Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Fwd: China Licensed Pharmacist, Year 2016, Issue 10 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for China Licensed Pharmacist. Year 2016 Issue 10 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

Impact of Osmotic Treatment on Plasma Concentration of Vancomycin in Critically Neurologic Patients (渗透性治疗对神经危重症患者万古霉素血药浓度的影响)
Wang Ling, Sui Yuxia, Department of Pharmacy, Fujian Provincial Hospital
...... page:3-5+9
Curative Effect of Aspirin Combined with Nimodipine on Migraine (阿司匹林联合尼莫地平治疗偏头痛的临床疗效观察)
Wang Jianchang, Department of Drug and Device, Wu Zhongpei Memorial Hospital of Shunde District, Foshan City
...... page:6-9
Clinical Trial of Shenzhu Guanxintong Granules in Improvement of Exercise Tolerance of Patients with Stable Angina (参术冠心通颗粒对提高稳定性心绞痛运动耐量的临床观察)
Gao Hong, The Third People's Hospital in Benxi City
...... page:10-12
Content Determination of Ethylparaben as a Preservative in Three Hospital Preparations for Children by HPLC (HPLC测定三种儿童用医院制剂中防腐剂羟苯乙酯的含量)
Su Jinghua, Gu Bingren, Xing Yiwen, Xu Yijing, Suzhou Institute for Food and Drug Control, College of Pharmaceutical, Soochow University
...... page:13-17
Evaluation on Impact of Leakage of Lyophilizer on Sterility of Drugs (冻干机泄漏对药品无菌特性的影响评估)
Wang Jiaxin, Lv Dongjuan, Hisun Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd
...... page:18-20+28
Determination of Lovastatin in Red Yeast Rice by QuEChERS-UPLC-MRM-IDA Criteria-EPI (QuEChERS-UPLC-MRM-IDA Criteria-EPI测定红曲米中洛伐他汀)
Wang Yuanfu, Nanchang Institute for Food and Drug Control
...... page:21-24+39
Optimization of Extraction Process of Gegen Huzhang Granules (葛根虎杖丸的提取工艺研究)
Wang Yinglan, Liu Yuankun, Cui Cuicui, Weihai TCM Hospital
...... page:25-28
Thinking about Improvement of Licensed Pharmacist Registration Management System (完善执业药师注册管理制度的思考)
Li Zhaohui, Sun Lihua, School of Business Administration, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Certification Center for Licensed Pharmacist of CFDA
...... page:29-34
fda pi zhun kang tang niao bing yao lixisenatide shang shi (FDA批准抗糖尿病药Lixisenatide上市)

...... page:34
Effect of Automated Management of Outpatient Pharmacy on Pharmaceutical Service (门诊药房自动化管理对药学服务的影响)
Leng Ping, Su Zhiguo, Li Zongli, Lu Xiaodong, Sun Xianghong, Department of Pharmacy, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University
...... page:35-39
Pharmaceutical Treatment of Severe Peripheral Neuropathy Induced by Vincristine (长春新碱致严重周围神经病变的药学治疗实践)
Fan Rui, Liu Fei, Li Jing, Department of Pharmacy, Ninth Division of Tacheng City Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Ninth Division of Tacheng City Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, First Hospital Affiliated to School of Medicine of Shihezi University
...... page:40-43
Analysis of 92 Cases of Anaphylactic Shock Induced by Compound Amino Acid Injection (复方氨基酸注射液致过敏性休克98例分析)
Zhang Hua, Lei Zhaobao, Guangzhou Chang'an Hospital
...... page:44-48
a da mu dan kang yong yu hua nong xing han xian yan you yi (阿达木单抗用于化脓性汗腺炎有益)

...... page:48
Analysis of 509 Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions in a Psychiatric Hospital (精神病专科医院509例药物不良反应分析)
Chen Yin, Shi Weihua, The Third People's Hospital of Changshu City, Jiangsu Province
...... page:49-53
abaloparatide yong yu jue jing hou gu zhi shu song fu nv ke jiang di xin fa zhui gu he fei zhui gu gu zhe feng xian (Abaloparatide用于绝经后骨质疏松妇女可降低新发椎骨和非椎骨骨折风险)

...... page:53
Analysis of Drug Adverse Reaction of One Case of Exfoliative Dermatitis Induced by Shenmai Injection (1例参麦注射液致剥脱性皮炎的药物不良反应分析)
Zhang Yu, Song Xiaobing, Wang Yuanchun, Yang Peng, Department of Pharmacy, Fifth People's Hospital of Ganzhou
...... page:54-56
ema pi zhun kang tang niao bing yao saxagliptin/dapagliflozin xin fu fang pian ji shang shi (EMA批准抗糖尿病药Saxagliptin/Dapagliflozin新复方片剂上市)

...... page:56
zhong guo zhi ye yao shi za zhi 2017 nian zheng gao qi shi (《中国执业药师》杂志2017年征稿启事)

...... page:57

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China/Asia on Demand (CAOD) Customer Service

from Gmail


Fwd: Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China, Year 2016, Issue 09 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China. Year 2016 Issue 09 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

The determination of total phenethanol glycosides in lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.)kudo by zeroth order and the first order derivative ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV法和一阶导数UV法测定独一味中总苯乙醇苷的对比研究)
QIU Jianguo, HE Xiaoying, ZHANG Quanlong, Department of Pharmacy, Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Area Command, PLA
...... page:561-564
Effect of inhibition of G9a expression on osteosarcoma MG-63 cell proliferation (G9a表达抑制对骨肉瘤细胞MG-63增殖的影响)
ZHONG Fangjun, LI Jianxiang, Department of Pain Treatment, the 323rd Hospital of PLA
...... page:564-567
yi xue qi kan lun wen you guan de gui fan yao qiu zhai lu (医学期刊论文有关的规范要求摘录)

