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In this issue: Clinical Progress of Medical Treatment in Breast Cancer Based on Molecular Subtype (以分子分型为基础的乳腺癌内科治疗进展) WENG Yi-ming, ,HU Wei-guo, ,SONG Qi-bin ...... page:165-169 Application of Molecular Subtype in Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer (分子分型在乳腺癌放疗中的价值及应用) DONG Yi, ,LI Xiang-pan, ,SONG Qi-bin ...... page:170-174 xin xi dong tai (信息动态)
...... page:174,232 Research Progress of Molecular Targeted Drugs in Treatment of Breast Cancer (分子靶向药物在乳腺癌中研究进展) LI Hong-tao, ,LUO Lin, ,MA Bin-lin ...... page:175-179 Predictive Value of Peripheral Blood Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer Patients with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (外周血中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比率和血小板与淋巴细胞比率对乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效的预测价值) CHEN Maoshan, ,ZHANG Yanli, ,YANG Hongwei, ,HUANG Yunhui, ,DENG Ping, ,YANG Guanglun ...... page:180-184 Lymphocyte-to-monocyte Ratio as Prognostic Predictor in Patients with Breast Cancer (淋巴细胞与单核细胞比值在乳腺癌患者预后评估中的价值) QIAN Menlong, ,WAN Nao, ,YIN Hang, ,FAN Zuozuo, ,LU Ning ...... page:185-188 Clinical Significance of Androgen Receptor in Breast Cancer Patients with Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 Overexpression (雄激素受体在Her-2过表达型乳腺癌中的意义) NI Jie ...... page:189-193 Evaluation of Diagnostic Efficiency of 3.0T 1H-MRS in the Histopathological Grading of Brain Gliomas (应用ROC曲线评价3.0T1H-MRS对脑胶质瘤分级的诊断效能) HU Li-juan, ,LIAO Kai-bing ...... page:194-198 Expression and Significance of Hippo Signaling Pathway-related Proteins in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Hippo信号通路中TAZ、P-TAZ、Mst1/2与P-Mst1/2在口腔鳞状细胞癌中的表达及意义) ZHOU Zuochuan, ,WANG Xueyang, ,CHEN Qingli, ,HU Lulu, ,YIN Xiaopeng, ,KE Remuabasi, ,GONG Zhongcheng ...... page:199-204 Expression of FGFR-1 and CyclinD1 in Gastric Cancer and its Clinical Significance (FGFR-1、CyclinD1在胃癌中的表达及其意义) DENG Min, ,XIE Rui-fei, ,WANG Hui ...... page:205-209 The Expression of Stathmin in Gastric Cancer and its Relationship with the Effect of Docetaxel (Stathmin在胃癌中的表达及其与多西他赛疗效的关系) XIAO Jun-juan, ,LI Yan ...... page:210-213 Clinicopathology and Prognosis of Elderly Patients with Colorectal Cancer: An Analysis of 273 Cases (70岁以上老年结直肠癌患者273例临床病理及预后分析) GUO Zuo, ,QI Xiuheng, ,WU Zhenming, ,LIU Huan, ,XIAO Fangfang ...... page:214-217 Clinical Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine YishenHuatanQuyu Method in the Treatment of 40 Cases with Multiple Myeloma (益肾化痰逐瘀法治疗多发性骨髓瘤40例疗效分析) WANG Yage, ,HU Zhiping, ,DAI Tieying, ,YANG Xue, ,LV Wenzuo, ,WANG Jingjing, ,QI Ji ...... page:218-220 Research Progress on Carotid Injury Induced by Radiation Therapy (放疗致颈动脉损伤的研究进展) FAN Xi-wen ...... page:221-226 Progress on Mechanism of Radiation Induced Heart Disease and Its Potential Interventions (放射性心脏损伤发生机制及潜在干预措施的研究进展) KONG Yue, ,XU Yu-jin, ,CHEN Ming ...... page:227-232 Cancer Associated Fibroblast and its Application in Therapeutic Effect Evaluation and Prognosis in Malignant Tumor (癌相关成纤维细胞在肿瘤疗效预测和预后判断中的应用价值) LI Yingge, ,SONG Qibin, ,YAO Yi, ,DONG Zuo ...... page:233-237 Impact of Different Surgical Modalities on Recurrence in Patient with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulvar Stage ⅠB (治疗方式对外阴鳞癌ⅠB期复发的影响) WANG Kaili, ,GUO Ruixia, ,ZHAO Mengling, ,ZUO Danxia, ,QIU Haifeng, ,XIE Zuo, ,WANG Zuo ...... page:238-240 Clinical Efficacy of Concurrent Radiochemotherapy for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Preoperation (术前同步放化疗治疗局部中晚期宫颈癌的临床疗效) WANG Yaling, ,ZHANG Yi, ,CHEN Zuo, ,OU Yangzhenbo, ,ZHANG Qiushi ...... page:241-243 Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Clinical Prognosis of 22 Cases with Fetal Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung (胎儿肺囊腺瘤样畸形22例的超声诊断及临床预后) ZHOU Xiuyun, ,ZHAO Huawei, ,SHI Lili, ,WANG Yingnan ...... page:244-246 CT and MRI Diagnosis of 19 Cases with Multiple Myeloma (多发性骨髓瘤19例的CT与MRI诊断) CHEN Rongfeng, ,HUANG Yaohua, ,ZHENG Zuo, ,WANG Leiqiong ...... page:247-250 Low Dose Olanzapine Alleviates Delayed Nausea and Vomiting Induced by Highly Emetogenic Chemotherapv in Female Lung Cancer Patients (小剂量奥氮平改善女性肺癌患者高致吐性化疗导致的延迟性恶心和呕吐) LIU Lei, ,DING Zuozuo, ,WANG Jun, ,HU Sheng, ,RAN Fengming ...... page:251-253 Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy:One Case Report (新辅助化疗治疗晚期子宫内膜癌1例报道) LI Meiyan, ,HAN Xinyan, ,ZHANG Tongyan, ,LIU Ping ...... page:254-256
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