Aaltonen, T; Abazov, VM; Abbott, B; Acharya, BS; Adams, M; Adams, T; Agnew, JP; ... 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Boveia, A; Brandt, A; Brandt, O; Brigliadori, L; Brochmann, M; Brock, R; Bromberg, C; Bross, A; Brown, D; Brucken, E; Bu, XB; Budagov, J; Budd, HS; Buehler, M; Buescher, V; Bunichev, V; Burdin, S; Burkett, K; Busetto, G; Bussey, P; Buszello, CP; Butti, P; Buzatu, A; Calamba, A; Camacho-Perez, E; Camarda, S; Campanelli, M; Canelli, F; Carls, B; Carlsmith, D; Carosi, R; Carrillo, S; Casal, B; Casarsa, M; Casey, BCK; Castilla-Valdez, H; Castro, A; Catastini, P; Caughron, S; Cauz, D; Cavaliere, V; Cerri, A; Cerrito, L; Chakrabarti, S; Chan, KM; Chandra, A; Chapelain, A; Chapon, E; Chen, G; Chen, YC; Chertok, M; Chiarelli, G; Chlachidze, G; Cho, K; Cho, SW; Choi, S; Chokheli, D; Choudhary, B; Cihangir, S; Claes, D; Clark, A; Clarke, C; Clutter, J; Convery, ME; Conway, J; Cooke, M; Cooper, WE; Corbo, M; Corcoran, M; Cordelli, M; Couderc, F; Cousinou, M-C; Cox, CA; Cox, DJ; Cremonesi, M; Cruz, D; Cuevas, J; Culbertson, R; Cuth, J; Cutts, D; Das, A; d'Ascenzo, N; Datta, M; Davies, G; de Barbaro, P; de Jong, SJ; De La Cruz-Burelo, E; Deliot, F; Demina, R; Demortier, L; Deninno, M; Denisov, D; Denisov, SP; D'Errico, M; Desai, S; Deterre, C; DeVaughan, K; Devoto, F; Di Canto, A; Di Ruzza, B; Diehl, HT; Diesburg, M; Ding, PF; Dittmann, JR; Dominguez, A; Donati, S; D'Onofrio, M; Dorigo, M; Driutti, A; Drutskoy, A; Dubey, A; Dudko, LV; Duperrin, A; Dutt, S; Eads, M; Ebina, K; Edgar, R; Edmunds, D; Elagin, A; Ellison, J; Elvira, VD; Enari, Y; Erbacher, R; Errede, S; Esham, B; Evans, H; Evdokimov, A; Evdokimov, VN; Farrington, S; Faure, A; Feng, L; Ferbel, T; Fernandez Ramos, JP; Fiedler, F; Field, R; Filthaut, F; Fisher, W; Fisk, HE; Flanagan, G; Forrest, R; Fortner, M; Fox, H; Franc, J; Franklin, M; Freeman, JC; Frisch, H; Fuess, S; Funakoshi, Y; Galloni, C; Garbincius, PH; Garcia-Bellido, A; Garcia-Gonzalez, JA; Garfinkel, AF; Garosi, P; Gavrilov, V; Geng, W; Gerber, CE; Gerberich, H; Gerchtein, E; Gershtein, Y; Giagu, S; Giakoumopoulou, V; Gibson, K; Ginsburg, CM; Ginther, G; Giokaris, N; Giromini, P; Glagolev, V; Glenzinski, D; Gogota, O; Gold, M; Goldin, D; Golossanov, A; Golovanov, G; Gomez, G; Gomez-Ceballos, G; Goncharov, M; Gonzalez Lopez, O; Gorelov, I; Goshaw, AT; Goulianos, K; Gramellini, E; Grannis, PD; Greder, S; Greenlee, H; Grenier, G; Gris, P; Grivaz, J-F; Grohsjean, A; Grosso-Pilcher, C; Grunendahl, S; Grunewald, MW; Guillemin, T; da Costa, JG; Gutierrez, G; Gutierrez, P; Hahn, SR; Haley, J; Han, JY; Han, L; Happacher, F; Hara, K; Harder, K; Hare, M; Harel, A; Harr, RF; Harrington-Taber, T; Hatakeyama, K; Hauptman, JM; Hays, C; Hays, J; Head, T; Hebbeker, T; Hedin, D; Hegab, H; Heinrich, J; Heinson, AP; Heintz, U; Hensel, C; Heredia-De La