...... page:567
Sleep apnea syndromes were associated with the increased onset risk of metabolic syndrome (睡眠呼吸暂停综合征增加代谢综合征发病风险)
QUAN Zhuo, ZHENG Fazhan, SU Ke, The 10th Hospital of PLA
...... page:568-570
Application of auditory brainstem responses to bone-conducted clicks in the hearing assessment of children with congenital external aural atresia (骨导短声诱发听性脑干反应在外耳道闭锁患儿听力评估中的应用)
FU Jin, LUO Gang, Department of E.N.T, Mianyang Central Hospital
...... page:570-573
Efficacy of adefovir in patients with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis (阿德福韦酯治疗慢性乙型肝炎与乙型肝炎肝硬化的疗效)
NIE Qingping, JU Lizhong, LIU Guocai, The 273rd Hospital of PLA
...... page:573-575
Application of oxycodone hydrochloride tablets in moderate to severe cancerous pain control (盐酸羟考酮控释片在中重度癌痛控制中的应用研究)
CHEN Fanghong, LI Qiju, Department of Oncology, Chang'an branch affiliated to the first People's Hospital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture
...... page:576-578
Analysis of curative effect of tacrolimus ointment in the treatment of elderly patients with oral lichen planus (应用他克莫司软膏治疗老年口腔扁平苔藓的近远期疗效分析)
ZHU Yaoyao, CHEN Kai, LU Ying, Department of Stomatology, Shidong Hospital of Shanghai
...... page:579-581
Meta analysis on treatment course and prognosis of procalcitonin for the treatment of patients with severe infection (降钙素原指导的抗感染治疗对重症患者抗生素疗程及预后影响的Meta分析)
YANG Zongyi, HAN Zhili, ZHANG Yu, Department of Emergency Intensive Care Unit, Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Area Command, PLA
...... page:581-584
Efficacy of 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic treating genital warts:the impact factors and prognosis analysing (5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(ALA-PDT)治疗尖锐湿疣影响因素及预后探讨)
FENG Renyang, Department of Dermatology, Electric Power Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University
...... page:584-587
The clinical study of serum procalcitonin changes before and after percutaneous transhepatic biliary stent implantation (血清降钙素原检测在经皮肝穿胆道支架植入术后的临床应用观察)
WANG Xinlin, SONG Jinwen, WEI Xuan, Department of Interventional Pain, Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Area Commmand, PLA
...... page:587-590
gao ling ji xing zuo xin gong neng shuai jie huan zhe ma fei zhong du qiang jiu cheng gong 1 li (高龄急性左心功能衰竭患者吗啡中毒抢救成功1例)
ZUO Dongdong, WANG Fei, MA Ling, ZHANG Weize
...... page:590
Analysis of virus spectra in respiratory tract infection in children and its influence on the changes of myocardial enzyme spectrum (儿童呼吸道感染常见病毒谱分析及其对心肌酶谱变化趋势的影响)
DONG Juzi, HA Xiaoqin, FENG Qiangsheng, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Area Command, PLA
...... page:591-593
guan yu you zheng hui kuan dan tian xie ji fa piao kai ju de shuo ming (关于邮政汇款单填写及发票开具的说明)

...... page:593
Measurement of fractional flow reserve in coronary borderline lesions (心肌血流储备分数在冠状动脉临界病变中的应用)
ZHAO Juan, CHEN Ning, WANG Zhirong, The Second Department of Cardiology, Xianyang Hospital of Yan'an University
...... page:594-595
Changes of biochemical index co-related with lung cancer and tuberculosis and differential diagnosis (肺癌和肺结核相关生化指标变化及鉴别诊断)
ZHANG Ning, WANG Ke, ZHANG Xia, Department of Respiratory, the First People's Hospital of Zibo
...... page:596-598
Changes of hs-CRP,PCT and BNP levels in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD and the clinical diagnostic value (COPD急性加重期患者的hs-CRP、PCT和BNP水平的变化及临床诊断价值分析)
DONG Yu, Department of Respiratory, the Second People's Hospital of Fushun
...... page:599-601
Analysis the perianal disease incidence and related factors of officers and soldiers in cold plateau (高原寒区驻训官兵肛周疾病发病情况及相关因素分析)
YAN Jun, FU Qinghai, LAI Junhao, Department of General Surgery, the Third Hospital of PLA
...... page:602-604
Inhibition of hypoxia-induced vascular leakage by salidroside (红景天苷抑制低氧诱导的血管渗出)
ZHANG Xingkai, Shama'azhi, FENG Jing, Department of Cardiology, the Fifth Hospital of PLA
...... page:605-607
ji zhu jie he duo yao nai yao yan jiu jin zhan (脊柱结核多药耐药研究进展)
QU Tao, WANG Shiyong
...... page:608-610
jian kang yi liao da shu ju yan jiu xian zhuang yu zhan wang (健康医疗大数据研究现状与展望)
ZHANG Yunhong, ZHENG Ping
...... page:610-614
fa re yuan yin dai cha zhen duan bu shi gan jun bing 1 li (发热原因待查诊断布氏杆菌病1例)
WANG Zuo, BAI Zhidong, LIU Lihua
...... page:614
pin guan quan zai chan fang hu li guan li zhong de ying yong (品管圈在产房护理管理中的应用)
...... page:615-616
zhu chan hu li dui gao ling chan fu fen mian xiao guo fen xi (助产护理对高龄产妇分娩效果分析)
ZHANG Yan, LU Xiaojuan, LIU Cuiping
...... page:616-617
tang niao bing te yi xing sheng cun zhi liang liang biao zai 2 xing tang niao bing huan zhe sheng cun zhi liang ping jia zhong de ying yong (糖尿病特异性生存质量量表在2型糖尿病患者生存质量评价中的应用)
WANG Ziming
...... page:618-619
gao ya yang zong he zhi liao gao yuan nao shui zhong de lin chuang xiao guo yan jiu (高压氧综合治疗高原脑水肿的临床效果研究)
...... page:619-620
mei luo pei nan zhi bing wu suan na zhi liao nong du bai xue zheng huan zhe zuo zuo fu fa wu xiao tan tao (美罗培南致丙戊酸钠治疗脓毒败血症患者癫痫复发无效探讨)
LI Ye, WANG Ming
...... page:621-622
shu niao guan jing xia zuo ji guang sui shi shu zhi liao lao nian shu niao guan jie shi ti hui (输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术治疗老年输尿管结石体会)
WEI Yundan, WANG Wei
...... page:622-624
yi fa zuo xing gao re wei zhu yao zheng zhuang de zuo zuo 1 li (以发作性高热为主要症状的癫痫1例)
LIU Shuai
...... page:624
yi yuan xin xi ji shu zhi kong bing li zhi liang de you xiao tu jing (医院信息技术质控病历质量的有效途径)
TAO Xiaoqin, DENG Mingde
...... page:625-626
duo gong neng che zai shi zhan jiu xun lian ping tai zai jing mai shu ye feng xian guan li zhong de ying yong (多功能车载式战救训练平台在静脉输液风险管理中的应用)
SHANG Yan, ZHANG Rong, SHEN Chaohui
...... page:626-628
bian zhi sha mo gan re huan jing kang zhen jiu zai yi liao jiu yuan shi ying xing xun lian gong zuo shou ce de shi jian yu ti hui (编制《沙漠干热环境抗震救灾医疗救援适应性训练工作手册》的实践与体会)
TAO Fasheng, YAN Zuo, TAN Yanhong, LEI Quan, MEI Lin
...... page:629-630
xi bei guo fang yi xue za zhi tou gao xu zhi (《西北国防医学杂志》投稿须知)

