Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 2 Μαΐου 2017

We need to talk about democracy

I analyse 3 causes of the increasing public distrust in traditional politics and politicians. 1) Political programs and demands are perceived as promises by many voters; but in practice they are only very partially or not realized by coalition governments that compromise between several parties, and are also dependent on private businesses, national and multinational. In order to conserve their voters support, political parties should continue to promote their long term ideals however "unrealistic"; instead of aligning their pleas to government decisions rejected by their own voters (for ex. PVDA in Nl). Actually N-VA is following this double agenda. 2) Parties in the government take decisions not announced & explained in their program; such as signing the European budgetary treaties, saving the banks, increasing the age of pension, going to war in the Middle-East, buying new fighter planes, etc. New movements and parties are not handicapped by factors 1) and 2). 3) The media coverage of the traditional politicians and their parties, and of the trade unions. Dominant in both old and social internet media are abusive vocabulary, slander and focus on scandals. Workers actions are described as riots and fighting. Large media groups propagate an anti-politics ideology. New parties and figures benefit from any attention since media make them famous. In contrast, detailed information on programs, and on the daily activities within parties and trade unions, can only be found in party publications and internet sites; those cannot compete with the big media. In order to be informed, citizens should regularly consult party and trade union sources; and participate in common decision making in these large organisations.


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