Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 1 Μαρτίου 2018

Handovers in Perioperative Care

Publication date: March 2018
Source:Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 36, Issue 1
Author(s): Atilio Barbeito, Aalok V. Agarwala, Amanda Lorinc


Handovers around the time of surgery are common, yet complex and error prone. Interventions aimed at improving handovers have shown increased provider satisfaction and teamwork, improved efficiency, and improved communication and have been shown to reduce errors and improve clinical outcomes in some studies. Common recommendations in the literature include a standardized institutional process that allows flexibility among different units and settings, the completion of urgent tasks before information transfer, the presence of all members of the team for the duration of the handover, a structured conversation that uses a cognitive aid, and education in team skills and communication.


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