...... page:631

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Thank you for choosing CAOD Table of Contents (TOC) Alert Service.

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To manage your TOC Alerts, please click here.

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China/Asia on Demand (CAOD) Customer Service

from Gmail


Fwd: Chinese Journal of AIDS & STD, Year 2016, Issue 09 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Chinese Journal of AIDS & STD. Year 2016 Issue 09 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

Update on the AIDS/STD epidemic of China in July,2016 (2016年7月全国艾滋病性病疫情)
...... page:675
Molecular epidemiology of HIV transmission within heterosexual spouses in Yunnan (云南省德宏州和红河州配偶间HIV传播的分子流行病学调查)
Yang Chaojun, Chen Min, Ma Yanling, Chen Huichao, Dong Lijuan, Dai Jie, Yang Li, Institute for STDs/AIDS Prevention and Control, Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:676-679
Study of MSM infected with HIV-1 subtype reported in 2011 in Guangzhou (广州市2011年男男性行为者HIV-1亚型分析)
Diao Shuqin, Wu Hao, Gao Kai, Han Zhigang, Xia Yun, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:680-682
Sequence features and origin of HIV-1 isolated from a long-term non-progressor in Jiangsu province (江苏省1例HIV长期无进展者体内病毒的序列特征和溯源分析)
Li Lei, Fu Gengfeng, Huan Xiping, Ding Jianping, Zhou Ying, Hu Haiyang, Guo Hongxiong, Yang Haitao, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiangsu Institute of Parasite Diseases
...... page:683-686
Analysis of HIV Western blot indeterminate results during 2010-2015 in Ningxia (2010-2015年宁夏HIV抗体WB不确定结果分析)
Guan Guangyu, Wu Zhonglan, Cao Min, Yin Ting, Yang Dongzhi, Chen Hui, Ningxia Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ningxia Medical University
...... page:687-689
Influence factors of late diagnosis and treatment of the reported HIV/AIDS cases during 1999-2015 in former Zhabei district (上海市原闸北区1999-2015年新报告HIV/AIDS病人中晚发现和晚治疗病例的影响因素)
Yin Jianxun, Yang Yun, Ge Meihua, Shanghai Zhabei District Center for Disease Prevention and Control
...... page:690-693
zhong guo ai zi bing xing bing za zhi zai xian tou gao zhu yi shi xiang (《中国艾滋病性病》杂志在线投稿注意事项)

...... page:693
Systematic review of combinative effects of Chinese patent medicine with HAART on HIV/AIDS (中成药联合抗病毒治疗HIV/AIDS病人的疗效和安全性)
Huang Rui, Luo Weisheng, Tang Hongliang, Kang Yi, Zhang Yangwu, Tan Quanxiao, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine
...... page:694-698
ben kan chang yong suo lue yu (本刊常用缩略语)

...... page:698
Analysis on status of HIV/AIDS patients co-infected with HBV/HCV (HIV/AIDS病人合并HBV和HCV感染状况分析)
Chen Zhaoyun, Zhang Hanming, Sun Yan, Zhao Qingxia, Dou Ping, Shi Longjuan, Ji Hongyu, Li Zizhao, The Sixth People Hospital of Zhengzhou, Clinical Medical College, Xinjiang Medical University, Henan AIDS Prevention Association, China Biotechnology Co.Ltd.
...... page:699-702
2016 nian zhong guo ai zi bing xing bing za zhi zheng ding qi shi (2016年《中国艾滋病性病》杂志征订启事)

...... page:702
Knowledge and attitudes to HIV/AIDS patients among Chinese and foreign dental students and the effect of health education (部分口腔医学国内学生和留学生对艾滋病认知与态度调查及健康教育效果评价)
Xing Haixia, Liu Hongwei, Department of General Dentistry, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Department of Oral Medicine, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology
...... page:703-705+709
Comparative analysis of AIDS knowledgebetween UNGASS-based 8 items and updated ones among medical college students in Beijing (北京市某医科大学学生艾滋病基本知识与更新知识的知晓率比较)
Lu Yao, Fu Qi, Wu Jing, Niu Piye, Yan Han, Hu Yifei, School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, The Open University of China
...... page:706-709
Effects of MRIT therapy on psychological state of AIDS patients receiving HAART (MRIT疗法对AIDS病人HAART中心理状态的影响)
Liu Yingli, Li Jin, Liu Xianying, Changchun Medical College, Infectious Disease Hospital of Changchun, The Second Hospital of Jilin University
...... page:710-712+724
Investigation of reliability and validity of Chinese version of relationship scale questionnaire applied to the specialgroup of HIV/AIDS (关系评定问卷中文版在特定HIV感染者中应用的信效度考察)
Zheng Xiaoxing, Yang Yunping, Department of Clinical Psychology, Pingan Hospital of Xicheng District, Beijing, Beijing Anding Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Psychiatric Disease Diagnosis and Therapy
...... page:713-716
Psychological status of HIV/AIDS patients and their relatives in Shufu county of Xinjiang (新疆喀什地区疏附县HIV/AIDS病人及其亲属心理健康状况分析)
Zhao Caihong, Zhou Ziyan, Shufu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:717-720
Analysis of HIV sentinel surveillance among men who have sex with men in Shandong province from 2010 to 2014 (2010-2014年山东省男男性行为者哨点监测资料分析)
Huang Pengxiang, Zi Guiling, Liao Meizhen, Zhu Xiaoyan, Hao Lianzheng, Yang Xingguang, Hu Jun, Wang Guoyong, Tao Xiaorun, Kang Dianmin, Department of HIV Prevention and Control, Shandong Center for Disease Prevention and Control, School of Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Jinan, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Preventive Medicine, Shandong University
...... page:721-724
Analysis on AIDS surveillance among men who have sex with men in Jiangxi province during 2011-2015 (江西省2011-2015年男男性行为者艾滋病监测结果分析)
Yang Qing, Luo Yaling, Fu Jun, Liao Qinghua, Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:725-727+736
HIV infection and related factors among men who have sex with men in Anhui province in 2014 (安徽省2014年男男性行为者HIV感染情况及其相关因素分析)
Xiao Yongkang, Cheng Xiaoli, Su Bin, Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:728-730
Situation of incubating base construction for China AIDS fund for non-government organizations in 2015 (社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金启动初期培育基地建设情况分析)
Liu Yujing, Chen Qingfeng, National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:731-733+742
Effect of referral information management for HIV antibody screening positive in hospital (医疗机构HIV抗体筛查阳性患者院内转介信息化管理效果评价)
Chen Liping, Pang Jun, Ge Lihui, The Fourth People's Hospital of Nanning
...... page:734-736
zhong guo ai zi bing xing bing zai 2014 nian ban zhong guo ke ji qi kan yin zheng bao gao ( he xin ban ) zhong xiang guan zhi biao xin xi (《中国艾滋病性病》在2014年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》中相关指标信息)

