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Heart Transplantation From DCD Donors: From the Bedside to the Bench.

No abstract available


Die Kopfhaut im Alter


Nichtmelanozytärer Hautkrebs und seine Frühformen sind aufgrund von steigender Inzidenz und Prävalenz häufige Diagnosen im dermatologischen Alltag. Die Diagnostik erfolgt zumeist klinisch mit konsekutiver histologischer Sicherung. Die Therapie der Wahl bei invasiven Tumoren ist die vollständige Exzision, erst bei nicht möglicher Exzision sollten andere Therapieoptionen wie Bestrahlung und Systemtherapien erwogen werden. Häufig an für ältere Menschen schlecht einsehbaren und erreichbaren Bereichen der Kopfhaut lokalisiert, stellen sie im klinischen Alltag eine besondere Herausforderung für Arzt und Patienten dar. Die Therapieoptionen sind insbesondere im Bereich der Vorstufen zahlreich und sollte individuell auf den Patienten abgestimmt werden. Der größte Risikofaktor für die Entstehung von nichtmelanozytärem Hautkrebs und seinen Frühformen ist die chronische UV-Exposition. Ein möglicher beruflicher Zusammenhang sollte immer erwogen werden. Insbesondere die Prävention durch Patientenedukation und ausreichende Sonnenschutzmaßnahmen steht im Vordergrund. Die Prognose des nichtmelanozytären Hautkrebses verbessert sich signifikant bei frühzeitiger Diagnosestellung und leitliniengerechter Therapie und Nachsorge.


Serial Neck Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Changes in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma During Pregnancy


Thyroid , Vol. 0, No. 0.


Comparison of Survival Outcomes Following Postsurgical Radioactive Iodine Versus External Beam Radiation in Stage IV Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

Thyroid , Vol. 0, No. 0.


Patient-Centered Outcomes in Food Allergy


Purpose of Review

Food allergy prevalence is increasing very rapidly, causing a significant disease burden. The threat of severe allergic reactions occurring unexpectedly and in settings that are not equipped to recognize and treat anaphylaxis is a constant source of worry for individuals and families with food allergies. Inadequate knowledge and understanding in the community significantly impairs the overall quality of life of these individuals and families. Additionally, families face challenges in finding and affording appropriate allergen-free foods.

Recent Findings

Advancements have been made in understanding the impact of food allergies on patient-centered outcomes such as quality of life and economic impact, and attempts have been made to develop tools to assess patient-centered variables. Innovative national and regional initiatives are helping to spread awareness of the disease condition and to create resources, including access to allergen-free foods.


While there is a growing momentum toward recognition of food allergic disorders as a condition that profoundly impacts activities of daily living, greater effort needs to be expounded to develop validated tools and interventions that can adequately address these issues.


Onco-testicular sperm extraction (onco-TESE) for bilateral testicular tumors: two case reports

Most patients with testicular cancer are infertile; thus, the preservation of the sperm after surgery is an important factor to consider. We report two cases of bilateral testicular cancer in patients who unde...


Does mutational analysis influence the management of differentiated thyroid cancers?


POU4F3 mutation screening in Japanese hearing loss patients: Massively parallel DNA sequencing-based analysis identified novel variants associated with autosomal dominant hearing loss

by Tomohiro Kitano, Maiko Miyagawa, Shin-ya Nishio, Hideaki Moteki, Kiyoshi Oda, Kenji Ohyama, Hiromitsu Miyazaki, Hiroshi Hidaka, Ken-ichi Nakamura, Takaaki Murata, Rina Matsuoka, Yoko Ohta, Nobuhiro Nishiyama, Kozo Kumakawa, Sakiko Furutate, Satoshi Iwasaki, Takechiyo Yamada, Yumi Ohta, Natsumi Uehara, Yoshihiro Noguchi, Shin-ichi Usami

A variant in a transcription factor gene, POU4F3, is responsible for autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hereditary hearing loss, DFNA15. To date, 14 variants, including a whole deletion of POU4F3, have been reported to cause HL in various ethnic groups. In the present study, genetic screening for POU4F3 variants was carried out for a large series of Japanese hearing loss (HL) patients to clarify the prevalence and clinical characteristics of DFNA15 in the Japanese population. Massively parallel DNA sequencing of 68 target candidate genes was utilized in 2,549 unrelated Japanese HL patients (probands) to identify genomic variations responsible for HL. The detailed clinical features in patients with POU4F3 variants were collected from medical charts and analyzed. Novel 12 POU4F3 likely pathogenic variants (six missense variants, three frameshift variants, and three nonsense variants) were successfully identified in 15 probands (2.5%) among 602 families exhibiting autosomal dominant HL, whereas no variants were detected in the other 1,947 probands with autosomal recessive or inheritance pattern unknown HL. To obtain the audiovestibular configuration of the patients harboring POU4F3 variants, we collected audiograms and vestibular symptoms of the probands and their affected family members. Audiovestibular phenotypes in a total of 24 individuals from the 15 families possessing variants were characterized by progressive HL, with a large variation in the onset age and severity with or without vestibular symptoms observed. Pure-tone audiograms indicated the most prevalent configuration as mid-frequency HL type followed by high-frequency HL type, with asymmetry observed in approximately 20% of affected individuals. Analysis of the relationship between age and pure-tone average suggested that individuals with truncating variants showed earlier onset and slower progression of HL than did those with non-truncating variants. The present study showed that variants in POU4F3 were a common cause of autosomal dominant HL.


