Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Fwd: China journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases, Year 2016, Issue 10 -New Issue Alert.

From: order@email.oriprobe.com

Date: November 06, 2016 at 07:03AM


New Issue TOC Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for China journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases. Year 2016 Issue 10 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:

pi fu ke she ying zhuan jia gong shi (皮肤科摄影专家共识)
ZHONG Guozhongxiyijiehexuehuipifuxingbingxuefenhuipifuyingxiangxueyazhuanyeweiyuanhui
...... page:577-580
Risk prediction model of leprosy based on the susceptibility genes and its power study (基于易感基因的麻风风险预测模型的构建及效能研究)
WANG Zhenzhen, ,LIU Hong, ,ZHANG Furen
...... page:581-583
An investigation on restoration of denture status in leprosy patients (麻风患者义齿修复情况的调查分析)
GUO Yue, ,ZHOU Yinghui, ,TANG Chenyi, ,ZHANG Fengyi, ,TIAN Lili, ,WANG Dongmei, ,WEI Zhong-he, ,YANG Ying, ,ZHANG Lianhua, ,ZHANG Guocheng, ,ZHOU Houde, ,SHENG Zhifeng, ,FENG Yunzhi
...... page:584-587
chuang shang xing shen jing liu yi li (创伤性神经瘤一例)
ZENG Lingji, ,CHEN Zhongye
...... page:587-587,591
The impact of diet and life habit on onset of acne vulgaris (饮食与生活习惯对痤疮发病的影响)
ZHAO Huijuan, ,YAN Huimin, ,GUO Duyi, ,LU Xueyan, ,JIANG Wei
...... page:588-591
Assessment of HPV clearance of photodynamic therapy using 5-aminolaevulinic acid for cervical high risk HPV infection (评价光动力治疗宫颈高危型人乳头瘤病毒感染的效果)
MI Xia, ,SUN Xiaoqiang, ,ZHENG Heyi
...... page:592-594
Autologous serum skin test and some laboratory tests analysis in 136 patients with chronic urticaria (136例慢性荨麻疹自体血清皮肤试验及实验室检测)
LI Mengmeng, ,GUO Zaipei, ,LI Jingyi, ,XIE Xiaoqin, ,QIN Sha, ,YU Yingyan, ,CHEN Shuangyu
...... page:595-597
The effect of compound glycyrrhizin injection on the melanogenesis of B16 murine melanoma cells (复方甘草酸苷注射液对B16鼠黑素瘤细胞黑素生成的影响)
YAN Kexiang, ,ZHU Lvchuan, ,ZHENG Zhizhong
...... page:598-602
Topical halometasone reduces acute adverse effects induced by Pulsed Dye Laser for the treatment of port wine stain birthmark (卤米松乳膏减轻激光治疗鲜红斑痣术后炎症反应的临床研究)
QIAN Linhan, ,GAO Lin, ,WANG Li, ,YIN Rong, ,WANG Gang
...... page:603-606
zuo zuo jian ji dui hp v ya lin chuang gan ran de lin chuang guan cha (祛疣煎剂对HP V亚临床感染的临床观察)
KUANG Qianhua, ,DONG Lin, ,SHI Chunrui
...... page:606-606,610
Survey on the quality of STD care services among 1157 medical institutions in China (1157家医疗机构性病规范诊疗服务现状调查)
ZHENG Zhiju, ,LIANG Guojun, ,WANG Qianqiu, ,WANG Jian
...... page:607-610
Preliminary analysis of the clinical features and etiological factors of facial dermatitis (166例面部皮炎患者临床及致病因素分析)
QU Yan, ,MENG Xianguang, ,YANG Xiuli
...... page:611-613
Clinical features of 42 patients with drug eruption caused by tetanus antitoxin injection (破伤风抗毒素所致药疹42例临床特点分析)
SHAO Chengming, ,CHEN Tingting, ,GE Yongxing, ,ZHANG Minjie
...... page:614-615
Analysis of allergen testing in 1103 patients with allergic dermatosis in Shiyan (十堰地区1103例过敏性皮肤病患者过敏原检测)
WANG Runchao, ,CHEN Tingting, ,CHEN Shaoxiu, ,JING Haixia, ,TANG Jiyun, ,WANG Zhen, ,ZHAO Hong-mei, ,DUAN Dejian
...... page:616-619
da zuo xing se su xing zuo ma zhen yi li (大疱性色素性荨麻疹一例)
XIAO Haizuo, ,TIAN Hongqing, ,ZHOU Guizhi, ,CHEN Shumin
...... page:619-619,622
Assessment of glyclic acid peeling combined with adapalene gel in the treatment of keratosis pilaris (果酸联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗毛周角化病疗效评价)
ZENG Shihua, ,YUAN Xia, ,LIU Lan
...... page:620-622
Efficacy of ablative fractional CO2 laser combined with compound clobetasol propionate in the treat-ment of hypertrophic scars (点阵激光联合复方丙酸氯倍他索治疗增生性瘢痕疗效评价)
LI Chen, ,LIU Kefeng, ,TIAN Zhejuan
...... page:623-625
xiong xian zuo pian lian he zuo xing qing mei su dui zao qi mei du yin zhuan lv de lin chuang guan cha (胸腺肽片联合苄星青霉素对早期梅毒阴转率的临床观察)
YANG Jinwu
...... page:625-625,637
Bloch-Siemens syndrome:a case report and literature review (色素失禁症一例并文献复习)
WANG Yan, ,WANG Lihua, ,QU Yan, ,MENG Xianguang, ,YANG Xiuli
...... page:626-627
Erythema dyschromicum perstans:a case report (持久性色素异常性红斑一例)
GAO Ya, ,HAO Yong, ,WU Xia, ,WANG Hong, ,JI Musi, ,HU Yating, ,HAN Hui, ,SHI Jihai
...... page:628-629
mao nang jiao hua bing yi li (毛囊角化病一例)
LIU Renhong
...... page:629-630
Psoriasis and the risk of major cardiovascular events (银屑病与心血管疾病发病风险相关性研究进展)
YU Liang, ,GAO Min, ,ZHANG Xuejun
...... page:631-633
IgG4-related sclerosing diseases (IgG4相关的硬化性疾病)
SUN Xiyin, ,YAN Li, ,LIU Ping, ,Li Xingong
...... page:634-637
Phototherapy in the treatment of dermatosis (光疗在皮肤病治疗中的应用)
WANG Huanling, ,WEI Zhiping, ,LIU Yanqun
...... page:638-640

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