...... page:736
Pregnancy and delivery of 374 HIV infected women in Hunan province (湖南省374例HIV感染孕产妇孕期及分娩情况)
Kong Fanjuan, Wang Zhanghua, Liu Zhiyu, Wang Aihua, Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Health and Family Planning Commission of Hunan Province
...... page:737-739
Stigma status of HIV/AIDS patients (艾滋病病人的病耻感现状调查)
Yan Dongmei, Zhang Xiujun, Tangshan Infectious Disease Hospital, Qian'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:740-742
HIV and TP infection status and its influencing factors among men who have sex with men at urban areas of Zibo city (淄博市中心城区男男性行为者的HIV和梅毒感染状况及危险因素分析)
Gong Cuihua, Shen Chunzi, Yang Xuhong, Cui Feng, Han Chao, Zibo Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:743-746+749
ai zi bing he bing ju da jian rui shi zuo 15 li lin chuang hui gu xing fen xi (艾滋病合并巨大尖锐湿疣15例临床回顾性分析)
HU Yange, SHAO Yajing, SUN Xixi, XU Huaqing, LU Gaihui, ZHANG Qiao, TIAN Fen
...... page:747-749
shen zuo shi liu dong ren kou ai zi bing jian kang jiao yu xiao guo fen xi (深圳市流动人口艾滋病健康教育效果分析)
HOU Chenhui, SHI Yunju
...... page:750-751+758
xin jiang sha yi ba ke qu 2015 nian nan nan xing xing wei zhe hiv mei du ji hcv jian ce jie guo fen xi (新疆沙依巴克区2015年男男性行为者HIV梅毒及HCV监测结果分析)
YI Chunxia, LI Lei
...... page:752-753
lun wen zhong a la bo yu han zi shu zi de shi yong gui ze (论文中阿拉伯与汉字数字的使用规则)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:753
dong zuo di qu mi niao sheng zhi dao zhi yuan ti gan ran zhuang kuang ji nai yao xing de fen xi (东莞地区泌尿生殖道支原体感染状况及耐药性的分析)
SUN Fei, LING Yonghuo, LI Ming, ZHANG Xia, RUAN Jianbo
...... page:754-755
zhong guo ai zi bing zong he fang zhi shu ju xin xi guan li xi tong xian kuang yu zhan wang (中国艾滋病综合防治数据信息管理系统现况与展望)
XU Juan, MAO Yuzuo
...... page:756-758
Review of the survival analysis of HIV/AIDS patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (抗病毒治疗的HIV/AIDS病人生存状况的影响因素)
Zhang Jihong, Dong Hongjun, Medical College of Ningbo University, Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention
...... page:759-762
Thoughts of normalization of the grass-roots AIDS prevention and control (基层艾滋病防治工作常态化思考)
Wu Niya, Chen Ren, Qin Xia, Ma Ying, Fang Guixia, Hu Zhi, Institute of Health Administration, Anhui Medical University
...... page:763-764+767
Predicament and countermeasures of AIDS prevention education for college students (新形势下高校艾滋病预防教育面临的困境与对策)
Wu Wenjun, Deng Lamei, Chen Weijian, Gao Qisheng, Affairs Department, Hangzhou Medical University
...... page:765-767
guan yu zhao kai 2016 nian ai zi bing xue shu da hui de tong zhi (关于召开"2016年艾滋病学术大会"的通知)

...... page:768

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Fwd: Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation, Year 2016, Issue 10 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation. Year 2016 Issue 10 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

Effect of laparoscopic radical gastrectomy and open radical gastrectomy on inflammatory reaction and immune function in patients with gastric cancer (腹腔镜和开腹胃癌根治术对患者机体炎性反应和免疫功能的影响)
ZHANG Jie, GUO Yuan, WANG Wei, LI Jing, HE Peng, YU Li-shu, ZUO Hui-xiao, Department of Abdominal Surgery, Baotou Cancer Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, The Fourth Hospital of Baotou
...... page:1153-1156
Chromoendoscopy with a double dye staining technique combined with detection of antigen MG7-Ag for the early diagnosis of gastric cancer (双重染色内镜联合检测MG7-Ag抗原对胃癌早期诊断的意义)
LI Qi-yi, YANG Peng-chun, DAI Chi-bing, Department of Gastroenterology, Renhe Hospital, Three Gorges University
...... page:1157-1159
ben kan dui yi xue ming ci ji suo lue yu de yao qiu (本刊对医学名词及缩略语的要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1159
Relationship between smoking indexes and coagulation function in patients with lung cancer (吸烟指数与肺癌患者凝血指标的相关性)
ZHOU Yan, Department of Oncology, Chaoyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
...... page:1160-1162
Thioredoxin reductase in the treatment of lung cancer (硫氧还蛋白还原酶在肺癌治疗中的研究)
ZHAO Yong-li, PENG Chuan-zhen, LI Gui-xin, JIANG Lei, LENG Ning, ZHOU Ming-yu, Department of Radiotherapy, Jiaozhou Central Hospital
...... page:1163-1165
Effect of scanning layer thickness on different sized target delineation in computed tomography simulated location (计算机断层扫描模拟定位扫描层厚对不同大小靶区勾画的影响)
XIA Shi-an, WANG Jia, WANG Wei, Department of Radiation Oncology, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University
...... page:1166-1168
quan guo wei sheng zhuan ye gao ji ji shu zi ge kao shi fu dao yong shu lin chuang zhong liu xue xi ti ji yi you ren min wei sheng chu ban she zheng shi chu ban (全国卫生专业高级技术资格考试辅导用书《临床肿瘤学习题集》已由人民卫生出版社正式出版)