Prospective External Validation of Three Preoperative Risk Scores for Prediction of New Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery.

BACKGROUND: Postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) is associated with early and late morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgical patients. Prophylactic treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) has been recommended to improve outcome in cardiac surgical patients at high risk of developing POAF. Reliable models for prediction of POAF are needed to achieve that goal. This study attempted to externally validate 3 risk models proposed for preoperative prediction of POAF in cardiac surgical patients: the POAF score, the CHA2DS2-VASc score, and the Atrial Fibrillation Risk Index. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study of 1416 adult patients who underwent nonemergent coronary artery bypass graft and/or valve surgery in a single cardiac surgical center between February 2014 and September 2015. A risk score for each of the 3 prediction models was calculated in each patient. All patients were followed for up to 2 weeks, or until hospital discharge, to observe the primary outcome of new onset AF requiring treatment. Discrimination was assessed using receiver operating characteristic curves. Calibration was assessed using the Pearson [chi]2 goodness-of-fit test and calibration plots. Utility of the score to implement AF prophylaxis based on the risk of POAF, in comparison to strategies of treating all patients, or not treating any patients, was assessed via a net benefit analysis. RESULTS: Of the 1416 patients included in this study, 478 had the primary outcome (33.8%). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for prediction of POAF in the population subsets for which the scores were validated were as follows: 0.651 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.621-0.681) for the POAF score, 0.593 (95% CI, 0.557-0.629) for the CHA2DS2-VASc score (P


Preoperative Warming Versus no Preoperative Warming for Maintenance of Normothermia in Women Receiving Intrathecal Morphine for Cesarean Delivery: A Single Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial.

BACKGROUND: Rates of hypothermia for women undergoing spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery are high and prevention is desirable. This trial compared the effectiveness of preoperative warming versus usual care among women receiving intrathecal morphine, which is thought to exacerbate perioperative heat loss. METHODS: A prospective, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial compared 20 minutes of forced air warming (plus intravenous fluid warming) versus no active preoperative warming (plus intravenous fluid warming) in 50 healthy American Society of Anesthesiologists graded II women receiving intrathecal morphine as part of spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery. The primary outcome of maternal temperature change was assessed via aural canal and bladder temperature measurements at regular intervals. Secondary outcomes included maternal thermal comfort, shivering, mean arterial pressure, agreement between aural temperature, and neonatal outcomes (axillary temperature at birth, Apgar scores, breastfeeding, and skin-to-skin contact). The intention-to-treat population was analyzed with descriptive statistics, general linear model analysis, linear mixed-model analysis, [chi]2 test of independence, Mann-Whitney, and Bland-Altman analysis. Full ethical approval was obtained, and the study was registered on the Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (Trial No: 367160, registered at http://ift.tt/17L6Qgm). RESULTS: Intention-to-treat analysis (n = 50) revealed no significant difference in aural temperature change from baseline to the end of the procedure between groups: F (1, 47) = 1.2, P = .28. There were no other statistically significant differences between groups in any of the secondary outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: A short period of preoperative warming is not effective in preventing intraoperative temperature decline for women receiving intrathecal morphine. A combination of preoperative and intraoperative warming modalities may be required for this population. (C) 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society


Patient Blood Management in Major Orthopedic Surgery: Less Erythropoietin and More Iron?.

Erythropoietin (EPO) is proposed preoperatively to reduce blood transfusion in anemic patients (hemoglobin


Relationship Between a Sepsis Intervention Bundle and In-Hospital Mortality Among Hospitalized Patients: A Retrospective Analysis of Real-World Data.


BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a systemic response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Efforts have been made to develop evidence-based intervention bundles to identify and manage sepsis early in the course of the disease to decrease sepsis-related morbidity and mortality. We evaluated the relationship between a minimally invasive sepsis intervention bundle and in-hospital mortality using robust methods for observational data. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study at the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center among adult patients discharged between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2014, and who received a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (SS/SS). Sepsis intervention bundle elements included measurement of blood lactate; drawing of blood cultures before starting antibiotics; initiation of broad spectrum antibiotics within 3 hours of sepsis presentation in the emergency department or 1 hour of presentation on an inpatient unit; administration of intravenous fluid bolus if the patient was hypotensive or had a lactate level >4 mmol/L; and starting intravenous vasopressors if the patient remained hypotensive after fluid bolus administration. Poisson regression for a binary outcome variable was used to estimate an adjusted incidence-rate ratio (IRR) comparing mortality in groups defined by bundle compliance measured as a binary predictor, and to estimate an adjusted number needed to treat (NNT). RESULTS: Complete bundle compliance was associated with a 31% lower risk of mortality (adjusted IRR, 0.69, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53-0.91), adjusting for SS/SS presentation in the emergency department, SS/SS present on admission (POA), age, admission severity of illness and risk of mortality, Medicaid/Medicare payor status, immunocompromised host status, and congestive heart failure POA. The adjusted NNT to save one life was 15 (CI, 8-69). Other factors independently associated with mortality included SS/SS POA (adjusted IRR, 0.55; CI, 0.32-0.92) and increased age (adjusted IRR, 1.13 per 10-year increase in age; CI, 1.03-1.24). CONCLUSIONS: The University of California, San Francisco, sepsis bundle was associated with a decreased risk of in-hospital mortality across hospital units after robust control for confounders and risk adjustment. The adjusted NNT provides a reasonable and achievable goal to observe measureable improvements in outcomes for patients diagnosed with SS/SS. (C) 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society


Perioperative Care of the Concussed Patient: Making the Case for Defining Best Anesthesia Care.


