Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Family Caregiving and Cancer Pain Management

Family caregivers are centrally involved in cancer pain management, especially for patients with advanced disease. This issue is becoming ever more important as care shifts to the outpatient setting and home care and as the aging population creates more patients who have multiple illnesses and family caregivers who often live with serious illnesses. This narrative review evaluated current knowledge and literature regarding family caregivers' involvement in cancer pain management and identified areas for future research and clinical practice. There is a need for additional research in this area and for clinical models of support for family caregivers as they provide pain management for patients with cancer. Accepted for publication October 10, 2018. Funding: None. The author declares no conflicts of interest. Reprints will not be available from the authors. Address correspondence to Betty R. Ferrell, PhD, CHPN, FAAN, FPCN, Division of Nursing Research and Education, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1500 E Duarte Rd, Pop Sci Bldg 173, Duarte, CA 91010. Address e-mail to bferrell@coh.org. © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society


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