...... page:1168
Relationship between expression of survivin and radiation sensitivity in patients with advanced breast cancer (晚期乳腺癌患者生存素的表达与放疗敏感性之间的关系)
HAN Ji-hua, ZHANG Yan, ZHU Wei-guo, TAO Guang-zhou, ZHU Zhi-jian, ZHANG Xiao-ye, Department of Radiotherapy, Huaian First People's Hospital, Nanjing Medical University
...... page:1169-1172
Risk factors of multiple myeloma complicated with renal impairment (多发性骨髓瘤合并肾损害的相关因素分析)
ZHOU Hong-wen, CHEN Qian-jin, LIU Jian-jun, Department of Hematology, Liangping People's Hospital
...... page:1173-1175
Effect of cervical loop electrosurgical excision procedure on fertility and pregnancy rate in patients with early stage cervical cancer (宫颈环状电切术对早期宫颈癌患者生育能力和妊娠率的影响)
BI Yun-li, PENG Wen, Department of Gynecology, Linqu County People's Hospital, Department of Gynecology, Shandong Provincial Hospital
...... page:1176-1178
Ultrasound elastography in diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis complicated with thyroid nodules (超声弹性成像对桥本甲状腺炎合并结节的诊断价值)
YU Chun-ying, HU Dong-ming, The Third People's Hospital of Qingdao
...... page:1179-1182
ben kan dui can kao wen xian de zhu lu yao qiu (本刊对参考文献的著录要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1182
Effect of Sijunzi decoction combined with cytokine-induced killer cells on the immune mechanism in patients with digestive tract malignant tumors (四君子汤加减结合细胞因子诱导杀伤细胞对消化道恶性肿瘤患者免疫机制的影响)
YANG Ling, CAO Fang, TIAN Yun, YANG Hao, ZHANG Lin, Department of Pharmacy, Shaanxi Provincial Tumor Hospital
...... page:1183-1185
Clinical application of etoposide combined with lobaplatin and cisplatin respectively for untreated small cell lung cancer (洛铂和顺铂分别联合依托泊苷初治小细胞肺癌的临床应用)
SHI Lei, ZHANG Yi-qiao, Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University
...... page:1186-1188
yi xue ke yan lun wen zhong a la bo shu zi de shi yong gui ze (医学科研论文中阿拉伯数字的使用规则)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1188
Short-term efficacy of laparoscopic D2 radical gastrectomy for advanced gastric cancer (腹腔镜D2根治全胃切除术治疗进展期胃癌患者的近期疗效)
WANG Jian-hong, HE Wei, Department of General Surgery, Gucheng County Hospital, Endoscopy Center, Shaanxi Provincial Cancer Hospital
...... page:1189-1192
ben kan guan yu fa ding ji liang dan wei de shu xie yao qiu (本刊关于法定计量单位的书写要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1192
Clinical efficacy of low-dose cytarabine,aclarubicin and granulocyte colony stimulating factor combined therapy for acute leukemia transformed from myelodysplastic syndromes (小剂量阿糖胞苷阿克拉霉素和粒细胞集落刺激因子联合治疗骨髓增生异常综合征转化急性白血病的临床疗效)
Chen Wei, Zhang Tong-tong, Xu Yan-hong, Department of Internal Medicine of Hematology, Rudong County People's Hospital
...... page:1193-1195
Efficacy of image-guided percutaneous puncture ulltra-minimum incision accurate personalized introtumoral chemoimmunotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer (影像引导经皮穿刺超微创精准个体化肿瘤内化学诱导免疫疗法治疗晚期胰腺癌的临床疗效)
ZHAO Yu-dong, GAO Feng, FU Qiang, LIU Guo-liang, YU Guang-qing, CHE Ye-bing, YU Bao-fa, Taimei Baofa Cancer Hospital, Jinan Xicheng Hospital, Beijing Baofa Cancer Hospital
...... page:1196-1200
ben kan dui yun yong tong ji xue fang fa de you guan yao qiu (本刊对运用统计学方法的有关要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1200
Efficacy of autologous cytokine induced killer cells combined with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer (自体细胞因子诱导杀伤细胞联合同步放化疗治疗局部晚期食管癌的疗效)
SHUI Ming-cai, YE Dan-dan, Department of Ocology, Kai County People's Hospital
...... page:1201-1203
Clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of chemotherapy adjuvant to radiotherapy for cervical cancer (化疗辅助放疗治疗宫颈癌患者的临床疗效和不良反应)
TENG Fei, CUI Gui-ming, LIU Miao-ling, YANG Hui-bin, YUAN Lan-hui, SHI Hong-yun, Department of Radiotherapy, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University
...... page:1204-1206
Effect of hysteroscopy on the outcome of pregnancy in patients with different types of submucosal uterine fibroids (不同类型黏膜下子宫肌瘤患者宫腔镜手术治疗对妊娠结局的影响)
ZHOU Gen-chun, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Sixth People's Hospital of Longgang District
...... page:1207-1209
Efficacy of different doses of mifepristone in the treatment of uterine fibroids (不同剂量米非司酮治疗子宫肌瘤的疗效分析)
LI Su-fang, YANG Lin-feng, LU Wen-yue, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sanya Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
...... page:1210-1212
Clinical analysis of postoperative infection in oral and maxillofacial surgery (口腔颌面肿瘤外科手术后感染的临床分析)
LIU Hui-qin, HE Shu-juan, LI Gai-ying, Department of Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, Stomatological Hospital, Xi'an Jiaotong University
...... page:1213-1216
ben kan biao zhu shu zi dui xiang wei yi biao shi fu (本刊标注数字对象唯一标识符)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1216
Efficacy of 89Sr internal-radiation therapy in patients with metastatic cancer in bones (89Sr内照射治疗骨转移癌的疗效观察)
ZHANG Hui-ling, ZHANG Hong-wei, XU Li-ming, Department of Oncology, The First People's Hospital of Ziyang
...... page:1217-1219
Transitional care needs in patients receiving chemotherapy and influencing factors (化疗患者延续护理需求及影响因素分析)
HE Rui-xian, ZHANG Shu-xiang, MEI Zhi-hong, ZHANG Yan-xin, SU Wei-cai, LIU Yan, Chinese National Cancer Center, Depatment of nursing, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical college
...... page:1220-1224
ben kan dui xing tai xue tu pian de zhi liang he zhi zuo yao qiu (本刊对形态学图片的质量和制作要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1224
Effec of nursing intervention on efficacy of treatment and life quality in patients receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer (护理干预对肺癌化疗患者疗效和生活质量的影响)
GONG Yu-zhi, ZHANG Ying, Department of Oncology, Yichang People's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
...... page:1225-1227
Effect of postoperative pulmonary rehabilitation on prognosis in patients with lung cancer (肺康复训练对肺癌患者术后预后的影响)
ZHANG Hui-hui, LI Xue-ping, YU Chang-jun, LIU Ping, CAI Yu-xing, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
...... page:1228-1231
Effect of comfort care on complications and comfort as well as quality of life in lung cancer patients after radical surery (舒适护理对肺癌患者根治术后并发症舒适度和生活质量的影响)
DONG Li, LIU Ling, Department of Encephalo Thoracic Surgery, The Sixth People's Hospital of Xuzhou
...... page:1232-1234
Application of emergency nursing in patients with lung cancer complicated with massive hemoptysis (急救护理在肺癌合并大咳血患者中的应用)
QIN Xu-ling, People's Hospital of Linyi Economic and Technological Development Zone
...... page:1235-1237
Effect of relaxation training combined with psychological nursing on the negative emotion and side effects of lung cancer patients (放松训练联合心理护理对肺癌患者负性情绪和不良反应的影响)
MA Hui, FANG Lie, BAI Feng-yun, ZUO You-you, CHEN Hai-bao, Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Medical College, Department of Ophthalmology, The Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Medical College
...... page:1238-1241
Impact of nursing intervention on survival rate and quality of life in patients with gastrointestinal cancer (护理干预对消化道肿瘤患者生存率和生活质量的影响)
ZHANG Xing-li, ZHAO Juan, ZHOU Dan, YUAN Li-jie, WUYANG Jia-zi, JIN Nan-nan, YU Yang, LYU Hui-ming, Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical University
...... page:1242-1245
Efficacy and satisfaction of perioperative clinical nursing pathway in patients with esophageal carcinoma (食管癌患者围手术期应用临床护理路径的疗效和护理体会)
ZHANG Ting, HU Sha-sha, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shaanxi Provincial Tumor Hospital
...... page:1246-1248
Effect of nutrition support and psychological intervention on postoperative rehabilitation and quality of life for gastric cancer patients (强化营养支持和心理干预对胃癌患者手术后康复和生活质量的影响)
WANG Jing, DING Ning, WANG Ai-ping, Department of Emergency, Affiliated Beijing Tongren Hospital of Capital Medical University
...... page:1249-1252
Impact of evidence-based nursing intervention on psychological status and complications in patients receiving chemotherapy for gastric cancer (循证护理干预对胃癌化疗患者心理状况和并发症的影响)
HE Ying, CHEN Juan, HU Yan, Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Taishan Medical College
...... page:1253-1256
guan yu yi gao liang tou he zhong fu fa biao wen ti de chu li yuan ze (关于一稿两投和重复发表问题的处理原则)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1256
Efficay of exercise-based postoperative rehabilitation prescribed for patients with gastric cancer (康复锻炼处方对胃癌患者手术后的应用效果)
YANG Xiao-bing, JIANG Xiao-fang, ZHOU Ya-ping, Leshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
...... page:1257-1260
di shi ba jie bei jing xi wang ma la song kai pao (第十八届北京希望马拉松开跑)