Cruz, I; Herndon, M; Herner, K; Hesketh, G; Hildreth, MD; Hirosky, R; Hoang, T; Hobbs, JD; Hocker, A; Hoeneisen, B; Hogan, J; Hohlfeld, M; Holzbauer, JL; Hong, Z; Hopkins, W; Hou, S; Howley, I; Hubacek, Z; Hughes, RE; Husemann, U; Hussein, M; Huston, J; Hynek, V; Iashvili, I; Ilchenko, Y; Illingworth, R; Introzzi, G; Iori, M; Ito, AS; Ivanov, A; Jabeen, S; Jaffre, M; James, E; Jang, D; Jayasinghe, A; Jayatilaka, B; Jeon, EJ; Jeong, MS; Jesik, R; Jiang, P; Jindariani, S; Johns, K; Johnson, E; Johnson, M; Jonckheere, A; Jones, M; Jonsson, P; Joo, KK; Joshi, J; Jun, SY; Jung, AW; Junk, TR; Juste, A; Kajfasz, E; Kambeitz, M; Kamon, T; Karchin, PE; Karmanov, D; Kasmi, A; Kato, Y; Katsanos, I; Kaur, M; Kehoe, R; Kermiche, S; Ketchum, W; Keung, J; Khalatyan, N; Khanov, A; Kharchilava, A; Kharzheev, YN; Kilminster, B; Kim, DH; Kim, HS; Kim, JE; Kim, MJ; Kim, SH; Kim, SB; Kim, YJ; Kim, YK; Kimura, N; Kirby, M; Kiselevich, I; Kohli, JM; Kondo, K; Kong, DJ; Konigsberg, J; Kotwal, AV; Kozelov, AV; Kraus, J; Kreps, M; Kroll, J; Kruse, M; Kuhr, T; Kumar, A; Kupco, A; Kurata, M; Kurca, T; Kuzmin, VA; Laasanen, AT; Lammel, S; Lammers, S; Lancaster, M; Lannon, K; Latino, G; Lebrun, P; Lee, HS; Lee, JS; Lee, SW; Lee, WM; Lei, X; Lellouch, J; Leo, S; Leone, S; Lewis, JD; Li, D; Li, H; Li, L; Li, QZ; Lim, JK; Limosani, A; Lincoln, D; Linnemann, J; Lipaev, VV; Lipeles, E; Lipton, R; Lister, A; Liu, H; Liu, Q; Liu, T; Liu, Y; Lobodenko, A; Lockwitz, S; Loginov, A; Lokajicek, M; de Sa, RL; Lucchesi, D; Luca, A; Lueck, J; Lujan, P; Lukens, P; Luna-Garcia, R; Lungu, G; Lyon, AL; Lys, J; Lysak, R; Maciel, AKA; Madar, R; Madrak, R; Maestro, P; Magana-Villalba, R; Malik, S; Malyshev, VL; Manca, G; Manousakis-Katsikakis, A; Mansour, J; Marchese, L; Margaroli, F; Marino, P; Martinez-Ortega, J; Matera, K; Mattson, ME; Mazzacane, A; Mazzanti, P; McCarthy, R; McGivern, CL; McNulty, R; Mehta, A; Mehtala, P; Meijer, MM; Melnitchouk, A; Menezes, D; Mercadante, PG; Merkin, M; Mesropian, C; Meyer, A; Meyer, J; Miao, T; Miconi, F; Mietlicki, D; Mitra, A; Miyake, H; Moed, S; Moggi, N; Mondal, NK; Moon, CS; Moore, R; Morello, MJ; Mukherjee, A; Mulhearn, M; Muller, T; Murat, P; Mussini, M; Nachtman, J; Nagai, Y; Naganoma, J; Nagy, E; Nakano, I; Napier, A; Narain, M; Nayyar, R; Neal, HA; Negret, JP; Nett, J; Neustroev, P; Nguyen, HT; Nigmanov, T; Nodulman, L; Noh, SY; Norniella, O; Nunnemann, T; Oakes, L; Oh, SH; Oh, YD; Okusawa, T; Orava, R; Orduna, J; Ortolan, L; Osman, N; Pagliarone, C; Pal, A; Palencia, E; Palni, P; Papadimitriou, V; Parashar, N; Parihar, V; Park, SK; Parker, W; Partridge, R; Parua, N; Patwa, A; Pauletta, G; Paulini, M; Paus, C; Penning, B; Perfilov, M; Peters, Y; Petridis, K; Petrillo, G; Petroff, P; Phillips, TJ; Piacentino, G; Pianori, E; Pilot, J; Pitts, K; Plager, C; Pleier, M-A; Podstavkov, VM; Pondrom, L; Popov, AV; Poprocki, S; Potamianos, K; Pranko, A; Prewitt, M; Price, D; Prokopenko, N; Prokoshin, F; Ptohos, F; Punzi, G; Qian, J; Quadt, A; Quinn, B; Ratoff, PN; Razumov, I; Redondo