Source:European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
Author(s): P. Gorphe, S. Temam, F. Kolb, Q. Qassemyar
The transoral robotic oropharyngectomy surgical technique was initially described for resection of small stage T1 or T2 lesions and the surgical defect is usually allowed to heal by secondary intention. We propose a refined surgical approach adapted to more complex situations such as salvage surgery and surgery in an irradiated field, based on previous experience in open approaches for oropharyngeal cancer. Via a combined cervical-transoral approach, we perform en bloc resection of the parapharyngeal space combined with transoral robotic lateral oropharyngectomy. Reconstruction of the surgical defect is performed with a thin anterolateral thigh free flap.
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