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In this issue: 2015 nian yao xue yu lin chuang yan jiu zong mu lu (2015年《药学与临床研究》总目录)
...... page:1-4 Study on the Concept of Antibiotics Density Impact Factor and Its Application (抗菌药物使用强度影响因子的概念及应用) LU Yu, SI Liang-hong, LIU Zi-xiu, LI Rui-jun, ZHU Yuan-yuan, No.454 Hospital of PLA ...... page:535-538 An UPLC/MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Losartan, Amlodipine and Simvastatin in Human Plasma (UPLC-MS/MS法同时测定人血浆中氯沙坦、氨氯地平和辛伐他汀的浓度) LI San-ni, ZHANG Gu-ying, HAN Hua, Children's Hospital of Hebei Province, Hebei General Hospital ...... page:539-542 Simultaneous Determination of Five Components in Zhiling Junsi Capsules by LC-MS (LC-MS法同时测定至灵菌丝胶囊中5种成分的含量) ZHANG Xian-lin, DAI Guo-liang, DING Kang, GONG Tao, CHEN Zhi-yuan, JU Wen-zheng, Department of Pharmacy, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, First School of Clinical Medicine, Nanjing University of TCM ...... page:543-545 Dissolution Evaluation of Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets (国产酒石酸美托洛尔片的溶出度质量评价) YAN Fei, CAI Mei-ming, LI Zhong-hong, CHEN Min-hui, Jiangsu Institute for Food and Drug Control ...... page:546-548 Rapid Identification of Counterfeit Tienam with Mobile Labs (泰能真伪的快速鉴别) JIN Peng, YANG Bo, ZHANG Shu, Jiangsu Huaian Institute for Food and Drug Control, Jiangsu Huaian Food and Drug Administration ...... page:549-551 Effects of Desloratadine on the Expression of IL-4 Receptor mRNA in Lung Tissues of Allergic Asthma Guinea Pig (地氯雷他定对过敏性哮喘豚鼠模型肺组织IL-4R mRNA表达的影响) ZHANG Li, BAI Ru-qin, Depatment of Pharmacy, Nanjing Chest Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM ...... page:552-554 Optimization of the Preparation of Itopride Hydrochloride Dispersible Tablet Using Response Surface Methodology (星点设计法优化盐酸伊托必利分散片处方) YUE Li, WANG Jiang-tao, LONG Lian-qing, SU Liang, DiSha Pharmaceutical Group ...... page:555-557 Determination of Paraquat in Plasma by Reversed Phase Ion-pair HPLC (离子对反相高效液相色谱法测定百草枯血药浓度) ZHANG Hong-wen, YIN Zhi-yang, LIU Qiang-hui, CAO Yang, WANG Yu-qing, WANG Yong-qing, OU Ning, MENG Ling, ZHANG Jing-song, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Department of Emergency Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, College of Pharmacy, Nanjing Medical University ...... page:558-561 An HPLC Method for the Determination of Hydroxychloroquine in Both Serum and Blood Samples and Its Application in SLE Patients (全血及血清中羟氯喹HPLC测定方法的建立及其应用) LUO Xue-mei, SI Hui-min, YAO Yao, GE Wei-hong, Department of Medication, the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Department of Rheumatology, the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School ...... page:562-564 An HPLC-FLD Method for the Determination of Irinotecan and Its Metabolites SN-38 and SN-38G in Plasma (HPLC法测定血浆中伊立替康及其代谢产物SN-38、SN-38G浓度及方法学研究) WANG Wan-qing, HUANG Chen-rong, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ...... page:565-568 Determination of Content of Succimer in Kit for Preparation of Technetinm[99mTc] Succimer Injection by HPLC (HPLC法测定注射用亚锡二巯丁二钠中二巯丁二酸的含量) WANG Yang, CHEN Zhi-ming, WU Er-ming, WANG Gang, LIU Jia-lin, Key Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine, Ministry of Health, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular Nuclear Medicine, Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine ...... page:569-570 Determination of Cholalic Acid and Hyodeoxycholic Acid in Ganyu Capsules by HPLC-ELSD (HPLC-ELSD法同时测定感愈胶囊中胆酸和猪去氧胆酸的含量) WANG Lei, QIU Qi-yuan, Yancheng Institute for Drug Control ...... page:571-572 Progress in Clinical Application of Azilsartan (阿齐沙坦的临床应用进展) ZOU Shou-tao, QIN Jian, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Changsha Medical University ...... page:573-575 chui ti hou ye su lian he xian zhi xing shu ye zai zhi liao gan ying hua he bing shang xiao hua dao da chu xue de ying yong xiao guo (垂体后叶素联合限制性输液在治疗肝硬化合并上消化道大出血的应用效果) JI Zuo, ZHANG Xia, YAN Zhengping ...... page:576-577 Staged Adjustment Mode of Antimicrobial Regimen for Acute Kidney Injury Patients with Pulmonary Infection (急性肾损伤并肺部感染患者的抗菌方案阶段性调整探析) CHEN Yao, SONG Xiang-qing, Department of Pharmacy, Loudi Central Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, Hunan Cancer Hospital ...... page:578-580 Clinical Application Investigation and Rationality Analysis of Human Serum Albumin (人血白蛋白临床应用调查及合理性分析) HANG Yong-fu, ZHENG Xiao-xian, ZHANG Yan, LI Yun, QIN Qiong, GONG Xiao-ying, BAO Jian-an, JIN Hong-bin, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ...... page:581-583 