Indian Journal of Otology 2018 24(3):135-138
Background: Recent research has provided extended support on the viral etiology of vestibular neuritis (VN); however, antiviral therapy is considered non-beneficial helpful in VN, contrary to its role in other similar viral-induced inflammatory conditions. The objective of this review is to segregate the available literature on antiviral therapy in VN and to evaluate and analyze the results of all those studies to know whether the antiviral therapy helps in VN patients or not. Materials and Methods: Electronic databases searched include PubMed, Scopus, Web of science, IndMED, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane library. Study Selection: Prospective randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the outcomes of any form of antiviral therapy in VN, with that of placebo or any form of steroid or any other alternative therapy. Data Extraction and Data Synthesis: Among 581 screened articles, only one RCT was found on this topic, precluding the meaningful statistical analysis. However, this study did not consider the symptomatic improvement after antiviral therapy but only reported caloric response which is of less clinical relevance. No other controlled prospective study on antiviral therapy in VN has been published. Conclusions: The available evidence is not sufficient to disregard the beneficial effect of antiviral therapy in VN. Further randomized trials with better and clinically relevant study design are required to answer the question.
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