...... page:1260
Efficacy of evidence-based nursing in patients with advanced primary liver cancer (循证护理在原发性肝癌晚期患者临终关怀中的应用效果)
SU Xue-hui, YANG Lei, The First Department of Geriatrics, The First Hospital of Qinhuangdao, The Department of General Surgery, The First Hospital of Qinhuangdao
...... page:1261-1264
Impact of operating room nursing intervention on recovery after laparoscopic colorectal resection (手术室护理干预对腹腔镜下结直肠肿瘤切除术患者恢复的影响)
XU Hai-ya, CAI Li-chun, ZHOU Yan-ling, Operation Room, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
...... page:1265-1268
guan yu guan jian ci de biao yin (关于关键词的标引)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1268
Fffect of nursing intervention on prognosis and quality of life in patients undergoing radical mastectomy (护理干预对乳腺癌患者根治术后疗效和生活质量的影响)
WANG Hua, YANG Min, Department of Nursing, Shaanxi Provincial Tumor Hospital
...... page:1269-1271
Effect of empathy nursing on the level of hope and subjective well-being in breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy (共情护理对乳腺癌患者根治手术后希望水平和主观幸福感的影响)
WANG Jing-ran, YANG Jie-min, Department of General Surgery, Funing District People's Hospital of Qinhuangdao, Department of Neurosurgery, Funing District People's Hospital of Qinhuangdao
...... page:1272-1274
Effect of nursing intervention on stress and behavioral characteristics in patients with cervical cancer (护理干预对宫颈癌患者应激压力和行为特征的影响)
SHAO Yu-lan, Department of Nursing, Maigaiti County People's Hospital of Kashi District
...... page:1275-1278
zhong ke yuan zhuan jia yan fa chu xin yi dai wei chang dao zhong liu yi zhi ji (中科院专家研发出新一代胃肠道肿瘤抑制剂)

...... page:1278
yuan fa fu mo mi man da b xi bao lin ba liu yi li (原发腹膜弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤一例)
WU Huizuo, YU Ding, YANG Yeqin, XIE Rong, TANG Jing, WU Yuebing, ZHU Xianmin
...... page:1279-1280
guan yu zhong shi yin yong guo nei can kao wen xian de jian yi (关于重视引用国内参考文献的建议)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:1280