No abstract available


Use of the Fluid Challenge in Critically Ill Adult Patients: A Systematic Review.


BACKGROUND: The fluid challenge (FC) aims at identifying patients in whom fluid administration improves hemodynamics. Although the FC has been extensively studied, the implementation and definition of improvement are not standardized. This systematic review of studies published between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2014 characterizes these key components of the FC for critically ill adult patients, as described in the medical literature in the last 20 years. A literature search was performed using MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane. For each study, data were collected on study design, study size, study setting, patient population, and how the FC was administered. Eligibility criteria for FC were (1) the infusion of a definite quantity of fluid, (2) of a specific type, (3) in a fixed time period (expressed as either span or infusion rate), (4) with a defined hemodynamic variable as the target, and (5) for a predetermined threshold. One hundred fifty-seven full-text manuscripts were extracted from 870 potentially relevant studies. The inclusion criteria were met by 71 studies including 3617 patients. Sixty-six studies were from a single center and 45 were prospective observational in format. The most common amount infused was 500 cc, used by 55 (77.5%) studies. The most commonly infused fluids were colloids (62.0%). In 43 (60.5%) studies, the FC was administered between 20 and 30 minutes. A positive response to fluid administration was defined as an increase >=15% of cardiac index or cardiac output in 44 (62.6%) studies. Static or dynamic physiologic indices were utilized in a minority of studies (16.9%) and safety limits for interrupting the FC are adopted in 4 (5.6%) studies only. This systematic review indicates that the FC most commonly consists in infusing 500 mL of crystalloids or colloids in 20 to 30 minutes, and considered an increase in cardiac index >=15% as a positive response. However, definite standards for FC administration and evaluation remain undefined. (C) 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society


An Etomidate Analogue With Less Adrenocortical Suppression, Stable Hemodynamics, and Improved Behavioral Recovery in Rats.

BACKGROUND: ET-26 hydrochloride (ET-26HCl) is a novel etomidate analogue designed to alleviate the adrenocortical suppression caused by etomidate while retaining the rapid sedative-hypnotic onset and stable hemodynamic features of etomidate. This study compared the anesthetic effect, hemodynamic stability, and recovery profiles of ET-26HCl, etomidate, and the sedative-hypnotic drug propofol in rats. METHODS: The metabolic half-life of ET-26HCl was determined in vitro using high performance liquid chromatography analysis of samples of rat plasma and liver homogenates taken from 3 animals. Hypnotic median effective doses (HD50) of ET-26HCl, etomidate, and propofol were determined by up-and-down methods. Anesthesia effect and mean arterial pressure were estimated using equivalent intravenous (IV) doses of propofol, etomidate, and ET-26HCl in the rats. Serum concentrations of corticosterone were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The ability of rats to recover from the sedative-hypnotic effects of the drugs was evaluated using open field and Morris water maze tests at equipotent doses of propofol, etomidate, ET-26HCl, and normal saline. RESULTS: The metabolic half-life of ET-26HCl was 81 +/- 6 minutes in rat plasma and 126 +/- 12 minutes in incubation liver homogenate (mean +/- standard deviation), respectively. In vivo experiments showed that the potency of ET-26HCl to cause a loss of righting reflex in rats was 3 times lower than that of etomidate in the rats. IV propofol caused a greater decrease in mean arterial pressure relative to the baseline (-27.9 mm Hg) than did ET-26HCl (-10.7 mm Hg) and etomidate (-19.4 mm Hg) at equipotent doses. Serum corticosterone levels after drug administration were significantly higher in the ET-26HCl group than in the etomidate group at equivalent doses when measured 15 (P


Cancellation of Elective Cases in a Recently Opened, Tertiary/Quaternary-Level Hospital in the Middle East.

Case cancellations have a negative financial impact due to revenue loss and the potential costs of underutilized time. The goals of this study at a recently opened hospital in the Middle East were to measure the cancellation rates for elective surgical or endoscopic cases and to identify the reasons for cancellation. During the 1-month study period, 170 (22.4%) of the 760 scheduled cases were cancelled. Cultural norms and patient no-shows on the day of surgery accounted for the majority of case cancellations. Understanding local factors on hospital functions may be vital for organizations expanding into new geographic areas. (C) 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society


Cerebral Oxygen Saturation in Children With Congenital Heart Disease and Chronic Hypoxemia.

