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Dear Valued Customer, |  | We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery. Year 2015 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD. |
In this issue: Immediate Improvement of Mouth Trismus in Patients of Temporomandibular Disorders with Low-Level Laser Therapy:a Randomly Controlled Clinical Trial (弱激光照射治疗颞下颌关节紊乱症开口受限的即刻效果——自身对照临床试验) WANG Qi, KONG Ya-qun, ZHAO Ji-zhi, LI Qian, GUO Chun-lan, WU Xuan, LI Li-hong, CAI Wen, YAN Tong, DING Shan-shan, KONG Ge, Department of Stomatology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital ...... page:291-294+345 huan ying tou gao huan ying ding yue (欢迎投稿 欢迎订阅)
...... page:294 Clinical Effect of Double J Tube Indwelled to Elderly Male Patients Given Transurethral Holmium Laser Lithotripsy (老年男性经尿道输尿管镜钬激光碎石术中留置带线双J管的临床疗效) LIU Yong, LI Yong-gang, JIA Hui-wen, Department of Urology, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University Anshan Hospital ...... page:295-300 Application of Excimer Laser in Combined Therapy of Pterygium Excision and Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation (准分子激光辅助翼状胬肉切除术联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植术治疗的临床应用) YE Jing, YUAN Chang-ming, WANG Qi-xue, Refractive Surgery Center, Chongqing Bright Eye Hospital, Refractive Surgery Center, Harbin Bright Eye ...... page:301-304 Clinical Observation:Effect of Nd:YAG Laser on Exudative Pupillary Membrane (Nd:YAG激光治疗瞳孔区渗出膜的临床观察) YANG Hui-chun, QI Shao-wen, HU Chang-e, SONG Xue-ying, Department of Ophthalmology, No.152 Hospital of Chinese PLA ...... page:305-307 Analysis on Therapeutic Efficacy of Combined Application of Ultra-pulse CO2 Fractional Laser and Recombinant Bovine Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Gel for Sunken Scars (CO2点阵激光联合重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子凝胶治疗凹陷性瘢痕的疗效分析) ZHANG Hai-rong, ZHOU Bing-rong, LUO Dan, The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University ...... page:308-311 Therapeutic Effect of 595 nm Pulsed Dye Laser on Unilateral Nevoid Telangiectasia (595nm脉冲染料激光治疗单侧痣样毛细血管扩张的疗效观察) WANG Si-yu, YANG Chao, XIE Jun, YAN Lei, WANG Fang, LIU Gang, Department of Dermatovenereology, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital ...... page:312-315+345 huan ying ding yue zhong guo ji guang yi xue za zhi he ding ben (欢迎订阅《中国激光医学杂志》合订本)
...... page:315 Comparative Observation on Efficacy of He-Ne Moxibustion Laser Acupuncture in the Treatment of 100 Patients with Sprained Knees (内灸式He-Ne激光针灸针治疗膝关节扭伤100例) DONG Gang, XIAO Hong-yan, HE Ai-ming, SHI Li-juan, Department Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang No.3 Hospital ...... page:316-319 Optical Characteristics of Correlation Between LMP-1 and Metastatic Mechanism of Nasopharyngeal Cancer (鼻咽癌转移机制与LMP-1关联性的光学表征) YE Qing, SUN Zhen-zhen, ZHANG Xian-zeng, LIN Jun, HUANG Zheng, XIE Shu-sen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Provincial Clinical Medical College of Fujian Medical University, Fujian Provincial Hospital, MOE Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Science and Technology for Medicine ...... page:320-326 huan ying ding yue lin chuang cao zuo ji shu gui fan ji guang yi xue fen ce he lin chuang zhen liao zhi nan ji guang yi xue fen ce (欢迎订阅《临床操作技术规范·激光医学分册》和《临床诊疗指南·激光医学分册》)
...... page:326 Progress of Photosensitizers (光敏剂研究进展) LI Xiong-long, LIU Bin, Hebei Medical University, The 2nd Tumor Department, Hebei General Hospital ...... page:327-333 Laser Weapon-Caused Eye Damage and Protection (激光武器眼部损伤和防护) RONG Yun-Jiu, LI Xuan, Department of Ophthalmology, The 89th Hospital, Jinan Military Region ...... page:334-338 lasik shu qian shi wang mo bing bian gan yu xing ji guang zhi liao de liao xiao guan cha (LASIK术前视网膜病变干预性激光治疗的疗效观察) JIA Huizhen ...... page:338-340 ban dao ti ji guang lian he yao wu zhi liao shou bu shi zhen (半导体激光联合药物治疗手部湿疹) YANG Chun, SUN Fenglan, WANG Qingling, LV Ruijuan, CHEN Changyi ...... page:340-342 shuang bo chang ran liao ji guang zhi liao xian hong ban zuo 108 li de liao xiao guan cha (双波长染料激光治疗鲜红斑痣108例的疗效观察) LOU Shuyan, TIAN Lei, YANG Shulan, ZHANG Xiuli, YANG Daina, ZHANG Zhuoqi ...... page:342-343 qiang mai chong guang zhi liao nv xing chun mao 58 li liao xiao guan cha (强脉冲光治疗女性唇毛58例疗效观察) HE Qinglian, LI Lingyun, LIU Hongyan, JIANG Xin ...... page:343-344 zhong guo ji guang yi xue za zhi 2015 nian ( di 24 juan ) wen ti suo yin (《中国激光医学杂志》2015年(第24卷)文题索引)
...... page:346-348 zhong guo ji guang yi xue za zhi gao yue (中国激光医学杂志稿约)
...... page:350
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