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from Gmail


China Licensed Pharmacist, Year 2016, Issue 10 -New Issue Alert.,China/Asia on Demand (CAOD)


Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China, Year 2016, Issue 09 -New Issue Alert.,China/Asia on Demand (CAOD)


Fwd: International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Year 2016, Issue 07 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases. Year 2016 Issue 07 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

ji xing zu zhong ying xiang xue yan jiu lu jing tu : ji xing zu zhong zai guan zhu lin chuang shi yan de ying xiang xue xuan ze he zhuan gui gong shi tui jian he xia yi bu de yan jiu zhong dian (急性卒中影像学研究路径图Ⅲ:急性卒中再灌注临床试验的影像学选择和转归共识推荐和下一步的研究重点)
STEVEN J.warach, ,MARIE Luby, ,GREGORY W.albers, ,ROLAND Bammer, ,ANDREW Bivard, ,BRUCE C.v.campbell, ,COLIN Derdeyn, ,JEREMY J.heit, ,POOJA Khatri
...... page:577-585
xin xi dong tai (信息动态)

...... page:585,591,599,610,616,622,633,671-672
Pneumonia in severe acute stroke patients fed by nasojejunal versus nasogastric tube (鼻空肠与鼻胃管管饲的急性重症卒中患者的肺炎)
Chen Guoqiang, ,Li Zui'e, ,Wang Baojun, ,Liang Furu, ,Sun Kai, ,Liu Guorong
...... page:586-591
The value of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of arterial walls in the diagnosis of cerebral artery dissection (高分辨率磁共振血管壁成像在脑动脉夹层分离诊断中的价值)
Zhu Guo, ,Jin Jiali, ,Li Jingwei, ,Wang Huiting, ,Xu Yun, ,Zhu Xiaolei
...... page:592-599
Predictors of the outcome in patients with poor-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a single center case series study (高分级动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者转归的预测因素:单中心病例系列研究)
CHEN Junhui, ,YANG Likun, ,WANG Yuhai, ,CHEN Lei, ,LI Peipei, ,ZHANG Chunlei, ,HE Jianqing, ,ZHOU Jinxu, ,HU Xu
...... page:600-605
Effects of AMP-activated protein kinase on the expression levels of caspase-8,-3 and apoptosis in the ischemic cortex following focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice (AMP-活化蛋白激酶对局灶性脑缺血再灌注小鼠皮质胱天蛋白酶-8、-3表达和细胞凋亡的影响)
WANG Zhanbo, ,ZHAO Xiaochun, ,TAO Li, ,YANG Zhengqi, ,ZHENG Changliang, ,LI Hua, ,TU Erxunshabier, ,CAI Jian
...... page:606-610
Diabetes mellitus aggravates cerebral ischemia injury in rats by downregulating VEGF/VEGFR2 pathway (糖尿病通过抑制VEGF/VEGFR2通路加重大鼠缺血性脑损伤)
Lu Junjiang, ,Han Jiangquan, ,Fan Yadan, ,Deng Caihong, ,He Jing, ,Chen Ling
...... page:611-616
Application of susceptibility-weighted imaging in patients with acute ischemic stroke (磁敏感加权成像在急性缺血性卒中患者中的应用)
Tang Guilin
...... page:617-622
Imaging signs for prediction of hematoma growth in acute intracerebral hemorrhage (预测急性脑出血后血肿增大的影像学征象)
Gao Zidan, ,Chu Heling, ,Yang Xiaobo, ,Tang Yuping, ,Dong Qiang
...... page:623-627
Imaging diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis (脑静脉和硬膜窦血栓形成的影像学诊断)
Tang Guilin
...... page:628-633
Treatment of acute ischemic stroke with atrial fibrillation (伴心房颤动的急性缺血性卒中的治疗)
Yun Xiaoxu, ,Liu Guorong, ,Pan Xiaohua
...... page:634-638
Advances in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (伴皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病研究进展)
Chen Yifan, ,Shi Minke, ,Shan Haitao, ,Li Shufeng
...... page:639-646
Possible etiologies of cryptogenic stroke in young adults (青年隐源性卒中的可能病因)
Qi Guanglin, ,Yin Mei
...... page:647-650
Fetal-type posterior cerebral artery and cerebrovascular diseases (胚胎型大脑后动脉与脑血管病)
Jin Ling, ,Bi Guorong
...... page:651-655
C-reactive protein and intracerebral hemorrhage (C反应蛋白与脑出血)
Zhao Xin, ,Zhu Xiaolin
...... page:656-661
Treatment of blood blister-like aneurysms of the internal carotid artery (颈内动脉血泡样动脉瘤的治疗)
Yu Zeran, ,Long Jiang
...... page:662-666
Clinical diagnosis and analysis of ischemic stroke with convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage: three case report (缺血性卒中后脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的临床和影像学特征:3例报告并文献复习)
Li Wenjian, ,Yang Shaonan, ,Yu Hualong, ,Pan Xudong
...... page:667-670

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Chinese Journal of AIDS & STD, Year 2016, Issue 09 -New Issue Alert.,China/Asia on Demand (CAOD)


Fwd: Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Year 2016, Issue 09 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Year 2016 Issue 09 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