BACKGROUND: Increased hemoglobin (Hb) concentration accompanying hypoxemia is a compensatory response to maintain tissue oxygen delivery. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used clinically to detect abnormalities in the balance of cerebral tissue oxygen delivery and consumption, including in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Although NIRS-measured cerebral tissue O2 saturation (ScO2) correlates with arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), jugular bulb O2 saturation (SjbO2), and Hb, little data exist on the interplay between these factors and cerebral O2 extraction (COE). This study investigated the associations of ScO2 and [DELTA]SaO2-ScO2 with SaO2 and Hb and verified the normal range of ScO2 in children with CHD. METHODS: Children undergoing cardiac catheterization for CHD were enrolled in a calibration and validation study of the FORE-SIGHT NIRS monitor. Two pairs of simultaneous arterial and jugular bulb samples were drawn for co-oximetry, calculation of a reference ScO2 (REF CX), and estimation of COE. Pearson correlation and linear regression were used to determine relationships between O2 saturation parameters and Hb. Data were also analyzed according to diagnostic group defined as acyanotic (SaO2 >= 90%) and cyanotic (SaO2


Acute Cerebellar Syndrome After Topical Application of Fluorouracil

This case report describes a patient who developed acute cerebellar syndrome after topical application of fluorouracil.


Pediatric Psoriasis Comorbidity Screening Guidelines

This Consensus Statement reports on efforts to develop the first set of guidelines for comorbidity screening for patients with pediatric psoriasis based on current evidence.


How Microneedles Can Change Cutaneous Drug Delivery

The year was 1971, and Intel had unveiled its first microchip. That same year, the US patent office registered an application from Martin S. Gerstel and Virgil A. Place for the drug delivery device that we know today as a microneedle array. Amazingly, although the sketch submitted by the inventors described a device very much like what we recognize today as a microneedle array, the technology to produce such small needles did not exist at that time. The vision became a reality when microfabrication technology made manufacturing of microscopic needles possible.


Expedited Microneedle-Assisted Photodynamic Therapy for Actinic Keratoses

This randomized clinical trial evaluates efficacy of and pain associated with microneedle-assisted photodynamic therapy for actinic keratoses.


Disseminated Erythematous Crusted and Pustular Plaques on the Trunk

A woman with a history of several outbreaks of skin lesions limited to both axillae and groin presented with multiple annular erythematous plaques surrounded by a peripheral crusted and pustular collarette on her trunk. What is your diagnosis?


British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for biologic therapy for psoriasis 2017


The overall aim of the guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations on the use of biologic therapies (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, ixekizumab, secukinumab and ustekinumab) in adults, children and young people for the treatment of psoriasis; consideration is given to the specific needs of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Biologic therapies have now been in use for over 10 years, and with accrued patient-years exposure and clinical experience, many areas that were covered in previous versions of the guideline are now part of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and/or routine care so that specific recommendations are redundant (see Toolkit A: Summary of licensed indications and posology for biologic therapy, in Supporting information 2). Therefore, in this update we focus on areas where there has been a major change in the evidence base or clinical practice, where practice is very varied and/or where clear consensus or guidelines are lacking (see section 3.1 in Supporting information 1).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Unerwarteter Fund bei Okulomotoriusparese


Nephrologists' perspectives on defining and applying patient-centered outcomes in hemodialysis

Background and objectives: Patient centeredness is widely advocated as a cornerstone of health care, but it is yet to be fully realized, including in nephrology. Our study aims to describe nephrologists' perspectives on defining and implementing patient-centered outcomes in hemodialysis. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: Face-to-face, semistructured interviews were conducted with 58 nephrologists from 27 dialysis units across nine countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Singapore, and New Zealand. Transcripts were thematically analyzed. Results: We identified five themes on defining and implementing patient-centered outcomes in hemodialysis: explicitly prioritized by patients (articulated preferences and goals, ascertaining treatment burden, defining hemodialysis success, distinguishing a physician-patient dichotomy, and supporting shared decision making), optimizing wellbeing (respecting patient choice, focusing on symptomology, perceptible and tangible, and judging relevance and consequence), comprehending extensive heterogeneity of clinical and quality of life outcomes (distilling diverse priorities, highly individualized, attempting to specify outcomes, and broadening context), clinically hamstrung (professional deficiency, uncertainty and complexity in measurement, beyond medical purview, specificity of care, mechanistic mindset [focused on biochemical targets and comorbidities], avoiding alarm, and paradoxical dilemma), and undermined by system pressures (adhering to overarching policies, misalignment with mandates, and resource constraints). Conclusions: Improving patient-centered outcomes is regarded by nephrologists to encompass strategies that address patient goals and improve wellbeing and treatment burden in patients on hemodialysis. However, efforts are hampered by ambiguities about how to prioritize, measure, and manage the plethora of critical comorbidities and broader quality of life outcomes in a care setting that is technically demanding and driven by biochemical targets. Identifying critical patient-important outcomes and mechanisms for integrating them into practice may help to deliver patient-centered care in hemodialysis and other chronic disease settings.


