Date: January 17, 2016 at 08:05AM

New Issue TOC Alert
Dear Valued Customer, |  | We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for China Licensed Pharmacist. Year 2015 Issue 12 is now available on CAOD. |
In this issue: Application of Antibiotic in Hospitalized Patients before and after Intervention (干预前后我院住院患者抗菌药物使用情况分析) Luo Hong, Siu Lam Hospital of Southern Medical University ...... page:3-7 mei guo fda pi zhun kang jing shen bing yao aripiprazole lauroxil shang shi (美国FDA批准抗精神病药Aripiprazole Lauroxil上市)
...... page:7 Monitoring of Rational Clinical Application of Antibiotics in Patients in ICU (ICU患者抗菌药物临床合理使用监测研究) Zhong Yongji, Liu Weihao, Xiao Yingxia, Xingning People's Hospital ...... page:8-13+17 Bacteriostatic Effect of Schisandra and Jaume on Sixty Strains of Extensively Drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (五味子、乌梅对60株广泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌的抑菌作用) Wu Xianli, Pang Zaiyuan, Ao Maocheng, Su Deyong, Li Jing, Hua Yi, Central Hospital of Panzhihua City ...... page:14-17 Study on Quality Standard for Compound Breynia Fruticosa Ointment (复方黑面神软膏质量标准研究) Xiao Junqi, Peng Weiwen, Li Shengpeng, Dong Wangfeng, Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine ...... page:18-24 grazoprevir lian he elbasvir yong yu ban 4 5 qi man xing shen bing de bing xing gan yan bing du ji yin 1 xing gan ran huan zhe an quan you xiao (Grazoprevir联合Elbasvir用于伴4~5期慢性肾病的丙型肝炎病毒基因1型感染患者安全有效)
...... page:24 Simultaneous Determination of Cinobufagin and Resibufogenin in Dried Toad Skin by HPLC (HPLC同时测定干蟾皮中华蟾酥毒基和酯蟾毒配基成分的含量) Wang Yuanfu, Nanchang Institute for Food and Drug Control ...... page:25-30 Determination of Hesperidin Content in Zhike Qingfei Oral Liquid by HPLC (HPLC测定止咳清肺口服液中橙皮苷的含量) Zhang Yubo, Liu Guangbin, Department of Pharmacy, Jiugang Hospital ...... page:31-33 Influence of Amomum Villosum Lour and Exocarpium Citrl Grandis on Liver CYP3A and Intestinal First Pass Effect in Mice (阳春砂仁和化橘红对小鼠肝脏CYP3A及肠道首过效应的影响) Wang Yonghui, Qi Jinfeng, Lin Mei, Kong Yonghong, Pharmacy Department of Zhumadian Central Hospital, College of Chinese Materia Medica of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine ...... page:34-38 mei guo fda pi zhun kang tang niao bing yao insulin degludec and insulin aspart fu fang zhi ji shang shi (美国FDA批准抗糖尿病药Insulin Degludec and Insulin Aspart复方制剂上市)
...... page:38 Comparison and Analysis of Quality Standard for Allopurinol and Its Preparations in Three National Pharmacopoeias (三国药典中别嘌醇及其制剂质量标准的比较分析) Tian Peilin, Gu Qian, Zhou Zhenyu, Liu Huaming, Suzhou Institute for Food and Drug Control ...... page:39-43 Pharmaceutical Care of One Case of Hypophosphatemic Osteomalacia Secondary by Fanconi Syndrome Caused by Adefovir (1例阿德福韦酯致范可尼综合征并继发低磷性骨软化症的药学监护) Zhao Jun, Xin Xiaowei, Zhao Shanshan, Yao Wen, Sui Zhongguo, Pharmacy Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University ...... page:44-47 di qi jie zhong guo yao shi da hui zai wu han luo xia zuo mu (第七届中国药师大会在武汉落下帷幕) BEN Kanxun ...... page:47 Key Point of Pharmaceutical Care for Patients with Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy (妊娠合并甲状腺功能减退症的药学服务要点) Wei Xiaoxia, Zhuang Jie, Yang Mei, Sun Hong, Provincial Clinic Medical School of Fujian Medical University, Pharmacy Department of Fujian Provincial Hospital, Pharmacy Department of Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ...... page:48-49+56 Analysis of 138 Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions in a Hospital (某院138例药品不良反应分析) Li Yao, Liu Xiuqiong, Xu Juan, Gu Hui, The First People's Hospital of Jintang County, Sichuan Province ...... page:50-52 Analytical Report on 21 Cases of ADRs Caused by Prepared Traditional Chinese Medicine (21例中成药不良反应报告分析) Lu Weifeng, Zhi Weiwen, Yunfu Hospital of TCM ...... page:53-56
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