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In this issue: The outcome of opening size based on the cervical curvature in laminoplasty (依据颈椎曲度确定开门宽度在单开门椎板成形术中的应用) Chen Dechun, ,Yang Haisong, ,Chen Yu, ,Chen Deyu, ,Shi Jiangang, ,Xu Guohua, ,Pan Mengxiao ...... page:281-285 The imaging and clinical features of cervical spondylotic myelopathy with cervical fusion deformity (脊髓型颈椎病合并椎体分节不良的临床及影像学的特点分析) Zhang Xu, ,Ding Wenyuan, ,Wang Hui, ,Yang Dalong, ,Bai Zhilong, ,Wang Haiying, ,Wei Haikun ...... page:286-290 The application of "safe decompression area" between ligament and dura mater in the treatment of cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament via anterior corpectomy ("安全减压间隙"在前路椎体次全切除治疗颈椎后纵韧带骨化症中的应用) Yang Haisong, ,Chen Deyu, ,Shi Jiangang, ,Xu Guohua, ,Chen Yu, ,Shi Guodong, ,Shi Lei, ,Chen Dechun ...... page:291-296 The observation of surgical results of long segmental ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament involving C2 (涉及C2水平的长节段颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的手术疗效观察) Shi Lei, ,Chen Deyu, ,Xu Guohua, ,Yang Haisong, ,Chen Yu, ,Chen Dechun ...... page:297-300 The effects of anterior decompression surgery on unilateral cervical spondylotic amyotrophy (颈椎前路减压手术治疗单侧肌萎缩型颈椎病的疗效分析) Meng Fantao, ,Zhang Jingtao, ,Yang Gang, ,Liu Yaming, ,Shen Yong ...... page:301-305 Evaluation of the injury of levator ani muscle in primipara after vaginal delivery using diffusion tensor imaging and fibre tractography (MR扩散张量成像和纤维束示踪技术评价经阴道分娩初产妇肛提肌损伤) Cui Can, ,Li Na, ,Cheng Yue, ,Zhao Yujiao, ,Wu Yanhong, ,Yin Jianzhong, ,Shen Wen ...... page:306-310 Anatomic comparison of trans-condyle versus trans-jugular process route in the far lateral approach by virtual reality technique (经枕髁和经颈静脉突方向远外侧入路手术路径的虚拟现实解剖研究比较) Qian Zenghui, ,Tang Ke, ,Liu Aihua ...... page:311-314 CT study on anatomical parameters for positioning the tip of peripherally inserted central catheter (经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管头端定位相关解剖参数的CT研究) Li Congrui, ,Chen Lian, ,Xia Xibin, ,Hu Pingsheng, ,Bi Feng, ,Yu Xiaoping ...... page:315-319 A Meta-analysis of diagnostic value of T2-weighted imaging combined with diffusion weighted imaging for prostate cancer (MR T2加权成像联合扩散加权成像诊断前列腺癌的Meta分析) Sui Weifan, ,Tian Tongtong, ,Hu Xiaohua, ,Yang Guomei, ,Wu Jingtao ...... page:320-325 Accuracy of robot-assisted pedicle screws placement (机器人辅助椎弓根螺钉置钉的准确性观察) Gan Minfeng, ,Yang Huilin, ,Zhou Feng, ,Lu Jian, ,Meng Bin, ,Mao Haiqing, ,Jiang Weimin, ,Yang Yan, ,Niu Junjie ...... page:326-330 Application of intraoperative O-arm navigation in posterior hemivertebra resection for treatment of congenital kyphoscoliosis (O-arm导航辅助下后路半椎体切除治疗先天性脊柱侧后凸畸形) Wang Feng, ,Du Wei, ,Yang Gang, ,Wang Linfeng, ,Shen Yong, ,Ding Wenyuan, ,Meng Xianzhong, ,Zhang Yingze ...... page:331-336 The individualized design of anterolateral thigh perforator flap penetration with CT angiography in the application of head and neck surgery (CT血管成像个体化设计股前外侧穿支皮瓣在头颈外科手术中的应用) Chen Jin, ,Wang Zhaohui, ,Tang Tao, ,Zhou Peng, ,Li