Source:Clinical Immunology
Author(s): Claudia Ferlito, Vincenzo Barnaba, Sergio Abrignani, Mauro Bombaci, Alessandro Sette, John Sidney, Roberto Biselli, Enrico Tomao, Maria Sofia Cattaruzza, Valentina Germano, Michela Ileen Biondo, Gerardo Salerno, Patrizia Lulli, Sara Caporuscio, Andrea Picchianti Diamanti, Mirella Falco, Valentina Biselli, Patrizia Cardelli, Alberto Autore, Elena Lucertini, Donato Pompeo De Cesare, Mario Stefano Peragallo, Florigio Lista, Carmela Martire, Simonetta Salemi, Roberto Nisini, Raffaele D'Amelio
Anecdotal case reports, amplified by mass media and internet-based opinion groups, have recently indicated vaccinations as possibly responsible for autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation development. Multiply vaccinated Italian military personnel (group 1, operating in Italy, group 2, operating in Lebanon) were followed-up for nine months to monitor possible post-vaccine autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation onset. No serious adverse event was noticed in both groups. Multivariate analysis of intergroup differences only showed a significant association between lymphocyte increase and tetanus/diphtheria vaccine administration. A significant post-vaccine decrease in autoantibody positivity was observed. Autoantibodies were also studied by microarray analysis of self-proteins in subjects exposed to ≥4 concurrent vaccinations, without observing significant difference among baseline and one and nine months post-vaccine. Moreover, HLA-A2 subjects have been analyzed for the possible CD8T-cell response to apoptotic self-epitopes, without observing significant difference between baseline and one month post-vaccine. Multiple vaccinations in young adults are safe and not associated to autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation onset during a nine-month-long follow-up.
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