Fernandez, I; Renton, P; Rescigno, M; Rimondi, F; Ripp-Baudot, I; Ristori, L; Rizatdinova, F; Robson, A; Rodriguez, T; Rolli, S; Rominsky, M; Ronzani, M; Roser, R; Rosner, JL; Ross, A; Royon, C; Rubinov, P; Ruchti, R; Ruffini, F; Ruiz, A; Russ, J; Rusu, V; Sajot, G; Sakumoto, WK; Sakurai, Y; Sanchez-Hernandez, A; Sanders, MP; Santi, L; Santos, AS; Sato, K; Savage, G; Saveliev, V; Savitskyi, M; Savoy-Navarro, A; Sawyer, L; Scanlon, T; Schamberger, RD; Scheglov, Y; Schellman, H; Schlabach, P; Schmidt, EE; Schott, M; Schwanenberger, C; Schwarz, T; Schwienhorst, R; Scodellaro, L; Scuri, F; Seidel, S; Seiya, Y; Sekaric, J; Semenov, A; Severini, H; Sforza, F; Shabalina, E; Shalhout, SZ; Shary, V; Shaw, S; Shchukin, AA; Shears, T; Shepard, PF; Shimojima, M; Shkola, O; Shochet, M; Shreyber-Tecker, I; Simak, V; Simonenko, A; Skubic, P; Slattery, P; Sliwa, K; Smith, JR; Snider, FD; Snow, GR; Snow, J; Snyder, S; Soldner-Rembold, S; Song, H; Sonnenschein, L; Sorin, V; Soustruznik, K; Denis, RS; Stancari, M; Stark, J; Stefaniuk, N; Stentz, D; Stoyanova, DA; Strauss, M; Strologas, J; Sudo, Y; Sukhanov, A; Suslov, I; Suter, L; Svoisky, P; Takemasa, K; Takeuchi, Y; Tang, J; Tecchio, M; Teng, PK; Thom, J; Thomson, E; Thukral, V; Titov, M; Toback, D; Tokar, S; Tokmenin, VV; Tollefson, K; Tomura, T; Tonelli, D; Torre, S; Torretta, D; Totaro, P; Trovato, M; Tsai, Y-T; Tsybychev, D; Tuchming, B; Tully, C; Ukegawa, F; Uozumi, S; Uvarov, L; Uvarov, S; Uzunyan, S; Van Kooten, R; van Leeuwen, WM; Varelas, N; Varnes, EW; Vasilyev, IA; Vazquez, F; Velev, G; Vellidis, C; Verkheev, AY; Vernieri, C; Vertogradov, LS; Verzocchi, M; Vesterinen, M; Vidal, M; Vilanova, D; Vilar, R; Vizan, J; Vogel, M; Vokac, P; Volpi, G; Wagner, P; Wahl, HD; Wallny, R; Wang, MHLS; Wang, SM; Warchol, J; Waters, D; Watts, G; Wayne, M; Weichert, J; Welty-Rieger, L; Wester, WC; Whiteson, D; Wicklund, AB; Wilbur, S; Williams, HH; Williams, MRJ; Wilson, GW; Wilson, JS; Wilson, P; Winer, BL; Wittich, P; Wobisch, M; Wolbers, S; Wolfmeister, H; Wood, DR; Wright, T; Wu, X; Wu, Z; Wyatt, TR; Xie, Y; Yamada, R; Yamamoto, K; Yamato, D; Yang, S; Yang, T; Yang, UK; Yang, YC; Yao, W-M; Yasuda, T; Yatsunenko, YA; Ye, W; Ye, Z; Yeh, GP; Yi, K; Yin, H; Yip, K; Yoh, J; Yorita, K; Yoshida, T; Youn, SW; Yu, GB; Yu, I; Yu, JM; Zanetti, AM; Zeng, Y; Zennamo, J; Zhao, TG; Zhou, B; Zhou, C; Zhu, J; Zielinski, M; Zieminska, D; Zivkovic, L; Zucchelli, S; - view fewer (2018) Combined Forward-Backward Asymmetry Measurements in Top-Antitop Quark Production at the Tevatron. Physical Review Letters , 120 (4) , Article 042001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.042001 . Green open access
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Δευτέρα 16 Απριλίου 2018
Combined Forward-Backward Asymmetry Measurements in Top-Antitop Quark Production at the Tevatron
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