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In this issue: hua nan guo fang yi xue za zhi gao yue (《华南国防医学杂志》稿约) BEN Kanbianjibu ...... page:802 Effect of Yisuishengxue Granule Medicated Serum on Erythroid Differentiation (益髓生血颗粒含药血清对K562细胞向红系分化的影响) CHENG Yan-ling, MA Yan-ni, ZHOU Ya-li, SUN Yu-wen, FANG Su-ping, LIU Li, CHU Na-li, ZHANG Xin-hua, WU Zhi-kui, The Affiliated Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences ...... page:807-809+813 A Multivariable Dynamics Analysis on the Mechanism of Functional Delayed Gastric Emptying with Cybernetics (基于控制论对功能性胃排空障碍机制的多变量动力学研究) CAI Xun, MA Dan-dan, YE Jia-xin, HU Yi-lin, JIN Wei-dong, Department of General Surgery, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:810-813 Effects of Lipoxin A4 on One-lung Ventilation Induced Lung Injury (脂氧素A4对兔单肺通气肺损伤的保护作用及机制) YOU Zhi-jian, LI Ji-yuan, XU Hong-xia, SU Bai-qin, Department of Anesthesiology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Shantou University ...... page:814-816+823 Clinical Observation of Bronchial Blocker for One Lung Ventlation during Right-sided Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery (支气管封堵器用于右侧胸腔镜手术单肺通气的临床研究) HU Bo, LI Zhao-ju, SHAO Wei-dong, ZHOU Qiao-mei, YANG Rui-yu, TU Wei-feng, Department of Anesthesiology, Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:817-820 Yisui Shengxue Granule Combined with Hydroxycarbamide in Treating Patients with Thalassemia Intermedia (益髓生血颗粒联合羟基脲治疗中间型β地中海贫血) ZHOU Ya-li, LI Yao-yun, KONG Xiang-jing, CHENG Yong-sheng, ZHOU Tian-hong, YIN Xiao-lin, ZHANG Xin-hua, Department of Hematology, No.303 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army ...... page:821-823 Application of Multidisciplinary Team Care Management in Hospital Patients with Hypoglycemia Risk Control (多学科护理合作在住院患者低血糖风险控制中的应用) SUN Hui-ling, ZHANG Yu, XIANG Guang-da, YUE Ling, XIANG Lin, Department of Endocrinology, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:824-826 Significance of Eosinophils and Platelets in Peripheral Blood in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (急性心肌梗死患者外周血中嗜酸性粒细胞和血小板数量变化的意义) WANG De-zhao, WEI Xin, SONG Bei, ZHANG Chu-ji, LI Qun, FU Qiang, CHEN Wei, CHEN Bu-xing, Department of Cardiology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University ...... page:827-829+842 Diagnostic Value of Dynamic Radiographs in Patients with Instability and Atypical Spondylolisthesis Lumbar (动力位X线片对腰椎不稳定及不典型滑脱的诊断价值) HE You-cai, WU Chao, YAO Ben-bo, ZHAN Kong-cai, ZHOU Tao, Department of Radiology, Fourth People 's Hospital of Zigong City ...... page:830-832+846 Glutahione S-transferase A1 Polymorphism and the Susceptibility of Preeclampsia (谷胱甘肽S转移酶A1基因多态性与子癇前期发病的相关性) DING Jian, TIAN Li-bin, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Wuxi Women and Children Healthcare Hospital ...... page:833-835 Effect of Nucleotide Analogues in Preventing Anti-tuberculosis Agents Induced Liver Injury in Tuberculosis Patients with HBV Co-infection (核苷(酸)类似物预防乙肝病毒携带者抗结核药致肝损害的评价) XIAO Qing-hua, LIU Jian-xiang, ZHANG Ji-hong, Department of Infectious Diseases, No. 163 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army ...... page:836-838 Impact Factors of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Success in Cardiopulmonary Arrest Patients (心跳呼吸骤停患者心肺复苏成功的影响因素) ZHOU Wei-liang, ZENG Fan-jie, QIN Wei-yi, TANG Shao-hui, PENG Xiong, Emergency Department, Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:839-842 Changes of Color Doppler Sonographic Features of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Neck Metastasis Lymph Nodes before and after Radiotherapy (鼻咽癌颈部转移淋巴结放疗前后彩色多普勒超声特征变化规律) YANG Lin, LIN Li, LIANG Yan, Department of Ultrasonic, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:843-846 Influencial Factors on Life Quality of Military Retired Cadres in Hubei (湖北地区军队离休干部生活质量影响因素) ZHU Song, LIU Jun, CHEN Wen-min, HUANG Yong-bing, LI Bin, Depertment of Medical Affair, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:847-852+857 zhu zhu hai mou bu shi bing zuo chong bing dong fang ti xue qing liu xing bing xue diao cha ji fang zhi zhi shi zhi xiao lv fen xi (驻珠海某部士兵恙虫病东方体血清流行病学调查及防治知识知晓率分析) SU Jianxin, LIU Zuohuan, CHEN Ronghua, HONG Wenyan, YU Dexian, LIU Jianwei, TANG Boheng ...... page:853-854 nan hai mou dao jun min chang jian bing de ji bing pu bi jiao (南海某岛军民常见病的疾病谱比较) WU Zuohua, LIN Zhongjie, LIU Huanbo ...... page:855-857 zhong yao min gan di qu jun shi xing dong de wei qin bao zhang (重要敏感地区军事行动的卫勤保障) YANG Jun, NIE Chenyang, WAN Haijun, ZHAO Jinliang, HU Xiaomei, GONG Liang, CAO Honghai, CHEN Zuo ...... page:858-859+871 ye zhan jiu yuan jian yan zhuang bei zheng he ce lue de xin si kao (野战救援检验装备整合策略的新思考) SUN Changjian ...... page:860-861 Preparation of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets by Direct Powder Compression (粉末直接压片制备苯磺酸氨氯地平片) LIU Zu-xiong, YANG Yan-dong, LIU Hui, TAO Zhi-qiang, LI Yin-ke, YANG Xiao-song, Departmrnt of Pharmacy, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Command ...... page:862-865 Requirements for Outpatient Department Informization in the New Round of Military Hospital Accreditation (新一轮军队医院等级评审对门诊信息化建设的要求) TANG Yun-zhang, JIANG Ping, JIN Xiao-zhi, LI Jin-e, Outpatient Department, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command ...... page:866-868 ji yu gang wei guan li de men zhen hu shi pei xun shi jian tan tao (基于岗位管理的门诊护士培训实践探讨) JIANG Ping, LU Huifang, LI Jine, YANG Si, TANG Yunzhang ...... page:869-871 gao qiang du jun shi xun lian dui shen zang gong neng de ying xiang (高强度军事训练对肾脏功能的影响) LIU Zhiang, ZUO Xiaohong, HUANG Qiang, FANG Rumei ...... page:872-873 xue ye tou xi zi ti dong jing mai nei zuo ct xue guan zao ying de ying yong (血液透析自体动静脉内瘘CT血管造影的应用) FANG Liming, ZHANG Xiaosheng, HU Yong, GAI Fengfeng ...... page:874-875 jing qi dan kong fu qiang jing dan nang qie chu shu lin chuang ying yong jia zhi (经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术临床应用价值) WANG Liang, HE Yonggang, LI Jing, ZHENG Zuo ...... page:876-878 qi shi (启事) BEN Kanbianjibu ...... page:878 po gong chan chan hou chu xue xiang guan wei xian yin su dui zhao yan jiu (剖宫产产后出血相关危险因素对照研究) YU Xuemei ...... page:879-880
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