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In this issue: 68Ga-radiopharmacueticals development: advances and opportunities of nuclear medicine (68Ga标记显像剂的发展:核医学的进步与契机) Li Fang ...... page:129-131 Characteristics of neuroendocrine neoplasm metastasis in somatostatin receptor PET/CT imaging: a retrospective analysis (神经内分泌肿瘤转移灶PET/CT生长抑素受体显像特点分析) WANG Ling, ,HU Guilan, ,QIAO Zhen, ,ZHANG Jingjing, ,ZHANG Wei, ,XING Haiqun, ,WANG Tong, ,HUO Li, ,LI Fang ...... page:132-136 68Ga-exendin-4 PET/CT for the localization of insulinomas (68Ga-exendin-4PET/CT显像定位诊断胰岛素瘤) Luo Yaping, ,Pan Qingqing, ,Yao Shaobo, ,Li Fang ...... page:137-141 Clinical value of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT in the diagnosis of castration-resistant prostate cancer (68Ga-PSMA-11PET/CT对去势抵抗性前列腺癌的诊断价值) Zang Shiming, ,Wang Feng, ,Huang Yue, ,Zhang Chuan, ,Yao Xiaochen, ,Cui Can, ,Zhang Pengjun, ,Sun Hongbin, ,Jia Ruipeng, ,Li Tiannyu ...... page:142-146 Quantitative comparison of 68Ga-NGR and 18F-FDG uptake in well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma bearing mice (18F-FDG和68Ga-NGR探针在高分化肝癌裸鼠肿瘤中的microPET/CT定量比较) Gao Yongheng, ,Wang Zhengjie, ,Kang Fei, ,Ma Xiaowei, ,Ma Wenhui, ,Zhang Mingru, ,Zhao Mingxuan, ,Fu Tianming, ,Li Guoquan, ,Wang Shengjun, ,Wang Zhe, ,Yang Weidong, ,Wang Jing ...... page:147-152 Clinical value of TSH-stimulated thyroglobulin in evaluation of metastasis from differentiated thyroid carcinoma after 131I treatment (激发态甲状腺球蛋白评估分化型甲状腺癌131I清甲治疗后转移的临床价值) Li Xiali, ,Wu Xinyu, ,Yan Xinhui, ,Wang Peng, ,Tang Minmin, ,Cui Jing, ,Li Xiaofei, ,Xu Junling, ,Gao Yongju ...... page:153-156 Assessment of ventricular systolic synchrony and ventricular function with gated myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with chronic heart failure (门控心肌灌注显像评价慢性心力衰竭患者心脏收缩同步性及心功能) Li Ting, ,Li Jianming, ,Wang Jiao, ,Chen Yue, ,Lu Ruming, ,Liang Yu ...... page:157-161 Influence of discontinuance of methimazole and propylthiouracil on 24 h radioactive iodine uptake in normal rats (甲巯咪唑和丙硫氧嘧啶停药时间对正常大鼠甲状腺24h摄131I率的影响) Niu Rong, ,Wang Jianfeng, ,Jin Jianhua, ,Wang Yuetao ...... page:162-165 Additional value of 18F-FDG PET/CT delayed imaging in the diagnosis of gastric cancer (18F-FDG PET/CT延迟显像在鉴别诊断胃恶性病变中的增益价值) Ren Zhentai, ,Cui Jing, ,Gao Yongju, ,Xu Junling ...... page:166-167 131I therapy for Graves disease in the right thyroid lobe of a patient with the left lobe and isthmus hemiagenesis (131I治疗甲状腺先天性左叶及峡部缺如患者右叶格雷夫斯甲亢一例) Yu Hongxu, ,Liu Xuehui, ,Gao Zhimin, ,Li Hongjun, ,Zhang Jianping ...... page:168-169 Comprehensive treatment for bone metastasis from follicular thyroid carcinoma with no 131I uptake: a case report (不摄取131I的滤泡状甲状腺癌骨转移综合治疗一例) Zhong Jianqiu, ,Zhang Ming, ,Yu Hui, ,Wang Xinlu, ,Yin Jilin, ,Zhang Jinhe ...... page:169-170 Small cell lung cancer with paraneoplastic syndrome: a case report (小细胞肺癌合并副肿瘤综合征一例) Pan Qingqing, ,Luo Yaping ...... page:171-172 Application of 123/131 I-MIBG in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neuroblastoma (放射性碘标记MIBG在儿童神经母细胞瘤诊治中的应用) Huo Yanlei, ,Wang Danyang, ,Wang Hui, ,Ma Chao ...... page:173-176 Molecular imaging to plan radiotherapy and evaluate its efficacy (分子影像指导放疗计划及疗效评价) ROBERT Jeraj, ,TYLER Bradshaw, ,URBAN Simon(c)i(c), ,GAO Yongheng, ,LIN Naier ...... page:177-189 xin xi dong tai (信息动态)
...... page:190-192
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