Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
Νοε 06
- Lingual Abscess: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysio...
- Microscopic approach for repairing nasal septal pe...
- Impact of age on elderly patients with oral cancer
- Tranexamic acid and post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage:...
- Hemorrhage within the tympanic membrane without pe...
- A lump on the palate
- Osteomyelitis des Gesichtsschädels
- Editorial introductions
- The long and winding road
- Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: update 2018
- Current approaches to instrumental assessment of s...
- Techniques for evaluation and management of tongue...
- Velopharyngeal incompetence: role in paediatric sw...
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation: is this t...
- Swallowing function in advanced age
- IgG4-related disease in the head and neck
- Cervical osteophytosis and spine posture: contribu...
- Update on sinus disease in children with cystic fi...
- High-resolution manometry: what about the pharynx?
- Vocal fold nodules in children
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease: clinical present...
- Tympanostomy tube otorrhea in children: prevention...
- Eyelid papules and patchy alopecia in an 8‐month‐o...
- Comment on “Proportionate growth of congenital nev...
- Asymptomatic cutaneous lesions in an infant
- A 14‐year‐old girl with keratotic interphalangeal ...
- Linear papules and plaques on the posterior should...
- Vesiculopapular eruption in an infant with trisomy 21
- A 4‐year‐old with photosensitivity, recurrent blis...
- A case of spotty scrotum
- An 8‐year‐old boy with dermal plaques and scaly pa...
- Tender nodular lesion on the thigh of a 15‐year‐ol...
- Thick nails and itchy rash
- Annular lesions in a newborn
- Comment on “Usefulness of ultrasonography in the d...
- Pruritic, scaly, serpiginous plaques in a 10‐year‐...
- Hypopigmented papules in a 16‐month‐old Arabic girl
- Fine scaly plaques on the vulva of a 2‐year‐old girl
- Patient Perspectives: What is a Spitz nevus?
- Comment on “Proportionate growth of congenital nev...
- Issue Information
- Comment on “Dermatoscopic features of lichen nitidus”
- Tribute to Reviewers
- NZDSI Abstracts from the 8–11 August 2018 conference
- Issue Information
- Probiotics as treatment for food allergies among p...
- Reply to Ledgerwood: Predictions without analysis ...
- Disease status affects the association between rs4...
- The preregistration revolution needs to distinguis...
- Correction for Bang et al., Biophysical and functi...
- Computational and experimental insights into the c...
- COP1 SUPPRESSOR 4 promotes seedling photomorphogen...
- Multiscale effects of heating and cooling on genes...
- Median nerve stimulation induces analgesia via ore...
- Critical computational analysis illuminates the re...
- Akt-mediated platelet apoptosis and its therapeuti...
- Nonequilibrium associative retrieval of multiple s...
- Metabolic regulation of female puberty via hypotha...
- Intestinal barrier dysfunction orchestrates the on...
- Lipoteichoic acid anchor triggers Mincle to drive ...
- Structural and mechanistic insights into the funct...
- Isolation and characterization of NY-ESO-1-specifi...
- Arrhythmia mutations in calmodulin cause conformat...
- Activation of orexin system facilitates anesthesia...
- Small-molecule CaV{alpha}1⋅CaV{beta} antagonist su...
- ATP compartmentation in plastids and cytosol of Ar...
- Revision Parathyroidectomy Using 4D CT for Localiz...
- Otologist-Neurotologist Joins Memorial Hermann and...
- Meet Amy Martin, MSN, APRN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, Newest ...
- Two ORL Specialists Named Super Doctors Rising Stars
- Differenzialdiagnostik von Lipödem und Lymphödem
- Public and patient involvement in dementia researc...
- A statistical study of magnetospheric ion composit...
- Comprehensive cardiovascular assessment of childre...
- The future of mobility - a lesson in hubris?
- Therapeutic targeting of the NRF2 and KEAP1 partne...
- MR-Augmented Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing - a ...
- Guest Editorial: Value for Money and Assets Manage...
- The Paradox of the Equitable Proprietary Claim
- Intended Hydration Strategies and Knowledge of Exe...
- Placenta Imaging Workshop 2018 report: Multiscale ...
- The Pentraxins 1975-2018: Serendipity, Diagnostics...
- Integration of Murine and Human Studies for Mappin...
- Teacher education in England: professional prepara...
- Non-invasive brain stimulation for dystonia: thera...
- Current Opinions and Areas of Consensus on the Rol...
- Posttraumatic functional movement disorders
- Legislative drafting
- Genetic Dystonia-ataxia Syndromes: Clinical Spectr...
- Legislative drafting techniques/formal legistics
- The Suitability of 3D Data: 3D Digitisation of Hum...
- Epidemiologie des nichtkleinzelligen Lungenkarzino...
- Lebensqualität von Überlebenden eines nichtkleinze...
- Psychoonkologische Versorgung von Hirntumorpatienten
- Teaching Kids to Be Grateful | A Rewarding Lesson
- Neue Aspekte in der Therapie von Schilddrüsenkarzi...
- Highlights der ASCO Jahrestagung 2018 zur Immunthe...
- MERRF syndrome (Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged Red...
- Salvage Chemoradiation Therapy for Recurrence Afte...
- SHR-1316 in Combination With Chemotherapy in Patie...
Editorial introductions

No abstract available
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