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In this issue: The inhibition of phosphorylation of astrocytic STAT3 alleviates neuropathic pain in rat via intrathecal injection of ketamine (鞘内给予氯胺酮通过抑制星形胶质细胞内STAT3的磷酸化改善大鼠神经病理性痛的研究) Wang Jian, Yang Fan, Li Junfeng, Yao Weiwei, Zhang Ting, Dong Yulin, Li Hui, Department of Anatomy and K.K.Leung Brain Research Centre, Fourth Military Medical University, Student Brigade, Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:679-685 Ginsenoside Rd promotes angiogenesis of rat after cerebral ischemic stroke through PI3K/AKT/mTOR/Hif-1α pathway (人参皂甙Rd通过PI3K/AKT/mTOR/Hif-1α通路促进成年大鼠缺血性脑卒中后的血管发生) Zeng Lianting, Shi Ming, Hui Juan, Hao Minghua, Weng Diaodiao, Han Junliang, Department of Neurology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:686-692 The effect of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine on the cell cycle of NG108-15 cells (5-aza-cdR对神经细胞NG108-15细胞周期的影响) Zhang Zhuxia, Sun Mingying, Yang Jie, Jiang Shuyuan, Liu You, Yan Shaochun, Shao Guo, Biomedicine Research Center of Bao Tou Medical College, The Key Laboratory of Beijing, Hypoxic Preconditioning Translational Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University ...... page:693-697 Protective effect of acetyl-l-carnitine on spinal cord injury of rats (乙酰左旋肉碱对大鼠脊髓损伤的保护作用) Zhao Xingzhang, Li Haotian, Li Gang, Wang Jiquan, Xing Enfu, Sun Ping, Lü Gang, Fan Zhongkai, First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical College ...... page:698-702 Expression change of P2Y2 and P2Y6 in the trigeminal ganglion after experimental tooth movement of rats (牙齿正畸移动模型大鼠三叉神经节内P2Y2和P2Y6的表达变化) Zhang Qing, Cao Jun, Li Jinlian, Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Anatomy, The Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:703-707 Effects of Dkk-1 RNA interference on neuroprotection after intracranial hemorrhage in rats (Dkk-1 siRNA处理对大鼠脑出血损伤的保护作用) Li Zhihua, Chen Xi, Zang Weidong, Cui Jing, Guo Fuyou, Medical College of Zhengzhou University, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Department of Neurosurgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University ...... page:708-712 Selective reduction of the expression of nerve growth factor in substantia nigra following introcerebroventricular injection of lipopolysaccharide in rats (大鼠侧脑室注射脂多糖选择性减少黑质神经生长因子的表达) Zhou Yan, Sun Xiaohong, Liu Yujun, Lei Huimeng, Xu Qunyuan, Department of Neurobiology, Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Key Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Ministry of Education, Capital Medical University ...... page:713-716 Changes of microglia in the ependyma area of rat brain after pure cerebral concussion (单纯性脑震荡大鼠室管膜区小胶质细胞的表达变化) Kang Li, Wu Deye, Li Hengxi, Zhang Yunqian, Zhang Dongkui, Yu Jianyun, Li Ping, Department of Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, Henan Nursing Vocational College, Department of Human Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, Qilu Medical University, Department of Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, Kunming Medical University, Department of Neurology, The Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical University, Department of Forensic Medicine, Kunming Medical University, Lab of Trauma Brain Injury Research, Kunming Medical University ...... page:717-722 xin shu xin xi (新书信息)
...... page:722 Distribution and cellular location of D-serine racemase(SR) in hippocampus of rats and patients with epilepsy (D-serine合成相关丝氨酸消旋酶在大鼠和癫痫患者海马的分布与细胞定位) Ma Tie, Zhang Ying, Shi Liang, Bai Jie, Chen Liangwei, Liu Yonghong, Department of Neurology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical Universit, Department of Neurology, Ninth People's Hospital of Xi'an, Institute of Neurosciences, Forth Military Medical University ...... page:723-728 The effects of inosine on the survival of the primarily cultured oligodendrocyte precursor cells with chemical hypoxic injury (肌苷对原代培养的少突胶质前体细胞化学性缺氧损伤后存活的作用) Sun Jinping, Ma Quanrui, Kuang Fang, Department of Pathology, General Hospital, Ningxia Medical University, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Basic Medical College, Ningxia Medical University, Department of Neurobiology and Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, School of Basic Medicine, Institute of Neuroscience of PLA, The Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:729-733 Effect of NgR/NR2B signaling pathway on retinal ganglion cell of diabetic rats (NgR/NR2B信号通路对糖尿病大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的影响) Qu Wei, Zhang Bo, Zuo Zhongfu, Liu Xuezheng, Department of Human Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Department of Human Anatomy, Liaoning Medical College ...... page:734-738 The effects of Taohong Siwu Tang on the Caspase-3 and p53 expression in cerebral