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Dear Valued Customer, |  | We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases. Year 2016 Issue 08 is now available on CAOD. |
In this issue: The linguistic analysis of the subtypes of primary progressive aphasia with different scales (不同量表对原发性进行性失语亚型的语言学分析) ZHAO Wei-jie, ,CAO Yun-peng, ,YIN Wen-chao, ,YAN Yi, ,ZHANG Hui-yi ...... page:463-468 Improvement on the primary culture of rat cerebral cortical astrocytes (一种改进的星形胶质细胞原代培养方法) XU Ping-xiang, ,QI Te, ,ZHAO Yu-ming, ,LIU Xiao-hui, ,LU Li ...... page:469-472 Clinical variables associated with cognitive impairment in patients with adult onset epilepsy in China (成年起病的癫痫患者认知损害的影响因素研究) LI Min, ,WEI Wen-shi, ,SHEN Hong, ,BAI Qing-ke ...... page:472-476 A preliminary study in the relationship carotid stenosis and age or gender by 256 -slice carotid ;CTA (256层螺旋CT对颈动脉狭窄程度与性别及年龄关系的初步研究) QIAO Gui-rong, ,YANG Hai-qing, ,LI Cai-ying, ,LIU Xiao-wei, ,SONG Deng-hao, ,YIN Lan-ying ...... page:477-479,480 Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of children's viral encephalitis in Shijiazhuang during 2014 to ;2015 (2014-2015年石家庄地区儿童病毒性脑炎临床流行病学及临床表现) WANG Xin, ,WANG Li-hui, ,YUE Ling, ,TANG Xiao-na, ,ZHENG Hua-cheng ...... page:480-484 The clinical characteristic and risk factors of patients with posterior circulation infarction (后循环梗死的临床特点及危险因素分析) ZHAO Jing-ru, ,CHEN Jing-hong, ,FENG Rong-fang, ,SUN Zhan-yong, ,LI Li-tao, ,JIA Yan-li, ,WANG Jian-hua ...... page:484-488 Intracranial epidermal cyst in 20 cases analysis (颅内表皮样囊肿20例) WANG Qing-tao, ,SHI Li-xin, ,ZANG Ying-zhuo, ,MA Zhi-jun, ,BAO Gang, ,GENG Yan-Fei, ,HUO Cai-Yun, ,YANG Hua ...... page:488-494 Analysis of serum homocysteine and C-reactive protein levels in patients with relapsing remitting multiple ;sclerosis (复发-缓解型多发性硬化患者血清中CRP及Hcy水平分析) CHEN Zuo-ran, ,SHI Fu-ming, ,DONG Li-ping, ,DI Ming-ming, ,LI Ying ...... page:494-497 Analysis of the associated risk factors of deep venous thrombosis in patients with acute ischemic stroke ;and its influence on the short-term prognosis (急性脑梗死患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的危险因素及近期预后分析) CHEN Zuo-ran, ,CHEN Shu-ge, ,DONG Li-ping, ,SHI Fu-ming ...... page:498-501 The expression of epithelial membrane protein 1 in the blood-brain barrier of the frontal cortex on the ;experimental diabetic rat model (上皮膜蛋白1在实验性糖尿病大鼠模型中额叶皮质血-脑屏障上的表达) ZHAO Wen-jing, ,XU Lei, ,HUANG Di, ,WANG Xiao-xiao, ,WANG Wan-yuan ...... page:502-505 Changes of serum levels of NSE and S100 in patients with cerebral hemorrhage and its ;significance (脑出血患者血清NSE、S100β蛋白水平变化及其意义研究) QIU Xian-wei, ,LIU Ai-dong, ,YU Jian-ping ...... page:505-508 Analysis of polysomnography of transient ischemic attack patients with anxiety and depression (伴焦虑、抑郁短暂性脑缺血发作患者多导睡眠图分析) LIU Jie-qiong, ,LIU Hui, ,WU Hui-jun, ,ZUO Feng-tong, ,DONG Ai-qin, ,YANG Li-jun, ,GU Yu, ,DAI Jie ...... page:509-513 Analysis of 3 atypical cases of subacute combined degeneration (亚急性联合变性不典型性三例分析) GAO Jin-li, ,LIU Jian-jian, ,GAO Lei, ,LI Wei-dong, ,ZHANG Ying, ,DU Tie-ying, ,HUANG Guang ...... page:513-518 zuo ye zuo zuo huan zhe shou shu qian hou de shen jing xin li bian hua (颞叶癫痫患者手术前后的神经心理变化) WANG Di, ,ZHOU Zuolin, ,WANG Yuping ...... page:518-521 sonic hedgehog xin hao tong lu ji qi dui shen jing xi tong de ying xiang (Sonic Hedgehog信号通路及其对神经系统的影响) WANG Shuzuo, ,LI Jing, ,DU Yuanzuo ...... page:521-525 nao zu zhong de dai xie lei sheng wu biao zhi wu yan jiu jin zhan (脑卒中的代谢类生物标志物研究进展) LAN Xiaoyan, ,WANG Suping, ,SUN Zhengwu, ,LI Shumin, ,LI Shen ...... page:525-529
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