Melanoma-associated leukoderma and vitiligo cannot be differentiated based on blinded assessment by experts in the field

Background: Melanoma-associated leukoderma (MAL) is a depigmenting disorder that can occur spontaneously in patients with melanoma. The differences in clinical presentation between MAL and vitiligo are not well defined. This may lead to misdiagnosing MAL as vitiligo, resulting in delayed detection of melanoma. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess whether experts in the field can distinguish between MAL and vitiligo, and to assess if discriminative features can be identified. Methods: We designed an image comparison study in which 4 experts in the field blindly assessed photographs followed by medical history of 11 patients with MAL and 33 with vitiligo. Results: The assessors misdiagnosed 72.7% of MAL cases and marked 80.0% of them as typical vitiligo. The median age at onset of the leukoderma was higher (55 years, P = .001) in MAL. No discriminative features were found. Limitations: Sampling bias because of inclusion in tertiary referral center is a limitation. Conclusion: The clinical presentation of leukoderma in patients with melanoma resembles that of vitiligo. We propose "melanoma-associated vitiligo" as the more appropriate term for leukoderma in patients with melanoma. Clinicians should be aware that depigmentation in vitiligo can also be caused by melanoma-associated vitiligo and a total body inspection should be performed.


Repigmentation in vitiligo : position paper of the Vitiligo Global Issues Consensus Conference

The Vitiligo Global Issues Consensus Conference ( VGICC), through an international e-Delphi consensus, concluded that ` repigmentation' and ` maintenance of gained repigmentation' are essential core outcome measures in future vitiligo trials. This VGICC position paper addresses these core topics in two sections and includes an atlas depicting vitiligo repigmentation patterns and color match. The first section delineates mechanisms and characteristics of vitiligo repigmentation, and the second section summarizes the outcomes of international meeting discussions and two e- surveys on vitiligo repigmentation, which had been carried out over 3 yr. Treatment is defined as successful if repigmentation exceeds 80% and at least 80% of the gained repigmentation is maintained for over 6 months. No agreement was found on the best outcome measure for assessing target or global repigmentation, therefore highlighting the limitations of e- surveys in addressing clinical measurements. Until there is a clear consensus, existing tools should be selected according to the specific needs of each study. A workshop will be conducted to address the remaining issues so as to achieve a consensus.


L’UE et l’Asie centrale: du donateur invisible à l’acteur stratégique


Cost-effectiveness of population-based skin cancer screening


Melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (MCSP)-targeted delivery of soluble TRAIL potently inhibits melanoma outgrowth in vitro and in vivo

Background: Advanced melanoma is characterized by a pronounced resistance to therapy leading to a limited patient survival of similar to 6 - 9 months. Here, we report on a novel bifunctional therapeutic fusion protein, designated anti-MCSP: TRAIL, that is comprised of a melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (MCSP)-specific antibody fragment (scFv) fused to soluble human TRAIL. MCSP is a well-established target for melanoma immunotherapy and has recently been shown to provide important tumorigenic signals to melanoma cells. TRAIL is a highly promising tumoricidal cytokine with no or minimal toxicity towards normal cells. Anti-MCSP: TRAIL was designed to 1. selectively accrete at the cell surface of MCSP-positive melanoma cells and inhibit MCSP tumorigenic signaling and 2. activate apoptotic TRAIL-signaling. Results: Treatment of a panel of MCSP-positive melanoma cell lines with anti-MCSP: TRAIL induced TRAIL-mediated apoptotic cell death within 16 h. Of note, treatment with anti-MCSP: sTRAIL was also characterized by a rapid dephosphorylation of key proteins, such as FAK, implicated in MCSP-mediated malignant behavior. Importantly, anti-MCSP: TRAIL treatment already inhibited anchorage-independent growth by 50% at low picomolar concentrations, whereas > 100 fold higher concentrations of non-targeted TRAIL failed to reduce colony formation. Daily i.v. treatment with a low dose of anti-MCSP: TRAIL (0.14 mg/kg) resulted in a significant growth retardation of established A375 M xenografts. Anti-MCSP: TRAIL activity was further synergized by co-treatment with rimcazole, a s-ligand currently in clinical trials for the treatment of various cancers. Conclusions: Anti-MCSP: TRAIL has promising pre-clinical anti-melanoma activity that appears to result from combined inhibition of tumorigenic MCSP-signaling and concordant activation of TRAIL-apoptotic signaling. Anti-MCSP: TRAIL alone, or in combination with rimcazole, may be of potential value for the treatment of malignant melanoma.


Proliferating endothelial cells, but not microvessel density, are a prognostic parameter in human cutaneous melanoma

The induction of angiogenesis is crucial in the development of most human tumors. Angiogenesis is routinely assessed by the density of tumor microvessels. This technique reveals controversial results on the clinical and prognostic value of angiogenesis in melanoma. We investigated angiogenesis in tumor tissues of 58 cutaneous melanoma patients, of which a clinical follow-up of over 10 years was available, through assessment of microvessel density and by enumeration of the number of proliferating endothelial cells. To that end, vessels were immunohistochemically detected by CD31/CD34 staining, and proliferating endothelial cells were enumerated in a double staining with the proliferation marker Ki67. We found that microvessel density did not correlate with tumor stage or survival, neither in intratumoral nor in peritumoral areas. In contrast, proliferating endothelial cells were only observed in intratumoral areas and were correlated positively with tumor stage and the presence of distant metastases. In addition, a strong positive correlation was found with the number of proliferating tumor cells. Finally, high numbers of growing endothelial cells predicted short survival. Our results show that angiogenesis could best be measured by enumeration of proliferating endothelial cells and that this parameter has prognostic value in patients with cutaneous melanoma.


Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, NR5A1) and human disease

Ferraz-de-Souza, B; Lin, L; Achermann, JC; (2011) Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, NR5A1) and human disease. [Review]. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology , 336 (1-2) 198 - 205. 10.1016/j.mce.2010.11.006 . Green open access


Changes in the free-energy landscape of p38α MAP kinase through its canonical activation and binding events as studied by enhanced molecular dynamics simulations

Kuzmanic, A; Sutto, L; Saladino, G; Nebreda, AR; Gervasio, FL; Orozco, M; (2017) Changes in the free-energy landscape of p38α MAP kinase through its canonical activation and binding events as studied by enhanced molecular dynamics simulations. eLife , 6 , Article e22175. 10.7554/eLife.22175 . Green open access


The technique of conservation: on realms of theory and cultures of practice

Holling, HB; (2017) The technique of conservation: on realms of theory and cultures of practice. Journal of the Institute of Conservation 10.1080/19455224.2017.1322114 . (In press). Green open access


Nerve conduction velocity in CMT1A: what else can we tell?

Manganelli, F; Pisciotta, C; Reilly, MM; Tozza, S; Schenone, A; Fabrizi, GM; Cavallaro, T; Manganelli, F; Pisciotta, C; Reilly, MM; Tozza, S; Schenone, A; Fabrizi, GM; Cavallaro, T; Vita, G; Quattrone, A; Padua, L; Gemignani, F; Laura, M; Calabrese, D; Hughes, RAC; Solari, A; Pareyson, D; Santoro, L; - view fewer (2016) Nerve conduction velocity in CMT1A: what else can we tell? Presented at: 6th Annual Meeting of the Associazione-Italiana-per-lo-studio-del-Sistema-Nervoso-Periferico (ASNP), Palermo, ITALY.


Learning from writing reflective learning journals in a theory-based translation module: students’ perspectives

Shih, C; (2011) Learning from writing reflective learning journals in a theory-based translation module: students' perspectives. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer , 5 (2) pp. 309-324. 10.1080/13556509.2011.10798823 .


“Non lasciar così facilmente publicar le cose mie”: manuscript secular drama in sixteenth-century Italy

Sampson, LM; (2011) "Non lasciar così facilmente publicar le cose mie": manuscript secular drama in sixteenth-century Italy. Italian Studies , 66 (2) pp. 161-176. 10.1179/174861811X13009843386431 .


Identification of a plasma miRNA biomarker-signature for allergic asthma: a translational approach



Asthma is a heterogeneous chronic disease with different phenotypes and treatment responses. Thus, there is a high clinical need for molecular disease biomarkers to aid in differentiating these distinct phenotypes. As MicroRNAs (miRNAs), that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, are altered in experimental and human asthma, circulating miRNAs are attractive candidates for the identification of novel biomarkers.

This study aimed to identify plasmatic miRNA-based biomarkers of asthma, through a translational approach.


We pre-screened miRNAs in plasma samples from two different murine models of experimental asthma (ovalbumin and house dust mite); miRNAs deregulated in both models were further tested in a human training cohort of 20 asthma patients and 9 healthy controls. Candidate miRNAs were then validated in a second, independent group of 26 asthma patients and 12 healthy controls.


10 miRNA ratios consisting of 13 miRNAs were differentially regulated in both murine models. Measuring these miRNAs in the training cohort identified a biomarker signature consisting of 5 miRNA ratios (7 miRNAs). This signature showed a good sensitivity and specificity in the test cohort with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.92. Correlation of miRNA ratios with clinical characteristics further revealed associations with FVC % predicted, and oral corticosteroid or antileukotriene use.


Distinct plasma miRNAs are differentially regulated both in murine and human allergic asthma and were associated with clinical characteristics of patients. Thus, we suggest that miRNA levels in plasma might have future potential to subphenotype patients with asthma.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Aspergillus fumigatus in cystic fibrosis: an update on immune interactions and molecular diagnostics in ABPA


A wide spectrum of pathological conditions may result from the interaction of Aspergillus fumigatus and the immune system of its human host. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is one of the most severe Aspergillus fumigatus-related diseases due to possible evolution towards pleuropulmonary fibrosis and respiratory failure. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis occurs almost exclusively in cystic fibrosis or asthmatic patients. An estimated 8 to 10% of cystic fibrosis patients experience this condition. The diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis relies on criteria first established in 1977. Progress in the understanding of host-pathogen interactions in Aspergillus fumigatus and cystic fibrosis patients and the ongoing validation of novel laboratory tools concur to update and improve the diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Patient-Centered Outcomes in Food Allergy


Purpose of Review

Food allergy prevalence is increasing very rapidly, causing a significant disease burden. The threat of severe allergic reactions occurring unexpectedly and in settings that are not equipped to recognize and treat anaphylaxis is a constant source of worry for individuals and families with food allergies. Inadequate knowledge and understanding in the community significantly impairs the overall quality of life of these individuals and families. Additionally, families face challenges in finding and affording appropriate allergen-free foods.

