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Dear Valued Customer, |  | We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology. Year 2017 Issue 05 is now available on CAOD. |
In this issue: chang chun jian lei yao wu zhi liao e xing lin ba liu zhong guo zhuan jia gong shi (长春碱类药物治疗恶性淋巴瘤中国专家共识) ZHONG Guokangaixiehuilinbaliuzhuanyeweiyuanhui, ,ZHONG Guolinbaliunanfangxiezuozu, ,ZHONG Guolinchuangzhongliuxuehuikanglinbaliulianmeng ...... page:193-198 Establishment of human gastric cancer model in normal immune mice based on micro-carrier 6 (基于microcarrier 6构建正常免疫小鼠人胃癌移植模型) Yanzhen BI, ,Lingbin KONG, ,Pengfei GAO, ,Quanyi WANG, ,Yonghong YANG, ,Xiaobei ZHANG, ,Zeng FAN, ,Quanquan WANG, ,Bingcheng HUANG, ,Feng YANG, ,Qiusheng ZHANG, ,Yibo WANG, ,Fuqiang SUN, ,Feng HONG ...... page:199-203 Expression of tissue neuronal cell adhesion molecule 56, chromogranin A, and synapto-physin and its relationship with clinicopathological features and prognosis in 92 Chi-nese patients with primary esophageal small cell carcinoma (CD56 CgA Syn在92例原发食管小细胞癌中的表达及临床意义和预后分析) Dongyun ZHANG, ,Xia LI, ,Jianwei KU, ,Song LIU, ,Jianchao YAO, ,Jing WANG, ,Tangjuan ZHANG, ,Xueke ZHAO, ,Lidong WANG ...... page:204-209 Correlation between preoperative CRP/Alb ratio and lymph node metastasis in pa-tients with gastric cancer (胃癌患者术前CRP/Alb比与淋巴结转移相关性的研究) Lele QIAO, ,Gongping WANG, ,Bo ZHOU, ,Canhui JIN, ,Zengfang WANG, ,Yantong YANG, ,Pengke ZHI, ,Ye CHEN, ,Yanfei XIE, ,Xiaoshan FENG ...... page:210-213 Clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of mucinous micropapillary carcinoma (具有微乳头结构的乳腺黏液癌临床病理特征及预后研究) ZHAO Ying, ,LIN Hui, ,ZHAO Hongmeng, ,CAO Xuchen ...... page:214-218 Clinical characteristics and prognosis of multiple primary cancers involving breast cancer (乳腺癌多原发癌的临床病理特征及预后分析) ZHENG Xixi, ,JIA Yongsheng, ,SHI Yehui, ,LI Shufen, ,ZUO Zhongsheng ...... page:219-223 Detection of lymphocyte immune function in peripheral blood of patients with ad-vanced gastric cancer (中晚期胃癌患者外周血T细胞亚群检测的临床意义) Lei ZHOU, ,Ni JIANG, ,Xiaoli WANG, ,Xinna ZHOU, ,Wen SI, ,Jun REN ...... page:224-227 Clinical observation of capecitabine and temozolomide in the treatment of advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (卡培他滨联合替莫唑胺治疗晚期胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤的临床观察) Qing LIU, ,Pan ZHANG, ,Jie LUO, ,Dou DOU, ,Huangying TAN ...... page:228-232 Research progress on small cell lung cancer with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (小细胞肺癌合并抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征的研究进展) Pingping SUN, ,Xu WANG ...... page:233-237 Advances in antiangiogenic drug-induced hypertension (抗血管生成靶向药物相关性高血压的研究进展) Lina XIA, ,Long WANG, ,Houshen LI ...... page:238-245 a pa ti ni zhi liao egfr 20 wai xian zi 766 cha ru tu bian wan qi nsclc 1 li (阿帕替尼治疗EGFR 20外显子766插入突变晚期NSCLC 1例) HAN Ying, ,REN Xiubao ...... page:246 yi xia zhi teng tong wei shou fa zheng zhuang de jia zhuang pang xian ai 1 li (以下肢疼痛为首发症状的甲状旁腺癌1例) CAI Huihua, ,ZUO Di, ,AN Yong, ,SHI Longqing, ,XUE Wei, ,PENG Zuo, ,CHEN Tongbing, ,YANG Yue, ,SUN Donglin ...... page:247-248
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