Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 1 Μαρτίου 2018

Controversies in the Evaluation and Management of Otosclerosis

Controversies have been associated with the etiology, diagnosis, evaluation, and management of otosclerosis since Valsalva first described stapes fixation as a cause of hearing loss. Although the exact mechanism of the bone remodeling associated with otosclerosis remains uncertain, stapedotomy has been accepted as the surgical treatment of most patients with stapedial otosclerosis. There remains a disparity of opinion, however, regarding the role of preoperative imaging, surgical technique, implant selection, and medical therapy for cochlear otosclerosis. In addition, opinions vary regarding the optimal postoperative care of patients undergoing stapedotomy and a patient's ability to participate in activities that may result in barotrauma.


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