Individualized Pharmaceutical Care for a Patient with Hepatic Cirrhosis Complicated with Other Diseases (对1例肝硬化并发多种疾病患者的个体化药学监护) XU Lu, ZHOU Xing-bei, WU Qian-hu, YAN Jin-er, ZOU Sheng-qiang, ZHU Xiao-lei, YU Ai-xia, WEI Yuan, Department of Pharmacy, the Third People's Hospital of Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu, Department of Liver Disease, the Third People's Hospital of Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu, Drug Clinical Trial Institution Office, the Third People's Hospital of Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu, Office of Vice Director, the Third People's Hospital of Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu, School of Pharmacy, Jiangsu University ...... page:584-586 Analysis of Anticoagulant Therapy for a Patient after Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement (1例心脏病术后患者华法林抗凝治疗的用药分析) WU Xiao-li, ZHOU Ling, Department of Pharmacy, Huai'an First People's Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University ...... page:587-589 Analysis of Adverse Reaction Caused by Compound Amino Acid Injections (复方氨基酸注射液1540例不良反应的综合分析) LI Ming, MA Dan-hua, FENG Dan-yu, SUN Jun, Center for ADR monitoring of Jiangsu, China Pharmaceutical University ...... page:590-592 Analysis of 519 Reports of Suspicious Adverse Events Associated with In Vitro Diagnostics(IVD) Medical Devices (体外诊断试剂519例可疑不良事件报告分析) LI Yao, WANG Xin-min, BIAN Rong-rong, SUN Jun, ZHANG Su-lin, Center for ADR Monitoring of Jiangsu, Center for Certification & Evaluation, Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration ...... page:593-595 Analysis of Out-label Prescriptions in Cancer Therapy (肿瘤治疗超说明书用药案例分析) CAI Ning, Jiangsu Cancer Hospital ...... page:596-598 Pharmaceutical Care on Voriconazole Raised Tacrolimus Blood Concentration in a Renal Transplant Patient (伏立康唑致1例肾移植患者他克莫司血药浓度升高) CHEN Jin, GAO Jie, Department of Pharmacy, Haian County People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province, Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University ...... page:599-600 2015 nian 11 yue mei guo fda gong bu de yao pin an quan xin xi (2015年11月美国FDA公布的药品安全信息)
...... page:600+610 te li pa zuo zhi guo min xing xiu ke 1 li (特立帕肽致过敏性休克1例) CAI Ying ...... page:601 Evaluation of Strict Antibiotic Restriction Policy on Clinical Application of Antibacterials in Secondary and Tertiary Hospitals from 2011 to 2013 in Yangzhou (2011~2013年扬州市二、三级医院抗菌药物专项整治活动实施效果评价) SHU Yu-sheng, ZHU Hua, JIA Ling-chang, XU Jian-guo, SHAO Jian-ping, Northern People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province ...... page:602-605 Analysis of 63 Adverse Reactions of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations (中药制剂63例不良反应分析) ZHAI Hong-fa, Pharmacy of Danyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital ...... page:606-607 Property and Rational Use of Common Eye-drops (常见滴眼液的特性及合理应用) YE Ting, ZHU Xiao-min, CHENG Ying-ying, WU Hong-yun, Department of Ophthalmology, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command PLA ...... page:608-610 Introduce of the Pharmacist-participated Inpatient Anticoagulation Management Services in America (美国药师参与住院抗凝管理的服务模式) LIN Xin, XU Rui-juan, GE Wei-hong, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Pharmaceutical University, Pharmacy Department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School ...... page:611-614 Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting and Monitoring In American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Its Implication to China (美国制药企业不良反应报告和监测工作对我国的启示) SHI Qin, YANG Yue, WEI Jing, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University College of Business Administration, Liaoning Center for Certification of Drug ...... page:615-618 Analysis and Strategy Research on the Defects of the Quality System of Chain Pharmacies in Jiangsu Province (江苏省药品零售连锁企业GSP(2013版)认证检查质量缺陷分析及其对策) CAO Jia-cheng, Center for Drug Certification and Evaluation, Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration ...... page:619-622 Roles of Quality Control Circle in Reducing the Number of Intra-variance of Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service (品管圈在降低静脉药物配置中心内差中的作用) ZHAO Min, TONG Ben-ding, Jiangsu Cancer Hospital ...... page:623-625 Brief Review on Differentiating Factors for Topical Drug Selections in Skin Disease Treatment (掌握多种差异性 合理使用皮肤外用药) SHEN Guo-qing, Hospital of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ...... page:626-628+542
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