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Απρ 18
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- Use of vegetable oils in dermatology: an overview
- Persistence in Temporary Lung Niches: A Survival S...
- Evaluation in Mice of the Immunogenicity of a Tetr...
- Oral intake of Boesenbergia pandurata extract impr...
- Revisiting Mechanisms of Extraterritorial Allodynia
- Intralabyrinthäre Schwannome
- Population pharmacokinetic modelling of rupatadine...
- Comparison of the mechanical properties of differe...
- Massive Blutung bei einer Parazentese: Übersicht a...
- Speicheldrüsenkarzinom: Kein Vorteil durch Chemora...
- Fragen für die Facharztprüfung
- Transmeatale Attikotomie zur Behandlung von Choles...
- Aus der Gutachtenpraxis: Verwechslung von Schilddr...
- Narrow-Band-Endoskopie spürt frühe Laryngopharynge...
- Der Septumschlitten zum Einbringen von Spreader Gr...
- Laudatio
- Eine verlegte Stirnhöhle mit orbitaler Schwellung
- Transplantatgewinnung zur Trommelfellrekonstruktion
- Aktuelle Entwicklung der molekular zielgerichteten...
- Chirurgie der inneren Nase
- Kommentar der Schriftleitung
- Population pharmacokinetic modelling of rupatadine...
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- Clinical Thyroidology High-Impact Articles
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- Inattentional blindness - Do we really see what we...
- The effect of dexmedetomidine on renal function in...
- The effect of handedness and laterality in a micro...
- Interleukin-1 receptor associated kinase 1 is a po...
- Pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: an update on...
- The implications of immunization in the daily prac...
- The Emerging Importance of Skeletal Muscle Functio...
- Paying it Forward: Live Kidney Donation now to (PO...
- Short Course of Postoperative Hepatitis B Immunogl...
- Graft Quality and Prediction of Outcome After Live...
- AN Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Simult...
- Alloimmunization After Cryopreserved Arterial Allo...
- Sensitivity, not Rationality, is Paramount in Addr...
- The Use of Continuous Hypothermic Extended Criteri...
- Communication Skills to Increase Donor Consent Rat...
- Liver Transplantation in the Obese Cirrhotic Patient.
- Biodistribution of Liver-Derived Mesenchymal Stem ...
- Population Based Analysis and Projections of Liver...
- Patient preferences for outcomes after kidney tran...
- Developing consensus-based priority outcome domain...
- Toward establishing core outcome domains for trial...
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- Trk receptor signaling and sensory neuron fate are...
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- Nimodipine fosters remyelination in a mouse model ...
- International consensus (ICON) on: clinical conseq...
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- Intracellular metabolite {beta}-glucosylceramide i...
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- Conformational equilibria of light-activated rhodo...
- Unraveling the disease consequences and mechanisms...
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- Resistance to action potential depression of a rat...
- Mass spectrometric identification of intermediates...
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- Structural basis of pH-dependent client binding by...
- Nasal ala reconstruction: Tunnelled island pedicle...
- Primary Prevention of Food Allergy
- New Insights into Cockroach Allergens
- Impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implan...
- Comparison of the coracoid and retroclavicular app...
- Effect of oral carbohydrate with amino acid soluti...
- In Reply: Similarities between parasternal interco...
- The impact of body mass index on the risk of high ...
- Expression of low-density lipoprotein related rece...
- A hypomorphic Egfr allele does not ameliorate the ...
- Ectopic expression of the transcription factor Maf...
- To Arginine Residues in the COOH-Terminal of Human...
- miR-128-1 is not required for hair pigmentation in...
- An efficient method for gene knock-down by RNA int...
- Hair follicle dermal stem cells and skin-derived p...
- A distinct cutaneous microbiota pofile in autoimmu...
- Loss of INK4a/Arf gene enhances ultraviolet radiat...
- Intracellular ROS levels determine the apoptotic p...
- Complement-independent blistering mechanisms in bu...
- Transforming growth factor β inhibitor Repsox down...
- Methods for the isolation and 3D culture of dermal...
- Erkrankungen der Kopfhaut
- Tropendermatologisch relevante Erkrankungen der Ko...
- Pathogenesis of Immune Thrombocytopenia
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- Introduction. World War One and Intellectual Work.
- Biodegradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates
- Biodegradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates
- Mode of membrane insertion and sequence of a 32 am...
- SOP – Behandlung und Betreuung in der Sterbephase
Απρ 18
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (700)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (600)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (1350)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (1400)
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Τρίτη 18 Απριλίου 2017
Toward establishing core outcome domains for trials in kidney transplantation: Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology - Kidney Transplantation (SONG-Tx) Consensus workshops.
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