Chunhua, ,Yu Tao ...... page:337-341 Application of improved reparation after surgery for gerontal supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma (声门上型喉癌术后改良修复法在老年患者中的应用) Li Hongwu, ,Liu Yehai, ,Zang Yan, ,Fu Qiang, ,Ma Yunxia, ,Zhu Wei, ,Chen Wenlong ...... page:342-345 The variation of external jugular vein and cephalic vein:a case report (颈外静脉伴头静脉行程变异1例) Yu Xiugui, ,Huang Xiaolin, ,Zhao Yan, ,Li Lixin, ,Luo Qiaorong, ,Zhang Rui ...... page:345-345 Posterior epidural migration of a lumbar disc fragment:a case report and review of the literatures (腰椎间盘髓核脱出游离至硬膜囊背侧1例报道并文献复习) Wang Yapeng, ,Zhang Wei, ,An Jilong, ,Zhang Jian, ,Ding Wenyuan, ,Shen Yong ...... page:346-349 Aggressive fibrous dysplasia of bone communicative involving the skull base:a case report and review of the relevant literatures (颅底侵袭性骨纤维性结构不良1例报道并文献复习) Ji Xiao, ,Wan Jinghai, ,Wu Yuehuang, ,Feng Xiaoli, ,Qian Haipeng ...... page:350-353 Treatment of 8 cases with complete atrioventricular block in children after cardiac operation for ventricular septal defect (小儿室间隔缺损术后并发完全性房室传导阻滞8例治疗) Zhou Kai, ,Zhao Naicheng, ,Qin Yuming, ,Cao Liming, ,Yang Shiwei, ,Wang Fengming ...... page:354-356 The interventional treatment of double inferior vena cava in patients with venous thromboembolism (双下腔静脉畸形合并静脉血栓栓塞症介入治疗方法探讨) Xu Wenjie, ,Huang Qianxin, ,Xu Hao, ,Zu Maoheng, ,Gu Yuming, ,Wei Ning, ,Zhang Qingqiao ...... page:357-359 The clinical application of the left superior intercostal vein as anatomic landmark in the minimally invasive ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (左上肋间静脉解剖标识在微创侧切口动脉导管结扎术中的应用) Wei Wenxue, ,Li Kai, ,Wang Yun ...... page:360-362 Intracranial and external tumors in children with hoarseness as first symptom:report of two cases (以声音嘶哑为首发症状的小儿颅内外肿瘤2例) Guo Hu, ,Gao Xiucheng, ,Zheng Guo ...... page:362-363 Progress on the diagnosis and treatment of open calcaneal fractures (开放性跟骨骨折诊疗进展) Meng Qingting, ,Wang Qingxian, ,Zhang Yingze ...... page:364-367 The research progress of Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum repair (漏斗胸Nuss手术研究进展) Tang Linchen, ,Mo Xuming ...... page:368-371 Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver:a case report (成人肝脏间叶性错构瘤1例报道) Zhang Rongrong ...... page:371-372 Value and research progress of tissue Doppler imaging in evaluating cardiac function of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (组织多普勒成像技术对系统性红斑狼疮心脏功能评价的研究进展) He Yun, ,Li Guojie, ,Zhu Xiangming ...... page:373-376 Operative approach and anatomy of Pilon fracture (Pilon骨折的手术入路及解剖) Yu Guangrong, ,Li Chunguang ...... page:377-382 Diffuse intracerebral hemorrhage after drainage of traumatic subdural effusion:a case report (创伤性硬膜下积液引流术后弥漫性脑出血1例) Ma Guangshuo, ,Chang Bin'ge, ,Li Mu ...... page:382-383 Giant left main artery aneurysm complicated by acute myocardial infarction:a case report (左冠状动脉主干巨大动脉瘤并发急性心肌梗死1例) Yang Hong, ,Tan Yinling, ,Wang Huaixin ...... page:384-384 zhong hua jie po yu lin chuang za zhi gao yue (《中华解剖与临床杂志》稿约)
...... page:385-387
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