Quantitative proteomics of CDC42 in HBx-mediated cellular transformation (CDC42在HBx介导肝细胞恶性转化中作用的定量蛋白质组学研究)
XU Yongru, ,QI Yingzi, ,XU Ping, ,LI Xiangping, ,XU Feng
...... page:697-702
guan yu tou gao de tong ji xue yao qiu (关于投稿的统计学要求)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:702-702
Oxidative damage and related signal pathways caused by lipopolysaccharide induced sepsis in rat brain (脂多糖诱导脓毒症大鼠脑内氧化损伤及相关信号通路的研究)
CHEN Feng, ,LIU Ying-fu, ,LI Guang-zong, ,ZHANG Yi, ,YU Shuo, ,FAN Hao-jun, ,HOU Shi-ke
...... page:703-706
Prokaryotic expression and purification of SET7 with GST-tag (组蛋白甲基转移酶SET7的原核表达及纯化鉴定)
LIU Jie, ,FU Zheng-xiang, ,ZHANG Ya-nan, ,JIANG Yang, ,CHENZhi-da, ,DING Li-hua, ,YE Qi-nong
...... page:707-709
Expression and antigenicity analysis of Clostridium difficile glutamate dehydrogenase (艰难梭菌谷氨酸脱氢酶的表达及抗原性分析)
WANG Jianxia, ,YANG Xiqin, ,JIN Dazhi, ,HUANG Chen, ,LUO Zuo, ,SONG Xiaoguo, ,WANG Hongwei, ,FENG Xiaoyan, ,ZHANG Heqiu
...... page:710-712,732
Construction of pseudovirus reference standard containing five kinds of hemorrhagic fever virus (含5种烈性出血热病毒的假病毒阳性参考品的制备)
CAO Xue-feng, ,KANG Xiao-ping, ,RAN Xin, ,HUO Nai-fan, ,WU Xiao-yan, ,LI Yu-chang, ,YANG Yin-hui
...... page:713-716,737
Resistance mechanisms of blaCTX-M-55 in a clinical Shigella sonnei strain (blaCTX-M-55介导的宋内志贺菌耐药机制研究)
JIANG Xiaoyuan, ,LIU Dong, ,XU Li, ,FANG Haihong, ,FENG Jiao, ,yin , ,ZHOU Dongsheng, ,WANG Li, ,ZHANG Defu, ,SONG Yajun
...... page:717-721
Population analysis of clinical Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from Asia based on multilocus sequence typing and AA-multilocus sequence typing (亚洲副溶血弧菌临床菌株的基于碱基序列和肽链序列的多位点序列分型研究)
XU Jia-liang, ,DU Xiao-li, ,LIU Jun-han, ,KAN Biao, ,LU Xin
...... page:722-724,745
Mechanism of Escherichia coli injury under UV disinfection (紫外线对大肠杆菌的损伤机制研究)
LI Jing, ,WANG Da-ning, ,QU Hong-mei, ,QIU Zhi-gang, ,YIN Jing, ,LI Jun-wen, ,JIN Min
...... page:725-728
Expression of AQP-7 in developing renal tubules of mice (小鼠肾小管发育中AQP-7表达的研究)
BO Shuang-ling, ,TIAN He, ,YAN Li-jing, ,MA Tai-fang
...... page:729-732
Construction of functional and concatenated dimers of two-pore-domain potassium channel TREK-1 (双孔钾离子通道TREK-1功能性串联二聚体载体的构建)
PENG Peng, ,ZHUO Ren-gong, ,ZHENG Jian-quan, ,WEI Xiao-li, ,MA Xiao-yun, ,YUAN Wei-xiu
...... page:733-737
Design and protection evaluation of air purification system in intensive care ambulance (重症监护型救护车空气净化系统设计与防护效果评价)
LIU Ya-jun, ,WU Tai-hu, ,SONG Zhen-xing, ,TAN Shu-lin, ,NIU Fu, ,SUN Jing-gong
...... page:738-741
Design of a portable oxygen supply respirator (便携式给氧复苏呼吸器的设计)
LI Si-wei, ,ZHENG Yan-fang, ,FAN Xiao-wei, ,HUANG Chuan-wei, ,LIU Xue, ,WANG Jie
...... page:742-745
Agent-based modeling of medical evacuation of the wounded during earthquake relief (基于Agent的抗震救灾伤病员医疗后送建模研究)
LI Wen-Hao, ,ZHAO Dong-Sheng, ,MAO Chang-Xue
...... page:746-750
guan yu tou gao xi tong shi yong de shuo ming (关于投稿系统使用的说明)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:750-750
Health security measures of food and drinking water during military training on the plateau (部队高原驻训的饮食饮水卫生安全保障能力调查)
SUN Ru-bao, ,LI Li-zhong, ,WANG Qiang
...... page:751-754
An empirical study on medical selection of flying cadets with hernia disease between PLAAF and USAF (疝病在中美飞行学员医学选拔中的对照实证研究)
LI Hao, ,WEI Hua-hua, ,WEI Xue-ming, ,ZHOU Hai-yang, ,MA Zhong-li, ,ZHU Ke-shun, ,WANG Jian, ,ZOU Zhi-kang
...... page:755-758
can kao wen xian lei xing ji qi biao shi (参考文献类型及其标识)
BEN Kanbianjibu
...... page:758-758
Noninvasive axillary lymph node staging for early-stage breast cancer by ultrasound examination:a preliminary clinical study (早期乳腺癌无创腋窝淋巴结分期的临床初步观察)
CHANG Zhen-yu, ,BAI Ling, ,TANG Ying, ,CHEN Cui-jing, ,HU Peng-yao, ,HAO Xiao-peng, ,LIU Wei-wei, ,YU Cheng-ze
...... page:759-763,776
Inhibitory effect of electro-acunpunture at Zusanli point on flammatory factors of postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions (电针足三里对术后腹腔粘连形成早期炎症因子水平的抑制作用)
ZHANG Li-jian, ,WANG Hui-zhen, ,HUANG Zhen-jun, ,HU Sen, ,SHI Xian
...... page:764-766,772
Development of multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (mLAMP) for detection of Salmonella,Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Listeria monocytogenes (多重环介导等温扩增快速检测沙门菌、副溶血弧菌和单核细胞增生性李斯特菌方法的建立)
LIU Ning-wei, ,ZOU Da-yang, ,DONG De-rong, ,YANG Zhan, ,HUANG Si-mei, ,HE Xiao-ming, ,AO Da, ,LIU Wei, ,HUANG Liu-yu
...... page:767-772
Progress in research of immunoassay based on SERS labeling technique (基于SERS标记免疫检测的研究进展)
LI Min, ,WANG Chong-wen, ,XIAO Rui, ,WANG Sheng-qi
...... page:773-776
ji xing xin ji geng si zhi dian feng bao de qiang jiu yu hu li (急性心肌梗死致电风暴的抢救与护理)
JIANG Jing, ,MA Yujuan, ,LIU Lihua, ,ZHANG Cuiliu, ,XUE Jian
...... page:777-777

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International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Year 2016, Issue 07 -New Issue Alert.,China/Asia on Demand (CAOD)


Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation, Year 2016, Issue 10 -New Issue Alert.,China/Asia on Demand (CAOD)
