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Ιουλ 27
- CAR T cells targeting solid tumors: carcinoembryon...
- Association Between Plasma Proprotein Convertase S...
- Acquired pachydermatoglyphia: the cutaneous manife...
- Bacteraemia and liver abscess due to Fusobacterium...
- Hypertrophic olivary degeneration
- Hiatal hernia mimicking heart problems
- Postoperative gluteal compartment syndrome followi...
- Adjunctive extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal i...
- Intraparotid ductal ectasia: rare cause of parotid...
- Gamna-Gandy nodules of the spleen and asplenism in...
- Reversible Holmesa{euro}™ tremor due to spontaneou...
- Androgenic alopecia: an entity to consider in adol...
- Extramacular dome-shaped elevation: a novel findin...
- Sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis associated wi...
- Directly observed therapy for clozapine with conco...
- Accidental hypothermic cardiac arrest and rapid me...
- Disseminated tuberculosis in relatively asymptomat...
- A perforated caecal volvulus in the foramen of Win...
- IPL vs PDL in treatment of facial erythema: A spli...
- Surgical considerations and safety of cochlear imp...
- Endoscopic contralateral transmaxillary approach f...
- Management of perioperative laryngospasm by French...
- Electroencephalography and delirium in the postope...
- Abstracts for Spring BJA Research Forum meeting, R...
- Frequency of surgical treatment and related hospit...
- How powerful is failure to rescue as a global metr...
- Simulated emergency cricothyroid incision length
- Delirium, what’s in a name?
- Topics for the national audit projects of the Roya...
- Postoperative delirium portends descent to dementia
- In This Issue
- Post-anaesthesia care unit delirium: incidence, ri...
- Approach affects injectate spread in ultrasound-gu...
- Predicting postoperative brain function from the b...
- Mind the gap when performing emergency front-of-ne...
- Using a worldwide in-app survey to explore sugamma...
- The Princes of Serendip
- Availability of critical care services in Taiwan u...
- Abstracts from the BJA Research Forum Glasgow, Nov...
- Ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization i...
- Association between delirium and cognitive change ...
- Epstein-Barr virus-positive ileal carcinomas assoc...
- Engraftment and Repopulation Potential of Late Ges...
- Mounting Clinical Evidence with Tacrolimus Generic...
- Fatal Septic Shock Triggered by Donor Transmitted ...
- Methods in Allergy/Immunology: Food Challenges
- Erratum to: A Modeling Study of the Responses of t...
- Erratum to: A Modeling Study of the Responses of t...
- Toni-Haid-Reisestipendium für neurootologische For...
- Will we ever have better glucocorticoids?
- Therapy of ulcus cruris of venous and mixed venous...
- Safety and Efficacy of Dual Wavelength Laser (1064...
- Are checkpoint inhibitors a valuable option for me...
- Severity assessments used for inclusion criteria a...
- The diagnosis and management of male genital liche...
- Current approach of skin lesions suspected of mali...
- Is mitotic rate still useful in the management of ...
- Skin hydration, microrelief and greasiness of norm...
- Prevalence of Hearing Loss Among Children 9 to 11 ...
- Exercise-Induced Vertigo in Vestibular Schwannoma
- Variations in the Prevalence of Hearing Loss in Ch...
- Prevalence of Hearing Loss in US Children and Adol...
- Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/co...
- Role of eculizumab in a pediatric refractory gemci...
- Impact of Perioperative Physical Activity on Posto...
- Metformin Hydrochloride in Mitigating Side Effects...
- Update on Quinolone Allergy
- Update on Quinolone Allergy
- Case 23-2017: A 9-Day-Old Girl with Vomiting, Acid...
- Zervikale Lymphknotenmetastasen bei unbekanntem Pr...
- SOP – Depression und Angst in der Palliativmedizin
- SOP – Übelkeit und Erbrechen bei Palliativpatienten
- Interaktionen von Strahlen- und Immuntherapie
- EAACI Guidelines on Allergen Immunotherapy: Hymeno...
- Hygiene Hypothesis: What Is the Current Thinking?
- Energy drinks give you wings but also an abnormal ...
- A rare case of persistent nephropleural fistula fo...
- Cerebral haemorrhage as a clinical manifestation o...
- Persistent air leak after pulmonary transplantation
- Severe hypokalaemia as a cause of acute transient ...
- Atypical presentation and management of fibrodyspl...
- Ecthyma gangrenosum caused by Citrobacter freundii
- Thompson's hip hemiarthroplasty for neck of femur ...
- Unremitting watery diarrhoea in early childhood pe...
- “On-command” dissolvable tympanostomy tube in the ...
- Homozygous mutations in PJVK and MYO15A genes asso...
- Expression of calcium-binding proteins S100A8, S10...
- The association between the parenting stress of th...
- Recurrent CSF Rhinorrhea Misdiagnosed as Chronic A...
- Karzinom bei unbekanntem Primärtumor
- Cirugía de implante de estimulador de nervio hipog...
- Issue Information
- ADF News
- Clinical Snippets
- Effectiveness of surgical treatment of severe macr...
- Follicular porokeratosis: four new cases
- Painful nails and white macules
- Lichen planopilaris in a Latin American (Chilean) ...
- Influence of narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy...
Ιουλ 27
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (700)
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- ► Φεβρουαρίου (1350)
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Πέμπτη 27 Ιουλίου 2017
Case 23-2017: A 9-Day-Old Girl with Vomiting, Acidosis, and Azotemia
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