Recent Findings

Advancements have been made in understanding the impact of food allergies on patient-centered outcomes such as quality of life and economic impact, and attempts have been made to develop tools to assess patient-centered variables. Innovative national and regional initiatives are helping to spread awareness of the disease condition and to create resources, including access to allergen-free foods.


While there is a growing momentum toward recognition of food allergic disorders as a condition that profoundly impacts activities of daily living, greater effort needs to be expounded to develop validated tools and interventions that can adequately address these issues.


E³ 1523 Musculoskeletal: Chairman's introduction


Powerful instructions: Automaticity without practice.


Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly: delineation of clinical criteria.


Myhre syndrome: broadening the phenotypic spectrum.


Orofacial electromyographic correlates of induced verbal rumination


Understanding microfoundations of entrepreneurship development in sub-Saharan Africa


Justitie en hulpverlening


Imaging of muscle edema


Imaging of metastatic melanoma


E³ 1523 - Musculoskeletal: Chairman's introduction


Is 3T MRI of the sternal extremity of the clavicle a good method for assessing bone age?


Real-World Evidence and Treatment Patterns: Head and Neck Cancer

Condition:   Head & Neck Cancer
Intervention:   Other: Non-Interventional
Sponsors:   Bristol-Myers Squibb;   Ono Pharmaceutical
Not yet recruiting - verified May 2017


Phase 1 Study of LOXO-292 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors, RET-Fusion Lung Cancer and Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Conditions:   Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer;   Medullary Thyroid Cancer;   Colon Cancer;   Solid Tumor
Intervention:   Drug: LOXO-292
Sponsor:   Loxo Oncology, Inc.
Recruiting - verified May 2017


Toward a unified framework for research on instructions and other messages: An introduction to the special section on the power of instructions.


Modelling the effects of osmotic stress on tomato fruit development

Whereas most high-tech tomato greenhouses focus primarily on high production yields, consumers prefer a higher quality product. Dry matter content is one of the key factors determining fruit quality, and is known to be substantially influenced by altering the water status of the plant. While less water availability can improve fruit quality, this often goes hand in hand with a decrease in production due to less water accumulation in the fruit. A more thorough insight in the underlying mechanisms might contribute to a better understanding and eventually steering of this delicate balance. To achieve this deeper knowledge, we combined intensive monitoring of plant and fruit physiological variables with a model-based approach. An experiment on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv 'Dirk') was set up in a greenhouse, where two different water treatments were imposed by altering the salinity (Electric Conductivity, EC) of the substrate. Besides plant variables such as sap flow, stem diameter variation and stem water potential, fruit growth and quality parameters were measured as well. These data were then used in a recently developed virtual tomato plant and fruit model, which is capable of modelling both plant and fruit growth as well as fruit quality (sugars and acids) and xylem and phloem contribution to fruit growth, but which has not been tested under salt stressed conditions. Results did not only show that the model can be used to predict fruit growth during salt stress conditions, but also shows which plant parameters are affected most. This is a first step towards a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms controlling fruit development under water deficit conditions.


Facing coagulation disorders after acute trauma

Problems/objectives: Trauma is the leading cause of mortality for persons between one and 44 years of age, essentially due to bleeding complications. Methodology: We screened the PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane Library databases, using specific keywords. Only publications in English were considered. Main results: The pathophysiology of trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) is complex and includes the classic "lethal triad" (i.e., haemodilution, acidosis, hypothermia) but may also include activation of protein C, endothelial and platelet dysfunction, and fibrinogen depletion. The time between trauma and treatment of the resultant massive bleeding should be as short as possible using techniques for rapid control of bleeding and avoiding aggravating factors (hypothermia, metabolic acidosis and hypocalcaemia). If given within three hours of injury, tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces all causes of mortality in trauma patients and reduces transfusion requirements. In a bleeding patient, crystalloids are preferred to colloids and the ratio of fresh frozen plasma to packed red blood cells should be at least 1:2. Damage control surgery (DCS) should be considered for patients who present with, or are at risk for developing, the "lethal triad", multiple life-threatening injuries or shock, and in mass casualty situations. DCS can also aid in the evaluation of the extent of tissue injuries and the control of haemorrhage and infection. Finally, there is currently no evidence of the added value of laboratory assays in the management of TIC. Conclusions: TIC appears quickly after trauma and should be anticipated and detected as soon as possible. TXA plays a central role in the management of such patients. Each institution should establish a local algorithm for the management of bleeding patients.


Salvage of postcranioplasty implant exposure using free tissue transfer



Refractory implant exposure is frustrating after cranioplasty. The purpose of this study was for the authors to present their experience with free tissue transfer for salvage of postcranioplasty implant exposure.


A retrospective medical chart review was conducted on all free tissue transfers performed for exposed implant coverage after cranioplasty between January 2004 and February 2016.


Twelve free flaps were performed in 11 patients who underwent postcranioplasty with implant exposure, and whose attempted implant coverage using locoregional flaps had failed. The free flaps used included anterolateral thigh flap, radial forearm flap, anteromedial thigh and rectus femoris chimeric flap, latissimus dorsi flap, gracilis flap, and Juri flap. The flap survival rate was 100%, and 10 of 11 implants (91%) were salvaged without removal.