cortex neurons of rat cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury model (桃红四物汤对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后大脑皮质神经元Caspase-3与p53表达的影响) Fan Ruijuan, Luo Yafei, Chen Yongshun, He Guangzhi, Tang Zhongsheng, Lu Ying, Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang TCM College ...... page:739-745 Effects of prescriptions of Liqihuatanjiangzhuo on the learning and memory abilities of transgenic mice with AD (理气化痰降浊法经验方改善AD转基因小鼠学习记忆能力) Wang Shen, Wu Qin, Shan Hao, Shen Yuenan, Cao Na, Song Jianping, College of Medical Technology, Yancheng Institute of Health Sciences ...... page:746-750 The effect of b FGF and bonemesenchymal stem cell transplantation on neural regeneration in spinal cord left-hemisection (bFGF和骨髓间充质干细胞联合移植对脊髓半横断损伤后神经再生的影响) Li Dongyin, Zhang Ye, Liu Xiaomei, Zheng Hui, Chen Shang, Xia Chunlin, Department of Nuring, Suzhou Health College, Boxi Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cellular Neurobiology Lab, Medical College of Soochow University ...... page:751-756 Study on the differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neuron-like cells by GM1 and growth factors (GM1联合生长因子诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞的研究) Chen Jiaqi, Chen Huimin, Zhang Shun, Yan Wang, Department of Neurology of Ningbo No.2 Hospital, Department of Stem Cells of Ningbo No.2 Hospital ...... page:757-764 Dynamic changes of hippocampal neuronal P-GP and glial GLT-1 expression in vascular dementia rats (血管性痴呆大鼠海马神经元P-GP和胶质细胞GLT-1的表达变化) Wang Dexiu, Wang Yuliang, Wang Gang, Department of Physiology, Weifang Medical University, Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, Weifang Medical University ...... page:765-770 Effects of aqueous extract of albizia julibrissin durazz flower on learning and memory abilities and the expression of CREB of depression model rats (合欢花水提物对抑郁模型大鼠学习记忆及海马CREB表达的影响) Wang Aimei, Wei Xiaoming, Chen Yaqi, Li Min, Xue Di, Liu Hong'en, Nanyang Medical College ...... page:771-776 The expression change of CRMP-2 in rats after spinal cord contusion (大鼠脊髓顿挫伤后CRMP-2的表达变化) Li Hongtao, Hu Xi, Yi Minming, Xu Han Jiang, Zeng Xi, Rao Ying, Zhong Zhanqiong, Guan Xuan, Wang Tinghuan, Zhang Xiao, Chengdu Medical College, Experiment Technology Center, Preclinical Medicine of Chengdu Medical College, Institute of Neurological Disease, Translational Neuronscience Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University ...... page:777-782 MRP8 stimulated IL-1β serection in cultured astrocyte via TLR4/NF-κB pathway (MRP8通过TLR4/NF-κB信号途径刺激培养星形胶质细胞分泌IL-1β) Gan Na, Yin Fei, Peng Jing, Wu Liwen, He Fang, Chen Chen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Guangxi Medical College, Department of Pediatrics, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University ...... page:783-787 Effect of intrathecal injection of P2X7R antagonist BBG on behavior and PLA2 expression in rats model (鞘内注射P2X7受体拮抗剂BBG对大鼠行为学和脊髓PLA2表达的影响) Peng Zhifeng, Ma Gouying, Liu Ying, Li Chenxu, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Shanxi Datong University ...... page:788-792 A method for getting health granule cells in dorsal dentate gyrus from brain slice of mice (一种获得小鼠背侧齿状回健康颗粒细胞的脑片制备方法) Zhu Junling, Zhao Bo, He Jiahou, Wang Julei, Wang Wenting, Department of Neurosurgery, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Neurology, Anning Branch of Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Department of Neurology, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Cadet Brigade, Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Neurobiology and Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, School of Basic Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:793-798 Electron microscopic observation of A1/C1 catecholamine neurons immunoreacted in the rostroventrolateral medulla of rats——A comparative study of pre-embedding treatments of tissues with liquid nitrogen freeze-thaw or Triton X-100 (大鼠延髓腹外侧A1/C1区儿茶酚胺能神经元的电镜观察——包埋前液氮冻融和Triton X-100组织处理方法的比较) Liang Weihua, Kang Junjun, Huang Xiaofeng, Liu Yingying, Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, The Fourth Military Medical University, The Army of 68057, Department of Neurobiology, The Fourth Military Medical University ...... page:799-803 adam17 ji qi zai shen jing bing li xing tong fa sheng zhong zuo yong (ADAM17及其在神经病理性痛发生中作用) YAO Weiwei, LU Yacheng, DONG Yulin, SUN Zuozuo ...... page:804-806 wnt xin hao tong lu diao kong shen jing gan xi bao xiang duo ba an shen jing yuan fen hua de yan jiu jin zhan (Wnt信号通路调控神经干细胞向多巴胺神经元分化的研究进展) GUO Yangu, ZHANG Chenbin, WEI Xinli, DUAN Li, CHEN Liangwei ...... page:807-810 ndrg2 zai zhong shu shen jing xi tong ji bing zhong de yan jiu jin zhan (NDRG2在中枢神经系统疾病中的研究进展) BAI Fuhai, LI Xin, WANG Qiang ...... page:811-814
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