Free tissue transfer should be considered as the preferred reconstructive option for postcranioplasty exposed implant salvage. High rate of implant salvage (>90%) is possible even with chronic implant exposure (>3 months).


Relationship between iodine levels and papillary thyroid carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis



Iodine excess has been suggested as an exogenous risk factor of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the relationship between iodine exposure measured in various forms and PTC prevalence.


We searched MEDLINE, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for case-control studies on iodine and PTC published up to December 2015. Exposure to iodine was compared between PTC and control groups.


From the 16 selected studies, the odds ratio (OR) for the overall effect size between high iodine exposure and PTC risk was 1.418 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.054-1.909). Based on 7 studies conducted in high iodinated regions, a positive association between iodine exposure and PTC was observed (OR 2.200; 95% CI 1.389-3.483).


This study demonstrated a higher exposure to iodine in patients with PTC compared with controls, especially for patients from high iodinated regions.


One-year quality of life and functional outcomes of transoral robotic surgery for carcinoma of unknown primary



The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) outcomes in patients who underwent transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP).


Twenty-nine patients with CUP were administered the Head and Neck Cancer Inventory (HNCI) prospectively to evaluate QOL preoperatively and postoperatively.


There was statistically and clinically significant deterioration in 2 of 4 domains (eating and social disruption) in the immediate aftermath of TORS. There was statistically and clinically meaningful deterioration in all 4 domains at 3 months relative to baseline, and there remained statistically and clinically meaningful deterioration in 2 of 4 domains at 6 months compared to baseline. These 2 domains remained statistically and clinically worse than baseline at 12 months. Speech and aesthetics domain scores were comparable at baseline and 12 months.


Patients reported difficulties with eating and social disruption over the course of 1 year, but problems with speech and appearance abated.


Prospective analysis of radiation oncology image and plan-driven peer review for head and neck cancer



Departmental "chart rounds" is an established form of review in radiation oncology, however, evidence is lacking that identifies links between features of a more subspecialized disease site-specific review and the likelihood and characteristics of recommendations made. We prospectively analyzed our head and neck group's review process to identify associations that could guide future practice.


Our group reviewed proposed management and treatment volumes for radiation simulated patients on a weekly basis, and we collected data encompassing recommendations made by individuals or group consensus.


Changes in management, prescribed dose, radiation fractionation, clinical target volumes, or target contours were suggested in 85 of 182 cases. The most frequently recommended changes were adjustment of regions treated or target contours, and an inverse correlation was observed between the number of attending physicians present and specific changes suggested to the gross tumor volume (GTV).


We find that site-specific head and neck peer review results in frequent recommendations largely independent of the type of case reviewed.


Military design thinking


New Ce3+ doped Ca2YMgScSi3O12 garnet ceramic phosphor for white LED converters


GLEAM v3: satellite-based land evaporation and root-zone soil moisture




Motivational paradigms for the integration of a Belgian hospital network and merger presented in the printed press

Purpose - Legitimizing health-care networks over time is crucial to the survival of the networks, but studies providing insight into the motivational paradigms used to legitimize networks and mergers are missing. This study aims to contribute by analyzing which motivational paradigms, namely, transaction costs economics, resource dependency, stakeholder theory, organizational learning and institutional theory, are used over time to motivate the formation, integration and eventually merger of a health-care network. Design/methodology/approach - The theoretical paradigms from the literature are matched with the motivational arguments that were found in the communication around the formation and evolution of a specific health-care network. Secondary data in the printed press were analyzed in three ways to obtain triangulation in method. Findings - Five theoretical paradigms matched the communication during significant parts of the time-scope of the study, but not always equally strong. It, therefore, confirms the usefulness of an integrated and evolutionary perspective on the paradigms, not only during the formation but also during the life-span of the organization. Originality/value - Insight into the motivational paradigms that dominate in the press during an integration and merger process allows for health-care managers and policy makers to manage the process of legitimizing. This might prevent network failure because of lack of legitimacy, misperceptions of the motivations, overemphasizing one motivation or inability to move to a next layer of motivation when the integration process evolves.


Mitteilungen der GÄCD


B cells influence sex specificity of arthritis via myeloid suppressors and chemokines in humanized mice


Publication date: May 2017
Source:Clinical Immunology, Volume 178
Author(s): Marshall Behrens, David Luckey, Harvinder Luthra, Chella David, Veena Taneja
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs two times more often in women than men. B cell depletion has been shown to be efficacious in treating RA. Our previous studies suggested that antigen presentation via B cells results in a sex-specific immune response in DR4 and DR4/DQ8 mice. Here we evaluated the mechanism of efficacy of the B cell depletion in treating arthritis-susceptible DQ8 mice. The data show that arthritic DQ8 mice treated with anti-CD20 antibody in therapeutic protocols show milder disease severity in females as compared to males, which is associated with decreased antibodies to citrullinated proteins and reduced levels of IL-23 and CCL5. Treatment led to significantly increased numbers of T regulatory and monocyte-derived suppressor F4/80+Gr1hi cells in females as compared to male DQ8 mice. Our observations suggest that therapeutic strategies that target B cells may benefit females while functions of DCs might be relatively more important for men than women.
